Woe to Ephraim
The name Ephraim is derived from the Hebrew root verb Epher pronounced af-ayr – meaning: to cover; to bestrew; to lie scattered-over; to cover-up; to hide; to camouflage. As a noun Epher denotes a covering; a turban; a mitre (headdress of the office of “bishop”). Ephraim is a pluralization of “Epher”, thus, it is more precisely translated: coverings or camouflages. The significance of Ephraim can be understood by envisioning the following allegory:
Israel’s Plantation
A plantation (forest; orchard) of trees is situated on a gently sloping hillside. But something is very strange (peculiar). What was once a lush and thriving plantation of healthy and productive trees has degenerated (declined morally) into a dead-orchard of defoliation (leaflessness; barrenness) and all that remains is a forest of dead (lifeless) tree-trunks.
The ground (basis for a legal argument) surrounding and supporting the denuded tree trunks is completely covered (camouflaged; hidden) beneath a thick-layer of dead leaves, as far as the eye can see. The blanket of dead leaves is providing “the” perfect “cover” (camouflage) for a colony (army) of “Termites” * (distant members of the cockroach family) secretly nesting and thriving under the ground beneath the denuded trees and feeding upon their root systems.
* Termites – are among the most successful groups of insects on Earth, colonizing most landmasses except Antarctica. Their colonies range in size from a few hundred individuals to enormous societies with several million individuals. Termites are descended from Cockroaches. Termite queens have the longest lifespan of any insect in the world, with some queens reportedly living up to 30 to 50 years. Unlike ants, which undergo a complete metamorphosis, each individual termite goes through an imperfect (stunted) process of maturation that proceeds from egg, nymph, directly to adult stages. Colonies are described as “super-organisms” because the termites form part of a massive self-regulating (self- governing) entity, i.e. the colony itself.
Colonies have fertile males called “kings” and one or more fertile females called “queens”.
Termites mostly feed on dead plant material and cellulose, generally in the form of wood, leaf litter, soil, or animal dung. They nest-in, reproduce-in and feed-on trees.
Salt Lake’s stunted (abnormally developed) society is much like that of Termites complete with kings and queens. It has built colonies underground (organized secretly to work against an existing regime) and are currently feeding-on (exploiting; availing themselves of; using) the root systems (source of water and inherent genetic components for the benefit of branches and leaves). In doing so, they are killing (destroying) Israel’s family-trees.
An infestation would have been exterminated long ago were it not for an “innocuous (harmless; innocent) looking” ground-cover of dead leaves, that’s hiding (covering; camouflaging) the busy subterannean colonies. This is the visual (picture; mental-image) that you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) should (need to; must) keep in mind, however the components (parts; elements) of the visual (picture; mental-image) need interpretation (explanation; analysis; clarification).
A Tree symbolizes a Family-tree (family; lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary-rulers). It’s an “organism” (an individual entity that embodies the properties of life).
Trees are physical (temporal) symbols (representations) of things (matters; relationships; affairs; causes) that exist forever in a higher (heavenly) realm, after which our world (including our entire cosmos) is patterned.
If we are wise, we’ll seek to recognize (acknowledge; identify) the spiritual (eternal) realities (truths; basic facts; fundamentals) that temporal (physical) objects and phenomena represent (symbolize) .
We can confidently assume that the “Tree-of-Life” (archetype in many of the world’s mythologies, religions, and philosophical traditions and mentioned in the second chapter of Genesis) refers, in fact, to a “family-tree” (lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) whose fruits (crop; members; by-products) yield “eternal life” (“Everlasting Life”; “God’s Life”).
The leaves (foliage) of a tree symbolize the newest generation of that tree. Foliage emerges after a dormant season every year from the prominent limbs (tribes) to its smallest branches & twigs (clans). The function of healthy leaves is absorption (assimilation) of energy in the form of “light” emanating from the Sun and conversion (photosynthesize) of that light (light-energy) into food (fuel; chemical-energy; carbohydrates; sugars) to sustain the entire tree and ensure its survival and growth.
Thus, the life (viability; existence) of a tree (lineage; bloodline; family; dynasty’s) is conditional (dependent) upon the work (photosynthesis) performed by its individual leaves (family-members).
Without the work (photosynthesis) of leaves, which happens naturally in the autumn season, the tree falls (slips) into a dormant-stage (deep-sleep; “tardamah”)…..

