Isaiah’s Commission
1. Because the “Old White Men” in Salt Lake’s patriarchal (male-controlled) government (First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles) spend so much of their time “Asleep at the Wheel” (in a semi-comatose-state; unable to discharge their responsibilities), their “Rule” (administration; leadership) is “null and void” (has no force, binding power, or validity; “Out Of Order”; broken).
God illuminated (lit-up; enlightened) Isaiah’s mind. In a vision, he saw, “The Lord” (Jehovah) sitting exalted upon His heavenly throne. Isaiah noticed the “hem” * (tzitziyoth; tassels; “knots”) attached to (linked-to; associated-with) the four (well-chosen) corners (turning-points; crossroads; crucial-junctures) of Jehovah’s robe (duty; responsibility; mantle; important-role) as the God Of Israel.
These Tzitzyoth (tassels; knots) symbolize certain “Spiritually-Mature” Israelites who have already (eons-ago; previously) been put-in-place (positioned at those particular corners; situated at those particular corners), so that during the last days, they (spiritually mature Israelites) and they alone , are the only legal (legitimate; rightful; lawful) representatives (occupants; owners; dwellers; possessors) of Jehovah’s multi-generational “House” (family; bloodline; lineage; dynasty; line of hereditary-rulers). .
* Hem? – Contrary to popular belief, the woman with the “issue of blood” did not touch “the hem of Yeshua’s garment” (Matthew 9:20, Mark 5:25, Luke 8:43, Luke 8:44). She reach-out to touch the tzitzit – tassels – of Yeshua’s tallit (prayer shawl). In ancient Israel, men wore four-cornered outer tunics with tassels, or tzitziyot (pronounced tzee-tzeeyoth; represent legitimacy) in the form of blossoms; rosettes, representing the legitimate-crowns, ataras; diadems; golden head ornaments of Davidic Kings), attached to the four corners. The outer garment became known as a tallit, and eventually evolved into the more formal prayer shawl. But, why tassels? These tassels were to remind each Jewish man of his responsibility to fulfill God’s commandments. In fact, these tassels are tied into 613 knots to constantly remind them of the 613 laws of Moses, of which there are prohibitions (“thou shalt not” laws), and commands (“thou shalt” laws). The knots also correspond with the ineffable name of God, the unspoken yod-hey-vav-hey, Yahweh. Because they were attached to the four corners of your garment, in full view of everyone including the wearer, they would be a constant reminder to walk in God’s Laws. The Hebrew word for law is halacha, and it literally means “walk”. A person’s walk means his/her ways (habits) . You see (after all) ….., following (adopting; taking after; patterning one’s self after) God’s law (“halaka”; “walk”) is a daily process of repetition to creat a habit, and to continue in his way (habit) of righteousness, we all need a constant reminder. Wearing these tassels would be comparable to us wearing a large Bible on a rope around our necks. How would we behave in public, how would we speak to others, which way would we go be go? God intended them to be a constant reminder of His Word when he told the Israelites to wear
these fringes.
Today, because Jewish people wear western clothes, they keep this law by wearing a four-cornered garment as an undershirt. Yet, they bring the tassels out over their belt so that they can be seen. We also find the tzitziyot on the corners of the beautiful prayer shawls worn by Jewish men as an outer garment when they pray. I always like to see the men in my neighborhood in Jerusalem coming home from synagogue every Friday night and Saturday morning with their flowing prayer shawls draped over their shoulders. When deep in prayer, Jewish men will put these prayer shawls over their heads to shut out the world and be in the presence of God. This can be seen in the synagogue or at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The prayer shawls are white, representing those who are “pure of heart”, i.e. those with whom God feels “At-Home”. The color blue represents the “Ruach Ha Kodesh, or the Spirit of Sanctity (Spirit of God’s presence) . Therefore, praying under the tallit, or prayer shawl, is covering yourself with the presence of God. From biblical times, this custom was like a prayer closet, and it is likely this is what Yeshua was referring to in Matthew 6:6, when He told us to get into our closet, apart from the people around, and pray in secret to the Lord. This tallit was the mantle worn by Samuel (I Sam. 15:27), and it was Elijah’s mantle that was conferred upon Elisha (I Kgs. 19:19). It was also worn by Yeshua, and the “Hem (tassels) of the Garment” were the things that were touched by the woman with the issue of blood was actually the tzitziyot or tassels of His tallit. Even in His glorious Second Coming, Yeshua will be wearing His tallit. In Revelation 19:11-16, John gives us a description: “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is Faithful and True, … He has a Title given to him/her that no one but He/she knows. the rider is clothed in a garment stained by blood: and the rider’s Title (appellation) is written on his/her garment and upon his/her thigh,e.g. “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords” (Rev. 19:11-13,16). J. R. Church suggests that the vesture (habit) is the tallit of Yeshua with His Title written upon the rider’s habit and upon the rider’s thigh. Where do the tzitziyot (blossoms) fall, but on one’s thigh (reproductive organ)?
