“Assyria, the Lord’s Instrument”
1. The Lord, God said to me, “Inscribe (carve; deeply impress; imprint) the Great Isaiah Scroll * (Qumran Book of Isaiah) within yourself (your soul) and write about this (our) generation of Israel’s people in the literary-style (expression; diction; phraseology; way of speaking , writing) that is used by common (rank and file; ordinary) people and tell them about “Maher Shalal Hash Baz” **(“a hastening spoiler will hush and tear in pieces.”)
*Great Scroll –The Isaiah Scroll, designated 1Qlsaa and also known as the Great Isaiah Scroll, is one of the seven Dead Sea Scrolls that were first discovered by Bedouin shepherds in 1946 from Qumran Cave. The scroll is written in Hebrew and contains the entire Book of Isaiah from beginning to end, apart from a few small damaged portions, it is the oldest complete copy of the Book of Isaiah, being approximately 1000 years older than the oldest Hebrew manuscripts known before the scrolls’ discovery. 1QIsaa is also notable in being the only scroll from the Qumran Caves to be preserved almost in its entirety. The scroll is written on 17 sheets of parchment. It is particularly large, being about 734 cm (24 feet) long and ranges from 25.3 to 27 cm high (10 to 10.6 inches) with 54 columns of text.
** “Maher Shalal Hash Baz”-Metaphysical meaning of Maher-shalal-hash-baz
Maher-shalal-hash-baz, ma’-her-shal’-al-hash’-baz (Heb.)–“a hastening spoiler will hush and tear in pieces.
Maher—a hastening; a speeding; a rushing headlong),
Shalal–(spoiler; plunderer) .
Hash—will hush; still; quiet; silence.
Baz—and pull to pieces; squander; despoil; dissipate.
A name symbolic of the very short time that was to elapse before Damascus and Samaria (“Shomrayin”; guardianship of our generation) would be taken captive by the kings (royalty) of Assyria (“Unparalleled social-popularity coupled with financial success, guaranteed by unwavering allegiance to Salt Lake’s Mechizedek Priesthood Organization”). This name was given by Isaiah to his third son, symbolizing the fact that before the child was old enough to call his parents “Father” and “Mother”, the spoiling of Samaria and Damascus would take place (Isa. 8:1). Meta – The rapidity with which the law of cause and effect works. The two phases of the law are virtually one, certain causes being followed almost immediately by their corresponding effects, or results.
2. Consider yourselves served, for I (Isaiah) am summoning (authoritatively or urgently calling on) for my own sake, two kinds of reliable (consistently good in quality or performance; trustworthy) witnesses:
(a) Uriah (“The Light of God”; The Luminary of God,” The lightning of God”) -These are Jehovah’s princesses (female members of the royal family)
(b) Zechariah (“Someone who is recognized for extraordinary closeness to God”) – and is a rightful-heir of Yeberek-yahuw (“a blessing by God”) These are faithful priestesses recognized by him as deserving a great blessing.
3. Then, I (” the spirit of Isaiah’s words” ), began to draw near (make lots of sense to; speak to; whisper to; approach; come close to; surround) the latter-day prophetess (inspired woman; poetess) of the “Almighty” and she conceived (formed an idea) in her mind and bore a son (rightful heir). Jehovah said unto me (Isaiah), “Name him “Maher Shalal Hash Baz”.
4. Because by the time that this little munchkin (child) is old enough to say “Papa” or “Mama” he’ll be carried away by “The army (champions; promoters; soldiers) of “Damascus” (meshing Israel’s bloodlines with Salt Lake’s bloodlines) and by involvement in the plunder (violent and dishonest acquisition) of Samaria (“Shomrayin”; “Guardianship of our generation”) to suit the malignant purposes of Assyria’s “Royalty” (crowned-heads).
5. Then, Jehovah repeatedly warned me to shed light upon (make visible; explain; illuminate) what’s “reeeally” (seriously) going on out there in Mormonland (Salt Lake’s #1 revenue producing tourist trap) .
6. Because this (Salt Lake’s) people reject (refuse), anyone who Shiloh (sends forth “word” by messenger flowing with gentleness and rejoicing)……of course, they are thinking about, the Runners (ambassadors; missionaries; prophets and apostles) of Salt Lake Headquarters and the sons-of (men who are waiting in line for their own) Remaliah (crowning from God; installation as a God).
