Judgment and Hope
1. Thus, I (Yhwh) am angrily vociferating (shouting, complaining loudly and vehemently), saith the Lord.
The Heavens (persons with whom Yhwh and his spirit feel perfectly “At-Home” ) are where my throne is found (established; set-up). But, unfortunately, the Earth (a temporary sphere of existence where mankind has sufficient time and opportunity to turn personals-inclinations into unbreakable-habits) has become the “Stool” (toilet; outhouse; latrine; privy) for the feet (Fullers; Tuckers; tramplers; treaders) who constitute (comprise; form) the majority of Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Islam; Scientology’s) “Men of the Cloth” (men actively engaged in Priestcraft) *.
* Priestcraft- The “Preaching and setting-up of one’s own self as a light to the world in order to get gain and praise of the world, rather than seeking the welfare of Zion”. Priestcraft is also defined as preaching false doctrines for the sake of riches and honor. But if you check a dictionary, priestcraft isn’t associated with preaching for profit. Instead, it is the craft (skill of deceiving others; cunning, and guile, technique) to pretend priestly functions. Priestcraft is a sign of misplaced and excessive admiration for men. “Men of the Cloth” (priests; minister; pastors) are not supposed to be financially supported by the people. Yhwh, himself, has promised to provide for their sustenance, much like He did Manna (food from heaven) for the Israelites in the wilderness. This message is taught in Mormonism’s Sacred Book – The Book of Mormon and reinforced in the pre-1990 temple endowment where Lucifer hires a protestant minister to preach the doctrine of the Yhwh to Adam and Eve. It conjures up sinister images of greedy, pretentious preachers getting rich off of their gullible flocks and is used by the Mormons as a means to dismiss protestant ministers making $40,000 a year, who also want to think of themselves as “called of God”.
These ministers have spent years studying the Bible in Religious Seminary and are every bit as sincere as any Mormon high-Priest. At the same time, ignoring (failing to consider) the hundreds of thousands of Mormon High-Priests worldwide, and, of course, Salt Lake’s General Authorities, who make a very comfortable living from supposedly (allegedly; purportedly) preaching the “Word Of God”. That’s just rank hypocrisy!
So, where is this (the previously-mentioned; the aforementioned) “Great-House” (ordinances and commands of Cult-Royalty; Palace and residence of cult Royalty and their administrations; Personified-leadership of Oppression; “Pharoah”) that Cult (Mormon; Roman- Catholic; Muslim; Scientologist) authorities (officialdom) were supposed to have built (erected; set-up; constructed) to honor themselves as a means to rival (compete with; oppose; resemble; approximate) Me (my-ministry).
Where are their “Seats-Of-Power” (Mormon headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah; Roman Catholic-Headquarters located in Città del Vaticano, Rome, Italy; Islam’s Headquarters in Mecca; Scientology’s Headquarters located in Clearwater, Florida) which have secretly allied (federated; united; combined) themselves (their resources) to carry-out (accomplish; execute) a worldwide overthrow (removal from power; a defeat or downfall) of My (Yhwh’s) ministry.
2. “Has not My (Yhwh’s) hand (power; clout; impact; influence) been responsible for advancing (furthering; expediting; facilitating; championing) all of these Cults?”, declares Yhwh……
……..because of which …….., I (Yhwh; The strength and power of my Holy Spirit as your teacher, your leader and your God) am now (today; nowadays; these days; right now; at this point) deprecating (condemning; pointing my finger at; “blowing-the-whistle-on”; disclosing information to the public about) the immoral activities that these Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) corporate-entities routinely practice and promote without seriously testifying (bearing witness) of Me (Yhwh).
Instead (rather), they work to obscure (belie; disprove; contradict; deny; repudiate) “My-Holy-Spirit.” and they actually “shudder” (tremble with horror, fear) in reaction to My (Yhwh’s) “Word” (indictment; judgment; counsel; decrees; purposes and intentions).
3. Cult (fail to consider ) Bulls (officials; presiding-officers) are maniacal (possessed by an evil spirit) demons.
They are sheep-killers and predators who prostitute (demean; diminish the worth of) “Communion with God.”
They lift themselves up as a means to express admiration for (pay tribute to) a reprobate (“good for nothing”) bloodline (succession of hereditary-rulers) all of whom are pigs (swine; men regarded by Yhwh with contempt and disgust). They are recognized (lauded; honored; seen; understood; acknowledged) as architects (prime-movers; creators; planners; designers) of idolatry (idol-worship) .
Further (additionally; what’s more), these unprincipled Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientologist) officials chose (select; call; hand-pick) each other to direct (control and govern) Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) “Works-of-Darkness,” so they are in key-positions to initiate (introduce) the people to the habit of idolizing (breathlessly-adoring; deifying; “putting on pedestals”) men in high-places, thus delighting the souls of Israel’s people.