….Until the return of spring , when the production of new leaves resumes the process of photosynthesis. If spring does not come, the tree will die.
However, the blanket (carpet; thick-layer) of dead leaves (family-members), mentioned above, isn’t the problem of cental importance.
The underlying crisis (critical situation; emergency) lies in what (who) the dead leaves are covering.
The dead leaves represent spiritually-dead Israelite people. They are dying and falling (dropping) from their trees by the thousands (even millions) amidst Israel’s plantation (vineyard) and by doing this , they are providing “the” perfect cover (camouflage) for Salt Lake’s colony (army) of termites. It is vitally important to Salt Lake Headquarters that this infestation remains unseen (unrecognized) .
Collectively, the dead leaves (family-members) among Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) have been creating a “cover” (camouflage) for Salt Lake’s termites (Melchizedek Priesthood Authorities) as they set-up many local subterranean (underground; criminal) organizations (colonies; enterprises) without interruption (interference).
Indeed (undeniably), Salt Lake is capitalizing so much on the “Service and Self-Sacrifice” that distinguishes Israel’s people, that Salt Lake headquarters (the Church’s Public-Relations specialists) claim “Service and Self-Sacrifice“ to be one of Salt Lake’s chief (trademark) characteristics.
Mormons are conditioned (habituated) to look, act, and think alike… so that, “at the drop of a hat“, each one will uniformly (identically) testify….
“I know with every fiber of my being that the church is true and that Joseph Smith* was a true prophet of God”.
*Joseph Smith – Was Joseph Smith “tarred and feathered” by an angry mob? Yes, but contrary to the Church’s official telling of the incident, the mob was led one of Joseph’s very own high-priests who had a much younger (adolescent) sister with whom Smith was found to be having sexual relations. Further, Smith was known to have similarly seduced the wives of several members of his loyal Melchizedek-high-priest quorum.
Active members of the church hold tenaciously to the belief that Joseph was tarred and feathered because of “religious persecution” for his righteous beliefs, but many disallusioned former believers hold to the premise that Joseph was subjected to this humiliation in retribution by friends of one of his own high-priests who were seeking revenge for the sexual advances Joseph made towards the high-priest’s little sister, who, by the way, became one of Joseph’s many wives.
Joseph Smith was, indeed , “tarred and feathered”, but not by crazed enemies of God, as the Mormon Church would have everyone believe, but rather by a mob of enraged friends of one of Joseph’s very own high-priests, whose 12 year old sister was seduced by Smith and with whom Smith was caught in bed engaging in sexual intercourse. One of the high-priest-mobsters was a physician whose assignment was to castrate Joseph Smith.
Chapter Twenty-Eight Verses 1-28.
1. Woe (grievous-distress, affliction, or trouble) to the crowns (“laurels”; coronals; wreaths; diadems) of pride (honor; vanity; arrogance; self-importance) upon the head (leadership) of the drunkards (intoxicated men &momen ) of Ephraim (Salt Lake’s camouflage; Salt Lake’s cover) and the fading (dwindling; declining) beauty (quality) of Salt Lake’s flowers (aristocracy; “creme de la cremes”; privileged ruling class), all of whom are ruined (impaired; ravaged) by wine (evil-spirits).
Under the present circumstance, the glory (honor; splendor) upon the head (leadership) of Ephraim hangs-upon (hinges on; depends on; dangles from) the vale (mortal-lives) of Salt Lake’s hooks (pegs; prophets), upon whom Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) are encouraged to trust (place their confidence; “hang their hats”).
Thanks to the influence (effects) of wine (unholy-spirits; intoxicants), the people of Ephraim point (direct everyones attention) to Salt Lake’s men (prophets) as their “hooks” (pegs; prophets upon whom they can safely rely).
2. Behold (observe something especially remarkable and impressive). The Lord has someone in mind who is courageous (not deterred by danger or pain; brave) and alert (“of good courage”; stedfastly-minded) with regard to the Lord. She is as powerful as the destructive winds of a violent hail-storm, and like a storm of mighty rains in order to inundate Salt Lake’s “hooks” (pegs).
She can pin-them (hold them; force-them) to the ground (reason they are using as a legal argument for validity), by hand (the power of her ministry).
3. The crown of pride (self-esteem; happiness; ego; self-confidence; self-respect; self-glorification) worn by Ephraim’s drunkards (wine-bibbers; inebriates) will be trampled (squashed; crushed) under the feet of Israel’s people.
