“The Fall Of Babylon”
1. You (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) will prevail against your captors (overlords; subjugators) and then you’ll salvage (rescue; save; reinstate) Israelites who’ve been lured (enticed; seduced; bewitched; coaxed) into the custody (captivity; enslavement; enthrallment) of religious-leaders (orthodox clergy; ministers; Popes and cardinals; Imams) who consider (regard; see; look-at; view) Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) to be little more than “rubbish” (trash).
It’s an excuse (a justification) for Global Religious Institutions to set-apart (consecrate; declare sacred; formally-dedicate; favor; prefer; single-out; select) their own “The Virgin (snowy; snow-white; lily-white) “Daughters” (“Apples-Of-The-Eye”; idols; “darlings; celebrities) of Babylon (religious-misrepresentation; confusion).
Thus, Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) are merely prisoners (detainees; captives) of the “Big Kahunas” (bosses, leaders, chieftains, or top-ranking clergy) in Global Religious Institutions, while Israel’ People are banned (barred; prohibited; exiled) from formal religious leadership over their own people.
Everything is done in the interest of a religious-system (Cult) where the “Daughters” (“Apples Of The Eye”; celebrities; “darlings”; Cherished-Ones; Favorite sons) of Chaldeans (Magicians; Sorcerers) ascend-to-the-throne (sit at the center of power and dominion; reign as kings; claim dynastic succession) as a means to prevent (frustrate; block; impede; thwart) My (Jehovah’s) authority (governance; administration; dominion) from growing & spreading.
They continually refer to you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) as “asses” (fools; donkeys; “schmucks”; people who are stupid, foolish, obnoxious, and contemptible).
No more will they refer to you (Israel’s people) as soft (simple-minded; silly; foolish)!
2. Fetch (go get; retrieve; bring-back; reclaim) those who are following the prescribed (recommended; arbitrary; frivolous) paths (ways; directions) of Global Religious Institutions all of which are established (set in place) to grind (pulverize; crush) the seed (descendants) of Israel into their meal (customary-food).
Reveal (expose; divulge) your (Israel’s) extirpators (destroyers; exterminators; up-rooters) to everyone. Uncover (shed light upon) the work (function; mission; duty; effort; task; labors) of the train ( flow; series; caravan; procession) of subordinates (servants) trailing after them.
“Shine the light of truth” (“open up a can of “Whoop-Ass”) upon the legs (regular practices: habits; tendencies; inclinations; predilections) of Global Religious Institutions who are double-crossing (betraying; double-dealing; “two-timing”; being-dis loyalty) to Me (Jehovah) and conspiring (working together) to secure (safeguard; protect) their false (unlawful; illegitimate; illicit) authority (dominion; jurisdiction).
3. The naked (blatant; brazen; shameless; unabashed) scheme (systematic-plan) of “Global Religious Institutions” to hijack (take-over) Israel’s authority is being exposed (brought to light; made public; disclosed).
Further, My strength and power as Israel’s God is taking vengeance upon the contemptible authorities (controllers; officialdoms) of these “Global Religious Institutions” and I am sparing (exempting; pardoning; excusing; forgiving) none of them.
4. The name (identity; character; breath) of our (Israel’s) Holy One (Angel; Saint), our redeemer (rescuer), is The Lord (commander; master; ruler) of Hosts (“the heavenly-army”) that is now being mustered (gathered) to safeguard (protect) God’s (Israel’s) authority……
5……which has been led away…..to be a captive of “silence” (suppression; censorship) and endure (“put-up-with”; tolerate) the darkness (ignorance; mystery) of the “daughters” (devotees; “most cherished ones”; “Apples Of The Eye”) of Chaldeans (magicians; sorcerers), because presiding authorities among their priesthood (clergy) refuse (ban; bar; make impossible; forbid) to be increased (advanced; added-upon) by me (Jehovah). They call (choose; summon) themselves into office instead of you (Israel’s people) as a means to “put a lock on” (bind; lock-up; corner the market on; “keep to themselves”; own-exclusively; monopolize; restrict) authority proceeding out of their royal dominion.
6. I’m displeased because my people (Jacob; frauds) are prostituting (offering in exchange for money and reward; perverting; cheapening; debauching; misapplying; profaning) (1) my authority (name; dominion; jurisdiction) and (2) the distribution (possession; inheritance) of my authority (power; command).
