
Chapter 6 – verses 1-13

Isaiah’s Commission

1. Because the “Old White Men” in Salt Lake’s patriarchal (male-controlled) government (First Presidency and Quorum  of Twelve Apostles)  spend so muchSleepy Good Night GIF by MLB of their time “Asleep at the Wheel” (in a semi-comatose-state; unable to discharge their responsibilities), their  “Rule” (administration; leadership)  is “null and void” (has no force, binding power, or validity;  “Out Of Order”; broken).

God illuminated (lit-up; enlightened) Isaiah’s mind.  In a vision, he saw,  “The Lord” (Jehovah) sitting exalted upon His heavenly throne. Isaiah noticed the “hem” * (tzitziyoth; tassels; “knots”)  attached to (linked-to; associated-with)  the  four (well-chosen) corners (turning-points; crossroads; crucial-junctures)  of Jehovah’s robe (duty; responsibility; mantle; important-role) as the God Of Israel.

These Tzitzyoth (tassels; knots) symbolize certain “Spiritually-Mature” Israelites who have already (eons-ago; previously) been  put-in-place (positioned at those particular corners; situated at those particular corners), so that during the last days, they (spiritually mature Israelites) and they alone , are the only legal (legitimate; rightful; lawful) representatives (occupants; owners; dwellers; possessors) of Jehovah’s  multi-generational “House” (family; bloodline; lineage; dynasty; line of hereditary-rulers). .


* Hem? – Contrary to popular belief, the woman with the “issue of blood” did not touch “the hem of Yeshua’s garment” (Matthew 9:20, Mark 5:25, Luke 8:43, Luke 8:44). She reach-out to touch the tzitzit – tassels – of Yeshua’s tallit (prayer shawl).  In ancient Israel, men wore four-cornered outer tunics with tassels, or tzitziyot (pronounced tzee-tzeeyoth; represent legitimacy) in the form of blossoms; rosettes, representing the legitimate-crowns, ataras; diadems; golden head ornaments of Davidic Kings), attached to the four corners. The outer garment became known as a tallit, and eventually evolved into the more formal prayer shawl. But, why tassels? These tassels were to remind each Jewish man of his responsibility to fulfill God’s commandments. In fact, these tassels are tied into 613 knots to constantly remind them of the 613 laws of Moses, of which there are prohibitions (“thou shalt not” laws), and commands (“thou shalt” laws). The knots also correspond with the ineffable name of God, the unspoken yod-hey-vav-hey, Yahweh. Because they were attached to the four corners of your garment, in full view of everyone including the wearer, they would be a constant reminder to walk in God’s Laws. The Hebrew word for law is  halacha, and it literally means “walk”. A person’s walk means his/her ways (habits) .    You see (after all) ….., following (adopting; taking after; patterning one’s self after) God’s law (“halaka”; “walk”)   is a daily process of repetition to creat a habit, and to continue in his way (habit) of righteousness, we all need a constant reminder. Wearing these tassels would be comparable to us wearing a large Bible on a rope around our necks. How would we behave in public, how would we speak to others, which way would we go be go? God intended them to be a constant reminder of His Word when he told the Israelites to wearImage result for touching the tassels on the tallit
these fringes.
Today, because Jewish people wear western clothes, they keep this law by wearing a four-cornered garment as an undershirt. Yet, they bring the tassels out over their belt so that they can be seen. We also find the tzitziyot on the corners of the beautiful prayer shawls worn by Jewish men as an outer garment when they pray. I always like to see the men in my neighborhood in Jerusalem coming home from synagogue every Friday night and Saturday morning with their flowing prayer shawls draped over their shoulders. When deep in prayer, Jewish men will put these prayer shawls over their heads to shut out the world and be in the presence of God. This can be seen in the synagogue or at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The prayer shawls are white, representing those who are “pure of heart”, i.e. those with whom God feels “At-Home”. The color blue represents the “Ruach Ha Kodesh, or the  Spirit of Sanctity (Spirit of God’s presence) . Therefore, praying under the tallit, or prayer shawl, is covering yourself with the presence of God. From biblical times, this custom was like a prayer closet, and it is likely this is what Yeshua was referring to in Matthew 6:6, when He told us to get into our closet, apart from the people around, and pray in secret to the Lord. This tallit was the mantle worn by Samuel (I Sam. 15:27), and it was Elijah’s mantle that was conferred upon Elisha (I Kgs. 19:19). It was also worn by Yeshua, and the “Hem (tassels) of the Garment” were the things that were touched by the woman with the issue of blood was actually the tzitziyot or tassels of His tallit. Even in His glorious Second Coming, Yeshua will be wearing His tallit. In Revelation 19:11-16, John gives us a description: “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is Faithful and True, … He has a Title given to him/her that no one but He/she knows. the rider is clothed in a garment stained by blood: and the rider’s TitleImage result for touching the tassels on the tallit  (appellation) is written on his/her garment and upon his/her thigh,e.g.   “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords” (Rev. 19:11-13,16). J. R. Church suggests that the vesture (habit) is the tallit of Yeshua with His Title written upon the rider’s habit and upon the rider’s thigh. Where do the tzitziyot (blossoms) fall, but on one’s thigh (reproductive organ)?


* tzitziyot  (flowers; blossoms) The religious significance of Jewish tallit lies not in itself, but in the specifically-detailed blossoms, or tzitzit, that are tied to each corner based on a passage in the Torah (Numbers 15:37-41) instructing wearers of “four-cornered garments” to do so in order to remember God’s commandments.




2. Since the early 1800’s, Salt Lake’s Poisonous-Serpents * (sly or treacherous priesthood leaders; men who exploit their positions of trust in order to betray it; descendants of “Watchers”; Nephilim; descendants of Fallen Angels)**  have been administering (dispensing;  teaching; delivering; providing; issuing) the fundamentals  (nitty-gritties; basics)  of “treachery” (duplicity; treason; dishonesty; disloyalty; betrayal) to Mormon men throughout the world. They are being taught how and when to use their six (“twisted”; corrupt; warped;  deviant)  wings (projections of a false-public-personas; reckonings of a false-public-facades) that they have use of,  so that they will be mistaken by Israel’s people to be “the crowned heads of their tribe (Israel’s hereditary rulers; Israelites who possess divine-sovereignty”) as well as to enabling them to escape discoverery (detection; identification) as the serpents (sly or treacherous men who exploit their positions of trust in order to betray  their followers) that they really are.

Each of Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Authorities (Nephilim; prophet and apostle) isImage result for six winged seraphim gif given (issued; allowed) six (twisted; warped; corrupt)  wings (projections of a phony-public-persona; presentations of a phony-public-persona; reckonings of a phony-public-persona; demonstrations of a phony-public-persona;  transmissions of a phoney-image; affectations of a phony-public-persona; portayals of a false-facade).

(1) With the first two projections,  a Mormon  general authority can cover (hide; conceal) his face (purposes and intentions). 

(2) And with the second set of projections,  he can cover (hide; keep-hidden; mask; cover-up) his constant slander (muckraking; libel; character-assassination; defamation) of this (our) generation of Israel’s people. 

(3) And with the third set of projections,  he can “fly” (swoop-down on; loom-over; hover-over; plunge into; thrust themselves forcibly and suddenly upon) Israel’s people like a giant-raptor (predator; a bird of prey). 

* poisonous serpenta sly and treacherous high-priest, who exploits his position of trust in order to betray that trust).Image result for Serpent gif














3.  Here’s how it plays out on television at virtually every Salt Lake General Conference. One prominent (important; famous) General Authority (Salt Lake prophet ; Salt Lake apostle) offers a Image result for leonardo dicaprio toast gifpublic shout-out (toast of congratulations, support, and appreciation; salute; tribute)  to other well-known General Authorities (Salt Lake prophets ; Salt Lake apostles). They are not actually doing what you think they are doing.  They are not toasting (saluting honoring; congratulating) you (Israel’s people)  They’re proudly thinking (supposing; imagining) to themselves, with their noses thrust-up into the air, “We, and we we alone, are the Lord’s “Holy-Ones” (Saints; “Angels”). Anyway…… who in the world needs Israel, when the world has us?

But the Lord (commander) of “Tzebaoth” * (divine-potency; “Almighty-Power”; supreme power) fully intends to replace (supplant) the emptiness (emotional void) of Salt Lake’s teachings that have shut-down (suspended; turned-off; )  Israel’svision” (supernatural appearances and dreams that convey divine revelation) for such a long time,  with the same respectability (social-standing; moral-character;  and reputation for excellence) that Salt Lake prophets and apostles enjoy today,  because they’ve stolen it from Israel’s people.

Tzebaoth -is an appellation (title; nickname)  
As a noun, “Tzebaoth” (“dynameon”-Greek) meaning:
(1) inherent power, power residing in someone by virtue of his/her nature, or which he/she exerts and puts forth
(2) power for performing miracles
(3) moral power and excellence of soul
(4) the power and influence which belong to riches and wealth
(5) power and resources arising from numbers




4. The voices (opinions; points of view; thinkings;Image result for shakes like jello gif" judgments; beliefs) of Salt Lake’s “Chosen-Ones” (prophets and apostles), make Mormon high priests and their families shake (fearful as a result of anxiety) while Salt Lake’s house (family; lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) fills with “smoke” (God’s anger).




5. So,  I (Isaiah) cried, Woe (misery; sorrow; distress) to Israel’s people because this (our) generation is being cut-off (disenfranchised; deprived of hereditary rights and privileges) as a consequence of men (Melchizedek Priesthood leaders) who are of ritually-unclean * (foul for all intents and purposes; cultically-polluted; ceremonially-contaminated; totally-defiled)Image result for contaminated water gif  ordinations  (installations; appointments),  but I (Isaiah) have emerged (appeared; materialized) from the midst of their unclean (defiled; polluted; contaminated) system of religious worship (church; religion) and rituals.  I have withstood (stood my ground; weathered; resisted) their religious-system by, focusing my attention on the monarchy (reign; kingship) of the Lord of Hosts, because He (Jehovah) is always envisioned in my mind.


* Ritually-unclean– In Old Testament times the ordinary state of most things was “cleanness, ” but a person or thing could contract ritual “uncleanness” (or “impurity”) in a variety of ways: by skin diseases, discharges of bodily fluids, touching something dead (Num.5:2), or eating unclean foods (Lev.11) and (Deut. 14).
An unclean person in general had to avoid that which was holy and take steps to return to a state of cleanness. Uncleanness placed a person in a “dangerous” condition under threat of divine retribution, even death (Lev.15:31) , if the person approached the sanctuary. Uncleanness could lead to expulsion of the land’s inhabitants (Lev. 18:25) and its peril lingered upon those who did not undergo purification (Lev.17:16; Num.19:12-13).
Priests were to avoid becoming ritually defiled (Lev.21:1-4; Lev. 21:11-12), and if defiled, had to abstain from sacred duties. An unclean layperson could neither eat nor tithe consecrated food (Lev. 7:20-21); Deut. 26:14), had to celebrate the Passover with a month’s delay (Num. 9:6-13), and had to stay far away from God’s tabernacle (Num. 5:3).
unclean – in Hebrew the term for “unclean” (foul;  contaminated;  defiled) is “tame” (pronounced taw-may). The Hebrew term “tame” is composed (formed; comprised) of three Hebrew letters in the following order:
(1) tet – Image result for ancient Hebrew letter tet signifying –  tempted-by (seduced-by;  drawn-by; pulled-by; lured by; enticed-by) 
(2) mem – Image result for ancient Hebrew letter mem signifying  – “Waters” (sorceries of; malevolent-magical-powers of )
(3) aleph  – Image result for aleph ox head ancient hebrew signifying  – “Ox head” (leadership ; Authority; one to whom inexperienced-novices are yoked)  
Hebrew is read from right to left, thus the word “tempt” actually conveys a descriptive phrase;

“Seduce by the sorceries of Salt Lake’s leadership” 


6. Then,  unexpectedly,  a high-priests  who was sent by the seraphim (Nephilim; venomous-serpents;Image result for blowing a candle gif poisonous serpents) came unto me. He tried to  wear-down (fatigue; deplete; exhaust) my strength then,  because of (as a result of) his hand (magical-powers; magical influence),  he  took (assumed responsibility for)  me, but solely as a means to control (extinguish the fire in; gain ownership of) what looked to him like a “live-coal” (a piece of coal that is still burning, inside) as a means to “snuffing-out that fire within me” (acting as a “wet-blanket” upon my spirit ) while covering-up (conceal embarrassing details) of his sacrifice (ritual-slaughter) of me upon the altar of Mormonism.




7.  He touched (had an effect upon; inhibited) my mouth (speech; “verbal expression of  thoughts and ideas) and thought (supposed; imagined) to himself, “Behold” (observe) Image result for smooth operator gifam a   “prominent Melchizedek High-Priest”, and I’m fully capable  of laying -hands upon (having an effect upon; canceling; annulling) your ordination (call; consecration; appointment; investiture) so I am watching (keeping you under observation) you  to make sure that your performance of Chatta’th * (atonement and removal of sin) applies (is applicable to ; safeguards; covers) me”.      