4. For the fading (failing) Salt Lake flowers (aristocracy; “creme de la cremes”; privileged ruling class) who constitute the leadership of Salt Lake Valley’s “anointed ones” (prophets and apostles), it will be like ripe figs before the harvest. As soon as anyone sees one of them, he’ll take the fig, toss it into the air and immediately swallow it (consumes it; gulps it down his throat) as a means to suspend (hold-off; delay) Salt Lake’s progress. It’s man’s way of saying, “Another one bites the dust!”.
5. You see (please understand), for the people of this (our) day (era; generation), the Lord Almighty, himself, is their “Crowning-Glory”.
The remnant of Israel sees (views; regards) Him (Jehovah) as their precious wreath (symbol of “Everlasting-Life”).
* head wreath-Symbol of victory, honor, and eternity. The laurel wreath was used by the Greeks. It was a symbol of sapiritual and physical cleansing abilities. Ancient Greeks awarded laurel wreaths to victors in the olympic and poetic competitions. Laurel wreaths are strill assocoated with acedamia. For the last two centuries in Rome, any student that has graduated receives a laurel wreath. Since 1900, in Mount Holyoke College graduates carry or wear laurel wreaths or chains. In Reed College, seniors get a laurel wreath after finishing their senior thesis.
Wearing leaves and flowers as a headpiece has a rich history dating back to the ancient classical world. Since antiquity, the circular or horseshoe shape of the wreath has been a symbol of glory, power, and eternity. In ancient Greece and Rome many crowns were made of wool and foliage such as myrtle and ivy leaves, and were adorned with different flowers, which held various associations through time. Ancient gods and goddesses were often represented in art and literature wearing specific plants dedicated to them. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, the beautiful nymph Daphne manages to escape her pursuer, the god Apollo, by turning herself into a laurel tree. Apollo cuts off a branch from the tree and exclaims, “Although you cannot be my wife, you shall at least be my tree; I shall always wear you on my hair, on my quiver, O Laurel.”. He keeps his word, and as a result is often depicted wearing a laurel wreath as a symbol of his love for Daphne. Apollo is the god of poets and writers, and the term “Poet Lureate” that we use today comes from this myth.
6. That wreath (symbol of “Everlasting- Life”) symbolizes the spirit of justice (lawfulness; due process; fairness; integrity) for anyone who sits in judgment and as a source of strength for someone to “turn back the battle at the gate” *
*“turn back the battle at the gate”–The battles in our lives are always at the gates. It may be gates to our thoughts, to our hearts, to our relationships or even our bodies. What we do “at” the gate is crucial to what happens “behind” the gate.
The gates must be the best-guarded places. A city could have thick walls built all around it – but people have to get in and out some way and the only way is through gates. There will always be gateways in our lives – we can’t build up solid walls (despite trying sometimes!) that can’t be penetrated – there has to be a gate.
And that gate needs to be well-guarded. The gates are where decisions are made – the city elders used to sit at the gates giving advice and making decisions that affected the city and it is at the gates of our lives that decisions are made.
We have a gateway to our thoughts…what passes in and out of that gate is our responsibility – not God’s. As great as it would be, we can’t ask Him to guard the gateway to our thoughts – that is a responsibility He has handed over to us. He gives us all that we need to do that but he can’t do it for us because it is a choice that we have to make.
If we are like a city, in charge of the gates and of who comes in and out – what we are allowing in and outof our lives? Are we allowing negative thoughts to come in or are we telling them that they don’t belong here so they cannot enter? Are we allowing distrust , or fear, or doubt in? What about our bodies? Have we shut the gate towards food, only letting in the little we feel safe with, or is the gate open wide for everything to come in regardless of its value to us? It sometimes can feel like there is no choice but we have been placed in charge of those gates and whether we open them and let things in or not is completely our decision.
When the enemy comes to your gate and demands to be let in what do you do? Is your gate wide open, unguarded and everything can come in and do whatever it likes in the city? That’s what an enemy does – it finds the weakest point – which is usually the gates and storms them or perhaps tries to get in pretending to be something good…if we’re not standing guard and making the right choices about what comes in then our city will be overrun and soon we will feel out of control, weak and helpless.
7. Salt Lake’s men are staggering (walking unsteadily) because they’re under the influence of wine (evil spirits) and they are stumbling (tripping; losing their balance) because they are drinking-beer (“tipsy”).
