Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 51 – verses 1 – 22

“Everlasting Salvation For Zion”

1. Listen to Me (Jehovah), those of you who pursue (work-toward; aspire-to) righteousness andImage result for bedrock seek the Lord. Look-to (set your hope and confidence in) the bedrock (foundation; substratum) from which you were hewn (cut)  and the stone-quarry from which you originated.






2. Look to Abraham, the eponymous-ancestor; person, typically one more remote than aImage result for Abraham grandparent) from whom all of you (Israel’s people) descended and the quarry from which you (Israel’s people)  were hewn.

And look to Abraham’s wife, Sarah (“the Princess”).    She is responsible for initiating birth  (emergence of a baby from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being) for all of you.





3. Surely (undoubtedly; of course; without fail; assuredly) the God of Zion (“Vessels who safeguard Israel’s seed”)  will console (comfort; avenge; have compassion on; feel sorrow for ) whosoever (anyone who)  has been ruined (wasted;  desolated)  by the “so-called” (supposed; alledged; self-styled; self-named)  authorities (officialdom) of divine-revelation World's Ugliest Dog Contest entrants battle it out for title of ...and will make (turn; transform) the desert (“speeches”; the arrangement of words; emptiness; wilderness; wasteland) created by institutionalized religion’s “Men of the Cloth” into an Eden (a delightful place, region, dwelling; a paradise; a state of great delight, happiness, and contentment; bliss) and the mongrel (halfbreed; mutt; hybrid; crossbreed; bastard) Priesthood Authorities (officialdom) pointing (directing everyone’s attention) to “Great Things”….in other words…”their-revelations” as the “garden” (ground; basis;  foundation) of the “fine linen” (garments and robes; symbols) peculiar to their illegitimate  priesthood and the happiness that Israel’s people find in the “fine-linen” of The priesthood  unto offering thankgiving and songs of praise.



4. Divine revelation (this indictment) is  “Pricking-up Israel’s ears” (causing Israel’s people to become very alert; causing Israel’s people to listen attentively) unto Me light brian littrell GIF by BACKSTREET BOYS(Jehovah),…they are my people and my nation….my strength! They are weighing (assessing the importance of;  evaluating; thinking…pondering)  what they are reading.

Indeed (if truth be told), because it comes from Me (Jehovah),  the truth of my Torah (“instruction”) is going out (being brought forth; sent with commandments; being taken forth) and from my magistrates (judges who administer the law, especially ones who conduct courts that hold preliminary hearings for serious crimes) in order to light (illuminate; ignite; kindle; light-up; “turn-on”) the Twelve Tribes of Israel.




5. The kind of righteousness that comes from Me (Jehovah) is near (approaching; at hand; close in time; about to happen; imminent; forthcoming). The kind of Salvation (deliverance; rescue; redemption) that Wait Reaction GIF by Silicon Valleyis engineered by Me (Jehovah) is “on its way” (approaching; impending; en route). When it arrives my arms (Twelve Tribes) will bring justice to everyone,  functioning as my (Jehovah’s) agents.

The “islands” (people who have spent their lives set apart from involvement in and cares of this world) will have to wait (be held back; be bound)  until it is due time for them. Directed toward (preparing for; looking to) my arm (Twelve tribes),  they will wait with hope (faith; promise; dreams; anticipation;  longing).




6. Lift up your eyes to the “Heavens” (“Those with whom God and His Holy Spirit feel perfectly comfortable and “At-Home”) and make (let; permit; allow) them (“the Heavens”) to be your refuge (security; shelter; protection) rather than (instead of) the Earth (Those confined to this temporary sphere where they turn personal-inclinations and habits  into eternal, everlasting patterns of behavior”) because it (“the Earth”) is beneath (subordinate; subject to; unbefitting to; inferior to) the Heavens.

Indeed, “The-Heavens” (individuals with whom God and His Holy Spirit feel perfectly “At-Home”) are actually capable of bending (subjecting; subduing; taming) smoke  (anger; vexation; hostility) to the will of God.

