Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 24 – verses 1-23

The Lord’s Devastation Of The Mormon Empire

Eretz - earth The Hebrew word for Earth is “Eretz” pronounced “eh-rets”.   It means earth; land; the place to qualify one’s self for heaven or hell;  a complicated and risky opportunity). The word “earth” frequently has reference to the sublunary  (temporal; mortal; physical) sphere where man’s soul is ordained to live (exist) for a probationary-period of time (testing-period; about 78 years -for the average-American-male).   

The word eretz also signifies: culture; kingdom; Empire;  organization; sphere-of-influence; world; realm;  society and even church, in which a man is a participant and to which he often donates a portion of his time and resources.

In the context of this 24th chapter of Isaiah, Eretz signifies The Corporation Of the President Of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, which, is both a “corporate-culture” (psychological environment of a business), a corporate-society (collective-enterprise”), and very much “a world unto itself” (“self-contained-world”). The world (“sphere-of-influence”; realm; social-culture) of Mormonism, is autonomous (self-determined).

 Its governing body (The First Presidency, also called the Quorum of the presidency of the Church or simply the Presidency is the presiding body of The Corporation Of The President of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day-Saints (LDS Church). is self-determined.relaxing GIF

The smooth and polished arrogance  of Salt Lake’s General Authorities is self-determined.

The teachings (doctrines) of Salt Lake’s henchmen (unscrupulous and ruthless subordinates)  are self-determined.

Of course, Salt Lake wants you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) to believe that Jehovah presides over them and their headquarters like a loving father.  They tell you that Jehovah is determining what Salt Lake’s prophets tell you,  but that’s is a bold-faced “lie”.

Jehovah bequeaths (leaves; committs; entrusts; bestows) nothing,  by way of inheritance, to these “Sorry-Ass” (poor-quality) prophets, seers, and revelators and under no circumstance does he want his name (reputation; dominion; jurisdiction; authority) associated with their “ilk” (type of men).


To the ancient Hebrew mind, creation was divided into three (3) sovereign (independent; self-governing) domains:

(1). “Shamim” -the heavens (abode of light, love, truth, peace, intelligence, God and, His spirit)

(2).”Eretz” –  the earth (a temporary abode; opportunities; problems;  dilemmas; uncertainty and mankind; family; romance; falling in love; marrying; giving birth; raising a family; fulfillment)

(3). “Sheol”  – the “underworld” (“hell”; the abode of the “dead”;  realm-of-demons; permanent-darkness; falsehood; ignorance; evil; calamity; fear; “a hell of a place!”) .

Heaven (eternal-light)  and Sheol (infernal-darkness) are the absolute-antithesisdecisions don't be a dick GIF (polar-opposite) of each other.

The  “Eretz” (temporary abode of man) possesses the peculiar (unique) characteristic of alternating (fluctuating; changing) periods of light (sunlight; illumination; visual-clarity)  and darkness (partial or total absence of light; visual blindness; dimness).

“Eretz” (this Earth; mortal-life) is a temporary (fleeting; non-permanent) middle-ground (neutral-territory, between two opposites), where mankind experiences (feels; confronts; encounters; undergoes; faces; meets)  the influence (effect) of light (truth;happiness;  goodness) as well as darkness (evil; calamity; lies).

“Earthly” circumstances, force (compel; require) us to make crucial (decisive or critical) choices that impact (determine) our eternal (everlasting) destiny.

 During mortal-existence (Life-on-Earth) , opportunities are accepted (welcomed; embraced)  or rejected (dismissed; denied; refused). 

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Risks are taken (accepted)  or avoided (circumvented) based on one’s personal-preference, but, most importantly , during mortality, and only during mortality,  the requirements for  “Permanent-Residency” (citizenship) for heaven and for Hell are met (fulfilled; satisfied).



1. Behold (something surprising, but could have been predicted), the Lord is desolating (laying-waste to)the-Mormon-Kingdom (The Melchizedek priesthood leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints) and dismissing (getting rid of; “canning”; firing) its in the hall GIF by CBC

He is overturning  (cancelling; foiling) the plans  (policies; programs; statements; strategies) of Salt Lake’s prophets and dissolving (disbanding; closing; suspending; adjourning  ) the “Seat of-power”  (throne of authority; headquarters; nerve-center) enjoyed by the leadership of the Mormon church in Salt Lake City and throughout the world.