And Salt Lake’s priests and prophets are leading Israel’s people to wander (go-astray; transgress; make a big mistake; sin through ignorance) by making them drink-beer (“tipsey”), too.
Israel’s people are befuddled (not thinking clearly) because of wine (intoxicants; evil spirits). They’ve been staggering (walking unsteadily, as if about to fall) because of the intoxicating effects of Mormonism to which they’ve long been subjected.
8. Indeed (if truth be told), all the tables (homilies; speeches; sermons; doctrines; exhortations) provided by the “Religions of Men” are filled with nothing but vomit (partially digested stomach contents emptied thru the mouth) spewed (belched) from their Church Education Systems (CES) which is directed by its headquarters.
9. It’s imperative (vital; crucial) for this (our) generation becomes familiar (acquainted) with Isaiah’s message, but……….
QUESTION: to whom can He (Jehovah) teach knowledge and to whom can He (Jehovah) explain the message contained in Isaiah’s words?
ANSWER: Those who are weaned (withdrawn) from the breast-milk provided by the “Religious Organizations Of Men”.
Yes…..those of Israel’s children (offspring; descendants) who are weaned-from (accustomed to managing without) the breast-milk (fatty-substance; “easy to digest pap”) sucked from the teets (nipples; breasts) of an organization that behaves (acts; functions) like their mother (Mommy).
10. …….because like every other rigidly-organized “Religion Of Men”, Mormonism has an established (time honored) policy (practice; standard; rule; regulation) that governs education. That policy is “precept upon precept” (“rule upon rule” ) involving constant repetition. Their strategy (plan to achieve their goal) consists of repetition of “standard upon standard”(“guideline upon guideline”) and “a little bit here and a little bit there”. * (a few crumbs of bread here and there). They’re teaching Israel’s people by rote (mechanical or habitual repetition) like little children .
* “a little here and a little there” – Many of us grew up twirling and falling down as we sang the children’s rhyme “Ring Around the Rosie.” When we grew older, we came to understand that this cheerful tune had morbid roots dating back to the bubonic plague. Such is childhood! Singing a phrase without understanding its meaning — has happened with regard to Isaiah’s familiar words?
“A little here and a little there” is a passage of mocking and judgment. “Line upon line” and “precept upon precept” is the way of folly and gibberish, according to God, which just so happens to be the opposite of what is commomly understood. It’s always quoted out of the context that surrounds it.
To whom will he teach knowledge,
and to whom will he explain the message?
Those who are weaned from the milk,
those taken from the breast?
For it is precept upon precept, precept upon precept,
line upon line, line upon line,
here a little, there a little..
In this, 28th chapter of Isaiah, God pronounces judgment on His own people. They are drunk and proud. And although there is much for them to learn f
rom God, they are like foolish, immature children, acustomed to learning by rote (memorizing without thinking) so they never really learn (understand) much of anything.
This “precept upon precept” learning, and this “here a little, there a little” knowledge is working against them, and they will be broken by it just as they stumble over the stone of offense and the rock of stumbling.
This kind of Bible study is nothing more than a catechism (series of fixed questions, answers, or precepts) used for instruction of little children. catechism specializes in “missing the point”.
Coincidently, The Hebrew term “Chata” used most often to designate “sin”, more accurately means to “miss the mark”; “be badly mistaken”).
11. Okay…if that’s the way Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) prefer it, Jehovah will speak (communicate) to them through foreigners (buffoons; mockers) who work (seek; strive) to imitate (model-themselves-after; emulate) the serpents *(sly and treacherous clergy) who are running their church) with a lofty-sounding jargon (pretentious expressions; busswords) that appeal-to (beguile; captivate; charm; enchant) this (our) generation of people.
* serpent – venomous snake (Leviathan; deceitful beast; sly and treacherous creature (church corporation) that exploits a position of trust in order to betray people; symbol of evil, chaos, the underworld) ,whose mouth (prophet; spokesman) has sharp fangs with which to deliver the creature’s poison. Victims (Israel’s people) are taken-in (greeted; welcomed) by its mouth (prophet; spokemen) and swallowed (consumed; devoured) by drawing them down into the belly (gut; corporate-stomach & bowels) of the Melchizedek Priesthood Organization.
12. “Religions Of Men” are saying to Israel’s people is…..”Relax…take things easy.” This (“our church”) is your “Resting Place”, so “peace be unto you”.
