Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 29 – verses 1- 24

Chapter Twenty-Nine verses 1-24

1.  Woe (difficulty; problems) unto you, Ariel * (“Salt Lake’s self-appointed “Gatherers-of-God”).  Ariel,  you’re not the ancient city where David (Jehovah’s beloved) settled (encamped; pitched-tents). Go ahead (by all means; regardless of the consequences), Salt Lake, betake (repair; resort; apply) yourselves to your sacrament-meetings.   Let those rituals (customs; practices) cycle-on (repeat in succession) year after year.

* ArielImage result for attacking lions gif-The name Ariel consists of two parts:
(1) The first part comes from the Hebrew noun ארי (‘”ari”), meaning; lions or “gatherers” from the verb ארה (‘ara), ( to collect, to gather).
Lions were known as “gatherers” because,  as the greatest of predators, they gathered (drove; corralled)  herds together and favored the natural selection of herd behavior. Ancient Israelites who traveled with the herds may have realized that the “Center of the Herd” was the safest place to be, which may have led to the formation of a central compound within a larger fenced-in flock.  The verb ארה (‘ara) appears to be related in form to the verb ארר (‘arar), which originally meant to “bind” but came to mean: (to curse or to bind someone with a spell).
(2) The final-segment אל (‘el), refers to אלהים (‘Elohim), or God.


Then, there’s this…

Image result for altar hearthAriel – 
a cultic object in Ezekiel 43:15–16, where it occurs in the forms ariel and harel. This is apparently an  altar-hearth superimposed upon the base of the altar, having horns at its four corners. Alternatively, it may be viewed as the top two sections of a three-tiered altar, again with the function of a hearth.
 Three principal modes of interpretation have been proposed: (a) from ari-el, “lion of God” or “Gatherers of reat Lion.” This is the most probable derivation for the personal name in Ezra; (b) from a posited root ari, “to burn,” with lamed afformative, thus meaning “hearth,” similar to the Arabic ʿiratun, “hearth”; and (c) as a loanword from the Akkadian arallû-, the name for the netherworld and allegedly the world mountain. (In this view the altar is understood as a miniature ziggurat, which is taken to be the symbol of the world mountain.) However, arallû does not mean “mountain.” In addition, the Akkadian, a loanword from Sumerian, would have not shown up in Hebrew in the form attested. Regardless of the ultimate derivation of the word, the meaning of Isaiah 29:1–2 seems to be that Jerusalem, (the latter day headquarters of illegitimate authority and teachings) here (prophetically?) called Ariel, is to become like the altar, i.e., the scene of a holocaust.





2. Image result for wooden PegsBut,  the news (accounts; testimonies; stories; word; reports) of my (Jehovah’s) setup (organization; collection; arrangement) of “Israelite Pegs” (Israelite prophets and seers, who can be depended upon),  standing in opposition to Ariel (“Salt Lake’s self-appointed “Gatherers-of-God”) will rob (dispossess; strip; divest) Salt Lake headquarters of its power (ability) to bring about (inspire; give rise to;engender) sorrow (misery; grief)…….








3. ….then My (Jehovah’s) Israelite-encampments  (Israelite-bivouacs; assembly of Israelite tents) will betake (apply; address; repair) themselves to subduing  (subjugating; humbling; quelling; overpowering) the current (present-day; contemporary) generation (breed; species; strain; stock; family) of Salt Lake’s Nephilim (“Fallen Ones”; hybrid-race of beings descended from “Watchers” *) who are……

(1) setting-Israel’s people-apart (consecrating-Israel’s people; laying hands upon Israel’s people; calling-Israel’s people) into service of  Image result for thumb one's nose gifSalt Lake’s  “Ariel” (self-appointed “gatherers of God),then………

(2)  “thumbing their noses”  (place their thumb upon the tip of their nose, with the fingers spread and simultaneously wiggling their fingers, in a gesture of disrespect) at Me (Jehovah) in response to  your (Israel’s people’s) garrison (encampment) to defend (safeguard; protect) the revelation (disclosure) of my (Jehovah’s) edict (“sure-word”) concerning you (Israel’s people).   