FYI:  – Striking parallels can be drawn between Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization and the House (lineage; family; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers)  of old “Eli” and his two reprobate-sons,  Hophni & Phinehas.  (1 Samuel 1:4; 14:3)
By hereditary right,”Old-Eli”and his sons, Hophni & Phinehas were supposed to serve as custodians (guardians; stewards; protectors) of thImage result for ld "Eli" and his two reprobate-sons, Hophni & Phinehase “Ark of the Covenant”,  which was housed in the Temple at Shiloh.
However, Jehovah called  (labeled; identified) Hophni and Phinehas  “Sons of Belial” (“Disciples of Worthlessness”; “Apprentices-of-Wickedness).
Like Hophni and PhinehasSalt Lake’s presiding high-priests are supposed to serve, by hereditary right,  as custodians (caretakers) of “The-vineyard” (Israel’s people) by hereditary right. However, they care about other things a whole lot more.
Their goal is to simultaneously “rule” (reign-over; dominate)  and “fool” (take advantage of; prey-on; exploit)   “The vineyard” (Israel’s people).





2. But, as-for (regarding; vis-a-vis) Mormonism’s  rank and file (common, ordinary,  Israelite people) and

and as-for (regarding; vis-a-vis) young (inexperienced) priests; and as-for (regarding; vis-a-vis) Salt Lake’s drones (unpaid-workers; free-laborers); and

 and as-for (regarding; vis-a-vis) Mormonism’s unwitting nobles (volunteers; subordinates; subjects; serfs; vassals; ginea-pigs) among  this generation of Israel’s-people (rank and file Mormons) and

and as-for (regarding; vis-a-vis) their extended families, and

and as for (regarding; vis-a-vis) the wives of priesthood leaders who idolize (put on a pedestal;impatient come on GIF admire, revere, or love greatly; fawn-over) Salt Lake’s General Authorities, and

and as-for (regarding; vis-a-vis) Mormonism’s  local “Lords-of-the-Land” (Stake-Presidents and Bishops ) overseeing  Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) ; and

and as-for (regarding; vis-a-vis) converts (new members who’ve unwittingly sold themselves into Mormon slavery) ; and

and as for (regarding; vis-a-vis) the talking-heads (spokesmen for Salt Lake’s Prophets and Apostles),  and

and as-for (regarding; vis-a-vis) those who’ve “Missed-the-Mark” (failed to achieve what God intended for them) andpart reasons GIF

and as for (regarding; vis-a-vis) leaders who are skillfully playing “The-Game” of “misdirecting” (“pulling wool over the eyes of “; ripping-off) people, and are popularly regarded as “blessed” (prosperous; successful and happy) and

and as for (regarding; vis-a-vis) all Israelites (rank and file Mormons) who have been beguiled (enticed; lured; tricked) by these jerks….

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3. Every one who’s described above will end-up (eventually-become; turn-out-to-be; wind-up) totally wasted  (emaciated; withered; exhausted; starved; spent; used) even-though (despite the fact that) his/her veins may be overflowing  (brimming; filled; surging) with Israelite blood (ancestryDNA).season 3 go to hell GIF by A&E

all-together (with-no-exception), Salt Lake is anathematizing  (cursing; dooming; condemning) Israel’s people to Sheol  (the underworld; the realm of “darkness”; hell; Hades; punishment).

 –These words are spoken by The God Of Israel.

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4. Today, the governingbody  (presidency; first presidency; general authorities; brotherhood; Image result for dead body at the morgue guild of “False-Prophets”) that rules (presides; reigns) over The Corporation Of The President Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints,  is little more than a dead-carcass  (dead-corpse; lifeless-cadaver; dead-remains; lifeless-shell).

Its organization is headed (directed; controlled; managed; led) by fading (deteriorating; declining; dwindling; pooped-out; tuckered-out) “Idols (icons; images) of “Confusion” (misrepresentation; befuddlement; bewilderment).

 Indeed (if truth be told)……

In order to get (persuade; motivate) Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) to idolize (deify; lionize; revere;mrw GIF worship) Salt Lake’s Official Church Leaders as heroes  (champions;  idols; “beloved-religious-leaders”)……. 

(1) Israel’s role (identity; part; rank) had to be significantly diminished (denied; devalued; trilialized; underestimated;  marginalized; belittled).

(2) Secondly,  Salt Lake had to coerce (compel by force, intimidate) Israel’s people into “Drinking” (swallowing; accepting; believing) its “Koolaid” (indoctrination; Cock And Bull Story) and remain “in-the-dark” (uninformed; uneducated; ignorant; unenlightened; untaught) about Israel’s birthright (God-given privilege; entitlement)  to be leaders of the the “Human-Race” (Family of Adam; humanity; mankind).