Israel’s people, as it turns out, don’t realize (understand; get; comprehend; recognize) the double meaning of the words “Resting Place”!
What highly-organized “Religions of Men” are really saying to Israel’s people is……
“Rest in Peace”
13. As a result, the “Word Of The Lord”, for Israelite people who commit themselves to “Religions Of Men” will be repeatedly (constantly) fed “precept upon precept” (“rule to regulate behavior and thought” upon “rule to regulate behavior and thought”) and “standard upon standard”(“obligation upon obligation”) and, of course, “a little here and a little there” (a few breadcrumbs here and there) to lure Israel’s people (worshippers) into “walking” (following ) the ways (customs) promoted by the “Religion of Men”.
14. Therefore, ye common (Israelite; average; ordinary) people who are following (supporting) clergy who mock (are contemptuous of) the Lord, as well as ye irresponsible clergy (members of the ministry) who rule (govern; have dominion over) Israel’s people so that clergy (priests; pastors; ministers; clerics) can dream (conjure-up a scenario) of prosperity (wealth; financial-success; good-fotune in material terms) to spite (hurt; injure) Jerusalem (“teachings of Peace and Salvation”).
Hear (attend to; obey) the “Word Of The Lord.”
15. Indeed (if truth be told) all of you (powerful religious leaders) who think to yourselves, “We have cut (entered into) a covenant with death (extinction; destruction) and with Sheol (darkness; “the grave”; hell).
We’ve made an agreement (arrangement; contract; deal) with an overwhelming scourge (curse; plague).
When that scourge sweeps over the land, it won’t touch us because we’ve turned (transformed) deception (“a lie”) into our refuge. We are hiding ourselves in falsehood.
16. Therefore, thus saith the Lord, God, “Behold (Watch), while I (Jehovah) lay (establish; arrange) the foundational (prime; primary) stone * (witness of truth) of Zion (God’s heavenly city; the kingdom of heaven)…..She is a stone (witness of truth) which will test (search-out; examine; try; prove) the hearts of men. She is a precious cornerstone **(pillar; anchor; mainspring) for a sure (solid; unshakable) foundation.
She is someone who can mother (pull together; love; embrace; bestows-benefits; bring-intimacy) to this generation of Israel’s people, without haste (carelessness; rushing)
* stones – The signification of stones in a wide sense is “Truths & Witnesses of truth”. Stones have signified truths for the reason that the boundaries of the most ancient people were marked off by stones, and that they set up stones as witnesses that the case was so and so, or that it was true; as is evident from the stone that Jacob set up for a pillar (Gen. 28:22; 35:14), and from the pillar of stones between Laban and Jacob (Gen. 31:46, 47, 52), and from the altar built by the sons of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh, near the Jordan, as a witness (Josh. 22:10, 28, 34). Therefore in the Word truths are signified by stones; insomuch that not only by the stones of the altar, but also by the precious stones upon the shoulders of Aaron’s ephod and upon the breastplate of judgment, there were signified holy truths which are of love.
cornerstone – The first stone set in the construction of a masonary foundation. All other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure. A cornerstone (Greek: Άκρογωνιεîς, Latin: Primarii Lapidis) will sometimes be referred to as a “foundation-stone”, and is symbolic of Christ, whom the Apopstle Paul referred to as the “head of the corner” and is the “Chief Cornerstone of the Church” (Ephesians 2:20). A chief or head cornerstone is placed above two walls to maintain them together and avoid the building to fall apart. Many of the more ancient churches will place relics of the saints, especially martyrs, in the foundation stone.
17. I (Jehovah) will make justice (equity; fairless) to be a measuring-line (standard; yardstick) and righteousness (virtue; honor) to be a plumb-line (“guage of uprightness”).
Then, hail (pellets of frozen rain; hailstones) will sweep away the lies (falsehood) and their secret (clandestine; hidden) Waters (“Powers Of Chaos”; sorcery; Black Magic) will backfire (boomerang; come-back) upon them.
18. Your “Covenant Of Death” is annulled and your “Agreement With Sheol” won’t survive (endure; withstand) the overwhelming scourge (curse; disaster; catastrophe) that’s been unleashing upon you , but instead, you’ll be tread-down (trampled; defiled) by the curse’s malediction (execration).
