Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 16 – verses 1-14

Kar is a Hebrew noun, meaning “plumpness”. It refers to a ram (as fully-grown and fat). It is used to denote a leader of a flock of sheep because of its relative size, weight or strength, compared to the rest of the flock. Typically, the term “lamb” is considered a term of endearment .e.g. “my little Related imagesheep” or “little lamb”.

These terms of endearment suggest the special care and protection of deity for the person(s) bearing the name “Lamb”.

In this context, kar doesn’t refer so much to a big, strong aggressive sheep, as it does  to a special kind of strong, courageous, spiritually-mature sheep.

Sheep have been symbols in the worship of God throughout the ancient Middle-East. They were the most important and most common domestic animal and were frequently used as substitutes for human sacrifice.

“Kar” refers to a mature-sheep that is prepared to defend or act as a guard for his fellows. A “Kar” may also function as a “moving-force” (“battering ram”against a stubborn and entrenched obstacle (“a system”; “a Mindset”), thus a  “Kar” denotes a leader (commander) of Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons).

Chapter Sixteen



1. An Israelite “Kar” (battering-ram) is being sent to Mormonism’s religious elite (ruling-aristocracy) whocars ram GIF by Cheezburger reside in the Rocky Mountains. Salt Lake’s “ruling-elites” officiate (preside; are in positions of authority) throughout labyrinth  (network; complex; web; entanglement) of Melchizedek priesthood leaders, from top to bottom.  Thus, a Kar’s” express (designated) purpose is to stop Salt Lake and restore the dignity (majesty; grandeur; nobility) of the daughters (veterans; doyens; most respected or prominent persons) of Zion (“a personal 40-year-long trek thru an emotionally barren or spiritually desolate life”). 





2. The daughters (doyens; veterans; citizens) of  Zion, are like birds fluttering around theirImage result for lots of birds flying around their feeder gif nest (home;  safety and the security of their lawful residence) because they’ve been scared-away  (dethroned; deposed;  unseated; overthrown; ousted) by Moabite’s  (Salt Lake’s bastards; Salt Lake’s illegitimate Priesthood Authorities) who’ve made a Faustian-Bargain (“Deal-with-the-Devil”) for themselves.

Moabites (Salt Lake’s bastards; Salt Lake’s illegitimate Priesthood Authorities) lead (are in charge and command of) the annulment (nullification; negation) of Jehovah’s covenant with Abraham, so they can gather-up this generation of Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons)  and engage (involve)  them in idolatrous worship of the  Ba’al (“Dominion of men’s, husbands, Authority”) while making slaves of them.






The reason for Brother-Bob’s unsettling grin isn’t stated, but the admiring housewives of his neighborhood clearly sensed that something extraordinary had taken place inside his pants.

3. Salt Lake’s prophets are fulfilling (achieving) nothing (not a thing; nothing at all) besides (except; apart from; asise from) their own selfish objectives.

But,……sadly, they are also masterminding (planning and directing) an ingenious (complex) scheme (stratagem; trick) that will end-up guaranteeing their own doom (condemnation; death-warrant).

They characterize (regard; view) Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) as “Dark” (ignorant) spirits milling-around (circulating in a confused or disorderly manner) in the midst of Salt Lake’s  sunny (“smiling”; cheerful) religious pageantry (“Dog and Pony” show) which is designed to convince everyone,  including Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons),  of Salt Lake’s legitimacy.

If truth be told, they’re exploiting  (capitalizing-on) Israelite people’s (rank and file Mormon’s) natural (innate;  inherent; inborn) “Love-for-God” to divert-attention (mislead; misdirect-attention) of Mormon’s  away from Salt lake’s diabolic (malevolent) priest-craft (technique as priests) that governs the whole deviant (shifty) Salt Lake leadership. They’re exploiting (using)  you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) as a cover (pretext; justification) for their damnable (devilish) activities.





4. Salt Lake’s operators are sojourning (“catching a break”; living; staying; vacationing) with you (Israel’sshowdown people; rank and file Mormons) following their apostasy (defection)  from Me (Jehovah).

They believe that You (Israel’s people; Mormon people) will provide the most believable (plausible; credible) pretext (justification; excuse) for their own immunity (protection; freedom; exemption) from punishment and they hope they’ll  never have a  show-down (“face-off”; confrontation) with the “destroying-angel” (“Angel of Death”).  

In spite of this, Salt Lake’s emphasis  (accent; focus) on “Chaff” (worthless-stuff; rubbish; junk; nonsense) continues, but will soon be done away with (gotten-rid-of) while Mormonism’s  priesthood idols (godlings; icons; heroes;  darlings; celebrities) will disappear from the face of the earth,  forever.





.5. A woman is emerging from David’s (Love’s) tent *(“sphere of inflence”, that effects destiny) who willImage result for righteous woman from the house of david gif reign over this generation of Israel’s people, by means of truth (uprightness; honesty; integrity) and she will seek justice (fairness; impartiality) and swift punishment.


TENT – Since a tent and its inhabitants form a unit, a tent can be filled with good or evil forces; and within a tent’s sphere of influence and activity, a person’s destiny is affected. The tent can impart to anyone who enters it a condition corresponding to the  forces that control it.   Statements like, “The light of the wicked is in their tent.” (Job 18:6) provides the transition to this idea.








6. We’ve had enough Salt Lake’s boasting  (“shucking and jiving”; acting evasively in the presence of Israelite authoritiesgreased lightning grease GIF by Paramount Movies)  by Moabites  (Salt lake’s illegitimate-priesthood-leaders). 