5. Israelites (rank and file Mormons),  who pledge-allegiance to  The Corporation Of The President Of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are systematically “defiled”  (fouled; raped; poisoned; contaminated; profaned) by their very-own Priesthood-Leaders (bishops; local priesthooddr house GIF authorities).

More than all others (above all; most of all),  Salt Lake’s presiding Authorities (prophets, seers, and revelators) are transgressing (breaking; ignoring; disregarding) the “Law” (Torah; instruction; commandments; dictates) of God.

They’re violating His Holy ordinances  (statutes; decrees; regulations) and they’re completely breaking (disregarding;ignoring; dismissing;abandoning) the everlasting (“eternal”; unconditional) * covenant  (treaty; agreement; contract)  that they’ve inherited thru the blood (DNA; gentic-code; gene-pool; genome ) of their Jacobite (deceiving; misleading; swindling) ancestors (predecessors; progenitors; forefathers). 

* Everlasting (unconditional; eternal) -Covenant – An unconditional covenant is an agreement between two or more parties that
(1) involves no stipulations ofImage result for finger of god touching the finger of Adam any kind for the fulfillment of the agreement.
(2) is passed down from generation to generation through one’s blood (genetic code;  gene-pool;  genome-map) .
Here are two examples of unconditional covenants, e.g. A father and mother promise unconditionally to pay for college in full for their child. The child’s grades and general behavior cannot affect the keeping of the promise. Even if the child is a poor student, disrespectful, or involved with drugs, the parents must follow through on their commitment or a person bequeaths property to another person in a will/testament, with no conditions needing to be fulfilled by the recipient to receive the property. An unconditional covenant is also known as a “covenant of grace” or a grant. In unconditional covenants, agreement by both parties is not necessary. One party makes an oath to another person and keeps it, regardless of the opinion/wants of the other party. The Abrahamic covenant is an example of an unconditional covenant. There was nothing Abraham could do to break the covenant God made with him: On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram (Abraham) and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates—the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites.” (Gen. 15:18-21)  All people need to know whether a biblical covenant is conditional or unconditional, because this distinction determines its meaning for them personally today.





6.  The Corporation Of The President Of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is being consumed (eaten-alive; devoured; destroyed; devastated) by the “Covenantal-Curse” * (covenantal-penalty) associated with Abraham’s everlasting (eternal; unconditional) Old Testament Covenant with Jehovah.

Salt Lake’s men are bound (obligated), by this covenant  by virue of their hereditary descent from Jacob (a fraud) , the son of Isaac (“an object of ridicule; the butt of a joke; “a laughing-stock”) the long-awaited natural-son of Abraham and Sarah.Related image

covenantal curse/penalty “If you will not listen to me … if you spurn my statutes, and if your soul abhors my rules, so that you will not do all my commandments, but break my covenant, then I will do this to you: I will visit you with panic, with wasting disease” (vv. 14–16 Leviticus 26:14-17).
One of the first covenants God made was with Abraham. Covenants with Moses and David followed. Today, many people have ignored or given up on the covenant idea altogether, so it might be necessary to ask, what exactly is a covenant?
The Hebrew term for covenant, brit, is of uncertain derivation. It is most likely associated with the Akkadian word biritu, which means “clasp,” or “fetter,” denoting a binding settlement, or pact.
Some scholars see a covenant in terms of obligation imposed by a higher authority upon an inferior party.  But brit also incorporates reciprocal agreements. Either way, it’s apparent that covenants were taken seriously. These agreements, both ancient and modern, aren’t unique to the Jewish people . We know from history that covenants have long been fundamental to any working society. And it’s in this context that God begins to make covenants with a particular people.                                                                                                    (Notice the “SMITE” option on God’s keyboard!) 
The Abrahamic Covenant
In Genesis 12, Abraham enters into a relationship with God that will forever affect the future of the Israel’s people. This relationship is commonly called the “Abrahamic Covenant.”