* Watchers. They first appear on the scene in Sumer. “Shumer”, it seems, literally means the “Land of the Watchers”. Mankind worshipped the Watchers as gods. Carl Sagan once remarked, “We still have no clear perspective about the origins of the Sumerian culture. Their language is foreign; it shows no resemblance to Indo-European, Semitic or any other language. We can only map them by the actions of their successors, the Akkadians, who created a voluminous Sumerian-Akkadian dictionary.” 
The Chaldeans referred to the Watchers as “Ir”(iyr) . In ancient Egyptian, “neter” means “Watcher”. The Watchers are also in the Bible, where, in Genesis 6:1-4, they are listed as the “Sons of gods” (direct descendants of divine or supernatural-beings) who rebelled against Jehovah enmass, then, descended from heaven, mated with mortal women, and sired children. They were mistakenly described as “giants” (Latin-gigantis) , though the physical size of their fathers is not what they are describing, but rather, they were describing their father’s superhuman prowess, though it is not stated directly . These super human beings did not sleep and they possessed absolutely no human moral-sensibilities (consciences) 
Star Wars Reaction GIF by Hyper RPGThe Bible refers to the Watchers or Grigori as “evil”. They were the ones who “fell from Gods grace (favor) and from heaven, then, because their super-natural penises they became  “hot” (lustful)  for the flesh of women.
In this respect, they sit within the tradition of Lucifer, the leader of the Fallen Angels, who was cast down to Earth. Could the leader of the Watchers and the biblical Lucifer be one and the same? The Koran has a similar story, though the strict good vs. evil of the Bible has been toned down.
Two angels, Harut and Marut, watch the actions of Mankind and note that Mankind seems to be unable to escape temptation and sin. The angels’ critical comments were heard by God, who said to both of them, “You two knuckleheads shouldn’t speak of Mankind in such manner. If angels were placed in an identical situation, their behaviour would be similar”.
Not surprisingly, Harut and Marut take this rebuke as an open-invitation from God and immediately they packed their carry-on luggage for the Earth. God asked  (demanded) that they are only permitted to watch (observe; witness) humans and are prohibited from interfering with the human race in any way and becoming involved with the gravest of sins: murder, worship of the wrong deities, drunkenness and unlawful sexual relationships.
But that didn’t last long. These angels just arrived and before they put their suitcases down,  they are lustful for mortal women. As soon as they could, they seduce and mate with the most desireable women.  When a passer-by sees (witnesses)  their lighthearted sexual escapades (exploits; capers) involving excitement and daring,  Harut and Marut  killed him, so that no-one will be able to report their sin. But God’s Eye (purview) is everywhere and God makes sure that Harut’s and Marut’s 198 colleagues who descended to Earth (other Watchers)  “Get the Picture” (get the point; get the idea; understand) . Because Harut and Marut failed in their assignment they are hung upside down in a water hole in Babylon, a punishment they preferred over Hell. At the same time, other Watchers  (their colleages who came to Earth with them …198 to be exact) have to agree with God about his point of view concerning the difficulties of being a human-being.
It seems that this story is twofold: to demomstrate once and for all,  what is right and what is wrong, but also to teach rebelliosly-inclined angels in Heaven some respect for Mankind and the real challenges of being a human-being. The Nephilim continued to live on Earth. It seems that their biggest contribution on Earth has been and remains the  creation of “Chaos” (unrest; lawlessness; trouble).
Most ancient civilizations had a major fascination with “order vs. chaos, good vs. evil”. Evil creates chaos and thus you have Nephilim (“Fallen Ones”) , who were the offspring of the “Watchers” (Disgraced Angels) .  They, obviously,  displayed their fathers’ faults. This inevitably led  God to send a Deluge (the Flood) in order to wash away the sinfulness of these dreadful beings. Here, we find another parallel with the story of Harut and Marut: they are also “washed of their sins” in the water hole in Babylon. Water as the cleanser of sin is therefore chosen for both – as opposed to a “baptism by fire”.
cary elwes for my anon GIFStill, Jewish history suggests that not all Nephilim perished. The Jews stated that from time to time they lived amidst (in the vicinity of)  Israel’s people.  The Anakim (leaders; men who function as plumb-lines; men who decide who & what is Upright) and the Rephaim (ancient people of Canaan; subjugators) were both descended from  Nephilim. This is why Jehovah commanded Joshua to completely exterminate every man ,woman, child, as well as livestock among the Canaanites, when Israel entered the Promised land.
Image result for six fingered handThere remained a few Nephilim who fought in some of the battles, but they slowly seemed to have disappeared from the scene. Perhaps they married and their unique characteristic(six toes and six fingers) disappeared within the larger genetic pool.
The story of Watchers fell in disrespect (disfavor) within the leadership of the Catholic Church, who wanted to portray Heaven as only “Good and Perfect” ,  whereas the Watchers were all too “troublesome and imperfect”, it seemed, to neatly fit within Rome’s portrayal. The Book of Enoch, which provides great detail about the Watchers, wasn’t even included in the Bible. Its substitute was the patchy (incomplete; vague; superficial; cursory) Apocalypse of John, where there are no references, whatsoever, to Watchers mating with human women. Still, some references remained. In Daniel (4:13, 17 and 23) they appear, even making an appearance in front of the king. Nephilim are still upon the Earth. They have recovered and have re-established their tyrannical control over the human race.