* tzitziyot (flowers; blossoms) The religious significance of Jewish tallit lies not in itself, but in the specifically-detailed blossoms, or tzitzit, that are tied to each corner based on a passage in the Torah (Numbers 15:37-41) instructing wearers of “four-cornered garments” to do so in order to remember God’s commandments.
2. Since the early 1800’s, Salt Lake’s Poisonous-Serpents * (sly or treacherous priesthood leaders; men who exploit their positions of trust in order to betray it; descendants of “Watchers”; Nephilim; descendants of Fallen Angels)** have been administering (dispensing; teaching; delivering; providing; issuing) the fundamentals (nitty-gritties; basics) of “treachery” (duplicity; treason; dishonesty; disloyalty; betrayal) to Mormon men throughout the world. They are being taught how and when to use their six (“twisted”; corrupt; warped; deviant) wings (projections of a false-public-personas; reckonings of a false-public-facades) that they have use of, so that they will be mistaken by Israel’s people to be “the crowned heads of their tribe (Israel’s hereditary rulers; Israelites who possess divine-sovereignty”) as well as to enabling them to escape discoverery (detection; identification) as the serpents (sly or treacherous men who exploit their positions of trust in order to betray their followers) that they really are.
Each of Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Authorities (Nephilim; prophet and apostle) is given (issued; allowed) six (twisted; warped; corrupt) wings (projections of a phony-public-persona; presentations of a phony-public-persona; reckonings of a phony-public-persona; demonstrations of a phony-public-persona; transmissions of a phoney-image; affectations of a phony-public-persona; portayals of a false-facade).
(1) With the first two projections, a Mormon general authority can cover (hide; conceal) his face (purposes and intentions).
(2) And with the second set of projections, he can cover (hide; keep-hidden; mask; cover-up) his constant slander (muckraking; libel; character-assassination; defamation) of this (our) generation of Israel’s people.
(3) And with the third set of projections, he can “fly” (swoop-down on; loom-over; hover-over; plunge into; thrust themselves forcibly and suddenly upon) Israel’s people like a giant-raptor (predator; a bird of prey).
* poisonous serpent – a sly and treacherous high-priest, who exploits his position of trust in order to betray that trust).
3. Here’s how it plays out on television at virtually every Salt Lake General Conference. One prominent (important; famous) General Authority (Salt Lake prophet ; Salt Lake apostle) offers a public shout-out (toast of congratulations, support, and appreciation; salute; tribute) to other well-known General Authorities (Salt Lake prophets ; Salt Lake apostles). They are not actually doing what you think they are doing. They are not toasting (saluting honoring; congratulating) you (Israel’s people) They’re proudly thinking (supposing; imagining) to themselves, with their noses thrust-up into the air, “We, and we we alone, are the Lord’s “Holy-Ones” (Saints; “Angels”). Anyway…… who in the world needs Israel, when the world has us?
But the Lord (commander) of “Tzebaoth” * (divine-potency; “Almighty-Power”; supreme power) fully intends to replace (supplant) the emptiness (emotional void) of Salt Lake’s teachings that have shut-down (suspended; turned-off; ) Israel’s “vision” (supernatural appearances and dreams that convey divine revelation) for such a long time, with the same respectability (social-standing; moral-character; and reputation for excellence) that Salt Lake prophets and apostles enjoy today, because they’ve stolen it from Israel’s people.
* Tzebaoth -is an appellation (title; nickname)
As a noun, “Tzebaoth” (“dynameon”-Greek) meaning:
(1) inherent power, power residing in someone by virtue of his/her nature, or which he/she exerts and puts forth
(2) power for performing miracles
(3) moral power and excellence of soul
(4) the power and influence which belong to riches and wealth
(5) power and resources arising from numbers
4. The voices (opinions; points of view; thinkings; judgments; beliefs) of Salt Lake’s “Chosen-Ones” (prophets and apostles), make Mormon high priests and their families shake (fearful as a result of anxiety) while Salt Lake’s house (family; lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) fills with “smoke” (God’s anger).