7. So, therefore, Behold (witness something extraordinary), the Lord, God is mounting (launching; planning) an attack against them (Salt lake’s Apprentice Magicians) , having in mind, The sparkling (twinkling; laughing) “Waters” (powers of Sorcery; Black Magic) of Salt Lake’s Mighty Ones and their Lords and Masters (captains; chiefs).
Keeping in mind, the “Royalty” (crowned-heads) of Assyria (Unimagined wealth and popularity guaranteed thru political Connections in the Melchizedek Priesthood Organization) , and all of Salt Lake’s sleazy-pomp.
Jehovah’s attack will target the fortresses (citadels; strongholds) of this generation of Salt Lake’s Leadership and it will overrun all of Salt Lake troops (crowds of Mormon men; throngs of Mormon-thieves) who “enjoy Salt Lake’s kool-aid” (promote Salt Lake’s Cock and Bull story) and are now enthusiastically trying to “maintain-hold of” (keep a firm grip upon) Israel’s birthright of authority for themselves (all Melchizedek High-Priests) .
8. Then He (Jehovah) will sweep into the houses (bloodlines; lineages; dynasties; lines of hereditary rulers) of those who lay claim to Judah (Praise and giving thanks to God) and He (Jehovah) will inundate (overwhelm) her people and will pass through until (stopping at) the point at which (the moment) he reaches (arrived at; comes to; attains their neck (communion with Him; conversation with Him; communication with Him)
Then, the outspreading of Jehovah’s wings (overshadowing-protection) will fill the breadth of the land, Immanu-el. (“Ye who walk with God”).
9. If you dare….Raise a war cry, Go ahead ……ye Nations and get your asses kicked. Listen ye people who are detached (excommunicated; severed) Prepare to battle and “beat the hell out of” Salt Lake’s “Prissy” (fussily and excessively respectable) High Priests.
Behold (get a load of) the counterfeit (substitute; fake; phony) authority that binds (compasses) these clowns together.
10. Go ahead and devise your strategy (game-plan; plan of action; master-plan) against Israel’s people, but……NEWS ALERT…..BREAKING NEWS….. your strategy won’t work (will be thwarted; will fail). Propose (make; suggest) a SUPER-DUPER…plan (approach; way of doing things; scheme) to screw (“f**k-up”; mess-up) Israel’s people, but your plan won’t work (is doomed from the start) , because (thanks to the fact that ) Immanuel (“We Israelites walk with God”).
11. Indeed (if truth be told) thus saith the Lord unto me thru the strength of his hand (Holy Spirit), but this time He (Jehovah) chastised (corrected; instruct) me with His condemning words against those who follow (bow-to; respond-to; are terrorized by) authority like Salt Lake’s top-men seem to do, in order to boast (talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about their achievements)……..
12. Salt Lake’s Presiding Priesthood Authorities don’t think (believe suppose; imagine) that gaining unlawful possession (ownership) of this (our) generation constitutes “conspiracy” (collusion) against all leadership.
Salt Lake Headquarters commands (expects; trains; accustoms) their own Priesthood leadership) to conspire (combine-resources; collude) together, as a means to get hold of and keep hold of this generation of Israel’s people.
Salt Lake tells its Priesthood leadership to keep in mind (consider; revere; think-about; obsess about) priesthood leaders who they fear (abhor; are terrified of) the most. You (Israel’s people) must never stoop (lower yourselves) to revere (prize; cherish; idolize) Salt Lake’s creepy men.
13. Keep in mind that the Lord of Hosts is the “One and only One” who you should regard as Holy. He (Jehovah) is the one that all of you (everyone; the world’s people) should really revere for He (Jehovah) is the one who can really cause all of you feel dread (great fear and apprehension). Big time!
14. He (Jehovah) is thought-of (considered; viewed; seen) as a sanctuary (a safe-house) to those who love Him, but as a stumbling stone to those who hate Him, but regardless of which camp you are in Jehovah can be compared to collosal boulder (massive stone ) which has had a profound impact upon both the house of Israel (those who are upright in the eyes of God) and the house of Jacob (“those who are upright in the eyes of men”).