So….I (Jehovah) am giving (committing; putting) them into your (Israelite) hands (charge; power; custody). With regard to them, you (Israel’s people) must not show (convey; exhibit; manifest) mercy (compassion; forgiveness) toward the “Old White Guys” (well to do, “long in the tooth” caucasian males in high, influential positions) running (operating; driving) “Global Religious Institutions” which have tightened (reinforced; built-up; augmented) your yoke (attachment to other laborers) very much
7. You (illegitimate clergy) boast, “We will forever continue (persist) as the prevailing “authority” (officialdom) that is holier (more valiant; more righteous) than everyone else’s “Men-Of-The-Cloth”.
8. So now, Listen to this ye wanton (spiteful; cruel; malicious) “Pretty Boys” (Fabulous Fops”; clergy who are mostly concerned with their image and reputation; “dandies”) who lounge (laze; loll; waste time; sprawl; goldbrick; pass time; take it easy) in security…..the ones who are thinking in their hearts (souls), “I (myself) and none besides me bears witness (testify; solemnly affirm!”)
I will never be a widow or suffer “the loss of my followers” (bereavement; barrenness; inability to produce followers and subjects)
9. Ye fools….Both widowhood * and “loss of children ** (loss of followers; loss of subjects; bereavement) will over-take (come suddenly and unexpectedly upon) you in a single moment, within a single day (generation).
They (“widowhood” and “loss of children”) will come upon you “in full measure” (with the whole “shebang”; with the Full Monty; with the “whole enchilada”; “lock, stock, and barrel”) despite of your many sorceries and all of you potent spells (words uttered in a set formula with magical intent. The correct recitation, often with accompanying gestures, is considered to unleash supernatural power).
* widowhood-Words that occur in the general semantic field of the term “widow” in the Bible shed light on both her personal experience and social plight. Weeping, mourning, and desolation describe her personal experience after the loss of her spouse. Poverty and indebtedness were all too often descriptive of her financial situation, when the main source of her economic support, her husband, had perished. Indeed, she was frequently placed alongside the orphan and the landless immigrant as representative of the “Poorest Of The Poor” in the social structure of ancient Israel, as well as in the ancient Near East. With minimal, if any, inheritance rights, she was often in a “No Man’s Land.” She had left her family, and with her husband’s death the bond between her and his family was tenuous.
** Bereavement –One of the primary roles of women in the household was to bear children, particularly boys. Boys provided their households including their mothers, both economic security and social statusConceiving, bearing, and raising children in the ancient world was also a potential source of anxiety in relation to maternal and child health. As Bergmann notes, “Archaeological evidence suggests that women in ancient Israel were pregnant an average of eight times, but that only two of these eight children reached adulthood.
10. You’ve trusted in your illegitimate (illegal; spurious; wicked) authority and have though among yourselves….. “No one can see us!”
The cunning (shrewdness; sagacity; craftiness; subtlety; skillfulness) of all such companies (communities; fraternities; brotherhoods; fellowships; circles; societies; cliques; clans) of priesthood Authorities is causing you to fall-away (apostatize: renounce Jehovah’s principles; backslide; become froward; habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition).
They lead you (Israel’s People) to presume (assume; pretend; count-on; expect; take for granted) the possession of their priesthood power. You think (suppose; assume) in your heart (secretly),
“I am absolutely certain of my personal worthiness to bear-witness”.
This mistaken notion proceeds from (“is thanks to”) your very shallow (naive; juvenile; adolescent; superficial) understanding (belief; perception; impression; interpretation) of spiritual-realities (things as they actually exist; God’s laws).
11. Disaster will come upon you (false priests and clergy representing Global Religious Institutions), but you won’t know how to conjure (spell; charm; bewitch) it away.
A calamity will fall upon (befall) you (false-priests) that you won’t be able to make-expiation (make atonement; make reconciliation) on behalf of those responsible for incurring it (bringing it; causing it).
It’s a catastrophe that you’ll not be able to foresee, so……it’ll come upon you quite suddenly (quickly and unexpectedly).