They are  overweening (smug; cocksure) because of their awful conceit (narcissism; vanity; egotism) and insolence (audacity; presumptuousness; contemptuousness).

This generation of Salt Lake’s priesthood leadership is NOT “Upright In The Eyes Of God”, i.e. they’re not Israelites!








7. You must understand that Moabites (Salt Lake’s illegitimate rulers) only mourn (grieve; shed tears) for other Moabites (illegitimate rulers) just like themselves,smack GIF and for the ruined (bankrupt; failed; broken; ruined) pillars (claims; underpinnings) of their own Salt Lake Citadel (headquarters). It authorizes (endorses; promotes; empowers) the false prophets who are reigning over this latter-day Israelite generation. Indeed (if truth be told), Salt Lake’s Citadel is smiting (striking a firm blow against) Israel and the entire world.






8. Actually, Salt Lake’s “Field-of-Operations” (enterprises; transactions; undertakings) is controlled (run;Pe Pe managed; directed) by one single repugnant (offensive; disgusting)  vine (lineage; bloodline) of artificially perfumed (“flowery-smelling) “skunks” who have a naturally-ignoble stench and prefer to hunt at night (under cover of darkness).

Their genetic-origins spring (emerge)  from a sigle family (lineage; bloodline) of sadists (men who enjoy being cruel; monsters; devils) and, whose most-aggressive males have made themselves into Israel’s Ba’als (lords; masters; husbands; owners)  in order to break-down (dismantle; pull-down; pull-apart) every one of  Israel’s principle-plants (Judahite-bloodlines; royal-lineages; finest-bloodlines; ruling-families).

The Prophet “Pepe LaPew”, “I stink…..therefore I am!”


9. Because of all this,  I feel sorrow for those who succor  (support; sustain) these  perfumed (artificially sweet-smelling) vines (lineage; bloodline ) of non-Israelite priesthood leaders who are desperately trying  to adapt (condition; inure; program;  modify; habituate; change) Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) to Salt Lake’s ways.Image result for rotten "fruit

water (drench) my pillow with tears, because of Salt Lake’s rotten “fruit”  (consequences; outcomes)  and  Mormon prophets who are guaranteeing (insuring) each other division (distribution; share; cut) of Israel’s birthright (right-to-rule; property; inheritance).





10. This generation of Salt Lake’s priesthood leadership has robbed the “joy” and “gladness” from the Lord’sImage result for whistling a happy tune gif vineyard (Israel’s people) and from the fruit (progeny; offspring; children) of the vineyard (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons ). 

None of Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) are “whistling”  (“Singing-a happy tune”), like they once did and few can even remember the last time they tasted (enjoyed; savored; felt)  wine (“the spirit of God”)  “in their bellies” (in their bowels;  in their souls). 

So, I (Jehovah) am hereby disposing of (scrapping; junking; dumping; ditching; trashing “deep-sixing”) Salt Lake’s method-of (way-of; technique-of; procedure-of; approach-to) misleading (misguiding; misdirecting; mis-managing) Israel’s people.





11. Moabites (Salt Lake’s bastards; Salt Lake’s illegitimate priesthood leaders) are ruined (reduced to a state of decay, collapse, or Related imagedisintegration) because all that they are really doing is harping (tranquilizing; sedating; doping) their people. 

They hum (coo; drone; whisper; purr) from the pulpits to Israel’s people.

Contrary to their public-image, Moabites (illegitimate priesthood leaders)  “only” approach   (seek)  Me (Jehovah) when they are  utterly desperate (hopeless; “beside-themselves”; “out of their minds”; desolate; “at the end of their rope”) and wanting My   (Jehovah’s)  help.





12.  By the time our latter-day generation of Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) appeared on the scene, Moabites (Salt Lake’s illegitimate priesthood leadership) had already bankrupt (destroyed; ruined) their own moral sensitivities.

But as soon as any one of Salt Lake’s men is exalted (elevated in rank and authority) to Mormon GodhoodRelated image  (idolization; deification; “placement on a pedestal”) he begins preaching to Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) about Israel’s (rank and file Mormon’s) need to “make a bee-line” (go quickly and often) to one of Salt Lake’s “high-places” (temple-complexes) and pray (supplicate to God; plead with God), but,  thanks to Salt Lake’s false doctrines, Israel’s prayers and supplications, these days,  often turn out to be  “A-Wild-Goose Chase” (A hopeless quest). 



.Image result for flunking Sainthood

13. This is the word (matter; advice; criminal-case; counsel; decree; judgment; message) of Jehovah concerning Moabites (Salt Lake’s-illegitimate-priesthood-authorities) from this day forward.




14.  Jehovah declares (officially announces)………

“In consequence of Salt Lake’s “Triad” (trifecta; triple-crown; First Presidency) of Perversion”  (dissimulation; make-believe; pretense) the minds of Israel’s people have been confused (dumbfounded; confounded; mixed-up) as to what a “Servant of God” really is.”.   

The reputation (name;  authority)  of Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization is quickly becoming “TOAST!” (finished; done forImage result for "TOAST!") by Jehovah.

The glory (splendor; honor) that was once associated with Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization is being transformed to condemnation (criticism; denunciation; reproach) among all Israelite people (rank and file Mormons) and if any of Salt Lake’s men do survive this indictment they’ll be nothing more than feeble old men mourning the loss of the  “Good Ol’ Days”  when life was “Sweet” for them.



End of Chapter Sixteen

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