Zion’s New Name
1. For Zion’s (YHWH’s Millenial Kingdom’s) sake, I (Yhwh; Jehovah) will no longer remain silent.
For the sake of Jerusalem (Yhwh’s Teachings Of Peace And Salvation), I (Jehovah; Yhwh) will/can no longer remain quiet) until the moment Zion’s right (birthright; legal entitlement) enlightens (illuminates; lights-up) our darkened world like the dawn (first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise) and Zion’s liberating (rescuing; helping; delivering; saving; victorious) Authority (dominion; jurisdiction) ignites (kindles; inflames; sets on fire) the hearts of Israel’s people with enthusiasm and passion, like a “blazing-torch”.
2. The Nations (“The Gentiles”; non-Israelites) throughout the world will recognize (concede; accept; acknowledge) your (Israel’s) birthright (“Right Of The Firstborn”; lawful inheritance; legal-privilege; lawful-claim) but continuously consult one-another (“Pick One Another’s Brains”) looking for ways to make your (Israel’s) honor (glory; majesty; splendor; abundance; riches) their own (possession; personal property).
While “Men of the Cloth” are busy “making-a-show” (making a ceremonial-ritual) of christening (giving a new, but irrelevant; inconsequential name to ) Your (Israel’s) nursing (suckling) children….
……behind the scenes they (Mormonism; Catholicism; Islamism Scientology) are insidiously (in a gradual, subtle way, ) hollowing-out (ruining; crippling; lessening the effectiveness, power, or ability of) Israel’s adults.
3. Your (Israel’s) authority will show itself (loom; imposingly appear; dawn; unfold) as the crowning (consummate; superior; supreme; quintessential; supreme) ministry (spiritual leadership) of splendor (grandeur; glory; brilliant-distinction) because of the personal leadership of Yhwh (The Self-Existent One”; Israel’s God; Jehovah), himself.
Your (Israel’s) authority (dominion; jurisdiction) will serve (function) as a diadem (“badge of royalty”; halo) thru (as a result of) the power of your (Israel’s) God.
4. No longer will people (the Nations; the Gentiles; non-Israelites) of the world describe (characterize) your (Israel’s) kingdom as “a heap of ruins” ( “out of commission”; deserted; forsaken; bankrupt) Never again will it (Israel’s kingdom) be thought of as “a Waste and a Desolation”.
The Nations (the Gentiles; non-Israelites), will refer-to (mention or allude to) you (Israel’s people) as “Chephtsiy-Bahh” * (“My Delight Is In Her”; i.e. “My Delight Is In Israel”) because your (Israel’s) ground (reason for legal-validity) is Beulah **(lawful-marriage; espousal; holy-matrimony; wedlock) with YHWH (Jehovah; Israel’s God).
Your (Israel’s) ground (reason legal-validity) is her birthright (legal-entitlement by birth) .
* “Chephtsiy-Bahh”-The verse is in reference to the return of the Hebrew from their exile in Babylon in which the Hebrew shall no longer be called Forsaken, but Hephzibah (My Delight Is in Her), and Jerusalem shall no longer be called Desolate, but Beulah (marriage; espousal; wedlock; holy- matrimony) in partnership with YHWH. This implies that the Hebrews have turned back to the personal worship of YHWH.
** Beulah- a feminine given name, originated from the Hebrew word (בְּעוּלָ֑ה bə‘ūlāh), used in the Book of Isaiah as a prophesied attribute (trait; characteristic; feature) of the ground (lawful-claim; legal-argument; reason for validity) of Israel. The King James Bible transliterates the word and translates it as “married” to YHWH” An alternative translation is “Espoused” (engaged or married) to YHWH. Literary works have used “Beulah” as the name of a mystical place, somewhere between Earth and Heaven. It was so used in “The Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan and in the works of William Blake.
5. Just as (even as) a choice (chosen; select; acceptable; excellent) young man marries (“ties the knot with”; plights his troth to; espouses; makes solemn marriage vows to) his “Bethuwlah” (maiden; virgin; bride). He joyfully looks forward to husbanding (preserving; maintaining overseeing; watching-over; managing) the foundation (commencement; inauguration; beginning) of his bethuwlah’s house (family; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) and at the same time, he provides (guarantees) himself a feeling of total delight” (contentment; pleasure; ecstasy; happiness; enjoyment) thru consummation (making a marriage or relationship complete by having sexual-intercourse; union; love-making) with his bride, so (in like manner; to the same extent) your God (YHWH; Jehovah) rejoices over you (Israel’s people). .