Now the LORD said to Abram (Abraham)……
(a)Go forth from (leave behind) your country (society; community),
And (leave behind) your relatives (extended family) 
And (leave behind) your father’s household (wives, children, certain other relatives through blood or adoption, clients, freedmen and slaves)…..
To (in exchange for) the land (society; community) which I will show you;

(b) And I will make you (develope you into) a great (well-known; prosperous; powerful) Feel The Bern Bernie 2020 GIF by Bernie Sandersnation,
And I (Jehovah) will bless (celebrate; give honor to; praise) you,
And make (establish) your name (reputation; authority; dominion; jurisdiction) become  great (prominent; celebrated; important) 
And so (as someone whose spirit was withheld until this day and age and having been specially chosen and authorized), you shall be (bring) a blessing;

(c) And I (Jehovah) will bless (celebrate; give honor to; praise) those who bless (celebrate; give honor to; praise) you,
star park GIFbut the one (the person; the individual; group; organization) that curses (invokes evil, calamity, injury, or destruction upon) you,  I (Jehovah) will curse (invoke evil, invoke-calamity, invoke-injury and destruction upon) them.
And in (thanks to) you,  all the families (bloodlines; lineages; lines of hereditary rulers) of the earth will be blessed (initiated, taught, enlightened) by you.

So Abram went forth…thus they came to the land of Canaan (subjugation; Let’s bend of the knee of others to “our” own will) …The LORD appeared to Abram (Abraham) and said, “To your descendants, I will give this land. *

* “I will give this land” – It’s interesting that this relationship is not expressed in covenantal terms (at first) but in terms of a promise God promisesImage result for circumcision cartoons to increase Abraham, to bless him, and to make him a blessing to all peoples of the earth.
Later, the promise is reiterated for countless offspring, and for the land of Canaan as a possession (Genesis 15).
The promise is then sealed in a solemn covenantal ceremony in which the Lord himself—not Abraham—passes through sacrificed animals, binding himself to his promise in an extraordinary act of self-malediction. When compared to other ancient Near East covenants, this covenant most closely resembles the unconditional royal grant But while royal grants were issued as a result of loyalty to the person bestowing the grant, God doesn’t choose Abraham based on any exemplary loyalty; Abraham only becomes significant after God chooses him.
In Genesis 17, God confirms his “everlasting” (eternal; multi-generational; unconditional) covenant with Abraham. The text says that Abraham is expected to walk before God and “be blameless,” and that he and his descendants must undergo circumcision (17:10) as a sign of this covenant, a token of the promise that YHVH will be God to you and to your descendants after you” (17:7).
The rest of the book of Genesis frequently shows God protecting his promises to his people, despite threats from both inside and outside the Israelite camp. This “promise covenant” is further established with Isaac and then with Jacob, before Israel makes the long sojourn into Egypt.

 Even the most-educated Mormon has a shamefully-poor understanding of these and other historical (Biblical) facts and events because Salt Lake’s  General Authorities, hand in hand with local-Melchizedek Priesthhod leadership, make abolutely-certain that Mormons are invariably (always) fed a doctrinal diet,well isnt that special dana carvey GIF by Saturday Night Live of  “Pap” (things lacking solid value or substance).

Indeed (if truth be told),  the “ideal”   (quintessential; model)  Mormon has practically (virtually; almost) no personal knowledge of (familiarity with ;  experience with; acquaintance with) Jehovah (Jesus Christ), despite the fact the church they testify of bears His name.

Mormon men bear witness “to each other” (isn’t that like preaching to the choir?)……… of how thankful they are for everything from dead-relatives (genealogy),  to “successfully impregnating their  wives without removing their magic-underwear!”  Yes…… read that correctly!

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Now….isn’t this just the kind of Mormon man, into whose hands you can confidently entrust (give custody of) your spiritual guidance as well as 10% of your annual-income. Here, undoubtably,  is a good man, yea, an intelligent man. It’s clear……he’s got his head on straight and his priorities in the right place!



Mormons are conditioned (disciplined; trained drilled; taught; coached) to ignore (marginalize;Related image dismiss) “The-Torah” (Old Testament; Pentateuch; the Five Books of Moses—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). 

 Salt Lake carefully (systematically) leads Mormons to  focus their attention upon the conjured-up (magically invoked) “Book Of Mormon” (“perjured-testimony about Jesus Christ”), and more particularly upon the counsel (formal-advice) offered by  Salt Lake’s Prophets and Apostles. 

One former General Authority had the gall (brashness; nerve; arrogance; insolence; impudence) to declare….

“We have more power than Jesus Christ!”

nah dude no GIF by Lucia Kaminsky.





7.Salt Lake’s  “new-wine” (“latter-day-intoxication”)  has been devouring  (“putting out of commission”; swallowing; absorbing; assimilating; incorporating) Israel’s vine (lineage; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers; bloodline; family), for nearly two hundred years because Salt Lake knows that Israel’s vine (lineage; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers; bloodline; family) spontaneously (naturally)  produces “spiritually-qualified-leaders”.