4. Image result for snap out of it gifYou (Israel’s people) have been diminished (belittled; degraded; forgotten)  but the voice of your  (Israel’s)  people speaks out of (based on; from; on behalf of;  concerning) the ground (legal argument for Israel’s legitimacy; validity).

You (Israel’s people) speak out of  (on behalf of; in the interest of; for the benefit of) Israel’s ashes (ruins; remnants; remains).

Your (Israel’s people’s ) commanding and self-confident speech (testimony; spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law) has the power to depress (dispirited; deject; afflict; bother; disturb; throw cold water on) your enemies, so they might “return to their senses” (awaken from a stupor; regain their mental faculties; stop being foolish; become sensible again; regain their cognitive power) as they wake-up (are roused from sleep concerning ; awakened to;  become conscious of; are alert to)  the danger of  current circumstances in this world (mortal realm; vale of tears).

season 4 GIF by Bachelor in ParadiseYour (Israel’s) articulate (eloquent; persuasive; clearly-spoken; persuasive) speech (testimony; voice; expression; way of talking) will whisper on behalf of (about; in the interest of) Israelites who have , for a long time, been regarded (viewed; seen; thought of)  as “a heap of rubbish” (dust; ashes; “dead and buried in the grave”)…….







5.disbelief omg GIF by Red Fang In a virtual instant, the tumult (ruckus; uproar; clamor)  of your enemies will become nothing more than a dense mass  (cloud) of fine (pulverized; loose; flimsy) dust-particles (grime; dirt; filth; smut; refuse) and they will suddenly seem more like a horde of jokes  (fools; clowns; buffoons; laughing-stocks) who’ve been caught off guard and totally “blown-away” (confounded; dumbfounded; stunned) by these new developments.




6.  You (Salt Lake headquarters) will,  suddenly,  be visited by thunder (loud, rumbling, and crashing noises) and by earthquakes  (upheavals; convulsions; shocks) accompanying a final (fundamental; categorical) termination (conclusion; end) of Salt Lake’s charade (mockery; travesty; absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant and respectable appearance) accompanied by a  “rush” (attack; assault; storm; onslaught; charge) fueled by flaming (very-angry; vehement) fire (passion; barely controllable emotions) in opposition to the illegitimate (illicit; unsanctioned; swerve george costanza GIF by HULUunauthorized)  priests who are “in the driver’s seat” (running the show; in charge) of today’s worldwide (global; catholic; broad-based; all-encompassing) “Religions-of-Men”.
Rumblings (signs of dissatisfaction) and
disquiet (anxiety; uneasiness; unrest) is growing (escalating; developing; spreading) among “The-nations” (gentiles; non-Israelites) throughout the world. 