6. Upon (according to the pattern of; laid upon the rule or standard of) your (Israel’s) warm (enthusiastic; affectionate; kind) authority (dominion; jurisdiction)….……
Jerusalem (YHWH’s teaching of Peace and Salvation) points (brings; directs; guides) everyone to a recollection (remembrance; memory; nostalgia; mental-image; reminiscence) about Me (Jehovah) and My age-old (venerated; revered; respected; time-honored) Authority (jurisdiction; dominion).
You (Israel’s people) must perpetually (continually) guard (keep-safe; watch-for; preserve; honor; observe; mark; wait for) the ministry of Jerusalem (Yhwh’s teaching of Peace and Salvation) from the beginning to the joyful-end of this current (latter-day; on-going) “twisting away from the light” (fundamental cause of “night”).
“YHWH’s teaching of Peace and Salvation” (Jerusalem) will not (cannot) be hushed (suppressed; extinguished; crushed; conquered; defeat; subdued).
Yhwh’s teaching (instruction; Torah; enlightenment) causes (directs; makes; guides) everyone to be mindful of (think-about; ponder; reflect-upon; contemplate-upon) “Living-Water” (“The Holy Spirit”)…..bringing to mind the presence of YHWH (Israel’s God; Jehovah).
For you (Israel’s people), there is (exists) nothing (no-one) that is comparable (akin; approximate; similar) to Me (JHWH; Jehovah; Israel’s God). So, nothing can destroy My (Jehovah’s) ministry to bring about the transfiguration * of you and me (Israel’s people).
* transfiguration- transfiguration is “a powerful demonstration of divine nature and a manifestation of glory”, which Jesus possessed prior to coming to earth in the human body. Our Individual (personal) existence prior to Earth-life is implied (suggested; mentioned; betokened) in Philippians 2:5-11 KJV . This revelation is referred to in the Apostle Paul’s message to Phillippi………
“Let this mind (opinion; sentiment; faith) be in you, which was the same mind (point of view; conviction; wish) as Christ Jesus (an “anointed” helper) who, being in the form of God, thought that it was not robbery (theft; stealing) to be equal with God: But deliberately (purposefully intentionally) made Himself “of-no-reputation” ** (of no account; of no place in public esteem or regard), and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death…. even the death of the cross. Wherefore (as a result of which) God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus (Greek: Ἰησοῦς; Hebrew Yeshua or Y’shua- ישוע) , every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:5-11 KJV).
The name Jesus is derived from the Hebrew name Yeshua/Y’shua, which is based on the Semitic root verb y-š-ʕ (Hebrew: ישע), meaning “to deliver; to rescue. The name clearly identifies him as a “helper” (savior; rescuer). The honorific “Christ” comes from the Greek word χριστός (chrīstós), meaning “the-anointed-one”. The word is derived from the Greek verb χρίω (chrī́ō), meaning “to anoint.” (to ceremonially confer a divine or holy office upon someone)
** “of-no-reputation”-the Greek Eκενωσεν in the most basic sense means “empty (bereft; empty-handed; stripped; void) ” but it is proper to translate it with a more precise word that fits the context. The context that surrounds this verb is exegetical (explanatory; interpretative) of its meaning (Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary). All translations translate the forms of κενόω in various ways according to context. More dynamic translations exhibit the wide range of ways in which κενόω could be translated. Consider the NIV:
- κεκενωται is translated “has no value” in Romans 4:14 κεκενωται is translated “made void” in Romans 4:14 and 1 Corinthians 1:17.
κενωση is translated “deprive” in 1 Corinthians 9:15
Thus κενόω does not merely mean “empty” but “emptiness regarding a specific-thing” which is determined by the context. The NIV in Romans 4:14 translates κεκενωται as “no-value” because the context determines that the emptiness is in regards to “value” (social popularity, likeableness, admiration, and support by many people). The NASB in 1 Corinthians 1:17 translates κεκενωται as “made void” because the context determines that the emptiness is in regards to “consequence & importance “. Likewise, the KJV translates εκενωσεν in Philippians 2:7 as “made… of no reputation” because the context determines that the emptiness is in regards to family as well as personal reputation (repute; standing; stature).