Thus……Israel’s vine (bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) has been gradually made to wither  (waste-away; droop; atrophy; deteriorate;confused trailer park boys GIF wilt; perish) so that Israelites who would otherwise be inclined (given) to  spiritual-“liveliness” (vitality; energy; animation)  are left-behind (abandoned; forsaken)  to “sigh”  (groan; mourn; lament).


They feel a mysterious (strange; puzzling; odd) “sense-of-loss” ,  though they can’t quite put-their-finger-on (name; explain; identify) the cause of it.



8. The enthrallment (enchantment; charm; spell)  produced by the Salt Lake’s “Three Ring ringling bros circus GIF by Ringling Bros. and Barnum & BaileyCircus” (“Big-Show”; Religious extravaganza; Sabbath-Lollapalooza ) is “over and done with” (completed; finished; kaput; doomed; washed-up; “out of business”) .

The clamor (loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting vehemently)  of Mormon “merry-makers”  (cheerleaders) who are keeping  Israel’s people enthusiasticly engaged-in (preoccupied-with; obsessed by) with all manner of time-wasting (vain; trivial) church-activities  are, in fact,  “forsaken-by-God”  (void of God’s spirit; empty; vain; spiritually-hollow).



9. There’ll be no more “hypnosis” (spell-casting; witchcraft; enchantment; stupor) brought on  by high-priests trying to lull  (sooth; calm; pacify; quiet) Israel’s people into “a-trance”   (mental absorption; a half-conscious state; a state of enchantment).kids eating GIF

Salt Lake’s liquor  (intoxicant-spirit) creates a bitter (sour; biting) side-effect (after-taste) in those who tolerate  (put-up with) it ,  permeating  (filling; pervading) their souls.






10. Salt Lake’s City (the capital of Mormonism) is morally-bankrupt (ethically-corrupt), but it cannot fool this (our) generation like it has done to previous generations.

A morally bankrupt (ethically corrupt) Capital-City generates (produces; begets; brings forth) morally-bankrupt (ethically corrupt) citizens , who have no objection to  shutting-out  (locking-out; barring; black-balling*) pure (undefiled; uncontaminated) Israelite families (lineages; bloodlines) from positions of governance (command; control; administration) in preference of their own people, because the men that Salt Lake Headquarters produces (begets; brings-forth) are convinced thatAnimated GIF they, alone,  are the “Chosen-Ones”.

You can clearly see (perceive; witness) the “disgust” (revulsion; loathing; antipathy) and exasperation (extreme-annoyance; anger; resentment) in the faces (eyes; countenances; facial-expressions) of Salt Lake’s subjects (vassals; boys) .

* blackballing – Blackballing is a rejection in a traditional form of secret ballot, where a white ball constitutes a vote in support and a black ball signifies opposition.



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11. Salt Lake is exclaiming (declaring) with joy about the wine (spirit; enthusiasm) of

Image result for silhouette of a group of men Mormonism.

Priesthood leaders are banking on the probability that they can get lots of converts by shouting (calling-out; proselytizing) along the highways (over the air waves; in public; along the avenues; along the boulevards) as a means to traffick (sell; peddle; hawk; offer) Israel’s birthright (God-given-right, God-given entitlement, and divine privilege) and make themselves look like Jehovah’s prophets, seers and revelators) .

Salt Lake is actively engaged in exiling (marginalizing; getting rid of; eliminating) every Mormon who manifests the visible-characteristic of “Israelite-whiteness” (Israelite-purity; Israelite-innocence;   Israelite-guilelessness). 

In this way, Salt Lake’s pre-eminence (supremacy; distinction; superiority) is guaranteed to remainfake nuclear blast GIF by Machine Head unchallenged (uncontested; assured; undisputed), as they point  (direct-everyone’s-attention) to their counterfeit (false; fraudulent) prophets, seers and revelators of The Mormon Church (The Corporation Of The President Of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints).






.the mueller report see GIF

12. Salt Lake City is being left (abandoned; deserted) in ruins (devastation; collapse).

Its gate (“corporate-operation”; society of liesure)  is battered (blown to bits; bashed to pieces).






.13. Indeed (if truth be told) just as it is (exactly as it is) when Jehovah’s FamilyImage result for Merry Christmas ya filthy animals gif Tree (dynasty; line of hereditary rulers)  is beaten (attacked; assaulted), so (precisely) the same thing will it befall (come-upon; happen to) Salt Lake’s world (realm; society; kingdom; administration).