5. So, I (Isaiah) cried, Woe (misery; sorrow; distress) to Israel’s people because this (our) generation is being cut-off (disenfranchised; deprived of hereditary rights and privileges) as a consequence of men (Melchizedek Priesthood leaders) who are of ritually-unclean * (foul for all intents and purposes; cultically-polluted; ceremonially-contaminated; totally-defiled) ordinations (installations; appointments), but I (Isaiah) have emerged (appeared; materialized) from the midst of their unclean (defiled; polluted; contaminated) system of religious worship (church; religion) and rituals. I have withstood (stood my ground; weathered; resisted) their religious-system by, focusing my attention on the monarchy (reign; kingship) of the Lord of Hosts, because He (Jehovah) is always envisioned in my mind.
* Ritually-unclean– In Old Testament times the ordinary state of most things was “cleanness, ” but a person or thing could contract ritual “uncleanness” (or “impurity”) in a variety of ways: by skin diseases, discharges of bodily fluids, touching something dead (Num.5:2), or eating unclean foods (Lev.11) and (Deut. 14).
An unclean person in general had to avoid that which was holy and take steps to return to a state of cleanness. Uncleanness placed a person in a “dangerous” condition under threat of divine retribution, even death (Lev.15:31) , if the person approached the sanctuary. Uncleanness could lead to expulsion of the land’s inhabitants (Lev. 18:25) and its peril lingered upon those who did not undergo purification (Lev.17:16; Num.19:12-13).
Priests were to avoid becoming ritually defiled (Lev.21:1-4; Lev. 21:11-12), and if defiled, had to abstain from sacred duties. An unclean layperson could neither eat nor tithe consecrated food (Lev. 7:20-21); Deut. 26:14), had to celebrate the Passover with a month’s delay (Num. 9:6-13), and had to stay far away from God’s tabernacle (Num. 5:3).
* unclean – in Hebrew the term for “unclean” (foul; contaminated; defiled) is “tame” (pronounced taw-may). The Hebrew term “tame” is composed (formed; comprised) of three Hebrew letters in the following order:
(1) tet – signifying – tempted-by (seduced-by; drawn-by; pulled-by; lured by; enticed-by)
(2) mem – signifying – “Waters” (sorceries of; malevolent-magical-powers of )
(3) aleph – signifying – “Ox head” (leadership ; Authority; one to whom inexperienced-novices are yoked)
Hebrew is read from right to left, thus the word “tempt” actually conveys a descriptive phrase;
“Seduce by the sorceries of Salt Lake’s leadership”
6. Then, unexpectedly, a high-priests who was sent by the seraphim (Nephilim; venomous-serpents; poisonous serpents) came unto me. He tried to wear-down (fatigue; deplete; exhaust) my strength then, because of (as a result of) his hand (magical-powers; magical influence), he took (assumed responsibility for) me, but solely as a means to control (extinguish the fire in; gain ownership of) what looked to him like a “live-coal” (a piece of coal that is still burning, inside) as a means to “snuffing-out that fire within me” (acting as a “wet-blanket” upon my spirit ) while covering-up (conceal embarrassing details) of his sacrifice (ritual-slaughter) of me upon the altar of Mormonism.
7. He touched (had an effect upon; inhibited) my mouth (speech; “verbal expression of thoughts and ideas) and thought (supposed; imagined) to himself, “Behold” (observe) I am a “prominent Melchizedek High-Priest”, and I’m fully capable of laying -hands upon (having an effect upon; canceling; annulling) your ordination (call; consecration; appointment; investiture) so I am watching (keeping you under observation) you to make sure that your performance of Chatta’th * (atonement and removal of sin) applies (is applicable to ; safeguards; covers) me”.
* (1) Chatta’th” – “Sphere of Sin” (sphere of calamity; “guilt in the eyes of God”; sphere of calamitous consequenses arising from committing a sinful act). “Chata” (verb) means to commit an offense against someone with whom one stands in an institutionalized, covenantal community relationship (deliberate anti-social-behavior against one’s brother, wife, sister, children, parents, compatriot or against God; transgressions of a covenental-relationship). It is “Religious-Disqualification” as a result of certain modes of human misbehavior (misconduct). The conception of Sin is that it (“sin”; sin’s resultant “Sphere of calamity” ) must be born by the sinner and his circle (family friends; associates). chatta’th is conceived (regarded; thought-of; viewed) as a force that transcends the course of history and determines the immediate future as “Negative“. Rain and harvest can be prevented by the immense sphere of chatta’th. Enemies are justified in what they do to an Israelite weakened by his chatta’th.