The point of Philippians 2:7-8 is that Jesus made himself empty in regards to reputation (account; repute; notoriety; prestige; prominence; standing in the community; stature) . Thus “made himself of no reputation” is precise. The literal “emptied-himself” can mislead to abuse by sects like Jehovah’s Witnesses who don’t believe that Jesus was a God. The New World Translation has “emptied himself.” One could take this phrase “emptied himself” and suppose that Jesus emptied himself of his divinity. The KJV translation ensures that the meaning of εκενωσεν is understood according to context and prevents abuse. Since even the literal NASB translates κενόω according to context and not always as mere “emptied,” the KJV’s treatment of εκενωσεν is proper and helpful.
7. Thus, you (Israel’s people) must not tolerate (allow; permit) the silencing (cutting-off; interruption; discontinuance) of Jerusalem (YHWH’s education in Peace and Salvation) on account of Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) Officialdom (leadership), for He (Yhwh; Jehovah; Israel’s God) is preparing Israel’s seed (offspring descendants; people) and He (Yhwh; Jehovah; Israel’s God) is “launching” (inaugurating; ushering-in; paving the way for; introducing) Israel’s ministry (Spiritual-leadership) while keeping in mind (remembering; being mindful of) the folly (iniquity; sin) that is currently engulfing the world.
8. Israel’s seed (offspring; descendants; issue; posterity), as a body (collectively), are hereditarily sworn (duty-bound; required; pledged; obligated) to Yhwh (Jehovah) because of Israel’s right (birthright; privilege; “lawful-right as the firstborn heir of Yhwh “) and they are conditioned (accustomed; habituated) to His (Jehovah’s) mighty arm (power; might; strength).
Never, again will I (Jehovah) give your (Israel’s) increase (expansion; growth; development; gain; accession) to your (Israel’s) enemies in order (as a means) for them to cleverly (cunningly; in a clever and deceitful way) rehash (put old ideas into a new form without significant change or improvement) the “manna” (heavenly food; divine instruction; spiritual-nourishment) that has been previously (earlier-on; long-ago) supplied (provided) to Israel’s people.
Neither will sons (disciples; followers; soldiers; lieutenants; deputies ) of foreigners (strangers; non-Israelites) ever again base (build; establish) themselves as religious-hotshots” (“movers & shakers”; experts; VIP’s; celebrities; top-dogs), so they can make (force) you (Israel’s people) suffer-want (poverty; neediness; destitution; lack) as a result f their labor (effort; endeavor; work)to bring-forth (introduce; promote; advance and raise themselves to higher positions and rank).
9. Indeed (if truth be told), Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) officials are taking out of the way (eliminating; blinding; handicapping; getting rid of; disqualifying; removing) Israel’s seed, so that they (Israel’s people) will never again to be seriously considered for leadership over their own people.
They (Cult officials) are working (seeking; striving) to wipe-out (do away with; invalidate; deprive of legal efficacy) the Old Testament Revelations (visions & dreams) previously given to Israel’s people by Yhwh.
The object of their (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s Cult officials) celebration (making a show of; praise; are fooling; glory in; shine-up; shame) is themselves…!
Each of them has in his mind (is determined) to eventually supplant (usurp the place of; take the place of; supersede; replace) Yhwh (God; “The Self-Existent One”) …….
…….but in the meantime (until then) , they eagerly seek (scramble; compete against each other) to become Cult Officials who are expert (accomplished; skilled; practiced; adroit; adept) at “embezzling” (stealing; gripping; taking-over; seizing and holding- firmly; forging; counterfeiting; falsifying; duplicating; feigning) the ministry (spiritual instruction) of Israel’s seed (descendants; offspring; children) thru “the Powers Of Darkness” (Sorcery; Black Magic).
