1. Of Course (what Isaiah is saying is true and he’s surprised that there is any doubt of this). The arm of the Lord isn’t too short (insufficient; limited) to provide salvation (deliverance; rescue; help) to you (Israel’s people) and His ear (capacity to discern) isn’t so dull (insensitive; imperceptive) that He (Jehovah) can’t distinguish (recognize and treat as different) truth (facts) from rumors (tall-tales of explanations; made-up stories in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts) concerning you (Israel’s people).
2. Actually, your (Israel’s) own iniquities (wicked and immoral natures and characters) are separating you (Israel’s-people) from your God (Jehovah) and your sins (short-comings; failures; transgressions) are preventing (inhibiting; hindering; blocking) your ear (capacity to discern) from understanding His (Jehovah’s) his purposes and intentions.
3. Indeed (if truth be told), all of your (Mormonism’s; Catholicism’s; Islam’s) ministries (prayers; exhortations; preaching; spiritual-leadership) are stained (soiled; splattered; smeared) with blood and your blood-stained fingers (manipulations’ handlings; finagling; tricks; controlling ways) betray (reveal; testify of) your guilt (blameworthiness; misconduct; culpability) Your lip-service (“jive”, i.e. glib, deceptive-talk; exaggerations; deceptive sermons) speak lies and your tongues (enchantments; false witness; crafty-speeches; magic-spells; incantations) spew ( vomit; gush; belch; spit-out) wickedness (seduction) from the pulpits (members of the clergy collectively) of your churches (mosques).
4. There is no call (loud clear voice to be heard at a distance; demand) for “What Is Right” (what ought to be; “a just cause”; “the-truth”; deliverance) and none of Israel’s seed is prepared to plead (assert or allege) Israel’s case (litigation; lawsuit; evidence; dispute; argument) concerning the particulars (“details”; minutiae; technicalities; fine-points; specifics) of Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) fraud (wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial and personal gain).
Israel’s case (litigation; lawsuit; evidence; dispute; argument) needs to be pled (argued; presented; asserted) with firmness (resolute determination and strength of character) because of a massive Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Islamic) “cover-up” (concealment of embarrassing and scandalous information) that is in progress (underway) in order to depress (dishearten; exhaust; dispirit) them (Israel’s people), and, Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) clerics ( priests and religious leaders) are “lying-through-their-teeth” (assuming friendly demeanors that will conceal their duplicity).
They manifest (flash; brandish; show-off) “exuberant” (broad; toothy) smiles to camouflage (mask) their (Salt Lake City’s; Vatican City’s; Mecca’s) duplicitous (deliberately-deceptive; double-dealing; dishonest) Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) administrations (governments; ministries; regimes; authorities) so they can beget (cause; reproduce; spawn; proliferate; propagate) “Vanity” (excessive pride in and admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements).
5. Top-Authorities of Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) religions hatch (create; spawn) the “eggs” (“phony-whiteness”; “phony-holiness”) of serpents * (sly and treacherous clergymen who exploit a position of trust in order to betray it) and much like “Black Widow Spiders”, they spin (develop; perpetuate; maintain; invent) a web (network; scheme ; structure) of poisonous spider’s (predator’s) to misdirect (convince; wrongly-instruct) every single Israelite male to exploit (make full use of; derive benefit from) his Cult (Mormon Catholic; Muslim) appearance (image; illusion) of personal-whiteness (“holiness; “righteousness”) in order to work (effect; cultivate; promote; uphold; bring-about) spiritual-death (ruin; destruction; extinction; annihilation), and as if that were not bad enough, they then point (direct) all of Israel’s males (high-priests) to further profane (prostitute) their authority (jurisdiction; dominion) by “hissing” (“casting evil-spells”; producing-enchantments; calling-for-curses).
Any Israelite who sustains (subsidizes; finances; supports; bankrolls) Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim) clerics (priests or religious leaders), end up looking and feeling like fools………………then………….
……….he’ll die !