7. swerve george costanza GIF by HULUThe specter (vision; specticle; image) of angry Mormons throughout the world rising-up in opposition (antipathy; objection; resistance) against Ariel (Salt Lake’s self- appointed gatherers) along with those who are engaged in attacking Salt Lake’s fortress (headquarters) and besieging her prophets and apostles.
Horribly irresponsible men are currently “in the driver’s seat” (running the show; in charge) of Salt Lake’s worldwide (global; catholic; broadbased)  “Religion-of-Menand they  have mistakenly (wrongly; recklessly; erroneously)  underestimated (misjudged; minimized; miscalculated) the warning signs around the world, as nothing more than a dream (“thing of little importance”; “trifle”). 






8. Image result for eating like a pig gifFor them, (religious leaders of the world) the whole experience is like the dream  (fantasy)  starving (hungry) men. 

They see (envision)  themselves eating (making “pigs” of themselves), but when they awaken, they’re still starving (expiring; perishing; dying).

And it’s like the dream of a man dying-of-thirst (dying of dehydration) . He sees (envisions ) himself drinking (quenching his thirst), but when he awakens , he is still thirsty (dying; perishing).   

So (“thus in this way”) it will be (happen; turn-out)  for the multitudes of “the nations” (gentiles; non-Israelites) who fight (take part in a violent struggle) against Mount (the administration of) Zion (God’s Kingdom).





9. black and white drinking GIFThey’ll be stunned (astonished; stupefied; dazed)  and amazed (staggered; bewildered; surprised)  by what’s going to happen. They’ve blinded themselves (made themselves indifferent and unconcerned) so they can’t see what’s barrelling down the track,  because they’re all drunk (intoxicated), but they’re not drunk because of  wine. They are staggering (stumbling; reeling) around,  but not because they are drinking beer.








10.Sleep GIF Indeed (if truth be told), the spirit of a deep-sleep (“tardamah”;  apathy; sluggishness) has been poured-out upon people of the world.

And, sadly Israel’s eyes (“seers”) have been bound (handcuffed; hamstrung; barred; frustrated) because  Israel’s heads (prophets; visionaries) have been covered (concealed; hidden). 








11. For, as far as you (Salt Lake’s illegitimate priesthood leadership) are concerned, the whole (complete; full; comprehensive) vision (oracle) of Isaiah’s book has been and still remains just words (a message) of a scroll (rolled-up document) that is sealed (locked-up; closed; shut-up; incomprehensible) in the hands (possession) of Salt Lake’s learned (well-informed; accomplished; well-educated) prophets and apostles,  so that it can be translated and interpreted.

They’ve have been asked, “Please read this!”, but the Salt Lake’s learned prophets and apostles have consistently replied, “We can’t translate and interpret this book because it’s sealed (locked-up; closed; shut-up; incomprehensible)”.




12. eric cartman kids GIF by South Park So, Isaiah’s book was then given to men who aren’t learned (lettered; scholars; well-informed). They were  then asked , “Please read this!”

They, too,  have consistently replied, “We can’t translate and interpret this book because we don’t understand any of the nuances (subtle differences in or shade of meaning and expression) of Hebrew.”









13.jesus GIF The Lord, God declares, “Because the worl’s religionists (zealots; church devotees whose zeal is artificial, pretentious, and designed to impress) draw-near (approach; worship) me merely with their mouths   (sermons; braggadocio; religious-talk) and they honor (regard with great respect) Me (Jehovah) merely thru their “lips” (ordinations; appointments; investitures; installations; consecrations), it’s obvious that their hearts (modes of thinking and acting; affections; seats of will and purpose) are altogether remote (removed; far) from me and their worship of me is taught (inspired; energized; animated; stimulated; activated) by the precepts (canons; principles; orthodoxies; standards) of sick (perverted; cruel; ruthless; sadistic) men. 





14. GIF by VPROTherefore, watch me while I (Jehovah) astound (shock; amaze; astonish; stagger; surprise; dumbfound; stupefy) Salt Lake’s people,  with miracle after miracle on behalf (for the benefit) of Israel’s people.