Within their inner (internal; innermost; private; personal; individual; deep-seated) court (seat of judgment), they eagerly swallow (believe without much thought; fall-for; accept without question or suspicion) all the revelations (visions; great-sights; dreams) broadcast (circulated) by leaders who are in control of their Cult Headquarters (administrative center) in order to secure (safeguard; protect; guarantee; assure) their personal Authority (dominion; jurisdiction).
10. Yhwh will “Passover” * Israel’s people, a second time, by sweeping-away (taking-out; throwing-away removing; getting rid of; discarding; tossing; casting-aside; throwing-out) Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) sorcerers (wizards; woeful-magicians; warlocks) by storm (barrage; bombardment; onslaught; attack)……
…….because Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) leadership (administrators; commanders presiding religious authorities) openly (boldly; unashamedly; arrogantly) enjoy themselves in personal leisure (convenience; relaxation; ease; opportunity; Sabbath; Sabbatical; fulfillment and rest)
Behold (Observe something remarkable), Israel’s people are prepared (ready, willing, and able) to trample (tread-down with their feet) this fraudulent latter-day Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) leadership.
* Passover-Hebrew Pesaḥ, or Pesach, in Judaism, holiday commemorating the Hebrews’ liberation from slavery in Egypt and the “passing over” of the forces of destruction, or the sparing of the firstborn of the Israelites, when the Lord “smote the land of Egypt” on the eve of the Exodus. The festival thus marks the first and most momentous event in Jewish history. Passover begins with the 15th and ends with the 21st (or, outside of Israel and among Reform Jews, the 22nd) day of the month of Nisan (March or April). On these seven (or eight) days, all leaven, whether in bread or other mixture, is prohibited, and only unleavened bread, called matzo, may be eaten. The matzo symbolizes both the Hebrews’ suffering while in bondage and the haste with which they left Egypt in the course of the Exodus. Passover is also sometimes called the Festival of Unleavened Bread.
According to the Hebrew Bible, Jewish settlement in ancient Egypt first occurs when Joseph, a son of the patriarch Jacob and founder of one of the 12 tribes of Israel, moves his family there during a severe famine in their homeland of Canaan.
For many years the Israelites live in harmony in the province of Goshen, but as their population grows the Egyptians begin to see them as a threat. After the death of Joseph and his brothers, the story goes, a particularly hostile pharaoh orders their enslavement and the systematic drowning of their firstborn sons in the Nile.
One of these doomed infants is rescued by the pharaoh’s daughter, given the name Moses (meaning “one who is pulled out”) and adopted into the Egyptian royal family. When he reaches adulthood, Moses becomes aware of his true identity and the Egyptians’ brutal treatment of his fellow Hebrews. He kills an Egyptian slave master and escapes to the Sinai Peninsula, where he lives as a humble shepherd for 40 years. One day, however, Moses receives a command from God to return to Egypt and free his kin from bondage, according to the Hebrew Bible.
Along with his brother Aaron, Moses approaches the reigning pharaoh (THe Great House (family; lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) who is unnamed in the biblical version of the story) several times, explaining that the Hebrew God has requested a three-day leave for his people so that they may celebrate a feast in the wilderness.10 PlaguesWhen the pharaoh refuses, God unleashes 10 plagues on the Egyptians, including turning the Nile River red with blood, diseased livestock, boils, hailstorms and three days of darkness, culminating in the slaying of every firstborn son by an avenging angel. The Israelites, however, mark the doorframes of their homes with lamb’s blood so that the angel of death will recognize and “pass over” each Jewish household. Terrified of further punishment, the Egyptians convince their ruler to release the Israelites, and Moses quickly leads them out of Egypt.
The pharaoh changes his mind, however, and sends his soldiers to retrieve the former slaves.As the Egyptian army approaches the fleeing Jews at the edge of the Red Sea, a miracle occurs: God causes the sea to part, allowing Moses and his followers to cross safely, then closes the passage and drowns the Egyptians. According to the Hebrew Bible, the Jews—now numbering in the hundreds of thousands—then trek through the Sinai desert for 40 tumultuous years before finally reaching their ancestral home in Canaan, later known as the Land of Israel.
