Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem
1. As it happened, during Salt Lake’s long-awaited (hoped-for; anticipated) opportunity for its leadership, to accumulate filthy riches (lucre; blood-money) and personal wealth, the supreme (ultimate) rule of Hezekiah (Jehovah’s embrace) of all the fortified cities (settlements communities) of Judah were attacked by Sennacherib “(“Get rid of your enemies by literally sweeping them away”) then they were taken captive. (as Prisoners of War)
Sennacherib (“Sweep-away your enemies once and for all”) reigns supreme among those who love (support; need; are devoted to; worship; adore; idolize) Assyria. (“guaranteed social popularity and financial security thru unwavering loyalty to the Melchizedek Priesthood Organization”).
2. Next, the king (ruler that reigns supreme in the minds) of Assyria’s people sent his field commanders (head honchoes; bishops; presiding priesthood leaders) followed by a large invading army (host; multitude) of High Priests who are well-versed in Lachish (“magical arts”; sorcery; casting-spells) to attack Jerusalem (“instructor in Peace and Salvation”)
When the Sennacherib’s field-commanders (Bishops; local and regional-priesthood authorities) stopped (stood-still; hung-around- tarried) at the channel (direction; ministry; rout; approach; means; conduit; waterway) coming from the “Upper” (superior; higher; best; aristocratic) “Pool” (blessing; watering holes; gathering places).
The Upper Pool (“Aristocratic Watering hole”) is “on the way to” (bound for; in passage to; on the road to headed for) the “Fulling * Field” (field of the “Fullers”; work of those who enmesh together and puff-up men)
* fulling– process of cleansing, shrinking, and thickening Israel’s clothing (wool; sheep’s clothing; fleeces) by moisture, heat, and pressure. .fulling cloth by means of walkers and stampers, which alternately fall into and rise from troughs where the cloth is placed with hot water and fuller’s earth, or other cleansing materials such as human urine .
So, as of today, Hezekiah (“Jehovah’s embrace”), which has been Judah’s time-honored (tried and true; traditional; official; accepted) goal (objective) has been supplanted (superseded; overrun) by the strategy of Sennacherib (“Sweeping everyone away with a broom, as a means to get rid of enemies”) throughout all the congregations (settlements; congregations) who support (adopt; welcome ; love) Judah (“praise and thanksgiving unto Jehovah”).
Salt Lake wants to make absolutely sure that Judah (Praise and Thanksgiving”) is useless except to point (direct everyone’s attention) to Salt Lake’s so-called (much ballyhooed; self-styled; alleged; presumed; self-appointed) “Gathering-of-Israel” which is just a means (“modus-operandi”; method; technique; process; procedure) by which Salt Lake steals (gradually siphons-off; draws-off; chips-away-at; take; severs; cuts-into; accesses) Israel’s authority (jurisdiction; dominion) like siphoning the gas out of an old lay’s car, then kidnapping (abducting; seizing) her as their captive (convict; slave; hostage; prisoner; bond-sevant).
.2. Then the king (supreme-rule) of Assyria (“the notion of guaranteed social popularity and financial security thru unwavering allegiance to the Melchizedek Priesthood Organization”) dispatched (sent) his chief field commanders * (Stake Presidents; Bishops; Local presiding Melchizedek priesthood authorities) with a virtual army of Mormon members from Lachish (“leaders who are hard to catch”; “leadership that is obstinate”), having in mind, his chief field commanders (Bishops; Stake Presidents; presiding Melchizedek priesthood authorities) functioning as (pretending to be; acting as if they are; operating as if they are; working as if they are; performing as if they are ) Chief-Butlers **(cup-bearer; drink-furnisher; chief advisors; chief ministers) to the King (supreme rule; conventional-wisdom) of Hezekiah (“a close-bond with Jehovah”).