They lifted-themselves up (puff themselves-up) hoping to be called (chosen; selected) to fill top-leadership-positions that enable them to shroud (conceal from view; dismiss; hide) Israel’s people as ministers of God.
Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) officials have “Sunk To A New Low (behaved in ways perceived as unworthy or debased) by catching (corralling; entangling; ensnaring; capturing) Israelites who Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) heads (presiding-officers) view (think of; estimate; judge) as liable (likely) to give way under pressure.
Cult ( Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) heads (leaders; officials) fully-intend to promulgate (popularize; advocate; promote) a policy of shutting-out (excluding; blocking; barring) Yhwh’s (“the good shepherd’s”) flock (sheep).
They seek to decapitate (undermine by removing, behead; execute; cut-off; sever; remove) Israelites from positions of leadership.
4. Likewise (in the same way; also) they (Cult; Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) officials fully intend to control (impose; dictate; shape) all the conditions (surroundings; situations; environment; circumstances) surrounding their systematic-mockery (absurd misrepresentation and imitation) of divine authority.
This adds a little “AMUSEMENT” (entertainment; enjoyment, happiness, laughter, and pleasure) to their otherwise “God-damned” (ill-fated; doomed) souls, as well as to amuse (charm; tickle) those who sojourn (go long; hang-around; tarry; travel; walk; join) with them.
So, I (Yhwh) am bringing charges (litigating; pressing charges) against (to oppose) Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) officialdom because they’ve consistently refused to answer My calls (attempts to communicate with them).
They’ve clearly and consistently indicated that they are not willing to listen. They personify evil, itself, in my eyes (opinion; sight), and they’ve chosen something that really pisses Me (Yhwh) off.
5. These reprobates speak (talk; preach; pontificate; shoot their mouths) about (in reference to) My (Yhwh’s) WORDS, all the time, without ever thinking about what my words actually mean.
They claim that they are Israelite-brothers to all of you (Israel’s people), but, the truth of it is, they hate (despise; loathe) all of you (Israel’s people)….they exclude (blackball; “look-down-upon”; ostracize; exile; repudiate; ignore) all of you (Israel’s people) because you (Israel’s people) possess (have inherited) the only rightful (lawful) claim to My (Yhwh’s) name (dominion; jurisdiction).
Let Yhwh be glorified (praised; exalted; revered; worshipped) so that Israel’s seed may see (comprehend; be acquainted with; realize; experience) heavenly-joy while Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) officials are put to shame.
6. Can you hear the uproar (loud and impassioned noise and disturbance; outcry; outrage; chaos) that’s been ignited (stirred-up) at Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) headquarters in (1) Salt Lake City, Utah, (2) Città del Vaticano in Rome, Italy, (3) Mecca/Medina, Saudi Arabia and (4) Clearwater, Florida.
From Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s Temples dedicated to excess and opulance, a lot of noise (shouting) is heard as Yhwh repays (pays-back) “Just Desserts” (appropriate rewards and punishments) to Israel’s enemies (foes; adversaries; rivals).
7. Without a need for Israel’s people to initiate (go into; begin; commence) labor (the process of childbirth) Israel delivers (gives-birth) and without a need for pain (writhing), she (Israel) delivers (brings-forth; produces) the lawful (legitimate) heir (successor) to Yhwh’s throne.
8. Who has ever heard (known; recalled) of such a thing? Who has ever seen (witnessed) such a thing?
Is it even possible for a whole (entire) Israelite society (body) be born (brought forth) in one (a single) day (era; generation)?
How can a nation (millions of people united by common descent) be brought to life in asingle moment in time?
Yet, as soon as Zion ( Yhwh’s Millennial Kingdom) begins to labor……“Boom”…….she gives birth.
9. Behold (observe something remarkable) I (Yhwh) have brought (escorted; shepherded; accompanied; conducted) them (Zion’s Israelites) unto this moment of birth.
“Do you really think that I (yhwh) would have gone to all this trouble only to shut things down at the last moment?” ,asks the Lord.
Or do you think that I (Yhwh) would bring them to the point of delivery only to say….. “Back the truck-up!”
10. Rejoice–for (celebrate) them (citizens of Zion; citizen’s Yhwh’s Millenial Kingdom) keeping in mind, Jerusalem (the World’s Schoolmaster of “Peace and Salvation”). All of you who love Jerusalem (the World’s Schoolmaster of “Peace and Salvation”)…. be glad!
Rejoice for Jerusalem (the World’s Schoolmaster of “Peace and Salvation”) and for those who’ve mourned (grieved) over her absence for a long time.
11. You may now nurse (suckle) and satisfy yourselves at her (Jerusalem’s) comforting breasts.
You may drink deeply and be delighted in the abundant flow of nourishing Milk (easy to digest refreshment).
12. Indeed, Thus saith the Lord, “Watch Me (Yhwh) extend (bring; deliver) Peace (tranquility; friendship; rest) to her (Jerusalem) like a river and the wealth of “The-Nations” (Gentiles; non-Israelites) like flood.
