Invitation To The Thirsty
1. Oye (Sigh!; Oh!; Ah!) all who are thirsty. Come to the waters……ye whose #1 priority is the look of success (social popularity; financial affluence; God’s favor)…….
Come on (do what you have previously refused to do) …scrutinize (examine and inspect closely and thoroughly) the Mind of God revealed thru the words of Isaiah’s indictment)…….
Eat-freely (partake- freely; dine as long as you wish; consume as much as you want ), that is to say, Come and freely sip (drink; sample; taste) the wine (“spirit”) and the milk (fat; the finest and choicest part) of spiritual food (bread; “Manna”; nourishment) that Jehovah is offering to strengthen your soul.
2. Why spend your valuable time (days; lives) consuming food (doctrine; instruction) that isn’t bread (solid-food; substantial-food)? You (Israel’s people) are being fed pablum * (bland and insipid intellectual triteness) and the food (doctrine; instruction) coming from Global Religious Institution’s “Men Of The Cloth” is little more than (not much more than) “Pap” (ideas lacking substance and real value).
Why accept (starve yourselves by; settle for) empty-talks and sermons (rhetoric; language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content) that can never bring you a genuine sense of satisfaction within your soul?
Listen….to me (Jehovah) again (as Israel’s used to do) and eat (enjoy) what is really (actually; truly; honestly)“good” (does exactly what it is supposed to do “; fulfills the expectations of God ) then your soul will truly delight in riches.
* pablum – is a processed (handled; prepared) cereal especially for “infants,” originally marketed by the Mead Johnson Company in 1931. The trademarked name is a contracted form of the Latin word “pabulum” which means “foodstuff”. In a broader sense, the word can also refer to something that is “bland”, “mushy, “unappetizing”, and “infantile”.
3. Behold (recognize; identify from having encountered them before; know again; remember; identify; notice) the trap (net; snare) that has been set by Global-Religious Institutions.
All (every-single-one) of you (Israel’s people) must sharpen your senses (open your eyes; “prick-up your ears”; be alerted) and come (return) unto me (Jehovah).
If you listen to what I (Jehovah) am telling you (Israel’s people), your souls will experience (know) what “Eternal Life” is. Indeed (verily) I (Jehovah) will enter into an everlasting “Covenant of Love” with all of you, as I did with David, so that you may be permitted, as David was permitted, to behold (observe; recognize; acknowledge; witness) the faithfulness and glory of this (our) final generation of Israel’s people.
4. See, I am giving (appointing; making; assigning) this generation of Israel’s people to be witnesses” (human-testimonials) for My (Jehovah’s) prosecution (legal proceedings against Global Religious Institutions) regarding charges of their criminal activities against humanity (the “Family of Man”; Human Race; mankind; humanity)
Israel’s people are prefects * (role models; paragons of virtue; heroes and heroines), not Salt Lake City’s men or Vatican City’s men.
They’ve been Chosen (appointed) by Me (Jehovah) to inspire (fill with the urge to do something creative, innovative, and “cutting-edge for the benefit of) the Human Family.
* prefect – (from the Latin praefectus, the substantive adjectival form of praeficere “put in front”, i.e., in charge) is a magisterial title of varying definition, but which, basically, refers to the leader of an administrative area. Prefects should act as the role model for all the students in the School. Prefects must adhere to School Rules and Regulations at all times. The main duty of prefects is to maintain an atmosphere of friendly cooperation, peace, discipline and unity in the School.
A prefect’s office, department, or area of control is called a prefecture.
5. Lo and Behold (observe something remarkable), You (Israel’s people) will summon an Israelite “Goy” (people who think they are affiliated only by governmental or territorial considerations; “the Nations of the world”; the world’s non-Israelites), with whom you have no acquaintance ( little or no knowledge; absolutely no familiar-ties).
“The-Gentiles” (“the Nations of the world”; the world’s non-Israelites) refuse to recognize ( acknowledge and accept; are totally ignorant of) facts and legal-realities regarding my (Jehovah’s) guarantee (promise; pledge) in support (endorsement) of your (Israel’s people’s) Almighty ministry (vocation as Ministers of religion) personally representing Jehovah, as his friend.
5. Therefore (for that reason; consequently) you (Israel’s people) will naturally (instinctively:
(1) attract attention; be noticed
(2) establish a relationship with a goy *(group of people who’ve been weakened; oppressed; troubled, distressed as a direct result of their family’s loss of status), but with whom you’ve not previously been intimately-acquainted or shared a close-personal-relationship.
This “Goy”( group of people who are in a weakened, oppressed, troubled; distressed) will naturally (instinctively; as expected; informally; spontaneously; instinctively) be attracted (drawn) to you.
Indeed (if truth be told) they will hasten (hurtle; rush) unto you on account of (because of; thanks to) the spiritual feelings (sensations) being stirred within them by the force of the covenantal birthright they’ve inherited from their ancestors, as descendants (heirs) of Abrahams’s lineage (bloodline; birthright ancestry).
The spiritual Power (reality; force) inherent in (intrinsic in; born in) the Covenant (promise) that Jehovah made with Abraham is “in-force” (valid; operative; compelling; persuasive) as it courses thru their veins. The Covenantal “Reach” (power; influence) of Jehovah’s ancient (Eternal) promise to Abraham is touching (awakening; arousing; thrilling) your soul, even now.
