Deliverance of Israel
The word English word “deliverance” is rooted in the Hebrew verb yesha, meaning: to be open wide; to be free; to save; to succor; to deliver; to defend; to rescue.As a noun, it means “liberation from restrictive or oppressive circumstances”; i.e. salvation; deliverance and help.
There are several familiar Old Testament names derived from this root including Hosiah, Isaiah, Joshua, Elisha and Hosea and of course, Jesus.
All of them refer to some aspect of rescue, deliverance, delivery, help, defense, redemption or safety. The name Yesu (Jesus) denotes something or someone who comes to those in need or a deliverer from something oppresssive (dangerous; restrictive) e.g………
(1) a “night-light” turned on in the dark of night
(2) a wall to surround a vulnerable city
(3) a comforting assurance during a violent storm
A Yeshua (savior; rescuer; the Hebrew name for Jesus) doesn’t remove anyone from oppression, but rather, he brings help in whatever form is appropriate, thus enabling a recipient to endure and emerge triumphantly from a situation that would otherwise result in destruction. 
An artist’s conception of a typical Jewish male during the 1st century A.D., i.e. this is probably much the way Jesus may have looked, based on current forensic (scientific) evidence. Would you hesitate to sit on an international flight next to a man who looked like this? No blonde-headed, blue-eyed Jesus, here.
Jesus probably stood about five feet, five inches tall, “with olive-brown skin, brown-black hair and brown eyes,” she writes. It is quite likely that his hair was “shortish” and that he had “some kind of beard (though not a long one).” He plausibly wore two mantles — an outer one for warmth, and an inner tallit with tzitzit — and walked in sandals. It is theorized that he was physically average in appearance, based on the Gospels’ lack of specific descriptions.
1. During our day (era; generation), Jehovah is visiting (punishing) with his fierce (hard) and authoritative (reliable) and binding (irrevocable) sword (“truth”; indictment; accusations) against
(1) the vanishing-Leviathans * (serpents who can become invisible) and
(2) against the coiling Leviathans (suffocating, snake-like-serpents) and He will crush (vanquish; slay) all the serpents (sly and treacherous monsters) whose tyranny is based (founded) in the Sea (west).
*Leviathan, Hebrew Livyatan, in Jewish mythology, a primordial Sea Serpent. Its source is in prebiblical Mesopotamian myth, especially that of the sea monster in the Ugaritic myth of Baal. In the Old Testament, Leviathan appears in Psalms 74:14 as a multi-headed sea serpent that is killed by God and given as food to the Hebrews in the wilderness. In Isaiah 27:1, Leviathan is a serpent and a symbol of Israel’s enemy (adversary; foe; rival) , who will ultimately be slain by God. In Job 41, it is a sea monster and a symbol of the power of the creature (beast) . In the context of Isaiah’s book, “Leviathan” is code (secret language; metaphoric-language) for a massive creature (beast; corporate entity) that reigns (prevails) in the Sea (West; western-hemisphere).
2. During our day (generation) Israelites must sing-of ( announce; proclaim; tell the world of ) the fruitfulness (“fecundity”) of The Lord’s vineyard (Israel’s people).
3. I (Jehovah) am preserving (taking care of; maintaining; protecting) “The vineyard” (Israel’s people).
See (Look) I (Jehovah) am winking (closing and opening one eye quickly, to indicate a signal of affection) at them.
My spirit (presence) waters (comforts; refreshes) The Vineyard, so that no harm comes to it. I (Jehovah) guard it, day and night.
4. Where is the world’s passion (fervor; strong-emotion; excitment) concerning me (Jehovah)? And who (what organization) is responsible for setting (placing; commissioning) the enemy’s (Satan’s; Lucifer’s; the adversary’s) thorns (ringleaders; chief-combatants; serpents; mischief-makers; trouble-makers) to lead my Israelite people in opposition to me (Jehovah)?
I (Jehovah) am about to burn-them (incinerate-them; consume-them; cremate-them; reduce them to ashes), altogether…
5…..unless, they embrace (hold-fast-to; take hold of) me (Jehovah) as their refuge.
I Jehovah) want them to make-peace (establish friendly relations) with me. Yes, they must be reconciled with me (Jehovah).
6. The ones (church leaders; high-priests; bishops; presidents) returning to me (Jehovah) from Jacob (a lineage of swindlers; cheats; frauds; deceivers) must
(1) first take-root (establish residency; make a home) in good ground
(2) sprout (bud; burst-forth; break-out) from the confines of their Jacobite (fraudulent) shell (identity) to become “upright in the eyes of God” (Israelites) .
(2) then, as Israelites, they will fulfill (acheive; reach; accomplish; realize; consummate) Jacob’s heart-felt (sincere) objective (aim; goal) to restore (bring back to a state of health, soundness, or vigor) the whole world (the inhabited earth).
7. Behold (Look!….) Anything (person entity; organization) that blocks (obstructs; prevents; makes difficult or impossible) Israel’s people from exercising their rightful authority, will eventually find itself “up shit-creek without a paddle” (Scottish slang: “stuck in a bad situation without any way of fixing it”; stymied; shut-out; taken out of play; cut-off; obstructed). Moreover (as a further matter; besides), any one (person; entity; organization) engaged in smiting (attacking) Israel’s people with deadly intent, is just asking to be smitten (destroyed).