Let supporters of Jerusalem (the World’s Schoolmaster of Peace and Salvation) have a taste-of (preliminary experience in) what it feels like to exercise (use; utilize; employ) the divine authority that they carry (possess; bear) .
You (Israel’s people) will be dandled (bounced up and down in a playful and affectionate way) upon (beginning with) the bended-knees (asking for God’s blessing) of “The-Nations” (Gentiles; non-Israelites).
13. I (yhwh) will comfort (hug; embrace) all of you (Israel’s people) the way that a mother comforts her little ones.
And for the sake (on behalf) of Jerusalem (“The World’s Schoolmaster of Peace and Salvation”), I (Yhwh) will “hug” (comfort; embrace; enfold in my arms) all of you (Israel’s people).
14. When you see (witness) them (“The-Nations”; The-Gentiles; Non-Israelites) on their bended-knees (asking for Yhwh’s blessing), your (Israel’s people’s) hearts will rejoice and your bones (arguments; grounds; reasoning; claim; legal-case; assertions) will become undeniably strong as you make-known (break the news of; publish; declare) the ministry (pastoral-care; spiritual-leadership) of Yhwh (“The Self-Existent One”).
My (Yhwh’s) Ministry (Spiritual-leadership) should “bring-to-your-mind” (remind you of) the servants among Israel’s seed who are, at this point, enraged (infuriated) because of the embezzlment of Israel’s Birthright by Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) rivals (challengers; competitors; opponents; adversaries).
15. Indeed, (“as a matter of fact”) behold (observe something really terrifying), Yhwh is coming (returning) with FIRE *
* FIRE – i.e. “Shoah”-the Hebrew word for “catastrophe”. This term specifically means the catastrophic destruction of millions of people. The English-speaking countries more commonly use the word Holocaust, which is Greek for “Sacrifice-By-Fire”…….
Yhwh’s chariots (conveyors-of God’s truth and intelligence horsemen-of truth and intelligence; Messengers of light, truth, and intelligence) emerge from Israel’s seed are moved (highly-motivated; fueled; led; driven) to return (pay-back; retaliate) with all the fury (ferocity; intensity) of Yhwh’s anger and demanding of Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) officialdom a……
16. Yhwh will execute (carry-out) his judgment (punishment; penalty; retribution; sentence) with FIRE (“Sacrifice-By-Fire”; a holocaust) and with his words (swords that penetrate and cut) against the entirety of mankind (this kind of man) and myriads of men who’ve been slain (greatly-impressed; overwhelmed) by the seduction of Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) propaganda (disinformation; misleading-hype; indoctrination; brainwashing- techniques).
Propaganda is used to promote the “Cock-Eyed” (absurd; ludicrous; nonsensical; preposterous) opinions, doctrines, and ideas “floated” (popularized; proposed) by Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) officialdom.
17. Behold (“WTF”)…. One after another, Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) officials are deified (worshipped, regarded and treated as gods) in anticipation of assuming a Top-Governing-positions while clearing (vindicating; exempting; absolving) themselves of liability (culpability) for prosecution (legal proceedings) against them for swallowing (falling for; accepting; buying; promoting without much thought; enjoying) the flesh (glad-tidings; gospel-message; preachings) of pigs (coarse, gross, or brutish men; swine).
Every Cult (Mormon, Roman-Catholic, Muslim, and Scientology) leader possesses incriminating-evidence * (proof of where the bodies are buried; damning-eye-witness-testimony) concerning the abominations (sins; foul; vile, shameful, or detestable habits) routinely practiced “behind close-doors” (in-private; secretly; off-camera) by Cult “Rats” (dishonest or unscrupulous clergymen).
Because they are solely trying to protect their own “Asses” (Selves; Reputations; Names; Dominions; Jurisdiction), Cult (Mormon, Roman-Catholic, Muslim, and Scientology’s) officials are very-tightly and very-firmly bound (tied; connected) to each other”, saith Yhwh (“The Self-Existent One”) .
* incriminating Evidence – a motive to engage in Blackmail (intimidation; extortion). It Works “Reeely-Goooooood” For Cult (Mormon, Roman-Catholic, Muslim, Scientology’s) officialdom!
18. …..Just what kind of corrupt activities (crimes; offenses; criminal-actions) and sleazy devices (plans, schemes, and tricks) do Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) officers employ to corral (assemble; gather; corral; gather together and confine) every Nation (country) and Tongue ( statement; declaration;assertion;accusation in a court of law) that might re-direct (divert; turn; convert) others to Me (Yhwh) and encourage everyone to consider my authority…..which is my Glory.
19. I (Yhwh) am setting-up (station; establish; assign a station to; place in a position) a sign (military-ensign; proof of fulfillment of prophecy; miracle; portent; warning that something momentous is about to happen) among them (Israel’s people).