12. Keep it up (continue your activity; press-on; “do it, do it, do it”), then…………
……with your “Charming Charlies “ (“charmers”; priests skilled in using supernatural forces; magicians; enchanters; necromancers; wizards; sorcerers) and your alliance (bond; secret-combination; a covenant that binds all of you together; select-group bound together by a “Satanic-Oath”; conspiratorial-fellowship) in order to cast (scheme; plan) spells (enchantments) by employing magic (sorcery; witchcraft)……a discipline at which you’ve labored (practiced) ever since you were called (summoned) into leadership as a youth (young man; servant).
Perhaps (Maybe) you’ll succeed….perhaps (maybe) you’ll cause terror (terrify; cause extreme fear).
13. This generation is sick and tired of (fed-up-with; bored-with) the multitude of your counselors (advisors; mouthpieces; spokesmen).
Let them now “take the witness-stand “ to defend themselves and save (deliver; rescue) you (Israel’s people) by pointing-out the reputation of purity (freedom from guilt or evil; innocence) associated with their own names (identities; characters).
The ones having visions of their own stardom (public-esteem; recognition; prestige; popularity; fame; celebrity)……..
13. …..Ones who gaze at (admire; contemplate; hold in high regard) Salt Lake messengers introducing (publicizing; announcing; presenting) their “New-Thing” (“New and Improved” testament of Christ; “Book of Mormon”). Let them save you from what is swiftly coming upon you!
14. Surely (what is being said is true and I’m surprised that there is any doubt), this generation of Global Religious Leaders is very soon to become like “stubble” (cut stalks of grain plants left sticking out of the ground after the grain is harvested; straw).
They’ve burned themselves up by their own fire (excitement; enthusiasm passion). They just can’t save themselves from (resist; withstand) the power of its flame (glitter; brilliance; sparkle; twinkle).
There are no burning-embers (live coals; lively-Israelites) to warm (move; excite; animate; invigorate; enliven) them….to prosper (to make successful) a push (an initiative; a drive; an eagerness) to desist from exertion (work; labor) in order to celebrate (proclaim) their own glory.
15. Therefore (for that reason; consequently), the seed (brood; heirs; progeny; followers; scions; posterity) of Global Religious Institutions (Salt Lake Headquarters; the Vatican in Rome) are against (hostile toward; opposed to) you (Israel’s people).

End Of Chapter Forty-Seven
3. Salt Lake’s nakedness (vulnerability; weaknesses; insufficiencies; faults), as well as their contempt * for you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons), will be exposed (become-evident; become-conspicuous; become-undeniable; become obvious). My power as God will exact vengeance (punishment and retribution inflicted for injuries and wrongs) upon Salt Lake’s authorities on behalf of Israel’s people, but…… sorry to say…… it will not spare Adam (unrepentant-people; fallen-people unregenerated-people; wicked people).
* Contempt – Contempt requires a judgment concerning the “appearance” or “standing” of someone. In particular, contempt involves the
judgment that, because of some moral or personal failing or defect, the contemned-person has compromised his or her standing vis-à-vis an interpersonal standard that the one who has contempt treats as important. This may have not been done deliberately but by a “lack-of-status”. This lack of status may cause the one who has contempt to classify the object of contempt as “utterly worthless” or as not fully meeting a particular standard. Therefore, contempt is a response to a perceived failure to meet an interpersonal standard. Contempt is also a particular way of regarding or attending to the object of contempt, and this form of regard has an unpleasant affective element. However, contempt may be experienced as a highly visceral emotion similar to disgust, or as cool disregard.
4. The redeemer of this (our) generation, namely “The–Lord-Almighty” (El Shaddai *) is none other than Israel’s very own Holy-One (Saint; Angel).
* El Shaddai – the divine name is used sparsely and deliberately, serving as a preferred means to correctly systematizing (putting in proper order; arranging; interpreting; explaining; laying-out) scriptural concepts. The name El Shaddai is used in connection with God during what is called “Divine-Discourse” (“an angelic chat with God”).
This means a colloquy (communion) “directly with God”, i.e. Jehovah is personally introducing Himself for the first time or, in this context, reintroducing Himself to mankind (the human race), once again, following a lengthy interruption of Israel’s people communion with Jehovah. Jehovah’s “self-introduction” (self-revelation; Self-proclamation) has always been achieved through the use of a variety of “names”, all of which reveal something specific about God’s character and purposes, to Prophets and Patriarchs in the Old Testament, e.g. Abraham, Jacob, etc., beginning in what we know as the “Patriarchal age”. The name that Abraham and other Patriarchs of his era used El Shaddai (“The God of Promise”; see Gen. 17:1; Gen. 28:3; Gen. 35:11; Gen. 48:3) to reference God.