19. In fact, every time that scourge (curse; plague) passes through, your very minds will captivated (enthralled; charmed; enchanted) and from one daybreak to the next (24/7) any one among you who has an understanding (has a sense; has a grasp) of Isaiah’s message (indictment; formal criminal-charges) will be terror-struck.
20. Indeed (In fact) the bed (foundation; ground; legal-argument for validity) you’re making for yourselves is too short (impermanent) for you stretch-out (rest) on and your blanket (cover; camouflage) is too narrow (limited in extent, amount, or scope; restricted) to wrap-around (cloak; shield) you.
21. Indeed (if fact), Jehovah is rising-up against the “valley” (basin; lowland) of hills (prominent-men; celebrities) in order to subdue (bring into subjection; bend the will) the mount (administration of) vicious beasts (thieves; robbers) who are running amok (wild; in the grip of strong emotion, attacking Israel’s people indiscriminately, with many-fatalities).
He (Jehovah) is stirred-up (incited; making waves; provoked) to make His divine authority protected (safeguarded) against the works (Sorceries; dark arts) of enemies (strangers; foes) who work (strive; labor) to satisfy their own ambitions (wishes; aspirations) and serve the business interests (corporate-investments) of non-Israelites (aliens; outsiders; intruders; strangers; interlopers).
22. So, it boiled down to this. Don’t be foolish by mocking (deriding; ridiculing; scorning; scoffing at) this translation of Isaiah’s words lest (in order to avoid; to prevent) the chains (habits; routines; patterns; customs; practices) that bind you will gain an even greater hold upon your soul.
23. Listen to me (Isaiah) and and ponder what I’m saying. Pay close attentionFor my report (exposition; “tidings”; statement) comes from a close-association with Jehovah I”ve learned from God, the Lord of Hosts that He has decreed (prescribed) complete destruction (comsumption) to cover the whole world.
24. When a farmer prepares his soil for planting seed, does he plow the ground constantly? Does he endlessly break-up the soil (turn the soil upside down)?
The fruits, usually used whole, have a pungent, anise-like flavor and aroma that comes from essential oils, mostly carevone, limonene, and anethole. Caraway is used as a spice in breads, especially Rye bread. The roots may be cooked as a vegetable like persnips or carrots. Additionally, the leaves are sometimes consumed as herbs, either raw, dried, or cooked, similar to parsley. Caraway fruit oil is also used as a fragrance component in soaps, lotions, and perfumes. Caraway is also used as a breath freshener, and it has a long tradition of use in folk medicine.
& Cummin (Heb. kammon; i.e., a “condiment”), the fruit or seed of an umbelliferous plant, the Cuminum sativum, still extensively cultivated in the East. Its fruit is mentioned in Isaiah 28:25 and Isaiah 28:27. In the New Testament it is mentioned in Matthew 23:23, where our Lord pronounces a “woe” on the scribes and Pharisees, who were zealous in paying tithes of “mint and anise and cummin,” while they omitted the weightier matters of the law.” “It is used as a spice, both bruised, to mix with bread, and also boiled, in the various messes and stews which compose an Oriental banquet.”.
** wheat –
Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is a worldwide staple food. The many species of wheat together make up the genus Triticum; the most widely grown is common wheat. Wheat is an important source of carbohydrates. Globally, it is the leading source of vegetable protein in human food, having a protein content of about 13%, which is relatively high compared to other major cereals but relatively low in protein quality for supplying essential amino acids. When eaten as the whole grain, wheat is a source of multiple nutrients and dietary fiber.
*** barley –
(Hordeum vulgare), a member of the gtrass family, is a major cereal grain grown in temperate climates globally. It was one of the first cultivated grains, particularly in Eurasia as early as 10,000 years ago. Barley has been used as animal fodder, as a source of fermentable material for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various health foods. It is used in soups and stews, and in barley bread of various cultures. Barley grains are commonly made into malt in a traditional and ancient method of preparation. In 2017, barley was ranked fourth among grains in quantity produced behind maize, rice, and wheat.
.****spelt –
(Triticum spelta; Triticum dicoccum), also known as dinkel wheat or hulled wheat, is a species of wheat cultivated since approximately 5000 BCE.Spelt was an important staple in parts of Europe from the Bronze Age to medieval times; it now survives as a relict crop in Central Europe and northern Spain, and has also found a new market as a ‘health food’. Spelt is sometimes considered a subspecies of the closely related species common wheat (Triticum aestivum), in which case its botanical name is considered to be Triticum aestivum subsp. “spelta”. It is a hexaploid wheat, which means it has six sets of chromosomes.