Then, I (Yhwh) am also sending (transmitting; committing) my authority (dominion; jurisdiction) in order to deliver (save; rescue; liberate; emancipate) Israel’s people from the hands (ministries) of International (foreign; worldwide; global) Merchants (peddlers; distributors; traffickers) of “FATNESS” (fleshiness; abomination; filthiness; foulness) and Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) “LOOD” (double-mindedness; being of two minds; indecisiveness; wishy-washiness; lack of firm conviction) about Me (Yhwh).
Every one of these foolish Cult leaders has wandered (gotten off track; strayed; struggled) far from Me (Yhwh).
Their hearts are set on “Breaking The Bow” (“breaking the strength of”; to profaning) the whole earth (fertile and inhabited sphere of existence)…..then, effervesce (bubble with enthusiasm, excitement, liveliness) as they point (direct everyone’s attention) to their sheltered (care-free; easy-going; untroubled; happy-go-lucky) Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) lifestyle.
These sheltered (protected; shielded; cherished; honored; treasured; worshipped) and molly-coddled (pampered; over-indulged; babied) Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) officials refuse to acknowledge (accept the legitimacy of) Israel’s people, having in mind, My (Yhwh’s) indictment (prosecution; accusation; impeachment) of Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) doctrines.
they do not comprehend (“have a clue about”; grasp mentally; understand) My (Yhwh’s) Glory (importance; honor; majesty) and have no desire to seriously (honestly; truthfully; personally) proclaim My (Yhwh’s) glory among “The-Nations” (Gentiles; Non-Israelites).
20. They are exploiting (finessing; “Screwing-Up” in a subtle and delicate manner; getting mileage out of; profiting from; capitalizing on) Israel’s peopl, so they can steal (appropriate; assume; take-possession of) Israel’s ancient concept of “Brotherhood” (fellowship; comradeship; kinship; affinity) from all of you (Israel’s people), then……credit (attribute; assign to; accredit; impute) themselves and promote their particular Cult’s (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) twisted (perverted) conception (imitation; version; fabrication; counterfeit) of Brotherhood.
21. Cult (Mormonism’s; Roman-Catholicism’s; Islam’s; Scientology’s) Merchants (peddlers; distributors; traffickers) of “FATNESS” (wealth & prosperity; opulence; luxury; fortune) are coming (arriving as an army; making their spectacular-debut; coming to town) behaving like Santa Clause and his elves.
They have in mind to take (exploit; appropriate for themselves; fake; assume for themselves; counterfeit) your (Israel’s) sense (understanding; #1 priority) of “Family” (ancestry; parentage; pedigree; background), but especially your (Israel’s) sense (understanding) of “Brotherhood” (community; fellowship; comradeship; kinship; fraternity) that developed (were established; flourisheed; prospered) so well and penetrated so deeply within the hearts of many Nations (Gentiles Non-Israelites) because of you (Israel’s people).
Israel’s sense of Brotherhood, spread like wildfire among the European and Asian Nations (countries) following your (Israel’s) diaspora (exile; dispersion; scattering) to “The-North” (gloominess and darkness; hiddenness and obscurity).
Beware! Some Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) “Merchants of Fatness” will come (arrive) looking as if they are colonists claiming to be directed by Me (Yhwh).
But behind closed doors (secretly) they are enemies (magicians; Sorcerers; adversaries; foes) provoking “Leaps-of-Joy” because of their personal-mastery (comprehensive knowledge and skill) in Sorcery (Black-Magic; “Works of Darkness”).
Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) “Merchants of Fatness” are accompanied by lots of chariots (war machines; teams of men) armored with a knack (acquired skill) at employing “Black Magic”.
Then, thanks to the spectacle of Sorcery (Black-Magic; “Works of Darkness”) they quickly distinguish (differentiate) themselves as celebrities divinely-appointed to inflicting punishment on Israel’s people.
They know that, thru Sorcery (magic-spells; demonic-charm) they must keep a firm-grip (maintain strict-control) on the authority (dominion; jurisdiction) that they’ve stolen (plundered; embezzled) from Israel’s people.
22. Indeed (If truth be told), just as it is with the Newest (brand-spanking-new; contemporary; recently created) Heavens (“heavenly-beings”; individuals with whom Yhwh and His Holy Spirit feel perfectly “At-Home”), and the New (spiritually-reborn; spiritually-reawakened; spiritually-redeemed) Earth (“Sphere of existence providing sufficient time and opportunity for mankind to turn personal-inclinations into unchangeable-habits) that I (Yhwh) am “in-the-process” of producing (bringing-forth; fashioning; making; preparing)
“So it is with Israel’s people, i.e. ….they are confirming (substantiating; corroborating; establishing) the powerful-ministry of “Living Water” (the “Holy Spirit” of Yhwh) to further My (Yhwh’s; divine) purposes and intentions.” ……saith the Lord.