……And any Israelite who turns aside (dismisses; rejects) Isaiah’s vision (criminal-indictment) will unknowingly (unwittingly; unintentionally) liberate (give freedom to; give license to; release) vipers * (particular family of “serpents” who poison others by biting them with hollow fangs that inject venom; a family of spiteful, disloyal or back-stabbing people).
* Vipers – The Viperidae (vipers) are a family of venomous snakes found in most parts of the world, with the exception of Antarctica Antarctica, Hawaii, Madagascar, various other isolated islands, and north of the Arctic Circle. All have relatively long, hinged fangs that permit deep penetration and injection of snake venom Four subfamilies are currently recognized. They are also known as viperids. The name “viper” is derived from the Latin word vipera, –ae, also meaning viper, possibly from vivus (“living”) and parere (“to beget”), referring to the trait viviparity (giving live birth) common in vipers but not in snakes at large.
6. Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim) clerics (priests or religious leaders) deny (refuse to admit) that their web (network; network; structure; brotherhood; priesthood) of poisonous predators merely serves as a-pretext * (a cover; a front; an excuse) for their methodical (according to a systematic or established form of procedure) to overthrow and undermine God’s government (administration) from within.
They cannot excuse themselves because of the virtue of activities (special-interests; enterprises; projects; preoccupations; hobbies; rituals; pomp and circumstances) among their followers because the activities (special-interests; enterprises; projects; preoccupations; hobbies; rituals; pomp and circumstances) occupying the time (lives) of their followers are inspired by evil (profound immorality and wickedness), thus, “Violence” (extermination; bloodshed; barbarism; villainry) characterizes (distinguishes) their ministry.
* pretext-an excuse to do something that is not good. Pretexts may be based on a half-truth or developed in the context of a misleading fabrication. Pretexts have been used to conceal the true purpose or rationale behind men’s actions.
7. The feet (measures; steps; maneuverings) of Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim) clerics (priests; religious leaders) are in a rush (hurry) to do evil (misbehavior; making trouble) and they are swift (“in looking forward) to shed (spill; ruin; disgrace; contaminate; waste; destroy; expend) innocent blood (lives) because……
…….their thoughts (ideas and opinions produced by thinking, and occurring suddenly in the mind) are thoughts (conceptions) of evil (profound immorality and wickedness).
Spiritual “Ruin” characterizes (typifies; distinguishes) their ways (methods; techniques; approaches).
8. They don’t know (have acquaintance with; have familiarity with) the ways of Peace (wholeness; friendship; safety; personal-welfare) and there is no justice (lawfulness; due process; honesty) associated with any clergyman (“Man of the Cloth”) who spends most of his time (life) taking-steps (trying; maneuvering; setting things up) to “cover his own ass” (avoid criticism).
Those who are determined to walk-with (follow) “Men of the Cloth” end-up (wind-up) twisting (corrupting; warping; perverting) themselves just as badly as “Men Of The Cloth”.
Sadly, none of these men will ever know Peace (friendship; wholeness; soundness).
9. Because of this, justice (due process of law) is far from (denied to) Israel’s people and righteousness isn’t protecting (surrounding or bounding with a hedge) this (our) generation of Israel’s seed (posterity; children).
We (Israel’s seed) are waiting for “light” (divine-revelation; divine intelligence; “visions and dreams”), but we (Israel’s seed) behold (see; observe; witness; are offered) nothing but darkness (Sorcery; incantations; spell-casting; Black Magic) instead of personal-illumination (brilliance). This (our) generation of Israel’s seed (posterity; children) is being forced to walk-in (“put-up-with; tolerate; ) “thick-darkness” (the effects of Black Magic; enchantments; Sorcery; “Evil-Spells”).
Look (above) at the guy to the immediate-right of the pretentious priest.
He is bored with the whole “Dog and Pony Show” and is checking his watch!
10. We are groping around in the dark like “blind men ” because of the teachings of Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) headquarters, as if we (Israel’s people) have no eyes (seers; visionaries) of our own.
We (Israel’s people) are stumbling (slipping; staggering; falling-down; wavering) during what is supposed (generally assumed or believed to be) the brightest (most-golden; most-promising most-hopeful; most-brilliant) era of the latter days.