Theocean biology GIF Earth will wear-out like a moth eaten-garment and those confined (restricted; bound) to it because of their own “bad-habits” (perpetual-defilements; habitual-sins) will die like flies, but Salvation thru Me (Jehovah) will last (go on)  forever and the righteousness prescribed by Me (Jehovah) negates (invalidates; nullifies; makes-ineffective) everything and everyone that is beneath (inferior; subordinate; unworthy) of it




7. Hear30 | July | 2010 | Advanced Spiritual Research's BLOG (listen to) Me (Jehovah), ye who know (have been taught; are familiar with; are acquainted with) what is right (morally good, justified, and acceptable). Ye people (Twelve-Israelite-Tribes) in whose hearts,  My Torah (instruction) resides, don’t be afraid of the “reproach” (disgrace; dishonor; strong criticism; defamation; railings) of mortal men ( husbands; strangers; fellows; friends; acquaintances). Don’t let your minds be subordinated (treated or regarded as of lesser importance) by their insults (hateful-talk; contempt; abuses; indignities).




8. Indeed heidi klum wow GIF by America's Got Talent(if truth be told), like an “old garment”, moths (destruction and waste) will eat them up (consume them; devour them) and worms (moth larvae; moth-maggots) will devour them because they’ve forgotten that they’re covering (protecting; insulating) themselves with wool (sheep’s-clothing; fleece), but “RIGHTEOUSNESS” (uprightness; decency; integrity; goodness) that is prescribed by Me (Jehovah) will last (endure; go on; continue) forever (“eternally”) and “SALVATION” (rescue; redemption) obtained (secured) thru Me (Jehovah) is inherited (passed) from generation to generation.




9. Awake (wake up!; “rise and shine”) Clothe yourselves in (wrap around yourselves; put-on yourselves ) the strength (might; fierceness; harshness)  of the Lord’s (Jehovah’s) arm (children; seed; descendants). 

Awake (stop sleeping; wake from sleep; wake-up!) as in  (in the manner of; the same as; like in)  “days-gone-by”  (“by-gone” days; Old Testament times)…. a generation that was secure (fixed/guaranteed; safe; certain) in authority…ancient Israelites.

Far be bbc city GIFit from them to (a form of deprecation” equal to “God forbid that they would”) behold (imagine; foresee something so extraordinary and unusual as) latter-day “Men of the Cloth”  busily engraving (creating an indelible impression of; mocking; faking; impersonating; forging; imitating)  authority to become magnified  (aggrandized; glorified; “jacked-up”) thanks to their own monstrous folly (ridiculous-ideas) about authority.





10. Far be it from them to  (a form of deprecation” equal to “God forbid that they would”) behold (imagine; see in their minds; foresee; predict) something so as extraordinary as latter-day “Men of the Cloth” (clergy) busily mocking (mimicking; imitating) authority.

The exceedingly deep (“hellish”; devious; scheming) “waters” (Sorcery; “dark-Arts”; magical spells and incantations) of Global-Institutionalized-Religions “to the west of”, (occidental to)  to Jerusalem, e.g. (Mormonism and Catholicism) make a desert out of (pull the moisture out of)Traitor GIF by memecandy those who are “deep (hellishly) in thought” about the “Sea” (abyss; noisy Babylonian-tumult) that is directing (guiding; driving; leading) them to double-cross (stab-in-the-back; sell-down-the-river; beguile; betray) their Israelite redeemers (rescuers; rescuers). 




11. But, statue of liberty america GIF those who’ve been ransomed (redeemed; delivered; liberated released) by the power of God will return to their starting point in order to secure (protect; defend; protect) this generation of Israel’s seed (posterity) and attain (bring forth; bring to pass) “Zion” (God’s Guiding Pillars; God’s Monumental “Towers Of Strength”; “God’s servants who can be relied upon to give a great deal of support and comfort to others”) with “shouts of joy” (triumph; rejoicing; proclamation) and gleesome everlasting-authority (everlasting-dominion; everlasting-jurisdiction) because of their heads  (captains; chiefs; principals).

Gladness and joy will be increased (grow) to secure (safeguard; shield) this generation of Israel’s seed Sad Give Up GIF by Sinking Ship Entertainment(posterity). Sorrow (feelings of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune) and “sighing” (feelings of a deep yearning for something lost) will flee (disappear; retreat; depart).







12.   Nicole Byer Netflix GIF by NailedIt I (Jehovah) am the one who, again and again, comforts all of you. What do you have in mind (dwell on; obsess about) that you (Israel’s people) are frightened (very scared; terror-stricken; “pushing the panic-button”) because of mortal-men (wicked men). 

After all…These mortal men die (perish; don’t live forever) and whoever is unfortunate enough to be heirs (successors) of these dreadful men produce nothing but dry-grass (illness and death).