23. There has been quite enough of Cult (“MORMONISM’s; Roman-Catholicism’s; Islam’s Scientology’s”) “restoration” (revival; reinstatement; revival) of Sorcery (Black Magic; works of Darkness) as a means to install (place in a new positions of authority) evil “Serpents” (sly and treacherous men who exploit positions of trust in order to betray, deceive, and mislead) to their former (“Pre-Earth”) positions of demonic (devilish; maniacal; Satanic; diabolical; serpentine; twisted; treacherous; cunning) treachery.
And there’s quite enough Sabbath-Days staged (put-together; engineered; orchestrated; arranged) with a social gatherings or enjoyable activities for the sole purpose of celebrating (bringing-forth; presenting) the ancient authority (juisdiction; dominoin) of Serpents (treacherous men).
They are in the process of besieging (surrounding with armed forces) Israel’s people in order to capture (force the surrender of) all flesh (mankind; the human race; humanity) so they’ll be taught to bow-themselves-down (prostrate-themselves; totally submit themselves) to apostasy-from (abandonment-of and renunciation-of) the Torah (instruction) introduced by Me (Yhwh) and the Old Testament Covenant (agreement; treaty; contract; promise) that they’ve inherited thru the blood (bloodline; DNA; gene-pool) of Abraham.
24. They (Cult; Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) Serpents (sly and treacherous leaders who exploit positions of trust in order to betray, deceive, and defraud) are expanding (spreading; enlarging; aggrandizing; distinguishing; acclaiming) themselves.
They actually see (consider; view) themselves as “quite-ordinary” (average; common) and easy-going (good-humored) neighbors.
Behold (observe with horror and disgust) their strides (advances; rebellion; revolt; apostasy) against me.
Indeed (if truth be told), their “Maggot-Like Voraciousness” will never die (cease) and Yhwh will never change (revoke; reverse; rescind) his judgment concerning them as……
“Loathsome To All Flesh”
End Of Chapter Sixty-Six
and the
————————–End of the Book Of Isaiah————————-
I hope that you have been enlightened by this translation of Isaiah’s ancient text.
Nancy L. Tucker
2. Hasn’t my hand (power; spirit) made all of these things? Haven’t all of these things come into being because of my spoken declaration.
The one (person; individual; worshipper) who I esteem (respect and admire) the very most is the one (person; individual; worshipper) who is humble (meek; differential; submissive) and contrite (regretful; penitent; remorseful) of spirit and trembles (shakes; becomes unglued) at my word.
3. But As far as I (Jehovah) am concerned, whosoever is involved with the Sacrifice-of-the-Bull *is just like (no better than) one who kills a man. Whosoever sacrifices a lamb is just like (no better than) one who breaks a dog’s neck. Whosoever makes a grain offering is like someone (no better than someone) who offers-up (sacrifices) pigs blood. Those who burn incense are just like (no better than) men who worship idols. They’ve chosen their own (favorite; compulsive; habitual) ways and their souls delight in their repeated abominations.
* Sacrifice of the bull – In the Roman Empire of the second to fourth centuries, “taurobolium” referred to practices involving the sacrifice of a bull, which after mid-second century became connected with the worship of the Great Mother of the Gods; though not previously limited to her cult, after AD 159 all private “taurobolia” inscriptions mention the Magna Mater. The best-known and most vivid description, though of the quite different taurobolium as it was revived in aristocratic pagan circles, is the notorious one that has colored early scholarship, which was provided in an anti-pagan poem by the late 4th-century Christian Prudentius in Peristephanon: the priest of the Great Mother, clad in a silk toga worn in the Gabinian cincture, with golden crown and fillets on his head, takes his place in a trench covered by a platform of planks pierced with fine holes, on which a bull, magnificent with flowers and gold, is slain. The blood rains through the platform onto the priest below, who receives it on his face, and even on his tongue and palate, and after the baptism present himself before his fellow-worshippers purified and regenerated, and receives their salutations and reverence. Prudentius does not explicitly mention the taurobolium, but the ceremony, in its new form, is unmistakable from other contemporaneous sources: “At Novaesium on the Rhine in Germania Inferior, a blood pit was found in what was probably a Metroon”, Jeremy Rutter observes. Recent scholarship has called into question the reliability of Prudentius’ description. It is a late account by a Christian who was hostile to paganism and may have distorted the rite for effect. Earlier inscriptions that mention the rite suggest a less gory and elaborate sacrificial rite. Therefore, Prudentius’ description may be based on a late evolution of the taurobolium.
Sacrifices in Israel
One way to think about ancient sacrifices is as “gifts” given to God. When they performed sacrifices, ancient Israelites gave to God some of what they believed God had given them, expressing their close relationship with God and seeking to deepen that bond. In the Hebrew Bible, sacrifice always involves transformation. One of the most common ways to transform something is to destroy it. Destruction removes the animal from the ordinary realm and transfers it to a transcendent one. Biblical texts tell us that God received the smoke of the burning sacrifice as a “pleasing odor” (see, for example, Lev. 1:13). In so doing, God enjoyed a fellowship meal with human beings in God’s dwelling on earth—the temple.