It is the force (interaction that, when unopposed, will change the direction of an object) that is urging you-on (directing you; galvanizing you; steering you) toward the Holy One (Angel; Saint) of Israel, so that you (along with your royal ancestry ) may be endowed Eternal (everlasting; never-ending) with splendor (honor because of; glory because of; beauty associated with; explanation about) who you are.
* Goy – can mean any or all of the following:
1. work-gang; a very loosely affiliated group of people through the bloodline, marriage or proximal residence; the empty remains; the hollowed-out remains; dead-remains; corpse; dead-body) that once was alive, vigorous, and well
2. a group of people who’ve become weak; oppressed; troubled, distressed by the loss of status
. 3. a group of people affiliated predominantly by political and territorial considerations.
.6. Seek (investigate; inquire of) Jehovah while He is easily found.
Call upon Him while He is “in the neighborhood”.
7. Let every man and woman forsake his/her wicked ways (habits; instincts) and let every one turn from his/her thoughts unto Jehovah, so that He (Jehovah) may be merciful and let them come to our (Israel’s) God, so that He/she may be granted a pardon.
8. Indeed (as a matter of fact), My (Jehovah’s) intentions (purposes) are not the purposes (intentions) of all of you, neither do all the ways (modes; rituals manners; courses) of a collective lot of your so-called “Men of The Cloth” guide (influence; bend; direct; impress; subdue; tame) Me (Jehovah) to execute their will!” declareth the Lord.
9. You see……. (hold-on…you don’t seem to have the understanding that I want you to have)…….
Just as the Heavens (individuals with whom God and His spirit dwell comfortably and feel “At-Home”) soar (fly; climb; mount-up; ascend) high above the Earth (those who are confined to this temporary sphere of existence), which provides sufficient space/time (opportunity; chance; circumstance; interval) between Eternities as a means to transform their mortal inclinations into eternal patterns of behavior…….
…………so (similarly) …… (Jehovah’s) ways (courses of life; modes of action; trodden-paths) are far-off (have departed; have disappeared; have become irrelevant; have been removed) from “space/time” (life upon the earth; mortal-circumstances).
10. As the rains and the snows come down from heaven and do not “return to Heaven” (evaporate; turn into vapor), without watering the earth and bringing-forth a flourish (sweep; slue) of new buds that ultimately (eventually) yield (produce; generate; provide) new seeds to sow (plant) and bread (food) to eat.
11. So (similarly; by the same token; truly) the word (instruction; truth; refreshment) going-out-from (spoken by; proceeding from) my mouth (organ of speech; prophetess) will NOT return to me (Jehovah) empty (not producing any significant or desired effect; fruitless)…….
….but, without a doubt (certainly; definitely) , it (“my word”; “The Word Of God”) accomplishes (succeeds in doing; achieves; brings-about) exactly what (the thing which) is my (Jehovah’s) desire and achieves the purposes (objectives) for which I sent my word.
12. Indeed (if truth be told) with joy (a feeling of great pleasure and happiness) you (Israel’s people) will convey (relay; transmit; impart) “My-words“; (Jehovah’s words) with peace (freedom from disturbance; tranquility) you (Israel’s people) will bring security (assurance; confidence; preservation; a guarantee; protection; safety) to the seed of Israel…….,
………who are pointing (directing everyone’s attention) to the Mountain (Administration) of Sorcery (magic, especially black magic) by Institutionalized Religion and prominent-religious leaders (religious-heads; eminent-clergy; celebrated “Men of the Cloth”; world-famous Ministers and Pastors) who are gleefully supplanting (replacing; superseding) the ministry of Israel’s people and snatching-away (seizing; stealing; appropriating; embezzling), Israel’s proclamation (official declaration issued by persons of authority to make certain announcements known) to suit their own selfish purposes and….
…….all the family-trees (lineages; bloodlines; dynasties) of this world are applauding (praising; saluting; extolling) them with “Standing-Ovations”.
13. The realm (world; earth sphere; human-population) which is below (morally/spiritually inferior), is being pointed (led; manipulated; navigated; directed; steered) to pledge allegience to a Corporate family-tree (lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary-rulers) that is fixed (determined; committed) to “lie-in-ambush” (hide and wait) in order to strike (bite; attack) Israel’s people like the serpents (sly and treacherous individuals especially ones who exploit a position of trust in order to betray that trust) that they really are.
The families (lineages; bloodlines) on mankind that are confined (sentenced; restricted) to the earth are lifting-up (glorifying; canonizing; revering; worshipping ) men who epitomize (are perfect examples of) spiritual-lances (spirit-killing-implements) and, if truth be told, they’re just cheesy * (blatantly-inauthentic; nauseatingly-sweet and sentimental).
* cheesy – Trying too hard, unsubtle, and inauthentic. Specifically, that which is unsubtle or inauthentic in its way of trying to elicit a certain response from a viewer, listener, audience, etc. Celine Dion is described by some as cheesy because her lyrics, timbre, key changes, and swelling orchestral accompaniment telegraph ‘I want you to be moved’ instead of moving you.
Gold chains on an exposed hairy chest are cheesy because they shout out: “I have money and I am manly” instead of impressing a woman in a more subtle way or allowing a woman to form her own judgments. The excessive showing off suggests he’s compensating for what he does not have–i.e., he’s actually poor, insecure, or short with an inferiority complex. Cliches are often cheesy because they are an obvious and artless way of making a point. A movie might be cheesy if it contains ‘on the nose’ dialogue, like “I can’t live without you!”
End of Chapter Fifty-Five