*chief field commander– Mormon Bishop – The bishop holds the primary responsibility for everything in the ward, (congregation) both spiritually and temporally. Although he can delegate specific assignments to his counselors, the ultimate responsibility falls to him. His duties include presiding over and conducting meetings and worship services; serving as president of the ward’s quorum of priests; acting as a “judge in Israel” or “common judge”; providing temporary financial relief for members of their ward; serving as the presiding high-priests of the ward; and organizing and managing the ward’s auxiliary organizations. After being called, a bishop is ordained a high priest (if he does not already hold that priesthood office) and then ordained and set-apart (consecrated) as the bishop and presiding high priest of the specific ward. He is also given the priesthood “keys” (a confusing term which is tossed around all the time like a coveted golden egg, meaning “authorization”) allowing him to represent God in performing his duties. The ordinations, setting apart, and the conferral tossed around by priesthood authorities) of keys is performed by the laying on of hands by the Stake President (presiding authority over several Mormon congregations. After a bishop is released from his responsibilities over the ward, he retains the priesthood office of bishop for life.
** Chief-Butler- cup-bearer was an officer of high rank in royal courts whose duty it was to serve the drinks (wine; intoxicating beverages) at the royal table. On account of
the constant fear of plots and intrigues, a person must be regarded as thoroughly trustworthy to hold the position. He must guard against poison in the king’s cup and was sometimes required to swallow some of the wine before serving it. His confidential relations with the king often gave him a position of great influence. The position of cup-bearer is greatly valued and given only to a select few throughout history qualifications for the job were not held lightly but of high esteem valued for their beauty and even more for their modesty, industriousness and courage.
The cup-bearer as an honorific role limited to certain .
lineages (families; dynasties; bloodlines) belonging to the royal-household is sometimes divided into departments with the butler in charge of the dining-room, wine cellar, and pantry. Some also have charge of the entire parlor floor and housekeepers caring for the entire house and its appearance. A butler is usually male, and in charge of male servants, while a housekeeper is usually a woman and in charge of female servants. Traditionally, male servants (such as footmen) were better paid and of higher status than female servants. The butler, as the senior male servant, has the highest servant status. He can also be sometimes used as a chauffeur. In older houses (families; lineages; dynasties) where the butler is the most senior worker, titles such as “Majordomo or “Chief of Staff” are sometimes bestowed. The precise duties of the employee will vary to some extent in line with the title given, but perhaps, more importantly in line with the requirements of the individual employer. In the grandest homes or when the employer owns more than one residence, there is sometimes an estate manager of higher rank than the butler.
3. Eliakim (“One who is personally developed and groomed by God”) who happens to be the son (lawful; legitimate heir; scion) of Hilkiah (“An inheritance of “Love for God”). Hilkiah (an inheritance of a “Love for God”) has long been the palace’s (royal-residence’s) administrator (manager; CEO; governor) of Shebna (growth; development), as well as its secretary (record-keeper; clerk; bookkeeper) working along side Joah (“God is like a brother and friend to me”) who, was raised under the tutelage (training; discipline) of Asaph (assembling people and things; rounding people and things up; gathering-people and things). They quickly did everything they could to welcome (please; obey; comply with) the field-commanders (Bishops; Presiding-Authorities) of Sennacherib (“One who gets rid of all his enemires by sweeping everyone away with a broom”)
4. The Field Commanders (Bishops; presiding priesthood officers of Salt Lake Headquarters) said to Hezekiah, “Thus saith the great King (supreme ruler of) Assyria ( (“Guaranteed social and financial success thu unwavering loyalty to Salt Lake’s Melchizedek priesthood Organization”)
Upon what grounds (in whose name; legal-argument) is this confidence (tenacity; certainty; assurance) of yours based?
5. You (Israel’s people) claim to have a strategy and that you possess military strength, but your words seem empty (hollow; vain; worthless) to us.
Upon whom are you depending that you dare to rebell against Me (Sennacherib; “One who gets rid of all his enemires by sweeping all of them away”).
6. Look here (listen to us; you Israelite dolts (dummies; idoits; clowns). You are depending on Egypt (“a culture made possible by servitude and slavery”). Mormon culture of servitude and bondage is like a staff (symbol of authority) made of splintered (fragmented) reeds (men who are weak and impressionable) that pierce (impale) a man’s hand (power) and injures it if he leans upon the splintered-reeds (men who are weak and impressionable).