The wisdom (craftiness; deceptions; shrewdness) of Salt Lake’s schrewd and crafty men will perish (collapse; fall-apart) and the knowledge (understanding) of their wicked-presiding-authorities will vanish (disappear suddenly and completely). 




15. penguin oops GIFWoe (anguish sorrow; despair) to silly men among Salt Lake’s General Authorities who think they can hide (conceal) their “Works of Darkness” (Black-Magic; machinations; skullduggeries; schemes; conspiracies; maneuvers; plots) from Jehovah.

They think to themselves, “Who (no one) can see us!? and who (no one) knows what we’re doing!?”




16.  You (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) must point the finger at  (openly accuse;  apportion blame to ) Salt Lake’s General Authorities. They don’t see (regard; view) themselves as potter’s clay (workable-material),  like the rest of us, who are shaped and molded by God.

 it was you finger pointing GIF by HULUThey regard themselves as “Potters(designers; creators; originators; architects) who challenge (dispute the truth and validity of) Jehovah by claiming,   “You (Jehovah)  didn’t make us!”.

Then, they  compound (intensify  the negative aspects of) that injury with the added insult, “You (Jehovah) can’t-even tell the difference!”




17.  In a relatively short period of time, Lebanon (Salt Lake’s cherished andImage result for thicket of briars prestigious family-trees, dynasties, bloodlines, and lineages) has degenerated (sunk; declined; deteriorated; slipped) from a fertlile  garden ( promontory; “headland”; field; place for cultivating choice-grape-vines; cultivated-place), into a thicket (dense,  tightly bound and  tangled repository) of family-trees and domineering (menacing; dangerous) shrubs that exclude  all other species.





18. In our day (generation) Israel’s  people (rank and file Mormons) who,  until now,  have beenImage result for thick darkness gif blinded (unable to see) what is going on,  will hear (be told;  pay attention to) the words (message; prophecy; forecast) contained in Isaiah’s Scroll   (book; vision), so….the eyes of the blind  will see (discern (deduce mentally from exposure to information; recognize) the “Thick-Darkness” (practices of Sorcery; Black Magic) and malevolent (evil-intentioned)  “Magic-Spells” that are  being employed by Salt Lake’s seed (Melchizedek High Priests) against Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons). 








19. Then,  the pious (dutiful; conscientious) among Israel’s people,  will proceed (begin a new course ofImage result for leap-for-joy gif action; set-something altogether new in motion) as a means to jubilantly (triumphantly)  accompany Jehovah, and the needy (poor; oppressed; wretched; sufferers of warranted pain) among mankind will “leap-for-joy” (rejoice; delight) in support of Israel’s people them.









20. bruised jackie chan GIFIndeed (If truth be told), Salt Lake’s ruthless prophets and apostles will be vanquished (thoroughly defeated) and the dark-works (sorceries; evil spells) of men who take delight in scorning (deriding; dumping-on) Israel’s people will be brought to nought (ruined.) 







21. Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization thinks it can offer-up (sacrifice) Adam (mankind; the human race) as “a sin-offering” (an expiation; a means by which atonement or reparation is made) to cover (compensate for) their own sins (mistakes; blunders; faults; misguided actions)   

By employing carefully-crafted (manipulative; slippery; guileful) Mormon Speak *  Salt lake’s presiding Authorities set-traps (create-snares) in order to “trip-up” (mislead)  Israelites (rank and file Mormons) who they should defend in court (disputations). They deprive (deny-justice-to) the innocent by discrediting (disgracing; degrading) them. 