The temple was a domestic setting, the place of God’s presence with the nation. One of the most common terms for the temple was ”house,” and it had furnishings, such as a lamp and a table. The altar was a cooking surface, a barbecue, so to speak, where the sacrificial animal was “cooked.” Burning up or “over-cooking” the sacrifices in the altar fire marked out the specialness of the food offerings.
Instructions for the performance of various types of sacrifices are found in the first seven chapters of the book of Leviticus. There are five main types of grain and animal sacrifice:
(1) Burnt offering (Hebrew, ‘olah; literally, “ascending offering”; Lev 1, Lev 6:8-13) could be a herd or flock animal (bull, sheep, or goat) or a bird (dove or pigeon). The whole animal was burned in the altar fire. It was the most extravagant sacrifice because the entirety was given to God.
(2) Grain offering (Hebrew, minhah; literally, “gift”; Lev 2, Lev 6:14-23) was an offering of fine flour or unleavened baked goods, mixed with oil. A handful of the offering was burned (with incense) in the altar fire. The rest went to the priests.
(3) Sacrifice of well-being/fellowship offering (Hebrew, zevah shelamim; Lev 3, Lev 7:11-35) could be a herd or flock animal. Innards (fat, kidneys, and part of the liver) were burned in the altar fire. Most of the animal was eaten, divided between the priests and the offerer. This sacrifice was associated with feasting and well-being.
(4) Sin/purification offering (Hebrew, hatta’t; Lev 4:1-5:13, Lev 6:24-30) dealt with disruption in the relationship between human beings and God. The offering depended on the identity and status of the person required to make it. The chief priest, for example, had to bring a bull, whereas ordinary Israelites brought a female goat or lamb. Those who were too poor to afford a goat or sheep could offer birds, and an offering of grain flour was acceptable from the very poor.
(5) Guilt offering (Hebrew, ’asham; literally, “responsibility”; Lev 5:14-6:7, Lev 7:1-10) dealt with distinct categories of wrongdoing that disrupted the divine-human relationship, such as the unintentional desecration of sacred things. The prescribed sacrifice was a flock animal. As with the sacrifice of well-being and the sin offering, innards were burned in the altar fire; the animal’s flesh was eaten by the priests.
These five varied sacrificial offerings have one element in common: the burning of some portion in the altar fire to transform the offering into smoke or a “pleasing odor” that God could enjoy.
Sacrifice is not a do-it-yourself activity in Leviticus. Rather, priests are required to bring about the transfer and transformation of the offering. Not only are they expert in the proper procedures, but they also bear the risk of moving into God’s presence.
Every animal sacrifice includes special treatment of the animal’s blood, which various biblical passages identity with the life force of the animal (see, for example, Gen 9:4, Deut. 12:23). Despite the clear importance of this ritual use of blood, only one verse in the entire Hebrew Bible appears to explain its significance (Lev. 17:11). This debated but crucial verse concerns life, not death; animal life on the altar preserves and enhances human life.
4. Consequently, I will choose harsh treatment for them and I will bring upon them “the very thing they dread the most” (being ignored) because I (Jehovah) called upon them, but not a single man answered (responded to) me.
In fact, when I (Jehovah), spoke (talked to them) no one listened (paid attention to) Me (Jehovah). They’ve done evil in my sight, and they’ve chosen what really pisses Me (Jehovah) off.
5. Ye (plural of thou) who tremble at His (Jehovah’s) word, hear (get an earful of; give audience to) the “WORD OF THE LORD”.
Your brothers who’ve hated (despised; scorned) you (Israel’s people) and excluded (banished; exiled; overlooked) you because of My (Jehovah’s) name (authority; jurisdiction; dominion) have bragged, “Let the Lord be glorified that we may see (accept; acknowledge; witness) your (Israel’s) joy.” Yet these self-centered frauds will still be put to shame.
6. Can you hear that uproar (objection; outrage; frackus; outcry; hullabaloo complaint) behind the scenes (public-show; facade) of false-humility (modesty; meekness) and feigned-magnanimity (generosity & benevolence) from Salt Lake Headquarters, as Jehovah rewards Salt Lake’s presiding authorities with “Their-Just-Deserts” (the triumph of Israelite virtue over Salt Lake’s vice; “a dose of their own medicine”).
7. Before she goes into labor, Zion gives birth. Before labor pains overcome her, Zion quickly (hastily; lickety-split) delivers ( (bears; brings into the world; gives life to) a son (successor; beneficiary; a scion; an heir) to sit (reign; rule) from Israel’s throne.
