Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 38 – verses 1-21

Hezekiah’s Illness

1. Sanaa Lathan GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYIn this (our) generation, Hezekiah (“one who embraces Jehovah”) has become so very weak (uncommitted; watered-down; wishy-washy) that those like him have come to the brink (verge) of complete-disappearance from the earth.

The prophet, Isaiah, who has inherited alertness (vigilance; good-courage) from his Israelite forefathers (ancestors; progenitors), went to Hezekiah and said……….,


“This is what the Lord says to you.  “Put your house in order, because you are going to die, you will not recover.”



2. Hitting the spiritual wall…. – Tom RoyHezekiah turned his face (intentions and purposes) to Salt Lake’s wall (barrier; division; separation; prejudice; preconceived notions of superiority) and prayed to the Lord.






3. 101 Places To Cry On Valentine's DayRemember, O Lord, how I have walked before you (in your presense) faithfully and with whole-hearted devotion and I’ve done what is “good” (fitting; useful; proper; suitable; appropriate) in thy sight. Then, Hezekiah wept bitterly.







4. Who is Isaiah in the Bible and Why is He Important? - BeliefnetThen the “Word Of The Lord” came to the prophet, Isaiah…..







5. “Go and tell Hezekiah, “This is what the Lord, the God of your forefather (ancestor; progenitor), David (“beloved-one”;”loved-one”;”darling”) says………. 

“I (Jehovah) have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will add fifteen (15) years to your life”.




6. Roxie's Powder Room: Will God REALLY Defend Me??And I will deliver (rescue; release; free; liberate) you as well as this “City of Zion” from the hand (power; possession) of the King of Assyria. I WILL  defend this city.










7.Animated GIF Let this serve as a sign (indication; evidence; portend; herald; harbinger) from the Lord, to you that He (the Lord)  will do exactly what He has promised (“given His word”; pledged; vowed; sworn) to do.





8. I (Jehovah) can see (behold; comprehend; recognize) so I also want you (Israel’s people) to also see (behold; comprehend; recognize) everything that those “white-haired” old men at Salt Lake Headquarters have in mind (are planning) to hide (conceal; cover) their steps (footsteps; tracks; actions) all of which lead back to (point to) the treachery (betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature)  of “Ahaz” (“making Salt Lake Priesthood Authorities becoming possessors of Israel’s people”)  by ministering (acting as a ministers of religion) to them, in behalf of (“for the benefit, advantage, or interest of”) Salt Lake’s  idols (Salt Lake’s presiding Melchizedek Priesthood Authorities who are greatly admired, loved, or revered).

Salt Lake’s withered (demented; crazy; deranged; maniacal) old priesthood leaders want Israel’s people to join (inlist-in; co-operate with;  promote; team-up withAnimated GIF; be a part of) their stolen (pledgerized; hijacked; embezzled) Israelite Authority, so that Salt Lake’s presiding priesthood Authorities can lead (point; direct) a World-wide ministry (spiritual-leadership) to support; promote; advance) their measures (actions; undertakings; efforts) to trick (fool; hoodwink; dupe) Israel’s priests and priestesses into falling from God’s grace (favor; approval) by “falling-for” (becoming infatuated with; succumbing to)  Salt Lake’s “Lie” (deception; mockery) 




9. You Betcha Full House GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYA writing of Hezekiah (“One who embraces God”), which is the #1 priority (consideration; concern) of the people of Judah (“Praise and thanksgiving”) after Hezekiah’s illness and recovery.







10. I (Hezekiah; “One who embraces Jehovah”) declare that during  the “Prime Of My Life” (best years of my life; peak of my god-given abilities), I have been required to expose  (debunk; unmask; bring to light;  disclose) the “Gates-Of-Sheol” (entry way to Hades; the doorway to Hell; Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIFSalt Lake’s Melchizedek priesthood Organization”).

It (the leaders of Salt Lake’s Melchizedek priesthood Organization; The Gates of Hell”) seek to rob (swindle; embezzle; defraud)  Israel’s people of their “God given” (fore-ordained; divine; providential; destined) right (legal-privilege) to rest (enjoy satisfaction; look back in pride and fulfillment) as a result of the labors (efforts; endeavors; sacrifices) made by all the members of Israel’s  House (lineage; bloodline; family; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers).