Thought Question: could it be that the New Testament last supper was/is an allusion (observance designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect reference) to the Old Testament “Seder” (ritual service and ceremonial meal for the first night of “Passover”)
11. Behold (observe something remarkable), Yhwh (Jehovah; Israel’s God) is proclaiming (announcing) the end (crisis; “moment of truth”; critical-situation; decisive-point; crossroads) for “The-Earth” (individuals who are confined, condemned, imprisoned, to the Earth)
You (Israel’s people) must “bear-forth” (say; throw light upon the much-discussed subject; promise) unto them concerning Yhwh’s (Jehovah’s; the God Of Israel’s) Cherished-Female-Messengers of Zion (Jehovah’s Millenial Kingdom; Yhwh’s heavenly-City or Yhwh’s kingdom-of-heaven).
Behold (observe something especially impressive), Your (Israel’s) deliverance (salvation; savior; safety; welfare) has arrived.
Behold (observe something remarkable), the wages (reward; retribution; remuneration; compensation) to Israel’s people will accompany (come-with) them, for (because) their illustrious deeds serve the purposes (intentions) of Israel’s seed (offspring; descendants; posterity).
12. So, It will occur-to (dawn upon; come into the mind of) everyone that Israelites who are beheld (observed; seen; viewed) as genuine Holy-Ones (Saints; Angels; morally-pure; ethically-clean; free of Idolatry) are, if truth be told, Yhwh’s (Jehovah’s; “The Self Existent One’s”; the God Of Israel’s) redeemers (saviors; emancipators; rescuers; deliverers), so everyone will give unto you (Israel’s Holy-Ones; Israel’s-Saints; Israel’s-Angels) the name (honorific; title)
“The Israelite Generation That Is Holding Steadfast Upon The Watchtower &
Absolutely Refusing To Desert Israel’s seed”
End Of Chapter Sixty-Two
4. No longer will anyone dare to call you “Deserted-One “ or call your kingdom “Desolate”. But instead He (Jehovah) will call you “Heptzi Bah” (“Delighted by great insights & heavenly-visions”) and your kingdom will be described as “Beulah” (“Petitioning to be accustomed to great insights & heavenly-visions”) for the Lord is well pleased with you and the supreme power & authority of your Throne (rank; dignity; power; sovereignty) over a man who tries to dominate you and your home, as your Baal (husband; owner; Lord & Master).
5. Because (to the extent that ) a man, who you’ve chosen to be your partner (husband; mate) rules (is Lord and Master; has dominion) over you (a maiden; a virgin), your sons will behave as if they rule (are Lords and Masters; have dominion) over you, too.
6. But you (Israel’s people) are the object of your bridegroom-Jehovah’s delight and just as (in the same way that ) the bridegroom rejoices (feels and shows great joy or delight) over his bride, so (likewise) your God rejoices over you.
P.S. I’m sorry if this “gif ” is an irreverent portrayal of an exuberant Jehovah celebrating at the wedding reception with His family, but ….I saw it among the media choices… Leo makes the point really well….. it’s funny….. and I couldn’t resist it! (…now back to Isaiah’s words)
So, I (Jehovah) have posted watchmen (look-outs; “watch-dogs”; sentinels) upon your walls (at your boundaries; on your frontiers; on your borders) day and night (24/7). They are not like Salt Lake’s “sleeping-dogs”, who aren’t awake to bark (make a sound; warn; alarm; alert) at the approach of strangers.
7. You (Israelite people), who are accustomed to calling upon (communing-with; conversing-with) Jehovah, must not rest (let-up; ease-off; pause; relax) until the day He (Jehovah) re-establishes (puts in power again; re-invests; brings-back; reinstates) this generation of Israel’s people and until He (Jehovah) makes (causes) Jerusalem (“Teachings of Peace and Salvation”), to be praised (glorified, honored, and exalted, especially in song) once again, throughout the World.
8. Jehovah has sworn (made a solemn promise) to this generation by raising His “right-hand” * and His arm (forearm; symbolizing one’s might, strength, and power) to never again give-away, having in mind, your cover (protection) or food (“manna”; revelation) to people who have sworn an oath to overthrow you. Neither will sons (subjects; disciples) of foreigners (strangers; non-Israelites; aliens) ever again drink of New-Wine **(symbolizing “transformation”) that you have toiled to achieve.