* (1) Chatta’th” “Sphere of Sin” (sphere of calamity; “guilt in the eyes of God”; sphere of calamitous consequenses arising from committing a sinful act). “Chata” (verb) means to commit an offense against someone with whom one stands in an institutionalized, covenantal community relationship (deliberate anti-social-behavior against one’s brother, wife, sister, children, parents, compatriot or against God; transgressions of aImage result for anguish covenental-relationship). It is “Religious-Disqualification” as a result of certain modes of human misbehavior (misconduct). The conception of Sin is that it (“sin”; sin’s resultant “Sphere of calamity” ) must be born by the sinner and his circle (family friends; associates). chatta’th is conceived (regarded; thought-of; viewed) as a force that transcends the course of history and determines the immediate future as “Negative“. Rain and harvest can be prevented by the immense sphere of chatta’th. Enemies are justified in what they do to an Israelite weakened by his chatta’th.
The most momentous derivative of “Chata” is “Chet”. It is the unforgivable burden of sin transcending individual acts. Idolatry is a frequent source of “chet”. Objects-of-worship (men or images) fashioned by human hands, secretly take on a “life of their own” and are followed by worshippers as if they are in a hypnotic trance. When the calamitous sphere of “Chet” comes into being the evil-doer must bear its invisible presence until it brings him to an “end” through death.
Since the “Sphere of Sin” infects not only the sinner but also his surroundings, in apocalyptic literature, it is portrayed as a negative force encompassing all mankind brought into being by men of their own accord.
(2) Chatta’th also refers to an individual’s personal offering (sacrifice; suffering; loss or destruction of of life) to cover (atone for) sins of another or others.





8. Then, suddenly, I could hear (perceive; discern) the inner-thoughts of the Lord. He was wondering (pondering) to himself…….

“Who should I (Jehovah) send (dispatch)…….indeed, to whom shall I commit my divine Apostleship (“Power-Of-Attorney”), that is to say (in other words) who should go down to the Earth for the sake of (for the benefit of) this (our) generation of Israel’s people and “speak-to” (rebuke; express sharp disapproval or criticism of ) the wicked?”.Image result for pack my bags gif

So…….I quickly replied,  “Please” (I entreat thee to; if it please thee) show “favor (grace; mercy) unto this latter-day generation of Israel’s people by . Sending  (commissioning; authorizing; delegating that task to) me.”








9. So, He (Jehovah) replied, “Go” (“bon voyage”; “off you go”) then,Image result for bon voyage gif  and “bring-to-light” (expose; reveal; unmask) the  “illegitimacy” (illicitness; immorality; illegality; unlawfulness) of Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Authority and its worldwide Organization.

Warn this generation of Israel’s people, thusly………

“You are listening to Salt Lake’s “Tidings” (Restored-Gospel Message; Breaking News), but you have no idea of the covetouness (envy; greed) that is motivating them.  You bear witness of Salt Lake’s General Authorities,  but you don’t perceive (discern; realize; recognize) that these men are operating the Mormon Church as a criminal enterprise, so they can defraud (swindle; cheat; doublecross)  you (Israel’s People).







10. Point (direct everyones attention) to the callousness (insensitivity and cruel disregard for others) that characterizes the hearts (the central or innermost parts) of Salt Lake’s people.  For…….. you see (after all) …the hearing (auditory perception; deep-thinking; discernment; penetrating analysis) of this generation of Salt Lake’s s Melchizedek high priests has become deadened (dysfunctional; out of order). They’ve shut (closed; blinded; inactivated; disabled) the “eyes”  (oracles; sages; seers; prophets) of this generation of Israel’s people,  otherwise (if this wasn’t so; under differentImage result for making a u turn gif circumstances), Israel’s people would readily see (comprehend; understand) because of (thanks to) their seers (oracles; sages; seers; prophets), the existential-threat that Salt Lake’s illegitimate prophets and apostles pose (constitute; present), then they would hear (carefully-analyze; disect) Salt Lake’s message, thanks to the incisiveness (keenness) of their  ears (“analytic-skills”) they would be able to perceive (“cut thru Salt Lake’s crap”) and their hearts could differentiate (make a distinction) between truth and lies and they could turn-around  (reverse direction; repent) and be blessed with wholeness  (completeness; friendship with God; peace;  harmony; unity) again.








11. Well, then, I asked, “For how long”  (“Until when”),  my Lord?” And He (Jehovah)Image result for condemned house replied, “Until the leadership of Salt Lake’s matrix (womb-like organization; all-embracing-organization; glue-like organization) lies in ruins  and until Adam (mankind; “fallen men”)  and their corrupt houses (dynasties; lineages; bloodlines; families) have been condemned (officially declared unfit for human habitation) and their fields (domains; spheres of activity) are ruined (ravaged; devastated).    






12. ……..Until  God completely withdraws from Adam (“the human race”) and there is aRelated image sense of utter forsakenness (destitution; dereliction; abandonment; ignorance)  in the midst of “The Land” (Mormon territory; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints; every country in this world where Mormonism once florished.







13. Because, yet (inspite of everything),  a tenth (dedicated; holy and sacred) portion (part) of Jehovah’s Family-Tree still remains, and cannot be laid-waste.  Just like the Terebinth (Oak) or any other mighty family-tree (pedigree; family-tree; lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers)when it is cut down (chopped to pieces), the substance (essense; genetic-make-up; stump; stock) of the tree (family; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) continues on (lives on) in the form of a seed (germ; twig; sprout; grain; beginning; embryo; rudiment) which is holy (sacred; consecrated; Angelic; saintly) and that seed is emerging from Judah’s old stump and is growing (developing) into another tree possessing the identical characteristics and DNA code as the original tree.         Image result for sprout emerging from a tree trunk



Chapter 7 – verses 1-25

“The Sign of Immanuel”

1. During the days (era; generation) of Ahaz (“a power grab to get and keep Israel’s authority”), in which men’s minds and hearts  had degenerated (degraded; perverted; been corrupted,  in a moral sense) from the days of  Jotham (“Jehovah is Upright”), there came a man by the name of Uzziah (“One who is familiar with the strength of his God”). He (Uzziah) was the King (dominant-law; prevailing-principle ) of Judah (“Praise and Giving Thanks unto Jehovah”)….

At the same time, Rezin (messengers; heralds; ambassadors; agents; gofers; runners) were sent-out (commissioned) by the crowned-heads (kings; royalty) of Salt Lake Headquarters, accompanied by (followed by) Pekah  (“those whose eyes are wide open to “; those with a practical-knowledge of”) theImage result for open a can of whoop-ass on 'em gif crimes (misdeeds; felonies; transgressions) committed by the sons (disciples; students; subjects; apprentices; flunkies; novices; pupils) of Salt Lake’s idols (icons; presiding Priesthood Authorities).


Salt Lake’s plan (scheme; strategy)  was to  “open-up a can of “Whoop-Ass” on  (gang-up on ; join-forces against)  Jerusalem (“teachers of Peace and Salvation”), who ruled as kings (preeminent-rulers; supreme-law-givers) of Israel (“those who are upright in the eyes of God”). 








2. So,  Salt Lake’s presiding authorities gave the signal to invade (overrun; choke; inundate; ravage; take possession of) the House (dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) of David (God’s loved Ones; Beloved Ones ofImage result for trees blown back and forth by the wind gif God).  Salt Lake wanted to be in an ideal position to lead (induce;  influence; govern; guide) the supporters of Aram (Salt Lake Headquarters; Salt Lake’s Citadel) to oppose (fight; obstruct)  Ephraim (Israel’s Uncles;  Israel’s Goel’s; Israel’s redeemers) so that Ephraim’s heart (soul; sense of affection) would be shaken (unsettled; upset) then the minds of Ephrain’s people would bend (become-inclined) to Salt Lake’s will just like a bunch of trees in a forest are blown to and fro by the wind.     












3. It was at that point, when Jehovah commanded Isaiah to “Go-Forth” (be on your way; take-off; get going)now (immediately; pronto; “lickity-split”),  in order to confront (oppose; call into question; turn the tables on;  dispute; obstruct;  fight) Ahaz (those who’ve seized all of you; those who’re captured all of you).  Then (as soon as you’ve finished that)“Shear Jashub(“the remnant will return”) in order to continue the building  (assembling; putting together; amassing; gathering) process of your (Israel’s) house (lineage; bloodline dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) at (immediately upon; following; subsequent to )  the “End” (consummation; cessationImage result for walking single file gif; discontinuance; breaking-off; abandonment)  of the peculiar (characteristic) Mormon habit (way; custom) of pointing (directing-everyone’s attention) to the blessings (anointings; ordinations; glorifications; magnifications) of Salt Lake’s seed (posterity) while Israel’s people are schlepping along (trudging slowly and tediously)   “On The Road” (bound for; headed for; on the way)  to the “Fuller’s Field” * .


*.Fuller’s Field – Fulling, also known as tucking, or walking, was a step in woolen clothmaking which involves the cleansingImage result for men fulling wool in vats of urine of the woolen fleece to eliminate oils, dirt, and other impurities, and to make it thicker (plumper; knotted-together; matted-together; more substantial) . The worker who does the job is a “fuller”, “tucker” or “walker”,  all of which have become common surnames. The Field (particular branch of study or sphere of activity;  arena; domain)  is where Salt Lake’s  cleansing (re-indoctrinating; scouring) process takes place. Anciently,  woollen fleeces or cloth was soaked and beaten in vats of urine.







4. You (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) must say to (tell; command) this (our) generation of Israel’s People  (rank and file Mormons), to “Point” (direct everyone’s attention) to Salt Lake’s “Watchmen” (guardians; janitors; custodians) at Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City then Point (direct everyone’s attention) to their idleness (laziness; indolence; inertia; lethargy). There is no one who dares (has enough courage; has enough guts;  has the balls )  to molest  (frighten; bother; oppose; interfere with; annoy)  Salt Lake’s Presiding Priesthood Authorities.

But don’t become  faint-hearted (timid; nervous; fearful; lacking courage) because of these “tail-ends” (“contemptible-Ass-holes”) who’ve managed to get hold (gain control) of your (Israel’s) Authority in order to point (direct everyone’s attention) to their imaginary “Image of “Good-Fortune and Prosperity.” 

You mustImage result for hatred gif point (direct everyone’s attention) to the smoke (bitterness; antagonism; enmity; animosity) inspired (animated; stirred; galvanized; stimulated)  by these men toward Israel’s people so that they will begin to bring-forth (produce; feel) a smoldering-hatred toward Me (Jehovah).










5. For nearly Two hundred (189) years,  Aram (Salt Lake Headquarters) has been  “in-cahoots” (colluding; conspiring together secretly)Image result for regime-change cartoons with misguided (easily-duped;  gullible; naive) high-priests from the ranks of Ephraim (Israel’s redeemers) along with the sons-of (heir-apparents of; men waiting in line for their own) exaltation (coronation) conducted at the hands of Salt Lake’s Chief Executive Officers (corporate heads; CEO’s).


Their plan (scheme; goal) is to carry-out (implement; accomplish)  a worldwide coup d’etate (take-over; overthrow; “Power-grab”) of your (Israel’s) authority.












6. Salt Lake said to its lieutenants,Let’s invade (enter and take possession of) the tribe of Judah (“Those who Praise and Give-thanks toImage result for it's good to be the king cartoon Jehovah”) then let’s tear it (Judah; “Praise and thanks-giving unto Jehovah”) to pieces and then let’s divide Judah’s rights and privileges among ourselves so we can set ourselves up as kings and reign (prevail; dominate;  rule) in the midst of Judah as if we are Judah’s New-Elders (latter-day-patriarchs). Everyone will naturally assume (take for granted) that we are Sons (lawful heirs) of Tabeel (God’s favor; God’s goodness). 










7. Thus saith the Lord, God,  “These Salt Lake half-wits (fools; morons; idiots; ignoramuses)  will never succeed in their attempt to supplant  (take the place of; supersede;Related image replace)  your (Israel’s) authority. It just ain’t gonna happen!











And here’s why

8. The head (top priority; most important thing; primary-issue; first-concern) of Aram (Salt Lake’s headquarters; Salt Lake’s Citadel) is Damascus *  and the head (top priority; most important thing; primary-issue; first-concern) of Damascus is crushing (overpowering; sabotaging; undercutting; destroying) the work (purpose; mission;  errand; undertaking) to this generation,  then Salt Lake can bring-forth (introduce; present) its own substitute “Especial Witnesses”. 

* Damascus– ( “Damsaq” in Hebrew) The concept (meaning) of the name “Damascus” is understood by combining two words toImage result for meshing gif form a new idea: Dam in Hebrew refers to one’s  “blood” (genetic-blueprint; DNA; genetic code), while “Saq” refers to seamlessly meshing (dovetailing; weaving; bundling; interlocking; fitting; combining) two things together. “Damascus” is the Code-Name  (euphomism) for Salt Lake’s process ( program; doctrine) of merging two morally divergent (antithetical; adversarial) groups of people together thru the bonds of marriage. Salt Lake takes this even further by sanctioning plural-marriages (polygamy) among the ranks of its elite Priesthood hierarchy in order to rapidly increase their own numbers.
What we have here is a latter-day conspiracy (plot) to mesh (knot; tangle; snarl; seal; connect)  together the bloodlines of Israel’s people with the Foreign (alien; strange; corrupt) bloodlines of Salt Lake’s people, thus creating a hybrid (bastard; mixed) race (ethnic-group; breed; species; strain) in a genetic (hereditary)  sense. This is yet another reason why Salt Lake will not (cannot) ever achieve their goal to overthrow Israel’s people and authority. God is quite capable of discerning the biological (genetic; DNA; blood) make-up of each and every individual on earth . Salt lake’s trick won’t work.   






9. However (still; nevertheless) , the head (top priority; most important thing; primary-issue; first-concern) of Ephraim (Israel’s redeemers) is Shomrayim (Sanaria; Guardianship of our Generation),   but the head (leaders; captains; commanders) that Salt Lake has placed over Samaria (“Showrayin”; “Guardianship of our Image result for really ? gifgeneration”) are all sons-of  (heir-apparents of; successors to; minions waiting in line for their own)  Coronation (inauguration; installation) as kings (monarchs) . So, If you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) expect to stand (endure; remain upright) you must be bonded (united; connected; joined; linked; associated; coupled) with  the blood (genetic-profile; gene-pool; DNA) of Israel. 