.happy glasses GIF

14. Israelites, the world over,  are raising their voices and shouting with joy. From “The West’ (Salt Lake headquarters),  high-priests are beginning  to acclaim (applaud; hail; extol) the Lord’s majesty.







.loop horse GIF

15. As a result of this, even within Salt Lake’s Citadel (bastion) of religious “Horse-shit” (nonsense), the name (authority; dominion; jurisdiction) of the Lord is beginning to be exalted.






16. From (thanks to; in keeping with; rising out of) the ends (objectives; purposes) of the Earth,  we can hear singing, hold GIF“Glory” (praise,  honor and distinction) to the one (person; Individual) who creates the impression of ; poses as)  righteousness (uprightness) “in the eyes of men”.

But wait a minute …….”hold your horses”……..something isn’t right………..something is being kept-secret (hidden; concealed) that has everything to do with me (Jehovah).


Haters  (people who are covetous of what others have) gotta hate… who are serpents   (treacherous and sly)  gotta betray……..

In fact, men who are double-dealing (deceitful; dishonest)  gotta betray (be disloyal) by using treachery (duplicity; deceit; dishonesty).







Image result for Christoph waltz waiting for the phone call gif17. Terror (extreme fear; dread; panic) is conveniently used to provide cover (pretext; justification) for the snare (plot; secret scheme; conspiracy;  hangman’s-noose) that is authorized (sponsored) by “The Pit” (“hell”; sheol; the Melchizedek Priesthood Organization).

All this ……and much more…is waiting (lying in wait) for you ….O people of the Earth!  So……Go ahead….answer when Salt Lake a calls!






18. To make a ‘big splash”, men, who are “turned-on” (aroused; electrified; fired-up; excited) by terror (awe; intimidation) will,  inevitably (of course),  cannon-ball (jump with the knees clasped to the chest) into “The-Pit” (“hell”; sheol; the Melchizedek Priesthood Organization).

Those who successfully manage to climb (soar; mount; crawl) up toward God and out (away) from of “The Pit” (hell; sheol; the Melchizedek Priesthood Organization) will be persued and caught by Salt Lake’s snare (plot) to ruin them.

The floodgates (regulations; controls;  restraints) that have long held-back Related imageuncontrolled (unbridled; wholesale)   wickedness (filth; sinfulness), that is advanced (promoted; facilitated) by evil-men who’ve lifted themselves up (exalted-themselves; elevated-themselves; magnified-themselves), are now wide-open and the flood (wave) of evil spreading through the land is shaking (turning upside down; unsettling; undermining) the very foundations (legal-grounds; purposes) of the Earth.








19. Salt Lake’s Kingdom is dividing to factions because the brotherhood of General Authorities who areanthropology 101 GIF responsible for breaking-up (scattering; terminating; disbanding) Israel’s people are in the process of being disbanded (broken-up; folded; dissolved; destroyed; demobilized).







20. The men who are responsible for causing the Earth to lose its balance (stagger, andvs tree GIF lurch) are, now, reeling like drunkards. Their hut (roughly built house; “primitive-family-tree”; coarse lineup of hereditary rulers) is blown-over (felled; uprooted) by the wind (spirit of God). When it falls , it will never rise again.









.Image result for throw the book at them gif

21. During this (our) day (generation), the Lord is throwing the book at (punishing as severely as possible) Salt Lake’s Nephilim (“fallen-Ones”)  who’ve  lifted themselves up in pride and surpassed (exceeded; eclipsed) the kings of the sovereign-nations of this world.    






22. But , They’re being herded (rounded-up) together like criminals (malfactors; villains;angry sons of anarchy GIF by Signature Entertainment culprits)  “on their way to” (destined for) “The dungeon” (“The Slammer”).

They’ll be shut away in prison (taken out of the way) until Jehovah is ready to punish (beat; smash; kick)  the hell out of them.







embarrassed in a box GIF.

23. The moon (“lesser-light of Mormonism”; lifeless-Salt Lake society) will be abashed (embarrassed, disconcerted) and the overwhelming roar (laugh in triumph) in response to Salt Lake’s use of Black Magic to get hold of the Israelite authority will be silenced.




Salt Lake’s prophets, seers, and revelators will finally be ashamed of themselves and Almighty God  will reign over Mount (the administration of) Zion and before its glorious (wonderful) new (latter-day) captains (commanders; directors; mistresses).

   End Of Chapter Twenty Four



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