But it feels like we are in the “Twilight-Zone” because we are completely surrounded by Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) leaders who’ve been anointed (ordained; sanctified; consecrated) to work (practice; introduce; teach; promote; employ; execute) Black Magic (supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes) so they can subdue (“tame for the yoke” ; “bend to their will”; break the will of; subjugate) all male Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim) followers, so that they’re willing to enthusiastically apply themselves to sorcery, just like themselves.
11. All of us (Israel’s people) are growling (warning aggressively; making a low guttural sound in the throat that indicates hostility) like bears (who are moving-about slowly; who are creeping-about, slowly).
We (Israel’s people) are like moaning doves….
We (Israel’s people) moan (utter a prolonged, low, inarticulate sound because of suffering and anguish). We look (seek; ask) for justice, but there is none because Salvation (deliverance; rescue) is about as far-away (distant; removed) from us as it is possible for Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) leaders can make it…….
12. ……..For (because; “at the end of the day”; after all) our (Israel’s) offenses (breaches of the law; illegal acts) before (in the eyes of; in the sight of; in the presence of) you (Jehovah) are numerous (many) and the sins (negligence; apathy) of many of Israel’s seed ( posterity; children) testifies (bears witness) against them, but we acknowledge the iniquities and the offenses (transgressions) that we (Israel’s people) have committed by against our God, Jehovah (YHWH).
13. We recognize our rebellion (defiance; resisting authority, control, and convention) and our treachery (betrayal of trust; deceptive actions, and natures) and repeatedly refusing to follow (obey) You (Jehovah; our God).
By engaging in this kind of behavior, we have fomented (stirred-up) the “peculiar male sentiment” (destructive male impulse) to (1) oppress (keep rivals, competitors in subservience and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority) and to (2) conceive (form or devise in the mind) man’s departure from Jehovah’s law, then finally, to (3) meditate (think deeply on; focus their minds on; ponder; consider; contemplate) the business (occupation, profession, or trade) of “telling-lies” (lying; tall-story-telling; spinning-yarns) from the bottom of one’s heart (in a very sincere way)
- “Cha-ching!”
14. As a result, “Justice” (fair behavior or treatment) has been turned (flipped) upside-down (inside-out; backward; retrograde) and liberality (piety; “beneficence”; kindness) is now controlled remotely from a world (Society; organization; circle; group; fellowship) that is far-removed, because of the “Aloofness” (Indifference; detachment; Class consciousness”, snobbery, and miles) that separate Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) headquarters from the people they claim to love and preside-over.
Indeed (If truth be told), Truth (that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality) is stumbling ” in the street, (just outside-of ) Israel’s House (lineage family; bloodline; dynasty; a line of hereditary rulers) and honesty is not allowed to enter.
15. Indeed (if truth be told), Truth (that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality) has been continually (repeatedly) deserted and shunned (persistently avoided, ignored, or rejected) because of a wicked manner of thinking and acting (evil conditions) brought-about (instituted; initiated) by spearheading (quarterbacking) “Men of the Cloth”.
who’ve been transplanted from cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) headquarters (the Home Offices) to direct the offense of the local team
So, Jehovah looked (realized what was going on) and He dreaded the thought of a situation, whereby Israel’s opinion would be twisted (distorted; subverted; warped; perverted) by this generation of Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslin) leadership because there is no justice.
16. Then, He (Jehovah) saw (recognized; noticed; realized; remembered) that there were no males (men; priests; Imams; ministers; husbands, fathers; uncles; grandfathers; Great-Uncles) anywhere who were worthy of His trust, thus, He (Jehovah) was appalled (greatly dismayed or horrified) that there was not one single male (man; priest; Imam; minister; husband, father; uncle; grandfather; Great-Uncle) who was qualified to intervene (come between so as to prevent or alter a course of events), so he selected a well-qualified female (woman; lady) to work (effect; drive; manage) Salvation (rescue; deliverance; help) for him (Jehovah).
She (the woman) is sustaining (strengthening) His (Jehovah’s) arm (seed; children) as well as supporting (bolstering; re-inforcing; up-holding) His (Jehovah’s) revelation (indictment).