10. Jehovah has continued to subdue (bring under control by force) Ahaz (“Those in charge of Salt Lake’s power grab to gain andImage result for under control gif maintain Israel’s authority”) in the hopes of for the purpose of persuading him to ………











11. Ask (petition; demand; seek) for a sign (undeniable proof; indisputable-evidence) coming from the people (clan) of Jehovah, yourImage result for man climbing a ladder gif God, which points to (points the finger at; accuses) Salt Lake Headquarters for indulging in a peculiar (idiosynchratic; particular; special) affinity-for (attraction to)  “What God has forbidden” (Sorcery). Adding to that,  “out of desire”,  they want to be lofty (haughty; exalted) among those who are ascending (moving upward; climbing; making their way up) the ladder of Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Hierarchy.








12. But, Ahaz (“Those in charge of Salt Lake’s power grab to gain andImage result for under control gif maintain Israel’s authority”) replied,  “We will not do that because we are much too “holier than thou” (self-righteous to test (tempt; try), having in mind (particularly) , Jehovah.











13. Then,  He (Ahaz) said, “Now hear this! House of David (My loved Ones; God’s beloved Ones), behold theImage result for you are lousy at this! gif ineffectiveness (feebleness; lousiness; incompetence;  impotency) of all of you (Israel’s) people at pointing (directing everyone’s attention) toward signs (tokens; undeniable-evidence; miracles; irrefutable proof) of Salt Lake’s desperately-wicked (incurable; sick; sociopathic) prophets and apostles.


Indeed (if truth be told) you (Salt Lake’s presiding officers) prohibit (make advancement impossible for;  deny; outlaw; veto; disallow; interdict; forbid) Israel’s people.

Further (as if that were not enough), you (Salt Lake’s presiding officers) have in mind to interdict (outlaw; stop; obstruct; impede; outlaw; banish) my (Jehovah’s) Old Testament covenant.












14. Therefore,  the Lord, himself, is giving to all of you (the Human race) a-sign (irrefutable-evidence;Image result for greg Olsen painting walking with God undeniable proof). Behold (see; observe something remarkable) a woman at the prime (best possible; excellent)  age for God’s work. She’s conceived (envisioned in her mind) all about what is happening and  is about to bring-forth  (bear; deliver) the authority of a son (continuation of seed to the next generation ; continuation of the Israel’s dynasty to the next generation ; a continuation of Judah’s line of hereditary rulers to the next generation) and she will call (name; designate) this seed as  “Immanu-al” (translated “Our generation of Israel’s people walks with God”). 










15.  Israel’s people will enjoy curdled-milk (symbolizing “solidarity”)  and honey (symbolizing sweetness; freshness) because of (on account of ) their knowledge (understanding;  wisdom) to refuse to bring-forth (bear)  “things which are wrong” (things are morally corrupt) but rather deliberately choose to  bring-forth (bear) what is “good” *Image result for can opener gif


* “good” The Hebrew word for “good” is “tobe” It describes something or someone who does exactly what he was designed to do, thus if the can opener in your kitchen, for instance,  actually does what it was designed to do, it  open cans for you quickly and efficiently. It works! The same can be said for a righteous person. If he is good, then he does what he was designed to do. He’s in good working order. He doesn’t lie, he loves people and provides help to those who are struggling.













16. But before the young missionaries of Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization know (are wise enough) to refuse toImage result for prick gif bring-forth something or someone which is patently (clearly)  evil and deliberately choose what is “good”, Salt Lake’s General Authorities had already forsaken them in order to lead (guide) Israel’s men to become thorns (“pricks”; despicable and contemptible individuals) so they will suit the wicked purposes of Salt Lake’s counterfeit (phony; make-believe) kings.










17. Jehovah is bringing upon you (Salt Lake Presiding authorities) and upon your people (Mormon membership) and upon the houses (bloodlines lineages; dynasties; lines of hereditary rulers) descending from your Mormon Pioneer ancestors,  a time (a situation;  a turning point; a crossroads; a circumstances) that hasn’t been witnessed since the days when Israel’s people divorced-themselves (split; seceeded; parted) from Judah.*


* The great Divorce-A young man spends hours working on his car, laboring meticulously to make it a showpiece. He not only restores the car to its original condition, but he overhauls the engine, modifying it to obtain maximum performance. He invites a couple of friends to cruise around the streets of Dallas with him, showing off his handiwork. They stop at a local hangout for hamburgers and meet another young man, who also has a high performance automobile. Each begins to boast that his car is faster than that of his rival. Eventually, they race down a major street at high speed. One young man presses his car beyond its limits, and it careens out of control, striking other automobiles, and eventually killing a young mother and her child, standing in their front yard talking with friends. The young man responsible for the death of these two innocent people did not set out that night to kill someone with his car. He did, however, want to show off. He wanted others to see how well he had transformed a tired old car into a beautiful muscle machine. He wanted to impress others with how fast his car was, and how skilled he was as a driver. How many times in history has something like this happened? The unintentionaImage result for Divorce funny gifl consequences of a foolish action may be far greater than one would have ever imagined.
This is precisely what happens in  Kings 12 and its parallel text in Chronicles 10. When Rehoboam and the Israelites met that fateful day in Shechem, everyone assumed that Rehoboam would become Israel’s king. The people made a simple and reasonable request of Rehoboam, and after consulting with others, this would-be king arrogantly rejected it. The people renounced him as their king and went their way. Reconciliation might have occurred had Rehoboam not acted foolishly. The result was a divided kingdom. This unintended consequence would shape the history of the nation to this very day.
This is one of the great “turning points” in the history of Israel, one that is crucial to our understanding the Bible. From this point on, the southern kingdom will be known as Judah, with Jerusalem as its capital and one of David’s descendants as their king. The northern kingdom, composed of ten tribes, will be known as Israel. Samaria will eventually become its capital and its dynasties will frequently change. At times, the two kingdoms will be at war with each other, and at other times they will make certain alliances. The glorious days of the united kingdom under Saul, David, and Solomon are gone. The northern kingdom will consistently have evil kings and behave wickedly. They will be the first to be scattered in judgment. The southern kingdom will have its good kings and its wicked ones, and eventually Judah will be taken into captivity by the Babylonians. There are many lessons to be learned from Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, and Jeroboam, Israel’s first king. Let us listen well to the words of the Scriptures and seek to learn the lessons from Israel’s history which God has for us:For everything that was written in former times was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and through encouragement of the scriptures we may have hope (Romans 15:4) .











18. It will be during this (our) that time (generation; day; era)  the Jehovah will whistle (signal)  for the “flies ( Swarming, pesky, disease ridden insects) . These  flies will turn everything upside-down” These same kind of flies lived in the final days (at the end) of the channels (sewers) that supplied  Egpyt with its Waters (Sorcery; Black Magic)……..Image result for you know how to whistle don't you steve gif


 And for the bees (men with a hive mentality; “group-thinkers”) who multiply rapidly in Salt Lake’s Land of Assyria (“Society of unparalleled social popularity and financial security guaranteed thru unwavering allegiance to Salt Lake’s  Melchizedek Priesthood Organization”). 










19. All the flies will come and settle themselves (make their home) among the inheritances of every single cherishedImage result for a swarm of flies gif worshipper of Salt Lake’s authority and situate themselves amongst the growing number of sharp-divisions (splits; factions; rifts; dissensions; disagreements) opening up in Salt Lake’s Rocky Mountain Headquarters (Citadel)  as well as upon every one of their hedges of thorns (“pricks”; despicable unprincipled men) and in all their usual-watering holes (rendezvous; meeting places; hang-outs).









20.  During our day (generation; era) the Lord will shave (sever; cut-off; remove) the hair (symbol of integrity) from the head (leadership) of Assyria’s King (First Presidency; tycoons; monarchs by means of a very sharp razor (sharp-edged instrument; cutting instrument; blade) who’se gotten-over (gotten past; had all she can stand of) Salt Lake’s phoney “twinkle; sparkle and shine” that radiates (emanates) from the Kings (leaders; “top-dogs”; Fat-Cats; tycoons; magnates; barons; hot-shots; royalty)  of Assyria (“Unparalleled social popularity and finincial security guaranteed by unwavering allegiance to Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization”). She’ll cut-off the hair * (divine strength & might; integrity) of the head (leadership) , and of their legs (Habits; customs; practices),  and finally their beardsImage result for white male's long curly locks (“Elders”; Patriarchs;  doddering old men) will be cut-off (brought to an immediate end; checked; deactivated; severed; scuttled).  


* hair-as the source of Samson’s strength, his hair is an easy-to-understand symbol of divine integrity, strength and might—and the loss thereof that comes from giving in to temptation (cough, Delilah, cough). … Because of his status as the chosen one, Samson is as strong as his hair (integrity; strength and might of God) is long (prolonged; growing), then he gives all kinds of hell to the Philistines.












21. It’s a fact that during our generation, that young male missionaries trained by and unleashed from Salt Lake’s Missionary Training Centers have learned (know full well)  that if they want to survive (get byImage result for blase' men gif in; endure) Mormonism, they have to appear (look; seem; come across as being) cool (placid; calm; lukewarm; unruffled; urbane; serene; placid; cool as a cucumber; blase’; dispassionate), and admired (sought after; looked at with pleasure) and they must be expert at intoxicating (enthralling; mesmerizing; infatuating; bewitching) a Mormon flock (congregation). 











22. And because of their twinkle sparkle, and polish Mormons enjoy the best (most; greatest) curds Image result for team-spirit gif(“solidarity”; “team-spirit”; unity; alliance), indeed (if truth be told) they’ve eaten-up (wiped-out; used-up; exhausted; depleted) nearly all the remaining curds (solidarity; team-spirit unity; alliance) in our land (among our people).










23. During our day (generation era) that any place in the world where there are thousands of Israelite vines (lineagesImage result for greedy men gif Bloodlines) bringing-forth (producing; flashing)  lots of silver (money) , suddenly (it seems), that Mormon briers (barbs; prickly plants; thistles) and thorns (“pricks”; unprincipled men; greedy men) appear out of nowhere.









24. Predatory Men with bows and arrows (who like to hunt for prey) are attracted to the Mormon Church becauseImage result for predatory man gif it has become the ideal playground (amusement-park;  playing-field) for briers (barbs; prickly plants; thistles) and thorns (“pricks”; unprincipled men; greedy men).










25. As far as the Israelite hills (highlands; natural elevations)  which used to be cultivated (refined and well educated)Image result for they are a bunch of pricks gif are concerned, they are never visited anymore because the land is crawling with Salt Lake’s briers (hedges; fences or boundaries formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs)  and thorns (“Pricks”; despicable high priests).        

Chapter 8 – verses 1-22

“Assyria, the Lord’s Instrument”

1. The Lord, God said to me, “Inscribe (carve; deeply impress; imprint)  the Great Isaiah Scroll * (Qumran Book of Isaiah) within  yourself (your soul) and write about this (our) generation of Israel’s people in the literary-style (expression; diction; phraseology; way of speaking , writing)  that is used by common (rank and file; ordinary) people and tell them about “Maher Shalal Hash Baz” **(“a hastening spoiler will hush and tear in pieces.”)  

*Great Scroll –The Isaiah Scroll, designated 1Qlsaa and also known as the Great Isaiah Scroll, is one of the seven Dead Sea Scrolls that were first discovered by Image result for Great Isaiah ScrollBedouin shepherds in 1946 from Qumran Cave.  The scroll is written in Hebrew and contains the entire Book of Isaiah from beginning to end, apart from a few small damaged portions, it is the oldest complete copy of the Book of Isaiah, being approximately 1000 years older than the oldest Hebrew manuscripts known before the scrolls’ discovery. 1QIsaa is also notable in being the only scroll from the Qumran Caves to be preserved almost in its entirety.  The scroll is written on 17 sheets of parchment. It is particularly large, being about 734 cm (24 feet) long and ranges from 25.3 to 27 cm high (10 to 10.6 inches) with 54 columns of text.

** “Maher Shalal Hash Baz”-Metaphysical meaning of Maher-shalal-hash-baz
Maher-shalal-hash-baz, ma’-her-shal’-al-hash’-baz (Heb.)–“a hastening spoiler will hush and tear in pieces. 
Mahera hastening; a speeding; a rushing headlong),  
Shalal–(spoiler; plunderer) . 
Hashwill hush; still; quiet; silence. 
Bazand pull to pieces; squander; despoil; dissipate.
A name symbolic of the very short time that was to elapse before Damascus and Samaria (“Shomrayin”;  guardianship of our generation) would be taken captive by the kings (royalty) of Assyria (“Unparalleled social-popularity coupled with financial success, guaranteed by unwavering allegiance to Salt Lake’s Mechizedek Priesthood Organization”). This name was given by Isaiah to his third son, symbolizing the fact that before the child was old enough to call his parents “Father” and “Mother”,  the spoiling of Samaria and Damascus would take place (Isa. 8:1).  Meta – The rapidity with which the law of cause and effect works. The two phases of the law are virtually one, certain causes being followed almost immediately by their corresponding effects, or results.








2. Consider yourselves served, for I (Isaiah) am summoning (authoritatively or urgently calling on) for my own sake,  two kinds of reliable (consistently good in quality or performance;Image result for subpoena served trustworthy) witnesses:

(a) Uriah (“The Light of God”; The Luminary of God,” The lightning of God”) -These are Jehovah’s princesses (female members of the royal family) 

(b) Zechariah (“Someone who is recognized for extraordinary closeness to God”) – and is a rightful-heir of Yeberek-yahuw (“a blessing by  God”) These are faithful priestesses recognized by him as deserving a great blessing.