25. Once he’s leveled the field (made the field free of bumps, breaks, and curves) and doesn’t he then sow (scatter; spread; broadcast) seeds of caraway & cummin? * Then, does he not plant wheat ** in its proper place in the field , and barley *** in its proper place in the field and spelt ****in its proper place in the field?
The fruits, usually used whole, have a pungent, anise-like flavor and aroma that comes from essential oils, mostly carevone, limonene, and anethole. Caraway is used as a spice in breads, especially Rye bread. The roots may be cooked as a vegetable like persnips or carrots. Additionally, the leaves are sometimes consumed as herbs, either raw, dried, or cooked, similar to parsley. Caraway fruit oil is also used as a fragrance component in soaps, lotions, and perfumes. Caraway is also used as a breath freshener, and it has a long tradition of use in folk medicine.
& Cummin (Heb. kammon; i.e., a “condiment”), the fruit or seed of an umbelliferous plant, the Cuminum sativum, still extensively cultivated in the East. Its fruit is mentioned in Isaiah 28:25 and Isaiah 28:27. In the New Testament it is mentioned in Matthew 23:23, where our Lord pronounces a “woe” on the scribes and Pharisees, who were zealous in paying tithes of “mint and anise and cummin,” while they omitted the weightier matters of the law.” “It is used as a spice, both bruised, to mix with bread, and also boiled, in the various messes and stews which compose an Oriental banquet.”.
** wheat –
Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is a worldwide staple food. The many species of wheat together make up the genus Triticum; the most widely grown is common wheat. Wheat is an important source of carbohydrates. Globally, it is the leading source of vegetable protein in human food, having a protein content of about 13%, which is relatively high compared to other major cereals but relatively low in protein quality for supplying essential amino acids. When eaten as the whole grain, wheat is a source of multiple nutrients and dietary fiber.
*** barley –
(Hordeum vulgare), a member of the gtrass family, is a major cereal grain grown in temperate climates globally. It was one of the first cultivated grains, particularly in Eurasia as early as 10,000 years ago. Barley has been used as animal fodder, as a source of fermentable material for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various health foods. It is used in soups and stews, and in barley bread of various cultures. Barley grains are commonly made into malt in a traditional and ancient method of preparation. In 2017, barley was ranked fourth among grains in quantity produced behind maize, rice, and wheat.
.****spelt –
(Triticum spelta; Triticum dicoccum), also known as dinkel wheat or hulled wheat, is a species of wheat cultivated since approximately 5000 BCE.Spelt was an important staple in parts of Europe from the Bronze Age to medieval times; it now survives as a relict crop in Central Europe and northern Spain, and has also found a new market as a ‘health food’. Spelt is sometimes considered a subspecies of the closely related species common wheat (Triticum aestivum), in which case its botanical name is considered to be Triticum aestivum subsp. “spelta”. It is a hexaploid wheat, which means it has six sets of chromosomes.
26. God points things out to the farmer and teaches (instructs) him about growing “wheat” and many seeds of all kinds. He teaches him about the times and seasons of then year and how to best handle (manage) different kinds of seeds.
27. Indeed (actually), caraway seed should not be threshed (separated) from the chaff (waste; refuse; rubbish waste) holding it, by the sharp (cutting) judgments of men and cummin must not be threshed (separated from the chaff that is clutching it), by the heavy wheel of a cart. Caraway seed must be gently separated from the chaff that is holding it with a small branch (twig) and cummin must be gently threshed (separated from the chaff that is clutching it), by using a shepherds-staff (symbol of God’s Authority; stick).
28. Cereal grains (wheat, corn, barley), on the other hand, must be ground to pieces (pulverized; milled; crushed) into white powdewry flour in order to make bread, but the farmer doesn’t go on and on threshing grain forever. Though he drives the heavy wheels of his threshing cart over the grains, he is so skilled that his horses hooves never step on the grain.
29. Even this kind of know-how (practical knowledge or skill; expertise) is promugated (made known) through fellowship with the Lord of Hosts. His (Jehovah’s) counsel is wonderful (inspiring delight, pleasure, and admiration; extremely good; marvelous). Now, He (Jehovah) is substantiating (backing-up; providing further evidence to support) the truth.
End Of Chapter Twenty Eight, Verses 1-29.