13. So, you (Israel’s people) have forgotten Jehovah, your Maker (creator),  who stretched-out (extended;  broadened; expanded; magnified) the Heavens (“individuals with whom God and His Holy Spirit feel perfectly comfortable and “At-Home”) and founded (ordained; established; organized; inaugurated) the Earth (“Individuals confined to this temporary-sphere of existence where mankind can turn personal inclinations and habits into “eternal”, i.e. everlasting patterns of behavior)…..

……..Channel 9 Point GIF by The Blockas a result,  you are always fearful inside,…. I mean,…. every-single-day because the one who is oppressing you seems (appears; looks) to be bent on (tending toward; obsessed with) destroying you (Israel’s people). Where is the wrath of God pointing (directing everyone’s attention) to Religious-Leaders (“Men of the Cloth”) who are oppressors?








14. Quickly Guess Who Lol GIF by CBC(all of a sudden; “in the blink of an eye”) Israelites who have been,  until now, cowering like prisoners under the hand (ministry) of Global Religious Institutions become highly-motivated (determined; ambitious) to point (direct everyone’s attention) to Isaiah’s open-door” (disclosure; “secrets that are made known”)

They’ll refuse to die (perish; rot; lose their lives) because of the corruption (fraud; exploitation; rottenness; defilement) of Global Religious Institutions for they will never again lack bread (substantial-spiritual food; revelation from God; “Manna” from Heaven).




15. I (Jehovah), your God, am the one churning-up (turning-upside-down; overturning; causing a revolution of; stirring-up; disturbing disquieting) the “Sea” *(Ominous, stormy Religious-Powers to the West of Jerusalem; the abyss) so that their swells (swells; wealthy elegant high priests; succession of waves; gradual increase of intensity) roar, “The Lord Almighty has dominion over all-things….. including us!”      

* If You Weren't Already Afraid Of The Open Sea, These 23 Pics Will ...Sea-The Mediterranean Sea has long been seen (viewed; regarded) by Israel as a frightening (ominous; turbulent) body of stormy-waters that are situated due-West of Jerusalem.








16. I will put my words into your mouths and I will cover (hide; protect) you in the shadow (obscuration; protection; veiling; concealment; shelter) of my hand (ministry) in order to set in place (set-up; establish install; inaugurate) the Heavens (“those individuals with who God and His Holy Spirit dwell and feel perfectly “At-Home”) and as a means to “call for (publicly ask for and demand of; require-of) the Earth (“those who are confined to this temporary sphere of existence so they can transform their personal-inclinations and habits Peeps - What does peeps mean?into “eternal”, i.e. permanent and unchangeable) patterns of behavior.”) to secure (get hold of; make sure; gain; get; obtain) the motivation (initiative; drive; incentive) to say (think to themselves; declare; proclaim) concerning Zion (“God’s Monumental Towers of strength”; “God’s Pillars of Strength”), You….all of you….are my people!” 


The Cup Of The Lord’s Wrath


17. Awakehappy hour drinking GIF (stop sleeping; Rise and shine!) Rise-up (be-insubordinate: refuse-to-obey) O’ Jerusalem (“Israel’s Teachers of Peace and Salvation”)….you have not only drunk from (partaken-of) the hand (ministry) of Jehovah (God), having in mind…….the cup (portion) of His wrath (anger;  fury) ……but you have drained (absorbed, swallowed everything that was contained in) the goblet (chalice) of fraudulent Gentile religious authority and are staggering (walking falteringly; wobbling) 




18. Out confused good question GIF by Choice Hotelsof all the sons (disciples; obedient-subjects; lawful heirs) that she (Jerusalem) has born (brought-forth; produced), there’s no-one to lead (guard; provide for; sustain) Israel’s people.

There is absolutely no-one to take (confirm; adhere to; retain; hold-fast; strengthen)  Jerusalem’s hand (ministry) in spite of all the sons (Jews and Christians) she has reared (trained; nurtured; cultivated; cared-for; brought-up). 





19. These james caan misery GIFtwo calamities (1. staggering; wobbling; walking-falteringly and 2. no one to represent you ) are coming-upon (happening to; occurring to) you…so….who among you can be moved (saddened; touched; affected) because you (Jerusalem) are experiencing desolation  (wasting away; oppression; destruction), and encountering famine (drought; misery; poverty; destitution).