Beginning with Moses, the name by which God revealed Himself was Yahweh (“The God of Fulfillment”). If truth be told, Jehovah’s process of self-introduction is now resuming. The name by which God reveals Himself today is once again El Shaddai (“The God of Promise”). It seems apparent that God’s work with Adam (mankind; the human race) is a cyclical (occurring in cycles; recurrent) affair.
5. Salt Lake’s presiding Priesthood Authorities surreptitiously (privately; stealthily; covertly) lead (escort; influence; shepherd) Israelite (rank and file Mormon) men, who are compliant (do not “make a stink”; do not protest; are “eager-beavers”) about involvement (implication; entanglement) with the daughters (Favored-Ones; cherished-Ones) of Salt Lake’s Chaldeans (enchanters; conjurer’s; magician’s) of darkness (evil; destruction; wickedness; witchcraft; sorcery; Black Magic) as a means to guarantee that Jehovah’s (Israel’s) authority never increases (grows) to the point that you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) are regarded (adjudged; viewed; evaluated) as the prevailing (most appealing, influential and successful) authorities (governors) in the Lord’s Kingdom.
6. I (Jehovah) have been angry-with (provoked to wrath against) my people because of their cooperation (partnership; collaboration; teamwork) with Salt Lake in profaning (treating with irreverence and disrespect) the sacred authority of an entire generation of Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons), so as to profane (damn; curse; blaspheme; abuse; debase) Me (Jehovah).
So, I am giving them (people in partnership with Salt Lake City profane my sacred authority) into your hands (control; possession). Do not characterize (identify; describe; distinguish; portray; define) them as “High-Priests who have authority over you” and don’t show mercy toward “Old-White-Guys” who vehemently point (direct everyone’s attention) to the weighty (far-reaching; momentous; important) authority they bear (have; hold)……..
7. ……..and who claim that they will continue throughout eternity to be most weighty (important; influential), not to mention “prevailing” (most appealing and influential ) Priesthood Authorities to bear-witness (testify) of God. But, these men do not possess the character (breath; mentality; disposition; psyche; nature) to have authority (governance; jurisdiction; dominion), especially over your soul.
Don’t waste precious time reflecting (thinking deeply or carefully) on Priesthood Authorities who pigeonhole (shelve; lay-aside; put-off; delay; suspend) the mandated work (function; operation) of authority, which is “revelation” (divine disclosure to humans of truths relating to the will of God and the “WORD” of God.
8. Now then…….. listen to me….ye wanton (spiteful; cruel; malicious; willful) creatures (“varmints”; scoundrels; swindlers; wretches) lounging in security and saying among themselves….
….”We, alone, and no others would, still (so consistently and feverishly) want to overthrow (supplant; subvert) the revelations (visions; miracles; visions) that Jehovah has in store for this generation.
We will never dwell (abide) as widows (ones who are abandoned; ones who are forsaken) and we will never suffer the loss of our children (followers; disciples; fans; devotees; adherents; toadies; minions)
9. But both of these conditions (terrible situations) will overtake (come-over) you (Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Authorities) “in-a-moment” (“in the blink of an eye”) during a single day (distinct period of history; era), the fullness (abundance; breadth) of widowhood (abandonment) and bereavement (affliction; distress; sorrow) over the loss of your children (followers; disciples; fans; devotees; adherents; toadies; minions) will come upon you despite (notwithstanding) your many sorceries (“works of magic”; wizardries; enchantments; black arts)…despite the potency of all your magic-spells (incantations; charms; magical formulas).
10. And you’ve trusted in your own wickedness. You’ve said, “It’s our little secret!” Your wisdom (principles that develop within a Priesthood society; cunning; scholarship; sagacity) and your knowledge (experience; command)…are the things that are misleading (fooling; deceiving; “sending you on a wild-goose chase”) you when you think to yourselves, “We are Jehovah’s Holy Men and apart from us, there are none else”.
11. A disaster that you cannot see ahead of time and of which you will not know its conjurer. It will come upon you and calamity will fall upon you from which you cannot be ransomed (released) and it will come upon you suddenly….a catastrophe that you can’t foresee.