3. Then, I (” the spirit of Isaiah’s words” ), began to draw near (make lots of sense to; speak to; whisper to;Image result for infant approach; come close to; surround) the latter-day  prophetess (inspired woman; poetess) of the “Almighty” and she conceived (formed an idea)  in her mind and bore a son (rightful heir). Jehovah said unto me (Isaiah),  “Name him “Maher Shalal Hash Baz”. 










4. Because by the time that this little munchkin (child) is old enough to say “Papa” or “Mama” he’ll be carried away by “The armyImage result for baby boy (champions; promoters; soldiers) of “Damascus” (meshing Israel’s bloodlines with Salt Lake’s bloodlines) and by involvement in the plunder (violent and dishonest acquisition)  of Samaria (“Shomrayin”; “Guardianship of our generation”) to suit the malignant purposes of Assyria’s Royalty” (crowned-heads).













5. Then, Jehovah repeatedly warned me to shed light upon (make visible; explain; illuminate) what’s “reeeally” (seriously)  going on out there in Mormonland (Salt Lake’s #1 revenue producing tourist trap) .Image result for i had no idea gif











6. Because this (Salt Lake’s) people reject (refuse), anyone who Shiloh (sends forth “word” by messengerImage result for placing a crown on the head flowing  with gentleness and rejoicing)……of course, they are thinking about,  the Runners (ambassadors; missionaries; prophets and apostles) of Salt Lake Headquarters and the sons-of (men who are waiting in line for their own) Remaliah (crowning from God; installation as a God).














7. So, therefore, Behold (witness something extraordinary), the Lord, God is mounting (launching; planning) an attack  against them (Salt lake’s Apprentice Magicians) , having in mind, The sparkling (twinkling; laughing) “Waters” (powers of Sorcery; Black Magic) ofImage result for Mormonism's Melchizedek High-Priests Salt Lake’s Mighty Ones and their Lords and Masters (captains; chiefs). 

Keeping in mind, the Royalty”  (crowned-heads) of Assyria  (Unimagined wealth and popularity guaranteed thru political Connections in the Melchizedek Priesthood Organization) , and all of Salt Lake’s sleazy-pomp.

Jehovah’s attack will target the fortresses (citadels;  strongholds) of this generation of Salt Lake’s Leadership and it will overrun all of Salt Lake troops (crowds of Mormon men; throngs of Mormon-thieves) who “enjoy Salt Lake’s kool-aid” (promote Salt Lake’s Cock and Bull story) and  are now enthusiastically trying to “maintain-hold of” (keep a firm grip upon)  Israel’s birthright of authority for themselves (all Melchizedek High-Priests) .








8. Then He (Jehovah) will sweep into the houses (bloodlines; lineages; dynasties; lines of hereditary rulers) of those who lay claim to Judah (Praise and giving thanks to God) and He (Jehovah) will inundate (overwhelm) her people and will pass through until (stopping at)Related image the point at which (the moment)  he reaches (arrived at; comes to; attains their neck (communion with Him; conversation with Him; communication with Him)


Then, the outspreading of Jehovah’s  wings (overshadowing-protection) will fill the breadth of the land,  Immanu-el. (“Ye who walk with God”). 










9. If you dare….Raise a war cry, Go ahead ……ye Nations and get your asses kicked.  Listen ye people who are detached (excommunicated; severed) PrepareImage result for prissy man to battle and “beat the hell out of” Salt Lake’s “Prissy” (fussily and excessively respectable) High Priests.

Behold (get a load of) the counterfeit (substitute; fake; phony) authority that binds (compasses) these clowns together.










10. Go ahead and devise your strategy (game-plan; plan of action; master-plan) against Israel’s people, but……NEWS ALERT…..BREAKING NEWS….. yourImage result for screw gif strategy won’t work (will be thwarted; will fail).  Propose (make; suggest) a SUPER-DUPER…plan (approach; way of doing things; scheme) to screw (“f**k-up”; mess-up)   Israel’s people,  but your plan won’t work (is doomed from the start) , because (thanks to the fact that ) Immanuel (“We Israelites walk with God”).











11.  Indeed (if truth be told) thus saith the Lord unto me thru the strength of his hand (HolyImage result for boasting man gif Spirit), but this time He (Jehovah) chastised (corrected; instruct) me  with His condemning words against those who follow (bow-to; respond-to; are terrorized by) authority like Salt Lake’s top-men seem to do, in order to boast (talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about their achievements)……..










12. Salt Lake’s Presiding Priesthood Authorities don’t think (believe suppose; imagine)  that gainingImage result for evil man wringing his hands gif unlawful possession (ownership) of this (our) generation constitutes “conspiracy” (collusion) against all leadership.

Salt Lake Headquarters commands (expects; trains; accustoms) their own Priesthood leadership to conspire (combine-resources; collude) together,  as a means to get hold of  and keep hold of this generation of Israel’s people.

Salt Lake tells its Priesthood leadership to keep in mind (consider; revere; think-about; obsess about) priesthood leaders who they fear (abhor; are terrified of) the most. You (Israel’s people)  must never stoop (lower yourselves) to revere (prize; cherish; idolize) Salt Lake’s creepy men.












13. Keep in mind that the Lord of Hosts is the “One and only One” who you should regard as Holy.  He (Jehovah) is theImage result for feeling dread gif one that all of you (everyone; the world’s people) should really revere for He (Jehovah) is the one who can really cause all of you feel dread (great fear and apprehension). Big time!









14.  He (Jehovah) is thought-of (considered; viewed; seen) as a sanctuary (a safe-house) toImage result for huge boulder falls on house gif  those who love Him, but as a stumbling stone to those who hate Him, but regardless of which camp you are in Jehovah can be compared to collosal boulder (massive stone )  which has had a profound impact upon both the house of Israel (those who are upright in the eyes of God) and the house of Jacob (“those who are upright in the eyes of men”). 









15.  Captains  (leaders; chiefs) of industry and even “A Titan of Commerse (Santa Claus)  will stumble (tripImage result for stumbling man gif or momentarily lose a proper sense of balance; fall) because of Him (Jehovah). Those in Salt Lake who are pretending to be authentic Teachers of Peace and Salvation will, themselves,  be snared, trapped, broken, and captured by Him (Jehovah).









16. Press (stir-up; awaken) a “Testimony” (solemn-eye-witness declaration)Image result for walking with God Greg Olsen as to the true nature (personality; character)  of Jehovah.  Seal up (close-off; restrict; confine) a correct (revealed; divine) explanation (interpretation) of the Law (Torah) so that the only ones who could possibly know (for themselves; personally) of my true nature (personality; character) are people who’ve actually met me (Jehovah) and spent time with me (Jehovah), i.e. “real” latter-day Saints.      

 Make sense to you?








17. I am waiting for Jehovah, the one who has been hiding (concealing; keeping) his purposes from the House (lineage;Image result for Torah gif bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) of Jacob (liars, cheats and swindlers). 

 However, His (Jehovah’s) Law (instruction; Torah;  body of laws; system of laws; standard of measurement) is fast becoming  the blueprint (draft; design; model; master-plan) for my discipleship.








18.  Here I am and behold all the new-borns,  who Jehovah has given unto me as signs (evidence; proof)Image result for hanging your hat gif and as symbols ( reminders; representations) of a relationship (familiar- friendship; blood-kinship familiar-connection) shared between Israel’s people and The Lord of Hosts……., The One who now “Calls-Home” (“hangs his hat”; rests; inhabits; lives; dwells) upon Mount (the administration) of Zion (those who’ve spent 40+ years of their lives wandering about in a personal wilderness in search of “Living Water”,i.e. the “Holy Spirit of God”).









19. When Salt Lake’s presiding Priesthood autrhorities command all of you to consult (seek information orImage result for Ivory-Towers advice from) their founders (organizers; establishers) who unlawfully gained possession of Israel’s Authority, or  from this generation of Salt lake’s “KNOW IT ALL’s” who are pointing to counterfeit prophets and apostles, (a bunch of “Good for Nothings”) spending their time on earth chirping at everyone from the top (pinnacle)  of their Ivory-Tower (privileged seclusion and separation from the facts and practicalities of the real world) or those who are constantly muttering to them, “Shouldn’t a righteous people inquire of their God?”.

But wait a minute…’s a better question. Should righteous people  be consulting (seeking informationRelated image or advice from) “the dead” (those who are absolutely unresponsive &  lifeless, in a spiritual sense) for the sake of the “Living” (those who are spiritually “alive” and “vibrant” because of Jehovah) 







20. If they don’t speak of (mention) the Law (Instruction) contained in this indictment (formalImage result for it's pretty dark in here gif list of Criminal-charges) , or the incriminating testimony revealed by it………. ……………then you know that they wouldn’t know light (truth) if it knocked on their front door in an attempt to sell them donuts!









21. Desperate and hungry, this million-men -generation of Melchizedek High Priests will roam the earth.Image result for kicking the bucket gif But,  when they are famished (on their last legs; ready to keel-over; starving to death; ravenous) and on their last legs (near the end of life; “about to kick the bucket”), they will become enraged and curse the very same “Prophets and Apostles” (icons; images; heroes; idols) to whom they’ve enthusiastically looked-up to and given (offerred; sacrificed) their very lives to support .







22.  But when Salt Lake Headquarters looks to their Church (Mormon Society) they behold nothing but distress (anguish; suffering) and darkness (ignorance; evil; immorality), and the gloom of those who have fallen (been driven out; been expelled; failed).







“A Child Is Born Unto Us”


23. Nevertheless, there is no gloom for those who,  in times past, beheld (witnessed the Related image  extraordinary) land of Zebulun (habitually destructive behavior passed on to the next generation; formation of habitually harmful patterns of behavior) and the land of Naphtali (“those who wrestle against Me,  Jehovah”; those who always oppose me (Jehovah),  then point (direct every Mormon male) to get their hands on (get a firm grip on) the authority of this (our) this generation of Israel’s People.   






22. Then they will look see (recognize; acknowledge) and behold (appreciate; acknowledge;Image result for fearful straits gif witness in horror) the distress (sorrow; suffering; anguish) and darkness (immorality; wickedness; ignorance) and fearful straits (predicament; mess) of those corrupt high priests who currently lead Israel’s people.

Chapter 9 – verses 1-20

……”For Unto Us a Child is Born”……

1. People who’ve hitherto (before now; previously) been walking (going along with; fumbling around in ; groping in; accustomed to; supporting) darkness (ignorance; corruption; iniquity) have suddenly seen a great light (been illuminated; “been shown what is really going on”).

The Light of Day (“truth”) is showing (revealing; exposing) that Mormonism’s chief-religious-Image result for mormon general authorities paidfunctionaries  are frauds (grifters; con-artists) ruling (reigning; sitting on thrones) over a  “Kingdom of Darkness”.  

Behold, the Gentile (non-Israelite) “Elders” (prominent men; General Authorities) of the Mormon Church are thwarting (stopping; prohibiting; precluding) Jehovah’s joy (great-happiness; bliss) as far as you (Israel’s people) are concerned, but  instead are promoting (encouraging the acceptance of) what Salt Lake refers to,  by way of euphemizm (an innocuous expression), as  “God’s Plan of Happiness”. They use rhetorical-strategy to sugar-coat (disguise) a shameful “Bait and Switch”  razzle-dazzle.

2. The “Elders” (prominent men;General Authorities) at the head of Salt Lake’s leadership-society gain a sick (morbid; sadistic; ghoulish) kind of amusement; (pleasure; enjoyment) as youImage result for group of businessmen laughing gif" (rank and file Mormons; Israel’s people) to turn-away (apostatize; fall-away) from Jehovah and His established Old-Testament principles in favor of Salt Lake’s false (counterfeit; substitute) doctrines and worship-customs.

Their laughter and amusement look (appear; seem) like the euphoric-excitement of “thieves” (cat-burglers),  when they are about to divide-up the plunder (stolen-goods; loot) and distribute portions (shares) of it among themselves.

3. Salt lake’s presiding Authorities have the utmost of confidence in their own wishful-Image result for alfred hitchcock making a mobile gifthinking (self-delusion; fantasy; self-deception) that Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) will forever cherish (cling-to; hold-dear) Salt Lake’s yoke (collar; noose)  on their “Neck” (“Communion-with-God”) as well as Salt Lake’s bogus-authority resting-upon (built-on ) Israel’s shoulder (“inherent sense of responsibility and urgency”) .

Salt Lake’s men epitomize (are a perfect examples of) “A-Failure-Of-Imagination” (Inabliity to anticipate incidents with significant negative impact”). Salt Lake’s men don’t believe that You (Jehovah) have the power to  break (destroy; crush)  their rod (authority; staff; scepter) of oppression,  as you did for Israel in the “Day-of-Midian”.

* “Day of Midian”-the Midian War was intended for Israel’s people to exterminate the Midianites, who, with help from Moabites (‘men who’ve departed from their Eternal-Father’) deliberately set out to destroy Israel’s people thru beguiling them into participating in Midian’s idolatrous religious practices.  Midianites had a chequered past in the history of Israel, originally being descendants of Abraham, and the ancestors of Moses’ wife,  Zipporah (meaning in Hebrew: “Little Chirping-Bird”). However, Midians turned out to be hostile enemies to Israel. This “Day of Midian” reference harkens us back to the miracles found in (Judges 6-7) when God worked a great miracle through Gideon and his pitifully outnumbered band of warriors. The “Day of Midian” was the day that God vanquished Israel’s foes through a mighty defeat that depended solely on a group of men armed with nothing but clay jars, torches and trumpets. God saved the day and made it quite plain that this was no ordinary military victory: this was the arm of the Lord at work, to save Israel’s people. .