17. She (“the Woman”) has put on “BENEFICENCE” (doing-good by her own nature; “producing-good by her own nature) as a breastplate (armor covering the chest) as white as a sheet of snow, and the rounded (arched) –helmet (protective head-covering worn by a soldier) of your (Israel’s) “PERSONAL-SALVATION” (Your deliverance; your victory; your prosperity; your health and welfare) by shaking-up (draining; cleaning-out) their Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) leadership (swamp).
She has clothed (wrapped; donned) herself with the garment (vestment; regalia; insignia; scepter; uniform) of “VENGEANCE” (punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for injuries and wrongs) against Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) officialdom…….
……..and she’s tightly-wrapped (clad) in the “Mantle (important responsibility that’s passed from one leader to another) of Israelite “ZEAL” (great-energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause).
18. She will repay (get even with; retaliate against; avenge; pay-back) Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) officialdom in direct proportion to the evil-deeds (abuses; crimes; insults; corruptions; fraud) they’ve committed.
She will repay anger (rage; displeasure; fury) to the enemies (rivals; foes) of Israel’s seed (descendants; posterity; children) and reward (expose the service and achievements of) Israel’s foes (Mormon Prophets and Apostles; Catholic Popes and Cardinals; Muslim-Imams) in their coordinated effort to “screw” (fasten, tighten, force, press, stretch-tight) Israel’s people.
She will “see to it” (make sure) that “The-islands” (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim Cult authorities who are living carefree lives of ease) get what’s coming to them……and ………… They won’t like it…..one bit!
19. Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) authorities are oriented (adjusted and tailored to specified needs of) the occident* (“the dwindling of light”; “the West”) instead of “the-East” (the expansion of light; “Jerusalem”, i.e. the World’s Greatest Teacher of Peace and Salvation)…….
……..and they “have-in-mind” (covet; yearn to possess) the name (dominion; jurisdiction) of YHWH (“The Self-Existent One”; Jehovah; Israel’s God). They are terrified of her (“The woman”) and of other Israelite women who are playing “title-roles” (central parts) in the revelation (indictment; Lawsuit; criminal-charges) against Israel’s enemies (rivals). This is the premise (assertion; hypothesis) upon which The Book of Isaiah (“Reading Isaiah’s Mind”) is based (founded).
These good-women have kept the Glory (weightiness; carriage; magnificence) of Jehovah in their minds.
They know that His (Jehovah’s) Glory (weightiness; carriage; magnificence) will flow (gush; issue) once more, from Israel’s house (family; lineage; bloodline dynasty; line of hereditary -rulers) like a flood that’s been “pent-up” (held-back; restricted; stifled; suppressed; restrained; gradually-building) for a very long time (over two thousand years; two-millennia).
The breath (spirit; character) of The Lord (God; YHWH; The Self-Existent One”) is conspicuously lifting-up an ensign (gleaming from afar; raising a beacon) to bring forth (call-forth; summon) Israel’s people from obscurity.
* occident- countries to the West of Jerusalem, especially Europe and America.
20. I (Jehovah) will come (return) unto Zion’s (Jehovah’s Millenial Kingdom’s) redeemers and unto those (Mormons; Catholics; Muslims) who’ve been misled (fooled; lied-to; deceived; hoodwinked) by Jacob’s “Men of the Cloth” (Melchizedek-High-priests, Bishops; Imams), if they truly repent-of (feel and express sincere regret or remorse about) their sins”, saith the Lord.
21. YHWH (Jehovah; The Self-Existent One”; Israel’s God) declares, “Behold, here (“this woman”) is the Vessel (implement; instrument) of my (Jehovah’s) covenant with Israel’s people.”
“The Spirit (character; energy; warmth) that “is upon you” (“you are feeling) is mine (Jehovah’s; of Me, i.e. of Jehovah) and the words that you are reading are also mine (Jehovah’s; of Me, i.e. of Jehovah).