12. “Keep “it” up” (a sarcastic warning, spoken as a threat, that actually means “Stop it right now, or reap the consequences!”). “It” refers to “Magic-Spells” (enchantments; binding people together; temple sealings; couplings) and supernatural powers (practices of sorcery; “charm; enchantment”) exercised by the “heads-of-your-families” (husbands).
They’ve been practicing (honing; rehearsing; perfecting; improving) “it” (charm; enchantment; manipulation of people and their emotions in order to achieve a particular result) since their childhood.
Perhaps (feasibly; conceivably; maybe) they’ll succeed (achieve their “Ends”). Perhaps (feasibly; conceivably; maybe), they’ll prevail (prove to be more powerful than opposing forces; have “victory”) in their overthrow (removal) of Me (Jehovah) from power. NOT!
13. Uncover (tell everyone about; reveal; expose) your works (activities; practices; pursuits; swindles) of authority by all of your great counselors (lawyers; astrologers; magicians; wizards). Let them come forward (“take the stand”) right-now (at this moment in time; presently; here & now), and let “them” save you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) so that all of you (Israel’s people) may continue to point (direct everyone’s attention) to the “Big-Names” (men of great importance, fame, success, and reputation) constituting Lake’s hierarchal System (“pecking-order”; “chain-of-command”) in Melchizedek Priesthood leadership………
……..and Astrologers (men who gaze at the “stars”). “Stars”, in this context, means “Big-Names” (luminaries; superstars; idols; celebrities) because they wish to emulate (imitate; model themselves; mock) them and become “strict” (authoritarian; inflexible) and “pedantic” (overly-concerned with literal accuracy or formality; a negative term that implies someone is showing off “book-learning” or trivia, especially in a tiresome way). “Bar-Flies” (drunkards; men who spend the greater part of their time at conferences and meetings and drinking intoxicants) in order to renew (fortify; refresh; reinvigorate) themselves, so as to avoid (sidestep; avert; dodge) the calamity (an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster) that they believe is coming your (Israel’s) way.
14. Low and behold! (a surprising event that is about to be mentioned, to emphasize in a humorous way that something is not surprising at all). This generation of Salt Lake’s presiding officers can be compared to a field of “Stubble” (stalks of grain plants left sticking out of the ground after the grain is harvested). The fire will burn them up! No one can save (rescue; deliver) them and they certainly (undoubtedly; definitely; surely) cannot save themselves from the power of the flame (holocaust).
This flame won’t be some little a fire at (before) which to warm your hands and feet. This flame is no campfire around which to sit and make S’mores (graham crackers with melted marshmallows and chocolate).
This will be a holocaust (destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, caused by fire)…. a kindling (ignition; explosion; blow-up; detonation; blast) of Salt Lake’s glowing (admiring; rapturous; enthusiastic) “Clinker” (mass of stony-hearted Salt Lake population that is all fused together).
Take a closer-look at Salt Lake’s “Clinker” (mass of stony-hearted Salt Lake leadership that is all fused-together). Where is the (There is no) glowing (rhapsodic; eulogistic; glimmering; glistening) authority, that once surrounded them, and because of which Salt Lake’s fans used to be warmed (enthused; all excited; “Verklempt”; overcome with emotion) and there is no light (image of prosperity and success) to justify their exalted-places (leadership positions).
15. On the contrary, this rich and powerful generation of Salt Lake’s Prophets and apostles bases (establish found; ground; root; anchor) itself and its existence as Salt Lake’s “Especial-Witnesses of Jesus Christ” upon exploitation (taking advantage of; capitalizing on; profiting from; getting mileage out of) your (Israel’s) testimony (witness) of Jesus Christ and Israel’s people, themselves, to provide unpaid-labor (a free workforce).
Salt Lake’ Prophets and Apostles are “all-about” (obsessed with; devoted to; determined to ) the complete misappropriation (swindle; embezzlement; seizure; commandeering; assumption; theft) of Israel’s (rank and file Mormon’s) innate (inborn; inbred) authority. Melchizedek high priests have been merchandising (making-profit-from; marketing) you (Israel’s people: rank and file Mormons) since you were children. They seek to “cover” (inoculate; vaccinate; immunize; protect) themselves, from prosecution in a “Court-Of-Law” while authorizing (giving official permission for & approval to) their errors (misreckonings; misconceptions; fallacies; mistakes). And guess what…….there is no one who can save (rescue; deliver) you!