8. Who in this world has ever heard of such a fantastic thing? Who has ever seen (witnessed) such a miraculous thing? Can an entire country be born in one day….or a nation be brought forth in a single moment?
Yet, as soon as Zion (those who’ve spent 40+ years of their lives wandering in a personal wilderness in search of “The Holy Spirit of God”) is in labor, she gives birth to her children.
9. Tell me now, do I (Jehovah) bring Zion (those who’ve spent 40+ years of their lives wandering in a personal wilderness in search of “The Holy Spirit of God”) to the very brink of childbirth, only to stop the process and withhold Zion’s darling child”? , saith the Lord.
Do I (Jehovah) “lock-up”; shut-up; stop-up; ) Zion’s womb just when she is about to deliver her child?
10. Rejoice because of Jerusalem (“Teachers of Peace and Salvation”). Be glad because of her, all you who’ve loved her.
Rejoice greatly over her all ye (plural of “thou”) who’ve been “in-mourning” (grieving-the-loss) of her.
11. From now on, you will be nursed (suckle) and well-satisfied at the warm and comforting breasts (milk of kindness; source of nourishment) provided by Jerusalem (“Teachers of Peace and Salvation”).
You will drink deeply and delight in the overflowing warmth and abundance of Jerusalem (Teachers of Peace and Salvation).
12. For thus saith the Lord, “I will extend Peace to Zion like a river and the wealth of the nations to her (Jerusalem; Zion) like a flooding stream”. You will be nursed (suckled) and be carried ( supported; lifted-up) and dandled (bounced; hugged; caressed; rocked; cuddled) by Your Eternal-Father (Jehovah).
13. As a mother comforts her infant, so I (Jehovah) will comfort you (Israel’s people) and you will be comforted (cheered; consoled; heartened; reassured) by Jerusalem (“Teachers of Peace and Salvation”).
14. When you see (realize; recognize; accept; become fully aware of; clearly-understand) this, your hearts will rejoice and you will flourish (proliferate; thrive; prosper; grow) like luxuriant green-grass.
The hand (spirit; power) of the Lord will become familiar (well known from long or close association) to servants who He (Jehovah) has hand-picked, groomed and tutored, but His fury will be shown to His foes (adversaries; enemies)
15. Indeed (if truth be told) behold (observe something remarkable), the Lord is coming with fire (“the Spirit of God”) and his chariots (cavalry; messengers on horseback, who he’s despatched; deputies he has brought on horseback) are like a whirlwind. Combined (cooperatively, working together; with them; working hand in hand), they will bring-down (unleash; express; communicate) his anger with fury and rebuke Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization with his flaming (red-hot; angry; fiery; fiercely-burning) fire (Spirit).
16. For with (by means of; thru) fire (“the Spirit Of God”) Jehovah will continue (keep-on) executing judgment and there will be many among the Human Race who will be slain (dispatched; “gotten rid of”; “KO’d; knocked-out”; overpowered) by the Sword (“Word-Of-God”).
17. Those (Salt Lake’s presiding Authority) who consecrate (set-apart; anoint) themselves as “holier-than-thou” (sanctimonious; self-righteous; morally-superior) and point (direct everyone’s attention) to General Authorities who claim to be morally/spiritually –cleansed (unadulterated; holy; pure; sound; clear-headed) God’s (Idols) coming from Salt Lake’s “Garden-of-Prearranged (predetermined; fixed) Authority” who unitedly (as one; together; alike; each other; to a man) follow (seek; want pursue) power and authority in the midst of (within) an association (priesthood oganization; brotherhood; fraternity) men who eat (consume; “swallow”; believe; enjoy) the “basar” (flesh; glad-tidings; “breaking-news”) of swine (Salt Lake’s unclean prophets and apostles; pigs) and the abominations (disgusting-violations; disgusting-obscenities; filthy-disgraces; disgusting-atrocities) of “Rats” (double-crossers; betrayers; “stool-pigeons”). All at once, these guys will utterly disappear, ” saith the Lord.
18. So, I am plumbing (measuring; judging) the High-Priests of Salt Lake who advance (benefit; promote) themselves.
These are men who imagine (visualize; picture; see; envision) themselves bring-together (gathering-up; penning-up; gaining control over; corralling; restricting; imprisoning) “The-Nations” (non-Israelites; Gentiles) while pointing (directing everyone’s attention) to Salt Lake’s crumby talks and speeches (“boring-conference-talks”; mind-numbing-Sunday-sermons) so they can enter (claim to be part of; have intercourse with) Israel’s House (dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) and be seen (mistaken-for; accepted-as; recognized-as), having in mind (in particular; namely) “The Glory of God”.