7. If you (Israel’s people) say to Me (Sennacherib) “We are depending upon The Lord, (Jehovah)!”
Isn’t He (Jehovah) the one whose “High-Places’ (revenue rich tourist attractions; flashy-religious-complexes) and altars (sacrificial places and circumstances) Hezekiah ordered (commanded) to be removed, then said unto Judah, (“Praise and thanksgiving”) and unto Jerusalem (“the teacher of Peace and Salvation”) , “You must always worship at the altars dedicated to Judah (“Praise and Thankgiving”) and Jerusalem (“The teacher of Peace and Salvation”).
8. “Come-now (be reasonable; don’t be afraid)!
Enter into a bargain (covenant; pact; binding agreement contract) with Salt Lake’s “Lord and Master”, Sennacherib (“One who gets rid of all of his enemies by totally sweeping them away”) which happens to be the “Mantra” (hymn; motto; slogan; watchword) of Assyria (“Guaranteed social and financial success by pledging-allegiance to Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization”). Then, they said, “We will give you two-thousand horses (symbols of royalty; dancing and prancing performers) though its not very likely that you have among you, a single-qualified-rider.
9. “How then, can you ever hope to repulse (drive-back by force; “fight-off”; drive-away) even the weakest (least) of Salt lake’s officers, if you are totally dependent upon Egypt (“a culture of servitude and bondage) for chariots (assault-teams; armored-tanks; assault-equipment)?”
10. Furthermore, do you really believe (think; suppose) that have I (Jehovah) come all this way to carelessly attack others and thoughtlessly destroy churches without so much as mentioning the fact that the Lord of this (our) land (society; generation of Israelites) has called (appointed; knighted; commissioned) our generation to warn “The-Gentiles” (non-Israelites; The-Nations) of the world about the dangers of “The Mormon Church” (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints; “The Corporation Of The President Of The church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day-Saints”) which is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. We are instructed to march (walk with determination) against “The Mormon Church”. (“The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesusu Christ of Latter-Day-Saints”).
11. Then, Eliakim (One who has been reared by Jehovah) hand in hand with Shebna (growth) and Joah (“Jehovah is “my-brother”, i.e. “Jehovah is my protector”) said to Salt Lake’s Field-Commanders (Salt Lake’s Bishops and presiding priesthood Authorities).
“Please speak to your servants (“the Bishops and presiding priesthood authorities”). Tell them in Aramaic (Salt Lake double-speak; deliberately euphemistic, ambiguous, or obscure language; Salt Lake “double-talk”) because it is the only language that they can understand.
Don’t dare speak to us in Hebrew (the language of ancient Israel). We Don’t understand Hebrew and we (captive Israelites) are embarrassed (hesitating; ashamed) to acknowledge your (Israel’s people’s) cause (ground of legal action; matter over which Israel’s people go to law) in front (in the presence) of all the menacing (threatening; imposing) photographs of Salt Lake General Authorities hanging on the wall so that Mormons are constantly reminded that they are always subject to Salt Lake’s watchful-gaze.
12. But the Field-Commanders (Bishops; Salt Lake’s presiding Priesthood Authorities) replied, “Was it only to your Master and to you, but not to the men pictured on the Bishop’s wall?” that our Master (Sennacherib) sent us to say these things?”.
The ridiculous men portrayed on the wall of the bishop’s office, have managed to survive “only” because they’ve swallowed (taken-in; bought-into) their colleague’s (each-other’s) filth (“doo-doo”; “bullshit”; stupid or untrue talks or writings; nonsense) and they drink (chug-a-lugged; consume) their own bottled stream (continuous flow) of urine (“piss”; pee-pee; “golden-liquid”; waste-matter; discharge; excrement).
13. Then, something really wierd happened. The Field Commanders (Bishops; Presiding aaaaaaaPriesthood Athorities the stood there (at-attention) and “called-out” (made fun of; mocked; lampooned; mimicked; derided; insulted; ridiculed; shouted to) to Israel’s people in Hebrew (“Yes…you heard me….”broken-Hebrew”; of all things), “Hear the words of Salt Lake’s great monarchs…..even Salt Lake’s kings (crowned-heads) who rule over Assyria!” (“Guaranteed social and financial success thru unwavering allegiance to Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization”).
14. This is what Salt Lake’s Kings (crown-heads; royalty) are saying to you, “Don’t let Hezekiah fool (trick; bambozzle; deceive) you (Israel’s people) into believing that he can deliver you!