The most momentous derivative of “Chata” is “Chet”. It is the unforgivable burden of sin transcending individual acts. Idolatry is a frequent source of “chet”. Objects-of-worship (men or images) fashioned by human hands, secretly take on a “life of their own” and are followed by worshippers as if they are in a hypnotic trance. When the calamitous sphere of “Chet” comes into being the evil-doer must bear its invisible presence until it brings him to an “end” through death.
Since the “Sphere of Sin” infects not only the sinner but also his surroundings, in apocalyptic literature, it is portrayed as a negative force encompassing all mankind brought into being by men of their own accord.
(2) Chatta’th also refers to an individual’s personal offering (sacrifice; suffering; loss or destruction of of life) to cover (atone for) sins of another or others.
8. Then, suddenly, I could hear (perceive; discern) the inner-thoughts of the Lord. He was wondering (pondering) to himself…….
“Who should I (Jehovah) send (dispatch)…….indeed, to whom shall I commit my divine Apostleship (“Power-Of-Attorney”), that is to say (in other words) who should go down to the Earth for the sake of (for the benefit of) this (our) generation of Israel’s people and “speak-to” (rebuke; express sharp disapproval or criticism of ) the wicked?”.
So…….I quickly replied, “Please” (I entreat thee to; if it please thee) show “favor (grace; mercy) unto this latter-day generation of Israel’s people by . Sending (commissioning; authorizing; delegating that task to) me.”
9. So, He (Jehovah) replied, “Go” (“bon voyage”; “off you go”) then, and ” “bring-to-light” (expose; reveal; unmask) the “illegitimacy” (illicitness; immorality; illegality; unlawfulness) of Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Authority and its worldwide Organization.
Warn this generation of Israel’s people, thusly………
“You are listening to Salt Lake’s “Tidings” (Restored-Gospel Message; Breaking News), but you have no idea of the covetouness (envy; greed) that is motivating them. You bear witness of Salt Lake’s General Authorities, but you don’t perceive (discern; realize; recognize) that these men are operating the Mormon Church as a criminal enterprise, so they can defraud (swindle; cheat; doublecross) you (Israel’s People).
10. Point (direct everyones attention) to the callousness (insensitivity and cruel disregard for others) that characterizes the hearts (the central or innermost parts) of Salt Lake’s people. For…….. you see (after all) …the hearing (auditory perception; deep-thinking; discernment; penetrating analysis) of this generation of Salt Lake’s s Melchizedek high priests has become deadened (dysfunctional; out of order). They’ve shut (closed; blinded; inactivated; disabled) the “eyes” (oracles; sages; seers; prophets) of this generation of Israel’s people, otherwise (if this wasn’t so; under different circumstances), Israel’s people would readily see (comprehend; understand) because of (thanks to) their seers (oracles; sages; seers; prophets), the existential-threat that Salt Lake’s illegitimate prophets and apostles pose (constitute; present), then they would hear (carefully-analyze; disect) Salt Lake’s message, thanks to the incisiveness (keenness) of their ears (“analytic-skills”) they would be able to perceive (“cut thru Salt Lake’s crap”) and their hearts could differentiate (make a distinction) between truth and lies and they could turn-around (reverse direction; repent) and be blessed with wholeness (completeness; friendship with God; peace; harmony; unity) again.
11. Well, then, I asked, “For how long” (“Until when”), my Lord?” And He (Jehovah) replied, “Until the leadership of Salt Lake’s matrix (womb-like organization; all-embracing-organization; glue-like organization) lies in ruins and until Adam (mankind; “fallen men”) and their corrupt houses (dynasties; lineages; bloodlines; families) have been condemned (officially declared unfit for human habitation) and their fields (domains; spheres of activity) are ruined (ravaged; devastated).
12. ……..Until God completely withdraws from Adam (“the human race”) and there is a sense of utter forsakenness (destitution; dereliction; abandonment; ignorance) in the midst of “The Land” (Mormon territory; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints; every country in this world where Mormonism once florished.
13. Because, yet (inspite of everything), a tenth (dedicated; holy and sacred) portion (part) of Jehovah’s Family-Tree still remains, and cannot be laid-waste. Just like the Terebinth (Oak) or any other mighty family-tree (pedigree; family-tree; lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers)when it is cut down (chopped to pieces), the substance (essense; genetic-make-up; stump; stock) of the tree (family; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) continues on (lives on) in the form of a seed (germ; twig; sprout; grain; beginning; embryo; rudiment) which is holy (sacred; consecrated; Angelic; saintly) and that seed is emerging from Judah’s old stump and is growing (developing) into another tree possessing the identical characteristics and DNA code as the original tree.