A day of supernatural salvation

You might remember the story from Judges 6-7; an exasperated Gideon asked, “Please, Lord, how can I save Israel? Behold, my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.”Gideon and his men blow horns, smash jars, wave torches, and shout And the Lord said to him, “Don’t worry… I’ll be with you, but you shall strike the Midianites in-unison (“as if you are one person”).
 On the Lord’s instruction, Gideon whittled his Israelite-army down to just 300 select-men , but equiped each of them with (1) a torch, (2) a clay-jar and (3) a trumpet. They encircled the Midianite army and at just the right moment,“They blew the trumpets, then let go of (dropped; dumped) the clay-jars, so they could wave the torches with their left hands.
Then they cried out simultaneously, “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!” Every Israelite soldier remained standing in his strategic-position around the camp, but the Midian army bolted (ran suddenly out of control).  The Midianites were so terrified that they ran wildly in all directions. In the chaos, they began to attack one another. When Israel’s 300 men blew the trumpets, the Lord was actually setting (inciting)  every Midianite soldier’s man’s sword against his own comrades and against the rest of the Midianite army.”


What a resounding and supernatural victory!
This is the “Day of Midian” – a day of trumpets, broken-jars and torches shining in the darkness. Victory for the Lord and his people, while their  enemies are confounded by broken jars and brightly shining lights. These themes might bring to mind some New Testament verses:
“For God said, “Let light (truth) shine out of darkness” to provide Israel’s people with a knowledge (an undersatanding ; a comprehension) of the glory (importance)  of God in (thru) the face (purposes; intentions; objectives) of Jesus Christ.  So, now (in the latter-days) we, too, have treasures (prized-possessions; valient-spirits) housed in jars (mortal-bodies) of clay, to demonstrate that the surpassing (supernatural-power belongs to God and not to us.” (2 Corinthians 4:6)
 “Light shines in the darkness, but darkness hasn’t a clue about how to shut it off (get rid if it; turn it off!)Pure-light (the light of Jesus Christ; intelligence; truth) , which enlightens everyone who accepts it,  has come into the world… and to everyone who receives it, i.e. believes in his name, Jesus Christ gives the right (privilege; entitlement) to become a Son (an offspring; a successor; a Scion) of God, who is born (brought-forth; sired; delivered) not of blood ( DNA; human-genetic-make-up) nor of the will of the flesh (the-body)  nor of the will of man (mortal-beings) , but of God, himself.” (John 1:5, 9, 12-13)
Yes, Yeshua came into this fallen (degenerate) world, as a weak and vulnerable little baby. He brought “The-Light-of-God(“divine-intelligence”) and salvation (rescue; deliverance) to all who call upon (ask of) him. The wonderful incarnation, (embodiment; personification) that a “Son of God” receives, should be compared to the “Day of Midian”, in that God is telling us we cannot do it ourselves. He delights to save us in our weakness. We must learn to trust and lean upon him for salvation.
“The Lord said to Gideon, “The people with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand, lest Israel boast (brag) to me…..”, saying, “Look at me….my own hand (power) has saved me!.” (Judges 7:2)
God is insulted when we think we can do things all by ourselves. A reference to the “Day-of-Midian” in a passage about the incarnation (epitome; perfect-example) of Yeshua (“A deliverer from oppression”), our Messiah (“Anointed-One”) is entirely fitting. No word in the Bible is out of place. As we rejoice in the miracle of Yeshua (“A Deliverer from oppression”).
The true-light (what we need to know; truth) is coming into the world today (in the latter-days) to save us. So……let’s remember that the “Day of Midian” reveals that God wants Israel’s people to know (understand; grasp the idea) that they cannot save themselves. We (Israel’s people) desperately need a savior. Praise (thank) God for providing Yeshua (“A deliverer from oppression”).



4. Every Mormon boot (act of abuse; act of cruelty) that’s involved in SaltImage result for symbolism of military boot crushing" Lake’s  battle (tenacious-struggle)  to achieve  and maintain oppressive-control over Israel’s people,

and Every pair of Mormon “Under-garments”,  (“holy-underwear”) worn by priesthood leaders as they roll-along (proceed-smoothly; advance without problems or difficulties) at the cost (expence; sacrifice) of Israel’s blood (lives; indwelling-power; “manna”; personal power; life-substance) will end-up serving as fuel for the fire (holocaust; conflagration).



5. For….. you see (you know; after all) ……a “Scion” (bud; shoot; descendant; brand new growth) has been brought-forthImage result for It's a woman!" (born) unto us (Israel’s people). A lawful-heir (statutory “Next-Of-Kin”) has been given (provided; presented; supplied; furnished; granted) to our generation of Israel’s people and Jehovah’s government (administration) will rest (depend)  upon her Israelite shoulders (sense of responsibility and urgency). Yes….it’s a woman!

Jehovah will proclaim her “honorific” (title that conveys respect and rank)

(1)  “Wonderful” (“marvelous”)

(2) “Counsellor” (Justice”)

(3)“El-Gibbor” (“Mighty-Heroine”)  

(4) “Mistress of Eternity” 

(5) Teacher (vizier; interpreter) on behalf of The Eternal (everlasting) “King” (overlord; sovereign) of Peace” (security, health and welfare), i.e. “Yehweh” (Israel’s God). 



6. There is nothing that can stop (interfere with; bring an end to; stay; hold in abeyance)  the throne of David (“Jehovah’s Loved-one”; “Jehovah’s Darling”) and nothing in this world can threaten (intimidate; menace) David’s royal dominionImage result for harmony" (administration; jurisdiction), so  Jehovah’s “Darling” (beloved; “dear-one”) has all the time she needs to balance (bring to or hold in equilibrium; poise) Israel’s people for “harmony” (“conformity”; agreement) with Jehovah’s judgment and in support (loyalty; approval) of Jehovah’s acumen (ability to understand and reason) thru their customs (habits; practices) as well as their beneficence (alms; donations; philanthropy),  from this day forward and throughout eternity. An ardent zeal (determination; enthusiasm) for the cause (ground of legal action) of the “Lord-of-Hosts” will accomplish this.

7. The Lord is sending (is directing)  this message (criminal-Image result for there's somebody here to talk to you gif"indictment)  against (charging; prosecuting; accusing) Jacob (a lineage of frauds). They’re all in big trouble!

They’ve been committing terrible crimes against humanity,  but first, the indictment will “unyoke” (unharness; liberate; emancipate) Israel’s people.                                                                                                                                                                        👍





8. All of Mormonism’s Israelite people know (have been taught) little about Ephraim *(Israel’s clan of rightful priests and bishops), and so much time has passed since Ephraim’sGolden Age” (idyllic time of peace, prosperity, and happiness) that today’s Mormons (rank and file Israelites)  have become blase’ (indifferent; casual) about Ephraim’s People,  but they can see (view; witness),  with their own eyes, the moral-bankruptcy of the presiding officers at Salt Lake Headquarters, who reign (sit-upon)  thrones of Samaria (“guardianship”; custodianship) over Israel’s people  while boasting ( bragging)  about their achievements, possessions, and abilities. They are working hard to justify (legitimize) their actions, by boasting…….

Ephraim-one of the 12 tribes of Israel that,  in biblical times,  comprised the people of Israel who later became the Jewish people. The tribe (Ephraim) was named after the youngest son of Joseph, himself a son of Jacob.
After the death of Moses, Joshua (an Ephraimite), led the Israelites into the Promised Land and assigned territory to each of the 12 tribes. Members of Ephraim’s tribe settled in the fertile, hilly region of central Palestine. They gradually gained great power, because the Ephraimites acted as hosts to the tribal assemblies and had within their borders such religiously important centers as Shiloh and Bethel.Image result for Ephraim"
In 930 BC the tribe of Ephraim led the 10 northern tribes in a successful revolt against the south and established the Kingdom of Israel, with Jeroboam I, an Ephraimite, as king. The seventh king of Israel, Ahab (reigned c. 874–c. 853 BC), was also an Ephraimite. His generally peaceful reign was marred (blighted; hurt; damaged) by the worship of the Canaanite god Baal by his wife, Jezebel. From about 745 BC, the northern kingdom was often referred to as the Kingdom of Ephraim, a reflection of the tribe’s importance. Assyrian conquerors overran the kingdom in 721 BC, dispersing some of the inhabitants and gradually assimilating others, occurrences that account for the eventual disappearance of the tribe of Ephraim along with the nine other northern tribes. They have become known in legend as the “Ten-Lost Tribes-of-Israel”.






9. “Sure (so what if) ……some “bricks” (mudbricks; clay-bricks; bricks that we’ve formed andImage result for mud bricks making" molded) get hardened (descensitized; callous; cruel) in the  kiln (oven; furnace) of affliction and have “fallen-from-grace” (lost status, respect, or prestige in the eyes of God),  but we can simply replace them with another one of our endless supply of stones (hard-hearted men; pitiless-high-priests; cruel-high-priests; cold hearted high-priests).

We’ve dressed (carefully-prepared; carefully-groomed) them to rebuild (restore; repair; build-up) the Church again,  after it’s been damaged . “So what if” (we don’t care if)  …..some Fig-Trees * (Judah’s bloodlines) have been felled (cut-down; hacked-down), because we can replace them, too, with our trees (lineages; bloodlines.)  

* fig-trees- Historically, the fig tree was a symbol of the nation (lineage bloodline; dynasty;line of herefditary rulers) of Judah, whichImage result for fig-tree" often seemed (appeared) to be thriving because its abundance of foliage (leaves), but in a spiritual sense,  Judah wasn’t producing any fruit. The Messiah often rebuked the Jewish scribes (high-priests who copied documents, especially before printing was invented) and in particular, The-Pharisees (members of the Jewish social sect distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity; self-righteous men; hypocrites) for their lack of spiritual fruit.
In Matthew’s parable of the vineyard, he concluded by saying, “Therefore I say unto you, that the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation (people) who will bring forth the fruits thereof.”(verse #43). Verse #45 continues, “And when the chief priests and Pharisees heard Matthew’s parable, they perceived that it was speaking (referring) to themselves (Pharisees and Chief-Priests). Thus,  the cursing of the fig tree represented a curse upon the nation (people) of Judea (Judah). In verse #20 Jeshua’s (Jesus’s) disciples marveled when they saw the fig tree wither away, asking, “How soon will  the fig tree wither away?” This was nothing less than a prophecy of the coming destruction of the Judean nation (Judah’s kingdom) by the army under Titus in 70 A.D. (just thirteen years later). Indeed,  the Judean fig tree was to wither very soon!


10.  Jehovah is strengthening the victims (casualties; prey) of Rezin (runners of Salt LakeImage result for climbing tendrils gif" headquarters; tendrils of Salt Lake Headquarters; threadlike climbing-organs, which attach themselves to other plants, for support). 

Jehovah is spurring-on (urging; inciting; stirring-up; fomenting) Israelites who are against (opposed to; facing) Rezin (Salt Lake’s tendrils or messengers).






11.  Indeed, Israel’s people have been devoured (preyed-upon),  first by Aram (Syria’selites; Syria’saristocracyImage result for wide-open mouth") in “The-East” (the ancient past; by gone days). But,  now…Salt Lake’s Philistines (boobs; buffoons) in “The West” (our era; the last days) are doing the same thing, today.  They both use their  wide-open (licentious; wild; lying; lawless) mouth (prophet) to “pull-the-wool over the eyes-of” (deceive; swindle) Israel’s people.

Because of this (the situation just mentioned), Jehovah’s anger is concentrated (focused; pinpointed) on Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Organization, yet He (Jehovah) continues to extend (offer; extend) His hand (“holy spirit”) to them.


12.  Salt Lake’s leaders and their people won’t (can’t; refuse to; fail-to) repent (return) to Jehovah unless (except under the circumstances that) HeImage result for knockout punch gif funny" (Jehovah) virtually  “punches their lights out” (sucker-punches them; beats them up so badly that they’re knocked-out).

Then, and only then, will they decide to keep-in-mind (consider; acknowledge; remember) the Lord of Hosts, who they’ve habitually loathed (repudiated; spurned).




13. So, in one single day (era; generation), Jehovah is cutting-off (stopping; terminating;Image result for embezzlement" removing; severing) Salt Lake’s “head”, its “tail”, and  its bastion (refuge; hiding-place; headquarters; sanctuary; church) for frauds (pretenders; fakes; imposters)  and embezzlers (crooks;on-artists; Trust Bandits).    




14. The “Elders”  and prominent men (leaders) officiating at Salt Lake headquarters constitute the head. Prophets, who teach Israel’s men how to tell-lies (speak falsely and utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive) and get away with it (never be caught), are the tail.Image result for First presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles"



15. The men who guide (shepherd; direct) this-people (Mormons) are

Image result for primrose path" misleading (beguiling; betraying; deceiving; duping) them and those who tolerate (allow; indulge) Salt Lake’s leaders are being led-astray (led down a “Primrose Path *).
* Primrose path refers to a way of life that is easy and pleasant, but in fact, leads to one’s destruction or some other bad consequence. It is often expressed as leading someone down the primrose path. The idiom “primrose path” was first used by William Shakespeare, in his 1602 play, Hamlet: “Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven; Whiles, like a puff’d and reckless libertine, Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads, And recks not his own rede.”


16. Notwithstanding (regardless of)  the charismatic charm (power of pleasing and attracting; magic; enchantment; magic-spell) projected by Salt Lake’s “golden-boys” (General Authorities; presiding officersprophets, seers and revelators), Jehovah isn’t impressed (snowed; fooled; bamboozled) one bit, by any of it.