20. Your confident the incredibles GIFSons (followers; subjects; disciples) cover (justify; shield; characterize; screen; defend) themselves with Jerusalem’s beginnings (genesis; beginning-stage; early-days; pioneer-days) which was entirely surrounded by secure (unchallenged; unquestioned; established; fearless; confident) authority (dominion; jurisdiction).

They behave like gazelles * who are drawn (lured; lulled) into the enemy’s net (network; a system of connections) as a means to achieve (realize) their personal fulfillment (goal; ambition) to be seen as  “hot” (“cool”; popular; favored; sought-after) priesthood authorities (officialdom; administrators; ministers; governors; managers) of religion in order to dismiss (put out of everyone’s minds; disdain; disregard) your  (Israel’s) God.

* gazelles-Because the Gazelle is considered to be a swift animal with a run speed of almost sixty miles per hour or ninety-seven km/h. To conquer their vulnerability, they tend to be alert to all that happens around them. Gazelle have various character traits that are considered symbolic to humans in real-life situations. These include consciousness, swiftness, elegance, beauty, and liveliness. They are able to maneuver in vertical movements and even meander around while they run to escape their predators.
In life, we go through many challenges and difficulties that may overwhelm us. Some people tend to run away from reality by avoiding challenges. Such people end up resorting to other things such as drugs, alcohol, overeating, addiction, and overindulgence among other things, in essence…..they run away from problems. There is a danger of diverting attention to other people.
Seeing the Gazelle means that Springbok GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHYone can fail to face challenges and try to get a reasonable, lasting solution. In the long run, the problems catch up with them in one way or the other. They eventually end up with even more problems such as depression, heart disease among other diseases caused by drinking too much alcohol, overeating, and other addictions. In many cases, these people fail to communicate.
They fail to examine themselves and understand who and what they really are. Just like the Gazelle, we should be alert to our surroundings and make use of every opportunity available for our safety. In case of any danger, we need to understand any means of saving our lives. It is also important to acquire skills that can be useful to us in life.
To meditate on this animal totem can help us discover and explore our strengths and also overcome our weaknesses. We need to discover insightful skills in solving problems rather than avoiding them. When faced with challenges we end up with perfect solutions that eliminate the problems.






21. Therefore, jesus church GIFlisten to me, I beseech thee this….. pay attention to  (testify of; bear witness of) this (Isaiah’s) revelation and testify against Religious “Hacks” * (cheap, mediocre, or second-rate practitioners, especially in the fields of religion, journalism;  a charlatan; a fake; a pretentious agent)  of authority.

* hacks-professional-clergy who surrenders spiritual integrity, belief, etc., in return for money or reward (special-recognition; popularity; celebrity) in the performance of a task normally thought of as involving a strong personal commitment.





22. Thus saithCome On Lol GIF by Hollyoaks the Lord,  Your God….Jehovah, for…… you need to know…… that Your God, (Jehovah) is contending (striving; “seizing your rivals by the hair”; pleading your cause) on behalf of you (His People).

See…I’ve taken (eliminated; removed)cup (vessel; lot) of staggering (wobbling; walking-in a faltering way) out of (from) your hand (ministry) as well as The wrath of the Lord.

You’ll never have to drink that again!

No No No Sticker by Emoji for iOS & Android | GIPHY.




23. I have landscape lightning GIF by Head Like an Orangeput the authority to generate (give rise to; engender; bring-about; introduce; originate) revelations (epiphanies; disclosures; manifestations; “lightning-bolts”) into the hand (ministry) of religious leaders (“Men of the Cloth”) who afflict (cause misery for ) you  (Israel’s people).

My salvation is going-forth (going out; on its way) and my arm (offspring; descendants; seed; children) will litigate (prosecute; instigate legal proceedings against) them.




24. The Leadership  (“Men of the Cloth”) representing Global Institutionalized Religions (Catholicism; Mormonism) whet (pique) your appetite  (natural-inclination) to think just like them, “Bow-down” (worship; idolize) us, so we can walk all over (behave in a thoughtless, disrespectful, and exploitative manner; abuse) your (Israel’s) kind and choking andre the giant GIFtreat (behave toward) your (Israel’s) backs (eagerness to carry heavy loads; willingness to perform hard-labor) as if they constitute the ground (foundation; argument; legal-claim; proof; evidence; basis) for their church’s validity then tame (bend the will of; subdue) newcomers  (proselytes; converts) to abuse (exploit; take advantage of) Israel’s people.



End Of Chapter Fifty One 














































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