The words that I (Jehovah) am putting in your (Israel’s) mouths (prophets) will never depart from your (Israel’s) mouths (prophets) nor from the mouths (prophets) of your (Israel’s) children, or from the mouths (prophets) of your (Israel’s) children’s children, for “Time” (“NOW”; mortal life; mortal-probation) and “For-All-Eternity” (forever)”, saith the Lord.
End Of Chapter Fifty- Nine
6. Salt Lake’s web (network; interconnected brotherhood of high-priests; webwork; mesh-work) cannot clothe (dignify; remove the shame of) this generation and Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood authorities cannot cover (atone-for; shield; protect) themselves through the evil-things (evil-works; evil-deeds) that they’ve carried-out, or acts of violence they’ve committed by their hands (sorcery; magical-powers; enchantments; evil-spells).
7. Salt Lake’s feet (steps; measures; methods; “means”; procedures) rush (lead; move with urgent haste) to evil (calamity; adversity; sorrow; trouble)and they are swift (in a hurry) to shed-innocent-blood. Their thoughts are contemplations (deliberations; conceptions) of evil, ruin, and destruction because of their “so-called” (counterfeit; pretended; self-appointed; deceptively-named) “High-Ways” (“heavenly-Ways”).
8. They don’t know (aren’t acquainted with; have no use for) the Ways of “Peace” (happiness; wholeness; soundness; perfection).
There is no justice (integrity; honesty) within/among their Melchizedek priesthood circles (associates; society; fraternity; brotherhood).
Salt Lake’s presiding authorities deliberately (intentionally) make their ways (beaten paths) crooked (dishonest; immoral) for Mormons, so that everyone who walks (goes-along) with them will never know (become-acquainted-with; feel; be-at) peace.
9. As a result (accordingly), justice (punishment of criminals; fairness; fair-treatment; due-process) is an inconceivable (not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable) reality for us (Israel’s People) and righteousness never reaches (touches) us. We look-for (hope for; want; expect; need) further light and knowledge, but we are taught (instructed-in; shown) darkness (“a lie”; falsehood; wickedness) as though it is light (“truth”), so we walk (follow-along; stumble around; live) in the shadows.
10. We grope (fumble; search; feel around) the wall (barrier) of Salt Lake’s Rocky Mountain fortress, like folks who are blind,we feel around as if we have no eyes. We stumble and fall in broad daylight as if it’s twilight (“dark like when the sun is below the horizon”) along with Salt Lake’s desolate (grim; dismal) generation (breed; creation) of spiritually dead (lifeless) Melchizedek high-priests.
11. This (our) entire generation growls (makes low guttural sounds in our throats) like a bear, but inside (internally; behind the scenes) our whole millennial generation is moaning (making long, low sounds expressing mental suffering) and groaning (makes low creaking or moaning sounds) like “Lonesome Doves”, because we are under so much pressure. We look for justice, but there is no justice these days anywhere and deliverance eludes (escapes from) us in a skillful or cunning way.
12. Indeed (if truth be told) the numerous offenses of this Salt Lake generation are before you (right in front of your eyes; right under your nose) and the sins (short-comings; mistakes; moral-failures) of this latter-day Salt Lake generation all testify (bear-witness) against them. Indeed, they are mindful (conscious or aware) of their sins but will not acknowledge (confess; admit) them.
13. As well as their rebellion (open resistance) and treachery (double-dealing) against Jehovah and turn (apostatize) from Him in order to foment (instigate or stir up) oppression (persecution) and revolt (attempt to put an end to Jehovah’s authority by rebelling) so they may conceive (“devise in the mind”) and utter (whisper; spread; proclaim; assert) heartfelt (persuasive; compelling; eloquent ) lies (“words of deceit”; disinformation; brainwashing; propaganda; misrepresentation) to defeat (deceive; overthrow; supersede; supplant) Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) .
14. So, justice (“just” behavior and treatment; equity; fairness) is driven-backward (“seated in the back of the bus”; treated like a second-class citizen) and righteousness (goodness; virtue) stands at a distance (is far away; is remote…at best).
“Truth” (an explanation of what is going on in this world) is stumbling in the street and honesty (integrity) is no longer a welcome guest in many homes.