On account of this, therefore, the Lord is just plain “torqued-off” (pissed-off; cheesed-off; mad; irritated) at the  “golden” (chosen) boys of Salt Lake headquarters and has in mind (has decided; has determined) to choose Israelites who Salt Lake has mercilessly rendered “fatherless” (orphaned; deprived of their Eternal Father)  and “widows” (Israelites who’ve been exiled, banned, ostracized, snubbed, andImage result for "fancy-pants""  “black-balled”) from their own leadership.

Jehovah has no pity,  whatsoever, for Salt Lake’s “fancy-pants” (pretentious; “highfalutin”; egomaniacal) prophets or for their haughty (disdainful; snobbish; stuck-up; conceited) extended families.

All of ’em are profaned (polluted; defiled)  and all of ’em are teachers (promoters) of evil (wrong-doing and sin) and every one of their mouths (prophets; spokesmen) speak vile (morally debased, depraved, or despicable) words (things).


17. You gotta know that, these men’s personal wickedness (sinfulness) is consuming (eating-away) their souls,  just as fire eats-up (devours; consumes) briers and thorns as well as settingImage result for Country-Club-Society" people ablaze (on-fire) for the church,  among the thickets (dense-underbrush) of low-ranking (trivial) Mormon vines (lineages; bloodlines; families) so that they, too,  might become intertwined (entangled; intermarried) with prominent (well-known) Mormon families and be lifted-up (thought of as admirable) in the minds (estimation; judgment) of Mormonism’s “elite” (upper-class; Country-Club-Society; upper-crust). 


18. Because of the Lord of Host’s outpouring of anger (outrage; wrath), Salt Lake’sImage result for deforest by burning" world (society; life; priesthood-organization; realm; “system-of-things”; domain; sphere) will be  cauterized (sterilized; carbonized; disinfected by burning; closed-off)  ) and Salt Lake’s race (species; breed) of people will be fuel for the fire. 

And you can betyour bottom dollar that their Confederates (families; brethren; accomplices; abettors; friends and associates who encourage them in committing crimes) won’t be spared (forgiven; excused; exempt)


19. On (based on; taking advantage of) their fraudulent privilege  (advantage; immunity; prerogative), these sorry (despicable; pathetic)  “Sons-O’-Bitches” swallow-up (devour; take possession of) the minds of Israel’s people, until Israel’s  natural faculty (capacity) for “critical-thinking” (objective-analysis; inquiry; reasoning; examination and determination) begins to atrophy (dwindle) and finally disappears, altogether.   But the stomachs * (lives; souls; appetites) of Salt Lake’s Priesthood Authorities are never satisfied (contented; pleased).  So, they turn-themselves-to (begin to use) their “left-side” (“power of darkness; power to obstruct; Image result for power of the dark side gif"power to curse; power to damn) Israel’s people, but this move doesn’t satisfy (fill) their poor “busted” (bankrupt) souls (lives; stomachs), either.  

It must be remembered that Salt Lake’s “Pupenda-Viri” (Latin for: “shameful-men”; “disgraceful-men”; contemptible-men”; “dishonorable-men”) actually “feed-on” (thrive-on; get their greatest nourishment from ) the “chokehold” (stranglehold; control) they have on Israel’s “Eternal-Life” (spiritual-growth; “development-of holiness”) and that chokehold (stranglehold) is occasioned (achieved; brought-about) and maintained (retained; preserved) by leading Israel’s people to commit idolatry (“Idol-worship; Hero-worship).   

 * “stomach”-is normally translated as chai”, a  (life) – a western abstract meaning, but the original Hebrew concrete meaning of this word is the “stomach”. In the Ancient Hebrew mind, a full stomach is a sign of a full “life”.


20. Manasseh (men who forget about Jehovah; men who don’t give a “tinker’s damn”Image result for penguins... this really sucks" about Jehovah) want to be part of Ephraim (Israel’s legitimate bishops and priests) while Ephraim (Israel’s legitimate bishops and priests) carries-on (manage operations) like Manasseh (men who don’t give a tinker’s damn about Jehovah; men who forget about Jehovah). 

Because of all this, Jehovah’s anger is focused on Salt Lake’s Headquarters, but his hand (“holy-spirit”) is still extended (offered; available) to them.




Chapter 10 – verses 1-34

“The Trouble with Tribbles”……Oops!…..I mean Assyria * 

Image result for Trouble with Tribbles gifPrecisely (in exact terms; without vagueness),  Assyria means: “a-strategy” (a tactic; a scheme; maneuver or ruse devised to gain advantage). The name “Assyria” is Isaiah’s code (secret language) for “a trick” that functions as a  “Means-To-An-End.”  Anciently, (2nd century B.C.E.) The “Empire of Assyria” flourished as a kingdom of northern  Mesopotamia that became the center of one of the great empires of the ancient Middle East. Assyria was located in what is now northern-Iraq and southeastern Turkey.

 Image result for Identification-badge
* Isaiah also uses the name (term) “Assyria” as a kind of “Identification-badge” to label a mindset” (established set of attitudes, prejudices, and strategies to perpetuate them). A complete, including its most important aspects, interpretation of “Assyria” goes something like what is written below:



“Widespread enslavement of people is achieved through teaching  “a-lie” that blinds them to “the-truth”, while keeping them in subservience and punishing them for their submission”


The Empire of Assyria can’t be defined by its location (space), or by its era  (generation; time) of existence.  Space/time (our universe; our earthly-realm; our mortal-existence) is a structure (complex-system; order; configuration) which fuses four dimensions: (1)  height, (2) length, (3) width, and  (4) time into one seamless four-dimensional continuum. Isaiah uses the name Assyria to identify a systematic (methodical; well-organized) force (dominance; power) that ruins (destroys; neutralizes) its opponents (enemies; rivals) by sucking them “lock, stock, and barrel” * into its “Materialistic” (profane;  secular) “Perception-of-Reality” (way of thinking), which is circumscribed (delineated-by; confined-to) the five-physical senses, i.e.
Image result for Indiana Jones shots his opponent gif
(1) The way something sounds
(2) the way something looks
(3) the way to somethings handles or feels to the touch
(4) the way something tastes
(5) the way something smells


*lock, stock, and barrel” -refers to the parts of a gun.   There are three major parts of a gun, the lock (firing mechanism), the stock (wooden handle), and the barrel (through which the bullet travels). If one has a lock, stock, and barrel, then one has everything that makes up a gun. If one can fire a gun at his opponent……….. he wins!


An Empire, by definition, is an extensive (far-reaching) group of people; community; nation; or race that is dominated by a single supreme authority.   In this context, the “supreme-authority” is: “Materialism” (desire for possessions; preoccupation with materialImage result for Materialism considerations and temporal-acquisitions). “Materialism”is the polar opposite of “spirituality” (concern for the human spirit or soul). The essence (spirit) of Assyria asserts (states confidently and forcefully) that material-wealth and temporal-comforts always trump (outmaneuver; surpass; supersede) spiritual values.
The danger presented by  “Mormonism” is that “Materialism” (a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values) permeates and drives this latter-day religion, but it is cleverly disguised (covered; hidden; cloaked; concealed) beneath a professionally-crafted public-image (window-dressing; facade; veneer; showmanship) of   “spirituality” 
The same Empire of Assyria (materialism; disdain for spiritual matters) that once flourished in northern-Mesopotamia in the 2nd century B.C.E.  has “reared its ugly head” (appeared in all its hideousness after sleeping for over two millennia) in the form of Mormonism.  As Assyria’a latter-day incarnation (manifestation; embodiment)Mormonism” (The Corporation Of the President Of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints) virtually swallows  (eats; incorporates;assimilates; absorbs;  ingests)  its competition (opposition) into its  “Strategically-Organized-Hypocrisy”.
Thus,….. fraud (knowingly-misrepresenting truth and/or concealing material facts to induce others to act to their detriment)  tops the list of criminal offenses committed by the Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Leadership (First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles). 
 If truth be told,  “The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints” is a “misnomer” (wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term) because contrary to what the name implies (promises), Jesus Christ is not  “The-head” of this church.


The following segment is borrowed from the (Blog) PURE MORMONISM  authored by Rock Waterman –  October 31, 2010.

In 1923 the  The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints was chartered as a corporation by its then President,  Heber. J. Grant.  “Corporate existence”, according to Roberson’s Business Law, “is a privilege granted by a sovereign upon compliance with specified conditions.”
So that’s a problem for any church that gets a hankering to incorporate, because in “The Church”, Jesus Christ is supposed (presumed; reputed) to be the sovereign (supreme ruler; Monarch) .. When application is made to incorporate a church, the will of Jesus Christ becomes subordinate to the will of the state. As the maxim goes…..
                                “A church that charters itself as a corporation, in effect,  divorces itself from Christ.
All of this incorporating of churches is unnecessary in America anyway, because churches automatically operate in a sphere separate from the state. Governments have no jurisdiction in the church, whatsoever. There is no tax advantage for a church to incorporate, as some mistakenly believe. But there is an advantage …….if………… that “Church” actually “intends to operate as a business”. Then it can exchange (sell; trade) its sovereignty for “special-privileges” granted by the state-government,  which is just what Heber J. Grant, President of the church that used to be “The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day-Saints” in 1923.
What people think of as “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”, operates today as a mere trademark of the real Image result for corporate Jesuscorporation  that owns that name. The church that used to go by that name, and which claimed Jesus Christ as its head (sovereign; king), does not exist today in any legally-recognized form. Choosing the right “member-friendly” name for the church may not have posed a problem in 1923. But, even still a name like  “The Corporation of Jesus Christ Of-Latter-Day-Saints” sounds really creepy and, of course, that name would have created a “public relations nightmare”  for Church Headquarters.  This incorporation maneuver happened in 1923 (nearly a century ago), so information about it never reached the public’s ear. There was only a nascent (budding;  embryonic) Public Affairs Department for Church Headquarters, so until recently it was just as hidden and obscure to church members as it was to the general public.
A corporation is an organization chartered by the state and given legal rights that are “separate from its owner’s”. Think of a robot that you and your friends control. It has no brain and no soul, but it can walk around and pick things up; it can do stuff for you. That’s a corporation. It can do stuff for you. Except unlike a robot, a corporation has no actual form. No body! No robot hands or robot feet. So if you can visualize a robot that has no mechanical parts, you’re close to mastering the concept. A corporation is an entity. What is an entity? It’s a thing. What is a thing? It’s an entity. So now, the legal (official as of 1923) name (designation)  of what used to be “The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day-Saints” is now …….




Also written into the charter of the “Corporation of the President”,  as amended,  was exactly how the line of succession was to operate within the Church. In order for there to be no question as to who held the “purse-strings” following the death of the church’s president/prophet (the “Sole” in a ”Sole Corporation”), the Senior Apostle automatically becomes the next president of the Corporation.
 Welcome to the world of law
 Because a corporation is a robot-like entity that you cannot touch, it is neither inherently good nor inherently evil, but it has a life of its own, and if the batteries are good, that robot can live on after you and your friends are dead and gone. Sometimes that can be a problem. Originally corporations in America were not meant to outlive their creators. Today they do. One of the biggest problems with a corporation is that under the law, a corporation is actually considered a “person.” That’s why it is often defined as a “legal-fiction”. That is, this “person” is legal, but he isn’t real. It’s a fictional person. It isn’t flesh and blood. It has no soul!
And that’s the rub. Although it is treated like one, a corporation is not a human being, and usually, no real live person within a corporation can be legallyRelated image held responsible for the harm a corporation might do. The corporation can be fined, but that fine is usually absorbed by the stockholders. The board member’s salaries remain sacrosanct. Indeed, the directors of a corporation can, in a way, transfer their sins to the corporation, which will absorb them without much consequence. In the words of the British Baron Edward Thurlow, the problem with corporations is “they have no soul to save, nor body to incarcerate.” Most tellingly, a corporation is not something that can stand accountable before God. So if you believe in the doctrine of personal accountability, you can see the “Crack in the Plan” right there. – Thank you- Rock Waterman-Pure Mormonism (Blog)  –  October 31, 2010.