* right-hand –As early as the Talmud – about 2,000 years ago – people took oaths with their right hands because this practice was mentioned in the Bible. “Isn’t “right” an expression of an oath?” [BT Nazir 3b]. The Talmud then continues and asks what the connection is between the right hand and an oath and cites a verse from the book of Daniel: “When he lifted up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and swore by Him that lives forever” [12:7]. The right hand is associated with taking an oath from this verse. The Talmud then rejects this view and says that the right hand itself is an oath and cites yet a different proof-text from the book of Isaiah: “The Lord has sworn by His right hand” [Isaiah 62:8]. The Talmud also permits the use of the left hand for the taking of an oath. In other words, the critical act is the “Raising Of The Hand” rather than the specific (right or left) hand, according to a number of medieval commentators. Historically, however, the right hand was always associated in the Bible and in many ancient cultures with “Strength” because it was usually the preferred arm for use in military maneuvers. God’s strength is often referred to as coming from the right hand or forearm. When Jacob places his right hand on his second grandson Ephraim (Genesis 48:14), he shows him preferential treatment as the strong one of Joseph’s sons and the natural one to inherit the leadership. The right side was also regarded as a position of honor; the High Priest in the Temple always turned to the right first when encircling the altar.
** New-wine – Wine traditionally is the central symbol of “transformation”. The process of winemaking is that of transformation, a result of breaking-down grape molecules into parts and re-integrating those parts into wine. The grape transforms itself simply by being broken-down (subjected to a period of intense mental distress; undergoing atomic and molecular decomposition) because of man. Grapes transform into wine without anyone’s help……TRUE!.
9. In the same manner, men who have hitherto (until now) greedily eaten (devoured; consumed; swallowed-up; incorporated) this generation of Israel’s people, will undergo a similar transformation (conversion; change; alteration; make a thorough or dramatic change in character, like grapes into wine) so they will, as if by some miracle, enjoy (take delight or pleasure in; appreciate) Israel’s “Revelations” (great insights and heavenly-visions). These same men will then point (direct everyone’s attention), with Jehovah in mind, to the Israelites who’ve been gathered-up (corralled; confined; imprisoned; incarcerated) by Salt Lake’s Priesthood Authorities.
But…..in fairness…… Salt Lake’s men will imbibe (absorb or assimilate ideas and knowledge) “only” after they’ve passed thru the Supreme (Heavenly; divine) “Court-of-Death” so that they, too, may be regarded (deemed) as “holy” (clean; sanctified; purified; free of the sin of idolatry and other defilements).
10. Their consecration of priests thru magic along with their , the alienation of their own children from Jehovah because of idolatry (worship of foreign Gods) brings forth (causes; gives-rise-to; encourages) an over-estimation (judgment or rough calculation that is too favorable or too high) of mortal-men. Turn yourselves toward the ways of Israel’s people. Build-up….build-up the “highway (course of life; ladder; “stairway”) to Heaven”.
Remove all the massive (weighty) stones (hard-hearted men) who are constantly promoting (leading; championing) administrative (judicial) obstruction.
Raise a standard (conspicuous object formerly carried at the top of a pole and used to mark a “Rallying-Point” especially in battle) for the benefit of “The Nations” (Gentiles; Non-Israelites).
11. Lo and Behold (a new turn of events, often with the suggestion that although surprising, it could in fact have been predicted), Jehovah is proclaiming unto the “Ends” (participants in the last days of a story; Adam’s Story; His-story) on the Earth……
Say to (tell) the Daughters (“Apples of the Eye”; cherished Ones) of Zion (“a community of Israelites who have spent 40+ years of their lives wandering in a personal desert in search of “Living Water”) “Behold (observe something miraculous), your Salvation (rescue; redemption) has come (arrived).
See…..Jehovah’s reward is with Him and His recompense (compensation or reward given for loss or harm suffered or effort made) accompanies Him.
Waitress…I’ll have what she’s having…..please!
12. Israel’s people will be called (addressed as) “People-of-Holiness”….Ones who are personally redeemed by Jehovah. With regard to you (Israel’s people), He (Jehovah) will call (designate; address) you “Sought-After”– A City No Longer Deserted” (in demand; universally-desired)