15. Captains (leaders; chiefs) of industry and even “A Titan of Commerse (Santa Claus) will stumble (trip or momentarily lose a proper sense of balance; fall) because of Him (Jehovah). Those in Salt Lake who are pretending to be authentic Teachers of Peace and Salvation will, themselves, be snared, trapped, broken, and captured by Him (Jehovah).
16. Press (stir-up; awaken) a “Testimony” (solemn-eye-witness declaration) as to the true nature (personality; character) of Jehovah. Seal up (close-off; restrict; confine) a correct (revealed; divine) explanation (interpretation) of the Law (Torah) so that the only ones who could possibly know (for themselves; personally) of my true nature (personality; character) are people who’ve actually met me (Jehovah) and spent time with me (Jehovah), i.e. “real” latter-day Saints.
Make sense to you?
17. I am waiting for Jehovah, the one who has been hiding (concealing; keeping) his purposes from the House (lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) of Jacob (liars, cheats and swindlers).
However, His (Jehovah’s) Law (instruction; Torah; body of laws; system of laws; standard of measurement) is fast becoming the blueprint (draft; design; model; master-plan) for my discipleship.
18. Here I am and behold all the new-borns, who Jehovah has given unto me as signs (evidence; proof) and as symbols ( reminders; representations) of a relationship (familiar- friendship; blood-kinship familiar-connection) shared between Israel’s people and The Lord of Hosts……., The One who now “Calls-Home” (“hangs his hat”; rests; inhabits; lives; dwells) upon Mount (the administration) of Zion (those who’ve spent 40+ years of their lives wandering about in a personal wilderness in search of “Living Water”,i.e. the “Holy Spirit of God”).
19. When Salt Lake’s presiding Priesthood autrhorities command all of you to consult (seek information or advice from) their founders (organizers; establishers) who unlawfully gained possession of Israel’s Authority, or from this generation of Salt lake’s “KNOW IT ALL’s” who are pointing to counterfeit prophets and apostles, (a bunch of “Good for Nothings”) spending their time on earth chirping at everyone from the top (pinnacle) of their Ivory-Tower (privileged seclusion and separation from the facts and practicalities of the real world) or those who are constantly muttering to them, “Shouldn’t a righteous people inquire of their God?”.
But wait a minute…..here’s a better question. Should righteous people be consulting (seeking information or advice from) “the dead” (those who are absolutely unresponsive & lifeless, in a spiritual sense) for the sake of the “Living” (those who are spiritually “alive” and “vibrant” because of Jehovah)
20. If they don’t speak of (mention) the Law (Instruction) contained in this indictment (formal list of Criminal-charges) , or the incriminating testimony revealed by it………. ……………then you know that they wouldn’t know light (truth) if it knocked on their front door in an attempt to sell them donuts!
21. Desperate and hungry, this million-men -generation of Melchizedek High Priests will roam the earth. But, when they are famished (on their last legs; ready to keel-over; starving to death; ravenous) and on their last legs (near the end of life; “about to kick the bucket”), they will become enraged and curse the very same “Prophets and Apostles” (icons; images; heroes; idols) to whom they’ve enthusiastically looked-up to and given (offerred; sacrificed) their very lives to support .
22. But when Salt Lake Headquarters looks to their Church (Mormon Society) they behold nothing but distress (anguish; suffering) and darkness (ignorance; evil; immorality), and the gloom of those who have fallen (been driven out; been expelled; failed).
“A Child Is Born Unto Us”
23. Nevertheless, there is no gloom for those who, in times past, beheld (witnessed the extraordinary) land of Zebulun (habitually destructive behavior passed on to the next generation; formation of habitually harmful patterns of behavior) and the land of Naphtali (“those who wrestle against Me, Jehovah”; those who always oppose me (Jehovah), then point (direct every Mormon male) to get their hands on (get a firm grip on) the authority of this (our) this generation of Israel’s People.
22. Then they will look see (recognize; acknowledge) and behold (appreciate; acknowledge; witness in horror) the distress (sorrow; suffering; anguish) and darkness (immorality; wickedness; ignorance) and fearful straits (predicament; mess) of those corrupt high priests who currently lead Israel’s people.