Entity Number: 555534-0145
Company Type: Corporation – Sole
Address: 50 EAST NORTH TEMPLE Salt Lake City, UT 84150
State of Origin: UT
Registered Agent: Corporate Agent Services, LLC

Registered Agent Address:
36 S STATE ST STE 1900
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Status: Active


Status: Active  as of 11/26/1923
Renew By: N/A
Status Description: Current
The “Current” status represents that a renewal has been filed, within the most recent renewal period, with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code.
Employment Verification: Not Registered with Verify Utah


Registration Date: 11/26/1923
Last Renewed: N/A

Additional Information

NAICS Code: 9999 NAICS Title: 9999-Nonclassifiable Establishment

Doing Business As


Even though Mormonism’s “Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde (“I want it, but I don’t want to look like I want it”; bi-polar; mercurial; yo-yo; bubble-headed)  approach to (embrace of)  “Materialism” is  unanimously denied (repudiated) byImage result for Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde Salt Lake’s prosperous (wealthy; “well-heeled”; fortunate; happy; moneyed ) prophets, seers, and revelators, the truth of the matter is that… “Materialism” is what animates (excites and arouses) these General Authorities and “Materialism”  is what is leading  (mentally-guiding; calling the shots among) Mormonism’s rank and file (Israelite; ordinary)  membersas well.
 In point of fact, Salt Lake’s assurance of Assyrian “social/material-success” is “the”  “Golden-Thread”  that is woven (mixed; intertwined)  throughout the entire fabric (web; network) of Mormonism’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization. The following sentence summarizes Salt Lake’s tacit (understood or implied without being stated) promise of social popularity and financial success to zealous Mormon High-Priests.
“Ardently loyal high-priests in Mormonism’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization can expect a 
 guarantee of unparalleled social-popularity coupled with financial-success” 
This is the essence (heart; spirit; real nature; lifeblood; character; principle) of Salt Lake’s stratagem (scheme used to outwit or achieve an end).  It prospers (guides; directs) “Mormonism’s-Empire-of-Materialism”.   In fact…… Assyria has become the de facto (in practice; in fact, or in effect, whether by right or not)  God (supreme authority) of “Salt Lake’s CEO’s (Chief-Executive-Officers) since their pioneer ancestors arrived in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847.   The financial success and social celebrity enjoyed by Mormonism’s most successful and celebrated Priesthood Authorities is derived, almost exclusively, from a multiplicity of lucrative business (profit-making; money-making) opportunities made available to them through marriage ties and partnerships with other like-minded Melchizedek-high-priests, who’ve cultivated (established; built-up) their own network of business connections.
 “Doing-Business” (“making-deals”; “profit-making”) has  replaced (eclipsed; trumped) the “Word” (order; promise; Related imagecommand)  of God” as well as His (God’s) “shining-example” (ideal; son) Jesus Christto become  “the”  #1  priority,  among ambitious Mormon high-priests who are aggressively climbing (ascending) the church’s corporate ladder (pecking-order; hierarchy). 
 The Melchizedek Priesthood Organization is Mormonism’s “Good Ol’ Boy’s Club” (“Old-Boys-Network”). *  Because of the Melchizedek Priesthood Organization,  all top-church leaders, become multi-millionaires thru personal/business connections the virtual-labyrinth of church networks (webs; bonds; ties) and, of course, investments made as “insiders” (men peripherally involved in illegal activities).
 Presiding General Authorities (prophets and apostles) frequently occupy lavishly-paid seats (appointments; positions) as directors on the corporate-boards of a host of church-owned businesses. All this is supplementary to revenues of  10% tithing (offerings) from every employed Mormon,  coupled with “guaranteed-lucrative” book sales to a captive reading-audience of approximately 14 million Mormons, worldwide.  Sweet-deal Heh!   So much for Mormonism’s ” “Unpaid-Clergy” *.


* Unpaid clergy-Mormons and others who wonder about the salaries of top LDS leaders got a possible peek at those numbers Monday, whenImage result for mormon general authorities paid purported pay stubs for a high-ranking church official emerged online. Copies of the biweekly stubs for Henry B. Eyring — then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles — report that he earned $83,132.75 from the start of 2000 until the first week of December. Two more pay periods at $3,096.15 each would have put Eyring’s salary at $89,325.05 for the year. The 16-year-old records wereposted by “MormonLeaks” and show Eyring’s biweekly salary broken down into a living allowance ($2,192.31), parsonage or clergy housing, ($826.92) and a child allowance ($76.92).A second newly leaked document, from a more recent year, is a 2014 memo from the church’s Presiding Bishopric (which handles all financial issues for the faith), noting that the “base living allowance” for all Mormon general authorities was being raised from $116,400 to $120,000.


** “Old Boy Network”-An old boy network (society) or  (“Old-Boys’ Club”), refers to social and business connections among former pupils ofImage result for Brett Kavanaugh “male-only” private schools. The term originated from much of the British elite having attended certain public schools as boys, thus former pupils are “old boys”.  This is what “White-Male Privilege” looks like!
“Georgetown Preparatory School” in North Bethesda, Maryland is the alma-mater of recently confirmed, Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh. But, Georgetown Prep school is more like a “well-heeled”* (moneyed; elite; wealthy) liberal arts college than a high-school.


well-heeled-From a literal use in cockfighting: a “well-heeled” cock was provided with sharp spurs and could inflict maximum damage. From this developed the American frontier slang sense of being well-equipped. From this came the modern sense of being well-equipped in terms of money.



.      Isaiah Chapter Ten 


1. Woe (great sorrow and distress) to Salt Lake’s presiding-chief-priests who are ordaining  (enacting by law)  directives (injunctions;Image result for define narcissism orders) that encourage (embolden; inspire) the proliferation of of “Narcissism” (self-absorption; conceit; snootiness)  among Israel’s (rank and file Mormon) men.

Woe to  Salt Lake’s presiding-high-priests (chief-religious-functionaries) who prescribe (enjoin) wearisome (exhausting; strenuous)  toil (hard, menial, and dull work; drudgery) for rank and file Mormons (Israel’s people) as a means to sentence (punish;  condemn; penalize) them…….



2. ……so that they can advance (move-forward, quickly; promote) Salt Lake’s Melchizedek priesthood network (complex-system; arrangement). The network is specifically designed for aggressive (ambitious) men, who are eager to get hold of (gain-access-to) Salt Lake’s “Midianite” (idolatrous; pagan; heathen)  authority (dominion; jurisdiction). Salt Lake, then,  uses its Midianite (idolatrous; pagan; heathen) authority (jurisdiction; dominion)  to execute (defeat; put an end to) Israel’s-people.Image result for choking someone

In an effort to throttle (strangle; choke; hang; suffocate; asphyxiate) Israel’s people, Salt Lake (1) puts a stranglehold; (death-grip; chokehold) on Israel’s “neck” (“connection to God”; “relationship to God”), then  (2) strips (divests; dispossesses; deprives) Israel’s people, entirely,  of any rule (dominion; leadership; exercise of authority; sovereignty) over themselves.


Salt Lake’s Top-Melchizedek Priesthood leadership is “doing-its damnedest” (trying its utmost;Image result for Bandwagon using all of its resources; giving its “best-shot”) to hang (asphyxiate; suffocate; kill) Israel’s people while “hi-jacking” (seizing; “taking-the-wheel” of ) Israel’s “Bandwagon” (popular cause that attracts growing support; “cause-célèbre”).


Salt Lake’s goal (objective) is to eclipse (obscure; darken; block-out) the “Work Of Redemption” that is performed by Image result for desolate palaces Jehovah’s (Israelite) people.

As a result, Israel’s palaces (royal-houses; royal-lineages; royal-bloodlines; royal-dynasties; royal-lines of hereditary rulers) are

(1) left desolate (forsaken; empty; vacant; abandoned) then….

(2) “taken-into-custody” (arrested; captured; seized) by Salt Lake Headquarters as booty (something that is taken by craft;  “spoils-of-war”). 





3. So……the BIG-QUESTION is…….     What are you (Israel’s people) doing to prepare for the “Day-Image result for barrelling toward you gifof-Reckoning” (“Judgment Day”) and…the inevitable (unavoidable; inescapable) calamity (disaster) that’s “barrelling toward you” from afar (Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah), even as we speak.

To whom,  will you (Israel’s people) run for help? And more importantly, whither (for whose cause) will all of you (Israel’s people) commit (pledge) your honor (integrity)?



4. You may have no alternative (possible-choice; option) but to cower (crouch down in fear)Related image   under the frightening authority of Salt Lake’s relentless (never-ending; oppressively-constant; incessant) thorns (deceptions; duplicities; frauds) or fall (collapse)  subject-to  (susceptible to; at the mercy of; under the yoke of;  vulnerable to) covetous Salt Lake General Authorities,  who are engaged in the slaughter (extermination; annihilation) of Israel’s people by “Acts-Of-War” 

Because of all this,  Jehovah’s anger can’t be  turned-away (dismissed; forgotten; avoided),  but his hand (“Holy Spirit”) is still extended (offered; conciliatory). 


“God’s Judgment Of Assyria”.

5. Woe (great sorrow and distress) to the rod (“billy-club”; hichory-stick;Related image “priesthood-authority”; device to beat people senseless) of Assyria (Mormon-Money-grubbers; Mormon-gold-diggers; Mormonism’s greedy-leadership) that Jehovah is making use of to express (articulate; demonstrate) His anger (annoyance;  displeasure; hostility).


Yes……Salt Lake’s Assyrian (“materialistic”; carnal; worldly-minded; money-oriented) Authority is being employed by  “Jehovah” as a Billy-Club” (“hichory-stick”) on the fannies (buttocks; backsides; kiesters; bottoms) of Israel’s forgetful (careless; inattentive; distracted) peoplenevertheless His hand (“holy-spirit”) remains outstretched (extended; offered; conciliatory).




6. I (Jehovah) have sent (commissioned; appointed) Salt Lake’s Assyrian (“materialistic”; carnal;Image result for it serves you right gif worldly-minded; money-oriented; money-grubbing) mind-set (mentality; psychology) to captivate (charm; fascinate; enthrall) a forgetful (careless; inattentive; distracted) Israelite people with whom I am angry.

The strength and power that I (Jehovah) possess,  as Israel’s God,  has forced (driven) Salt Lake’s  Assyrian (worldly; materialistic; money-grubbing; money-oriented) Authority (dominion; jurisdiction) against this (our) generation and upon Israelite people scattered throughout the world,  with whom I (Jehovah) am angry.


I (Jehovah) have caused Salt Lake’s thorns (falsities; deception; dishonesty; duplicity) to hurt (wound; injure; disable) Israel’s people.   I (Jehovah) have deliberately dispatched (hastened) Salt Lake’s “thorns” (falsities; deception;Related image dishonesty; duplicity) so that they would seize Israel’s loot (“birthright”; goods, especially private property, taken from an enemy in war) and snatch Israel’s plunder (prized-possessions; “cool-stuff”). 

So……“for the time being” (temporarily; in the interim) Israel’s people are trampled underfoot like “mud” (trash; filth; sludge; mire; muck)  that’s “in-the-streets” (not allowed in Salt Lake’s line of hereditary rulers).  





7. But this is not what HE (Jehovah) has ultimately (eternally) appointed for Israel’s people norImage result for God-fearing has he changed his mind about what he’s already reckoned (evaluated; judged; surmised).  

Rather, (preferably; instead) Jehovah has in mind to lay-waste-to (destroy) Salt Lake’s goy (non-Israelite; gentile ) leadership, while at the same time, he wants to jog (nudge; prod)  the memories (recollections) of many (not-a-few) “God-fearing” (earnestly religious) Gentiles,  who still have honest hearts, concerning His (Jehovah’s) Old Testament covenant with Israel’s eponymous-ancestors,  Abraham and Isaac.


8.  Indeed (if truth be told), saith the Lord,  don’t My (Jehovah’s) commanders (princes;Related image leaders; soldiers) behave just like Judah’s kings (Judah’s-Old Testament kings)?









9. Isn’t Calno (“Calanè, where the Tower of Babylon was built”) an awful lot like Carchemish (Salt Lake’s fortress of subjugators, conquerers, and vanquishers)? 

 And doesn’t Arped (Salt Lake’s loyal-fans; Salt Lake’s cheerleaders; Salt lake’s champions) think and act just like the men who run “The Salt Lake Citadel” (church-headquarters”), itself ? Image result for silk worm nest in tree 

And isn’t  Samaria (Salt Lake’s Melchizedek guardianship of Israel’s people) strangely comparable  to Damascus (a shiny network of “polished” high-priests that is constituted and maintained by maggots & worms)? 





10. Just as my hand (holy spirit) is reaching-out  (interacting with; touching)Related image to those (Israelites) who’ve been ruled (governed) by worms and maggots that have  gotten hold of Israel’s authority so they can point (direct everyone’s attention) to Salt Lake’s idols (stars; icons; celebrities) and their images (general impression that an organization presents to the public) more so than (to a greater extent than) Jerusalem (“Teachers of Peace and Salvation”) and those who try to preserve the security (place; position; honor; freedom; dignity; assurance) of this (our) generation of Israel’s people.




11. Shouldn’t I (Jehovah) deal with Samaria (Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Guardianship  of Israel’s people) andImage result for thinking emoji gif its graven (deeply-impressed; firmly-fixed) images (general impressions that an organization presents to the public) in the same way that I’ve dealt with Jerusalem and with her graven images?





12. And it will be (happen; occur; come to pass),  when I (Jehovah) finish allRelated image of my work (labors) with regard to Mount (the administration of) Zion and on behalf of Jerusalem (“teachers of Peace and Salvation”), My power,  as Israel’s God,  will punish the fruit (results; fans; disciples; followers) of the prideful-hearts of Assyria’s kings (Mormon Royalty, i.e.  Stake Presidents; regional representatives; general authorities) who are glorying (taking great pride and pleasure; reveling) in the pride (arrogance; cockiness; conceit) in/of their own eyes (estimation; sight). 




13. For,  you see…..Salt Lake’s cocky (self-assured; presumptuous) “crowned-heads” *(monarchs; royalty; stake Presidents; regional representatives; general authorities) are thinking to themselves……

 “We’ve done all of this by ourselves, by means of our own power and influence and thru our own craftiness and cunning because we’ve understood exactly what’s needed to remove anything that restricts access to the common, Israelite people, to their kinsmen, and especially, to their treasures. And ….., we’ve plundered  and subjugated them all unto us,  as if we’re some kind of Gods”.        


*Crowned heads-In the Mormon Church, the second anointing, also known historically and in Latter Day Saint scripture euphemistically (mildly or indirectly  worded or expressed instead of spoken or written bluntly  or in an uncompromisingly forthright way)  as “the fullness of the priesthood”, is an obscure and rarely mentioned (secret) ordinance conducted in the basements of LDS temples, after-hours (on days when the temple is otherwise not in use), as extension of the Nauvoo Endowment ceremony. Founder Joseph Smith, Jr. cited the “fullness of the priesthood” (crowning high-priests as kings and their wives as queens) as the most important reason for building the Nauvoo Temple (D&C 124:28).


Here’s how Mormonism lures its High-piests into allegiance to a lucrative contract (covenant; deal; business-arrangement) that offers them  the ultimate in “Conspicuous Materialism”……a throne of their very own!

(I’m a poet and didn’t know it!)