“Mormon-Speak”-Mormon leaders use the word “opportunity” far too often. Priesthood leaders used to come around saying, “Did you have the opportunity to do your home teaching this month?” And I’d respond truthfully:Image result for verbal diarrhea gif “Yes, I had the opportunity.” Heck, I had lots of opportunities. That doesn’t mean I did it. But that’s not what they asked, and I like the idea of using someone else’s poor syntax to dodge the issue. (I am counting on that question at the Pearly Gates are similarly vague).
The other way we use “opportunity” is when we want to express having done something, but we want to use a lot of words to say it, possibly because we think we are being paid by the syllable. When giving a talk in church, never say in two minutes what can be said just as easily in five.  It might be a humility thing, too. Saying, “I went to the moon” sounds boastful. But “I had the opportunity to go to the moon” has the subtext of, “This was through no fault of my own, I assure you, and I’m really lucky to have gone.”  This subtext is particularly clear if you say it in a spiritual tone of voice.
And by “spiritual,” of course,  I mean “quiet.” If you whisper when you talk, you are somehow conveying spirituality. Conversely, it is impossible to be spiritual if you speak in a normal tone of voice. Using a loud voice is downright wrong, and if you yell, it’s the same as having Satan deliver your sermon for you. Saying, “I had the opportunity to go” instead of “I went” is a waste of words, certainly. But sometimes Mormons conserve energy, too, and use a kind of verbal shorthand.  A few of these are already well-established. For instance, everyone knows that if a woman has a “sweet spirit,” that’s code for “she’s as ugly as Janet Reno,” and if a man is a “nice guy,” that’s code for “he’s as ugly as Janet Reno.” And Orson Scott Card, the famed author of science-fiction and other children’s stories, once pointed out to me that among Mormons, “humble” means “proud.” (“I am really humbled at being named People’s Sexiest Man Alive.”).  I am grateful for the opportunity to show you some more examples I’ve compiled:
“share” = “make you listen to” (“I’d like to share a story.”)
“special” = any adjective with a positive connotation; indicates the speaker has warm feelings but lacks the vocabulary to express them (“It was a special experience.”) (See also: “choice”)
“brethren” (pronounced “broth-ern”) = “everyone here, including women”
“struggling” as in “Brother So-and-So is ‘struggling’ with some things right now” = “You wouldn’t believe how much porn Brother So-and-So has downloaded.”
“Young Men’s program” = “Boy Scouts of America”
“less active” = “not the least bit active”
“Democrat” = “less active”
“Word of Wisdom” = “don’t drink or smoke”
“inappropriate” = “I personally don’t approve of that, and I’m sure no one else does, either.”
“not very Christlike” = “I personally don’t approve of that, and I’m sure Jesus doesn’t, either.”
“diverse” = “some non-Mormons are there, too”
“be tolerant” = “pretend you don’t hate gay people”
“I am being tried and tested” =, “I think God has it in for me”
I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into Mormon terminology. Now if you’ll excuse me, I “have the opportunity” to get some work done. – By Eric D. Snider, October 31, 2001.





22. shame GIFTherefore,   Jehovah (Israel’s God,who redeemed Abraham and all of his Abraham’s descendants) says unto the House of Jacob (Salt Lake’s dynasty of frauds and swindlers)……

 “Your illegitimate priesthood leadership will no longer be able to “bring-shame-upon” (surpass; humiliate; snub; demean; disgrace) Israel’s people and your leaders will no longer be able to make the faces (intentions;  purposes) of Israel’s people seem pale (irrelevent; washed-up; inadequate; weak; unsubstantial) in comparison to Salt Lake’s self-serving doctrines and worthless ordinances”. 





23. hugh jackman wow GIFIndeed (if truth be told), when, Israelite children (disciples; followers) belonging to this generation see (perceive with their eyes; discern-visually; realize; recognize) the work (labor; endeavor) of My (Jehovah’s) hand (power; influence) among them (in their midst), they will keep (bless; commemorate; honor; laud; observe) my holy name (dominion; authority; jurisdiction) and they’ll be quick to point-out (direct everyone’s attention to; acknowledge; accept or admit the existence of) the many genuine Saints (holy-ones) who are being led by Jacob’s people, having in mind  “rank and file Mormons” who are  “morally-clean (“undefiled; free of Jacob’s idolatry) because they keep in mind (cherish; remember; acknowledge) the governance of Israel’s God and are filled with “awe” (reverential respect mixed with fear) in response to His (Jehovah’s)  miracles.




24. Sad Hugh Laurie GIFThose who are spiritually wayward,  at this time,  will come to understand and those who have a habit of complaining will gladly receive instruction.





End of Chapter Twenty Nine


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