15. Don’t let him (Hezekiah) persuade you to trust (place your confidence) in “The-Lord” (Jehovah). He (Hezekiah; “One who Jehovah embraces”) declares, “The Lord will surely (without any doubt; absolutely) deliver Salt Lake City. This capital will never be given into the hand (possession) of Assyrian Kings. Don’t listen (pay-attention) to Hezekiah (“One who is embraced by Jehovah”). This is what the Kings (crowned-heads) of Assyria are saying……
16. “Make-peace-with (appease; placate; pacify) us (Salt Lake’s presiding Authorities) or, better yet, come out to (join) us.
Then, just like us (Salt Lake’s people) , every one of you (Israel’s people) will eat-from (devour; consume; feed-on) his/her own vine (lineage; bloodline; family) and his/her own “Fig tree”. *
……then every one of you will drink (partake of; employ; practice) water (Sorcery; Black Magic) from his own cistern (underground reservoir), until Jehovah comes-back (returns) and takes you to a land (society) that looks (appears to be) a lot like your own. He’ll show you a land filled with grain (cereal) and your “new-vine” (‘new lineage’; “new bloodline’; “new-family”) ….and a land (society; realm) filled with bread (solid-food; sustenance; substantial-doctrine; daily food; “Manna”) and vineyards (“gardens-of-grapevines”).
17. …….until Jehovah comes-back (returns) and takes you to a land (society) that looks (appears to be) a lot like your own. He’ll show you a land filled with grain (cereal) and your “new-vine” (‘new lineage’; “new bloodline’; “new-family”) ….and a land (society; realm) filled with bread (solid-food; sustenance; substantial-doctrine; daily food; “Manna from Heaven” *) and vineyards (“gardens-of-grapevines”).
* Manna from Heaven –Manna (Hebrew מָן man, Greek μάννα; Arabic: اَلْمَنُّ), sometimes or archaically spelled mana is, according to the Bible, an edible substance which God provided for the Israelites during their travels in the desert during the 40-year period following The Exodus and prior to the conquest of Canaan. It is also mentioned in the Quran three times.
18. Don’t let Hezekiah (“One who is embraced by God”) mislead (hoodwink) you (Israel’s people) when he says, “The Lord will deliver us!” Has the God of any other nation ever delivered His land (society) from the hand (might; power) of Assyria?”
19. Where is the God of Hamath (those who hide behind a protective wall) and where is the God of Arphad (those who seek to “Live An Easy-life”). Where is the god of Salt Lake’s Seraphim (“firey-flying-serpents”; poisonous-serpents)? Have any of them ever rescued Samaria (“the guardianship of Israel’s people”) from my (Sennacherib’s) hand (power)?”
20. Who among all the gods of the aforementioned countries is able to to save his own land from Me (Sennacherib). So,……just how do you suppose the Lord will deliver (rescue; redeem; save; free) Jerusalem (“the teacher of Peace and salvation”) from my (Sennacherib’s) Hand (power) .
21. But the people remain silent and say nothing in reply because Sennacherib commands them, “You don’t have to answer that question!”
22. Then, Eliakim (“One who’se been raise-up by God”) who is a son (lawful heir; disciple) of Hilkiah (“God’s-Portion”; “a portion of God”). Hilkiah (“One who’se portion is the God’s-Spirit”; “One who’se character is like the Spirit of God”) is Jehovah’s administrator (overseer; manager; commander).’
Shebna (tender-youth; young-adults; teenagers ) are Jehovah’s secretaries * (clerks; bookkeepers; record-keepers).
* Secretary.- A secretary, administrative professional, or personal-assistant is a person whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management communication, and organizational skills. However this role should not be confused with the role of an executive secretary, who differs from a personal assistant. In many countries, an executive secretary is a high-ranking position in the administrative hierarchy. In fact in Pakistan, federal secretaries are dubbed as the most influential people in the country. The functions of a personal assistant may be entirely carried out to assist one other employee or may be for the benefit of more than one. In other situations a secretary is an officer of a society or organization who deals with correspondence, admits new members, and organizes official meetings and events.
End Of Chapter Thirty-Six.