15. This generation is missing (“digs”; wants; loves; searches to know) “The Truth” because as on the whole, (taking all of them into account; in general), this generation is naturally inclined (predisposed) to shun (eschew; turn away from) people and things which are evil, so they are the most desirable (valuable; coveted) of targets (victims; prey) for wicked men.
Jehovah sees (recognizes; understands; realizes) this. The fact that there is no justice, today, is particularly-grievous (an abomination) in His (Jehovah’s) eyes (opinion; estimation; sight)
16. But, He (Jehovah) saw (noticed; realized) that there were no valiant (courageous and determined) men and he was appalled that there was not a single solitary man to intervene (intercede; mediate) so His (Jehovah’s) arm (seed; children; posterity) could work salvation for him, but she (his daughters: women) do sustain Jehovah.
17. And they have put-on (clothed themselves in; wear) righteousness (saintliness; moral-rectitude; goodness; integrity) as a breastplate * and the helmet of salvation. Her head (the most important part of her body) is covered by the helmet (enclosing headpiece) of salvation and has donned the garment (clothing; apparel; robe; raiment) of vengeance (punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for a wrong) and wraps (surrounds; encircles) herself in a mantle (role; duty; function) of zeal (great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause).
* breastplate –A breastplate or chest plate is a device worn over the torso to protect it from injury, as an item of religious significance, or as an item of status. A “breastplate” or “breast-piece” was among the clothes of the Jewish High-Priest. In the Bible, the word ‘breastplate’ is used figuratively to describe protecting oneself from unrighteousness (cf. Isaiah 59:17; Ephesians 6:14). According to the biblical Book of Exodus, a square breastplate embedded with 12 different gemstones, each inscribed with the name of a tribe of Israel, was worn by the High-Priest. One notable use of the breastplate was to discern God’s will through the glint of the gemstones. To be righteous means to obey God’s commandments and live in a way that is honorable to Him. Psalm 106:3 says, “How blessed are those who keep justice, who practice righteousness at all times!”
18. She will rightly (fairly; justly) repay (recompense; payback) wrath (strong vengeful anger or indignation) in direct proportion to the severity of Salt Lake’s crimes (violations; transgressions; offenses of the law), against Israel’s people, and she will bring retribution (retaliation; punishment) upon all of Jehovah’s enemies who are busy motivating (shaping; molding; feeding; forming; influencing) “Public-Opinion” against (to oppose) this (our) generation of Israel’s people.
19. The men who reign like kings in “The-West” (Salt Lake Headquarters) are terrified (frightened out of their wits; beside themselves; “wetting their pants” ) because of the name (authority; dominion) of Jehovah and they dread the rise of the sun’s (Son of God’s) ministry (spiritual-leadership; pastoral-care; teachings).
In particular, they are absolutely terrified of Jehovah’s Glory (the way he puts his holiness on display for people to apprehend; holiness of God made manifest) because it will come (return; arrive) like a pent-up (repressed; confined or held back) flood of magnificence, that Jehovah lifts up like an ensign (beacon; herald; signal; warning) that announces his divine presence.
20. “As a redeemer, She (Jehovah’s servant) will enter (abide in; bring-forth; lead) Zion (the abode of those who’ve spent 40+ years of their lives in a personal-wilderness, searching for “Living Water”) in order to bless those among Jacob people, who are repentent-of (remorseful-about; ashamed-of) their sins.” declareth the Lord.
21. As for Me, (Jehovah), this is not only my covenant with you (Israel’s people), but this is my covenant with them (Jacob’s people), as well. When you see (consider; examine; contemplate) the covenant with one group of Jehovah’s children (Israel’s people), you are looking at (seeing; considering; examining; contemplating) them both.”, saith the Lord. My spirit, the influence which you are now feeling (sensing; enjoying; experiencing) is forever upon you and the words which I (Jehovah) have put in your mouths will stay (endure). They will not depart from your mouths, nor will they depart from the mouths your children nor from the mouths of your children’s-children (descendants) from this point on, and throughout Eternity (beyond time and space).