19. I am setting-up (lifting-up) a sign (warning; manifestation; harbinger) among (amidst; right in the middle of) Salt Lake’s imprisoned (captive; incarcerated; imprisoned) Israelites and for their sake I am sending (destining; directing) survivors (tough-cookies; troopers; fighters; a remnant) unto “The-Gentiles” (the Nation’s; non-Israel’s), having in mind, Tarshish (those who are broken-down; heavily burdened; in-subjection), Pul (those who roll-over; throw in the towel; give-up; surrender) and Lydia (those pushing to guarantee their chances to succeed) who draw (use; bring-forth; evoke; pull; persuade by) the bow (power; force; effects) of Tubal (confusion) and Greece (gratuitous-effervescence; “irritating bubbliness”; over-the-top” Sparkle; constant-vivacity and enthusiasm) as a means to point (direct everyone’s attention) to the remote (cold; detached; unapproachable) Islands (unreachable; inaccessible Melcizedek Priesthood Authorities) who are not acquainted with (know not; are unfamiliar with) my (Jehovah’s) name (dominion; authority; jurisdiction), my fame (state of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements) nor do any of them have the slightest clue about what my Glory looks like or feels like. They’re the ones who will first (begin the process to) proclaim my (Jehovah’s) Glory (honor) among The-Nations (Gentiles; Non-Israelites).
20. They will end-up bringing, having in mind (particularly), all of your brothers (“siblings”; extended family members), some on horseback, some in chariots and some on camels (dromedaries; fast-moving dancing beasts) and upon mules (hybrid offspring of Salt Lake’s “ass-hole-men” (asses) and fillies, typically they are sterile and used as a beast of burden) and the rest in wagons (vehicles used for transporting goods”) , saith the Lord, “from among all the Nations (Gentiles; non-Israelites) of the world unto my (Jehovah’s) Holy (sacred; angelic; saintly) mountain (administration) located amid (within; amongst; in the midst of) Jerusalem (“Teachers of Peace and Salvation”) just like when Israelites were bringing their grain-offerings (sacrifices that do not include sacrificial animals) to the temple (house; dynasty; lineage bloodline) of the Lord in ceremonially clean vessels (useful-souls) i.e. Israelites into whom the Holy Spirit of God is embued (infused; poured; inculcated) .
21. Further (afterward; furthermore; finally), I(Jehovah) will select (choose; hand-pick) some of them also to be Priests (holy-men) and Levites (ones who are joined to them; ones who are connected to them; ones who are attached to them.)” , saith the Lord.
22. Indeed (if truth be told) just as the new (different way of defining) “Heavens” (person’s with whom God and His Holy Spirit feel perfectly “At-Home”) and the new (different way of defining and interpreting ) “The-Earth” (a temporary sphere of existence where man has sufficient time and opportunity to transform his natural inclinations into permanent, unbreakable, instinctive patterns of behavior”) that I (Jehovah) have made will endure for the sake of my purposes and intentions.” declareth the Lord, so will your name and descendants endure (remain in existence; last)
23. As a result of one (a personal) New-Moon * (new-beginning; re-birth; fresh-start; reincarnation) followed by another and as a result of one ( personal; special; private; specific; individual) Shabbat (celebration) followed by another.
.* New Moon New Beginning -Think of it this way: The new moon is a birth. As the waxing phase journeys on, the moon grows and matures until its reaches its ripest point: the full moon. As the waning phase recedes our moon, turning it into a thin crescent, then dissolving it completely, that birth has become death.
Each lunar cycle, we are continually reincarnated (born again). Our spirits are filled with strength, ideas, power, and courage as the full moon builds and then as it dissipates, we are relieved of that power. It’s during a new moon that we can ruminate on our decisions, on our experiences, and rejuvenate ourselves so that we can start all over again.
The new moon is symbolic of the second chance we are given over and over again. If everything went wrong by the time of the full moon and we made every mistake we could have possibly made, the new moon gifts us with a clean slate. This is why the new moon is the perfect time to meditate, journal, organize, and plan our next move. The new moon’s purifying energy is there to aid us in our reflection.
The moon’s energy has the power to control the ebbs and flows of the ocean and can even impact human behaviors. This is why in astronomy the energy of the new moon is regarded as such a highly influential force. When it comes to the spiritual aspects of the new moon, many people participate in new moon rituals where they may meditate on their personal desires, dreams and intentions. The energy of the new moon helps people grow spiritually as they seek out the moon’s healing energy. In this manner, the new moon is rich with symbolism and it represents a time of great self-awareness where hopes and visions for the future can be manifested.
24. All of mankind will come (return) in order to (so they may) bow-down (subjugate-themselves; prostrate-themselves; submit) to my intentions and purposes, “saith the Lord. They will go-forth (emerge; spring out of nowhere) and look upon the dead bodies of all the people who have rebelled against me (Jehovah). Their worm (maggot; Fly-larvae”) that grows within them will never die nor will the condemnation by the Holy Spirit ever cease. They will be loathsome (hated; despised; damnable) to all of mankind (humanity; the Human-Race).
The End