This is Mormonism’s pièce de résistance (crowning-achievement; “Masterpiece”; “Magnum opus”). In the ordinance, a Mormon couple (husband and wife) are anointed as a “king” and “queen”, then, they are sealed-to (ratified for; confirmed to; assured of; guaranteed) the highest degree of salvation available in Mormon theology. Couples who participate in this ordinance are said to have their “calling and election made sure”, and their celestial marriage “sealed by the holy spirit of promise”. They are said to have received the “more sure word of prophecy”. They are also admonished to never speak of the ordinance to anyone. Couples who are participants in this ordinance are recommended by other such couples. They are encouraged to recommend couples who are “just like themselves”. So…… the “by-invitation-only” ordinance is available exclusively to a participant’s relatives, close-friends, and associates. What part does Jehovah play in this “Frenzy-of-Favoritism” and preferential treatment?       Likely, none at all.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Oops!…. I forgot….…”The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints”),  the largest Latter Day Saint denomination, has performed the ceremony for nominated (fair-haired; popular; recommended; favored) couples from the 1840s to the present day. Current information about the practice by that denomination, or whether the ordinance is still in use, has not been made officially public by the LDS Church.


Don’t you just hate it when that happens?



14. Just as royalty’s hand reaches into any nest of birds which is pleasing, so does our hand (power; evil-spell;Image result for hand reaching in to a nest black-magic; sorcery) reach into the wealth (youth; riches; resources) of the nations (“goyim”; gentiles).

In the same way a man gathers abandoned eggs, throughout the kingdom, we (Salt Lake’s crowned-heads) are gathering, Israel’s people without the slightest “flapping of wings” to propect them and without so much as a peep (chirp; cry) of protest from anyone.


15. Does an ax (a Tool) elevate (glorify; exalt; magnify) itself above the one who employs it?  Or is aImage result for I am the chosen one cartoon “saw” * (“tool”; agent; chump; person who allows himself to be used) to be  “Celebrated With Praise” more-than (above and beyond) the one who is handling it, as if it (“the saw”) was in control of its handler (user), having in mind, those who are being lifted (exalted; promoted) as Israel’s conceivers (creators; masterminds; originators) so it (“the saw”) can cut-off (sever; disavow; dispossess; disinherit) “The-Branch” * (a righteous-offspring (descendant)  of Jesse)

* tool” – A guy with a hugely over-inflated ego, who in an attempt to get un-due attention for himself, will act like a jackass, because, in his deluded state, he will think it’s going to make him look cool, or make others want to be like him. The person may even insincerely apologize later on, but only in an attempt to get more attention, or to excuse his blatantly intentional, and unrepentantly tool-ish behavior Also, someone who is willing to do anything he’s told as long as it involves money or leisurely conveniences, to solely benefit this own craving withImage result for I am the chosen one cartoon utter disregard to principles and moral beliefs. This person will do things that are inconvenient when no other option is available and relies on the opinions and beliefs of others, because he is personally unprincipled.


**The-Branch” – (a new and surprising (stunning; unexpected; extraordinary) growth originating from the lineage (bloodline; dynasty;  family; line of hereditary rulers) of Jesse, who was King David’s father. 
 A shoot (“branch”; descendant of Jesse; sprout; bud) has come-forth (emerged) from the stump (what remains of the family-tree possessing the root-system and genetic code; DNA) of Jesse.  She is still firmly-rooted in the “ground”  (legal-claim or legal-argument; validity) of Jesse. 
    From Jesse’s roots (genetic code; ancestral heritage) ,  the Branch has born fruit.
   The Spirit of the Lord rests on her—including….
    the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
    the Spirit of counsel and of might,
    the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord— (Isaiah 11:1-2) 


16. Therefore, The Lord, God of Hosts (Heaven’s-Armies) is sending upon those who’ve been Image result for inferno nourished  (fed; sustained) for so long by Salt Lake’s wasted (misdirected; famished; useless) princes (high-priests standing in line to be crowned as kings).

Their “Hellish” (infernal; devilish) pomp (ceremony; ritual; display; pageantry) has kindled (caused; triggered; ignited; aroused) an intense (burning; deep-seated) passion (strong and barely controllable emotion) within the hearts of rank and file (Israelite) Mormons just like a blazing-fire (an-inferno; “hellfire”; the bottomless pit). 



17.  Whereas (when, in fact; in contrast with that fact),  the light (teachings; doctrines; brightness; brilliance; intelligence) coming from  Israel’s people generates (produces ; creates) universal-enlightenment (broad-insight; comprehensive-understanding; sweeping-intuitiveness) andRelated image Israel’s Holy-Ones (angels; saints) wield (control; use; employ; possess) “the”  flaming sword”  (the white-hot-radiance of the   “Word-Of-God”) and it will burn (exterminate;  remove) and eat-up  (devour; make short work of; elliminate) Salt Lake’s thorns (duplicities; falsities; deceptions) along with Salt Lake’s watchmen (men employed to look after an vacant-building, especially at night; guardians; custodians) within a single day (era; generation).




18. But,  the splendor (glory and honor) attributed (imputed) to their forest (plantation ofImage result for corporation sole leadership-family-trees) and their cultivated “Garden of Eden” (“heaven-on-Earth”; paradice; “Mormon-utopia”; promised-land) will be-consumed (be-finished; come to its end) because of Salt Lake’s “corporation-sole” *(A corporation-sole” is a legal entity (“personality”) consisting of a single (“sole”) incorporated office, occupied by a single (“sole”) natural person) and Salt Lake’s witness (testimony) of “flesh” (“beasts”; swine; demons; serpents; seducers) who are wasted (rotten; bad) and sick (ghoulish; sadistic) men.         

* “Corporation-sole” – a series of successive persons holding an office; a continuous legal personality or entitythatis attributed to successive holdersof certain monarchical and/or ecclesiastical positions, such as kings, bishops, rectors, vicars, and the like. This continuous personality (entity) is viewed as “legal-fiction” but it has the qualities of a corporation.



19. The family-trees (lineages; bloodlines; dynasties; lines of hereditary rulers) left-overKid Calculating GIF by TLC will be so few,  that even a child will be able to count (list; inventory) them.







20. And during that (our) day (generation; era) it will come to pass (happen; occur) that the remnant (remains) of Israel’s people and those who’ve survived (escaped; avoided-capture-by; disavowed) the House (family; lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) of Jacob (deceivers; swindlers; liars; frauds). They will no longer place their confidence with (rely-upon) men who strike them down (overrule-them; invalidate-them; quash-them; negate-them; assault-them; attack-them), but they will rely upon Jehovah, the Holy One Of Israel, because of “Truth”.



21. A remnant * of Jacob will also return to God Almighty.Related image

* Remnant- The concrete meaning of :Remnant” is ised in connection with disasters for example floods, famines, and war, which force a family or a laregewr group of people (tribe) to the very edge of their existence. A clear theological meaning attaches to this notion of  “that which remains or is left behind”  when it refers to a groupof people in a biblical context, since such contexts also involve questions of continuity of tradition (transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way) or, even more importantly, of legitimate authority and identity in reference to membership in a community .
 Rescue of a faithful remnant can also be viewed as a principle of “divine-action” toward human communities, somwething clearly emerging from the Flood narrative (Gen. 6-9) with its ancient Near-Eastern  background. Here, the saurvival of Noah’s family during a global catastrophe demonstrates the principle of “Rescue From Divine Judgmwent”. Once the political and sociological weight of the claim to the status of “Remnant” acquired central significance in the religious lifew of the Jews, earlier narrative traditions could be re-interpreted in light of this development.



22. Yo! (hey!) Israel….Though your people used to be as numerous as the sands of the sea, only aImage result for destruction remnant of them will return but a righteous and overwhelming destruction will be decreed (mandated; legally ordered) by them……..





23. ……although the Lord,  God of Hosts (Heaven’s armies) carries-it-out (executes; performsRelated image; finalizes; discharges; completes) that overwhelming-destruction in the midst (intimate-circles; families; neighborhoods; congregations; social-circles) of members in the Mormon Church.





24. Therefore, Thus saith the Lord, God Of Hosts (Heaven’s armies), “Oh my people,  who live inRelated image Zion (a bright and clear administration),……”Don’t be afraid of the dreadful-Assyrian men who are running Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City.  They are beating (overcoming; surpassing; defeating) you with their  scepter of authority. They are lifting it up against you (Israel’s people) just like Pharoah did long ago, in Egypt”.






25. Even now, my anger against you (Israel’s people) is coming to an end, and my wrath isRelated image being redirected toward their (Salt Lake’s) destruction. 





26. The Lord Almighty will lash (beat; batter) them violently with a whip (scourge) like HeImage result for plagues of egypt gif struck down Midian’s army at the “Rock” (refuge) of Oreb (“a blind series of hereditary rulers”) and raise (lift-up) his staff (scepter of divine authority; rod of punishment) against Salt Lake’s Magicians (sorcerers; wizards; warlocks, corrupt-prophets, seers, and revelators) and rise-up against them (Salt Lake’s General Authorities)  the same way He (Jehovah) did long ago, in Egypt. 



27.  During that (our-own) day (generation; era) it will come to pass that the heavy burden ofImage result for neck weariness (drudgery; exhaustion) will be removed (lifted) from your (Israel’s) shoulders (responsibility; accountability) then,  Salt Lake’s yoke (collar; coupling; harness) of slavery (servitude) to them will be removed from your “neck” (‘relationship to God”; “connection to God”) then the yoke (thralldom; enslavement; servitude; subjection) that Salt Lake has foisted (imposed; forced) upon you will be broken (undone; destroyed) because  you (Israel’s people) are the ones who’ve been anointed (ordained; consecrated) as Royalty. 



28. They (Mormonism’s ambassadors; missionaries; representatives) enter (penetrate;Related image gain-access to; infiltrate; sneak into) Israel’s house (family’ lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) thru (by means of it; via) the “Aith” (remnants, clueless-descendants; ruins; what’s left) of  Israel’s  ancient (once magnificent) dynasty (line of hereditary rulers),  then they  impregnate (permeate and modify and  transform; leaven) the women of Israel’s House (dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) until they can get their trembling hands (sorcerous powers; “powers of darkness”; magical-spells and enchantments) on/around the “necks” (“relationships to God”; conversations with God”) of Israel’s people, in anticipation of (waiting for; in expectation of) Salt Lake’s “talking heads” (General Authorities whose talks are  empty and pretentious) , who will then subjugate (overpower; subdue; enslave) them.

Salt Lake’s presiding authorities know exactly (precisely) what they are doing when they strike Image result for attack(attack rush; assault) Jehovah’s chosen vessels (Israelites into whom God’s spirit is infused) from among this (our)  latter-day-generation of Israelite people.






29. Salt Lake’s men  pass-by (neglect; disregard; ignore; abandon) Israel’s people,  because of Related imageprominent personal grudges  (resentments) that they have, so they’ve camped themselves against us.  They are terrified (extremely fearful; frightened; scared) of any revelation (disclosure; telling) of their putred (stinkin’; corrupt; rotten) administration of authority as a means to “give “hell” (the place of the codemned; sheol; hades; Salt Lake’s hidden place filled with darkness) a “try” (fling; attempt; shot).  






30. Cry-out with your loudest voice…O’ Daughter-of (one who depends upon) divine-revelations,Related image  They (Israel’s people) are “pricking up their ears” (“happy as can be”; paying-close-attention) in anticipation (expectation) of the “Good-Shepherd’s Staff (Jesus, the Christ’s real-authority).

Testify of Salt Lake’s corrupt (dishonorable; unscrupulous; disgraceful duplicitous) scheme so they may lift-up their own voice of authority in order to fix (secure; guarantee) priesthood authority for themselves and their own house (family; lineage; bloodline). offspring.





31. Those who are disenfranchising  (depriving; coercing; subjugating) Israel’s people liveImage result for twin towers hit by plane gif like kings (remain; reign; sit on thrones) because Salt Lake Headquarters “has a predilection for” (“is really into”) the “Exaltation” (aggrandizement; idolization; deification; worship) of sick (sadistic; ghoulish)  Men” to prove (convince everyone) that they are “Towers-Of-Security”. 



32. Yet,  during this (our) generation, because they stand (minister) in “high-places” (stunninglyImage result for homer shaking his fist gif beautiful Temple-complexes), Salt Lake’s leading priesthood Authorities continue to “shake their fists” at Mount (the administration of”) the house (dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) of Zion (“the brilliant administration of David” ; The “sunny” administration of Jehovah’s beloved-one, i.e. “His-Darling”)…..the administration of divine authority that belongs to Jerusalem (“Teachers of Peace and Salvation”). 


33.  See…the Lord God, Almighty is lopping-off (indelicately, cutting away) the foliage (plant leaves collectively; current generation) of Salt Lake’s violent (savage; uncontrollable;Image result for you're fired gif murderous; cruel; destructive)  House (family; lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line if hereditary rulers). Their lofty heights (high-places)  of their family-trees (pedigrees; family ancestry) are being cut-down (felled) and those of them who’ve been elevated to very-high positions of honor and glory will be brought-low (“fired”; “canned”; expelled;  dismissed; brought down; depressed; cast down). 



34. Jehovah will strike (cut-away; cut-down; abolish; eliminate) the thickets (intertwined lineages; intermarried families; inter-connected bloodlines) of their forest (massive-Related imageplantation of family-trees) by employing a caustic (burning; “Not-so-Delicate”) means (process; way; method) to expose (manifest; “bring-to-light”) Salt Lake’s whitewash (cover-up; camouflage) of the truth about its unrighteous conduct (behavior),  so its men may secure (fix; enjoy; guarantee) a seamless continuity (progression) of personal-authority by being illustrious (acclaimed; distinguished). They live in a delusional “Bubble” (a fortunate situation that is isolated from reality or unlikely to last.) 

End of Chapter Ten