11. Real Housewives Of New York City Wow GIFI thought to myself, “It Looks like I’m going to enjoy the presence of  “God” a second time (once again), but in the company of the “Living” (others who are no-longer bound to this earth).  

No longer will I look-to (depend-upon; be impressed by) mankind (men in high places and high-positions of leadership)  .


12. make it work cut off GIF by Great Big StoryMy house (lineage; family; bloodline; dynastry; line of hereditary rulers)  has been cut-down (pulled-down)  and taken (stolen) from me like a shepherd’s tent

Until now, like one who has woven a “life-tapestry”,  I have nearly put away (ended; rolled-up) my life, seeing that Salt Lake’s “Old-White-Guys” have cut me off,  like a loose string, from its “whacky” (eccentric; zany; off-beat)  loom.

Day and night (’round the clock; continuously) thru your sychophants, you (Salt Lake headquarters) you tried (attempted; sought; worked) to make an end of me. You have nearly robbed me of all my strength by oppressing me 24/7. I’ve cried-out like a “thrush” (songbird). I’ve moaned like a dove






13. Check Watch GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHYI’ve waited patiently for the dawn (wee hours; early morning hours) of the Millenial Day.  Day and night (’round the clock; continuously) thru your sychophants, you (Salt Lake headquarters) have tried (attempted; sought; worked) to make an end of me. You have nearly robbed me of all my strength by oppressing me 24/7.





14. help me 80s GIFI’ve cried-out like a “thrush” (songbird). I’ve moaned like a dove.  My eyes have grown weak as I look to the heavens. I’ve been so troubled. Please, Lord, Come to my aid.”







15. Twd Be Humble GIF by The Walking DeadBut what can I say (“Do I really have a right to complain?”) The Lord has spoken to me. He has orchestrated (arranged) all of this. He has personally put all of this together. So, I walk humbly in my life because of the anguish I have felt (experienced) in my soul.





16. Lord …..Men live by (accept; are animated by ; get a charge out of) things like this, and for I little while, I did too.  But, you (Jehovah) have restored me to health (spiritual-wholeness) and are permitting me to live.





17. brad pitt film GIFSurely, all the anguish that I have experienced was, in some hidden (mysterious) way, ordained (appointed)  for my benefit.

You (Jehovah) have kept (preserved)  me from Salt Lake’s “Pit” (priesthood organization) of Destruction (inihilation) organized and operated solely toward “wiping-out” (disqualifying) Israel’s people for leadership of the Human family.

Because of your (Jehovah’s) love, all of my sins (mistakes; errors; failures) have been “put behind his back” (forgotten; determined-no-longer-revelent) 




18. inside the nfl GIF by SHOWTIME SportsSheol  (Salt Lake’s the Melcizedek priesthood Organization;  hell; hades) cannot (never will) confess (express) any thanks (appreciation) to you.

Men who are spiritually dead (deceased; no-longer-alive; expired; lifeless) -inside cannot sing your (Jehovah’s) praises.






19. if youre reading this its too late miss you GIFMen who have gone-down (descended; fallen ) into the Salt Lake’s “Pit” (Melchizedek Priesthood Organization) have absolutely no (zero; zip; nada) hope for your (Jehovah’s) faithfulness (loyalty; devotion).

It’s “the-living” (those whose souls are animated by the “Spirit of God”), who will praise you (Jehovah), as I am doing right now.  Israelite parents teach their children about your (Jehovah’s) faithfulness (devotion; loyalty).  






20. Wayne Watson - Touch Of The Master's Hand - YouTubeThe Lord has saved me (Isaiah), so I will sing a beautiful tribute to Him, like the sound of a master’s violin, “all the days of my life” (as long as I live on this Earth)  

    “Touch of the Master’s Hand”




21. indonesia thank you GIFIsaiah said further, “Prepare a poultice  (bandage; dressing; compress) of figs and apply it to his boil (infection; disorder; contagion; disease; contamination), then, he (Hezekiah) will recover.






22. What's Behind those Signs and Numbers Today? | Doula FaithHezekiah then asked, What is the sign that I should look for telling me that it is time for me to go up to the temple of the Lord?







End Of Chapter Thirty-Eight

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