8. By means of a really crazy (nutty; nonsensical; deranged; insane) system of measurement (judgment; assessment; evaluation) and by means of divorcing (dismissing; excluding; ignoring; ostracizing) Israel’s people, you (Salt Lake leaders) are contending (striving; competing) against them.
Thru its breath (character; will & counsel; thoughts & actions; vital-principle) Church leadership blows-away Israel’s people with the ferocity (fierceness) of the East Wind.
9. Therefore, because of this, atonement (reparation for a wrongs and or injuries) for the crimes committed by Jacob’s high-priests must be made for their “pigheadedness” (willfulness; obstinacy) as well as for all such fruit (off-shoots; spin-offs; by-products; outgrowth) in order to remove (do away with; wipe-away; erase; dismiss) their sinfulness (penalties; offenses)….
…because they have set themselves-up (established themselves; presented themselves) as altar-stones *(witnesses of truth; witnessess who have a personal knowledge of Jehovah), but they’re made of chalk (soft, white, porous, sedimentary carbonate rock) that is easily crushed. They are gathered together to prohibit (negate; obstruct; restrict; prevent; impede; stop; block) the success (happiness; prosperity) of anyone associated with their image (representation) of God.
* altar-stones – stones symbolize eye-witnesses, whose testimony contends on behalf of (represents; defends; supports; strives for) Christ (“The Anointed One”), not only by the stones of
the altar, but also by the precious stones upon the shoulders of Aaron’s ephod and upon the breastplate of judgment, which bear witness (speak; testify) of “truth”.
When veneration of sacrifices upon altars began, the altar signified the worship of the Lord, in general; but the stones themselves represented the witnesses of “holy truths” of that worship; and therefore it was commanded that the altar should be constituted of whole stones, not hewn (conforming ; behaving in accordance with accepted social-conventions or standards) and it was forbidden that any tools of iron (human-strength; human hardness; human-obstinacy; human-fortitude; human-sharpness) be used upon them (Deut. 27:5-7; Josh. 8:31); for the reason that hewn stones, and stones on which iron has been used, signified what is artificial (feigned; false; insincere) in worship; that is, what is of man-made or of the figment of man’s thoughts and mind. Man-made things profane worship, as is plainly said in (Exodus 20:25). For the same reason iron tools were not used to shape the stones of the temple. (1 Kings 6:7).
10. The ultra fortified (walled; barricaded) Sa
lt Lake City, in Utah, (as well as Vatican City, in Rome) will stand (carry-on; go-on; soldier-on; remain; continue) even-though they’re now desolate (gloomy; depressing; grim; dreary; bleak) establishments (corporations; institutions), which have been abandoned (rejected; spurned; dismissed) by men and forsaken (disowned; repudiated; renounced) by God.
A ring (syndicate; gang) of impious (blasphemous; apostate; deceitful) men governs (holds-intercourse; rules; reigns supreme) there (in each of these places). They lie in wait (lie-down; live quietly and securely) while regulating (controlling and supervising by means of rules and regulations) the double-minded (“conflicted; having two opposing objectives”) corporate Church.
11. When dissociated (alienated; estranged) branches (congregations; parishes) of a corporate church are sufficiently dry (impoverished; deprived of strength and vitality) their people are broken-down (indoctrinated; brainwashed; inculcated; persuaded) to routinely (regularly) witness (behold; notice) priests called to (attaining) protected positions of authority, who seem cowardly (faint-hearted), and irresolute (wishy-washy; feeble in character) , at best, in describing their personal (unique) intimacy (communion; friendship; familiarity) with God.
To secure (protect) their own authority, such priests must gather (assemble; congregate) Israel’s people together and confine them (lock them up; coop them up) in a ghetto *(slum area, occupied by a minority group) then provide them with absolutely no food (spiritual-nourishment) or water (“Soup of Life”; life saving and sustaining fluid; refreshment).
False-priests must appear to be (create the impression of being) beacons of light (truth) as a means to negate (invalidate; nullify) any distinction (differentiation; contrast) between legitimate-authority and illegitimate-authority, in the minds of the people.
Because of this corporate-inspired duty (obligation) on the part of illegitimate (false) priests, God’s compassion upon this generation of Israelite people, is being denied and Israel’s creator (God; Lord) cannot communicate His favor toward them.
* ghetto- The word “ghetto” is an etymological mystery. Is it from the Hebrew get, or bill of divorce? From the Venetian ghèto, or foundry? From the Yiddish gehektes, “enclosed”? From Latin Giudaicetum, for “Jewish”? From the Italian borghetto, “little town”? From the Old French guect, “guard”?In his etymology column for the Oxford University Press, Anatoly Liberman took a look at each of these possibilities. He considered ever more improbable origins — Latin for “ribbon”? German for “street”? Latin for “to throw”? — before declaring the word a stubborn mystery.But whatever the root language, the word’s original meaning was clear: “the quarter in a city, chiefly in Italy, to which the Jews were restricted,” In the 16th and 17th centuries, cities like Venice, Frankfurt, Prague and Rome forcibly segregated their Jewish populations, often walling them off and submitting them to onerous restrictions.
12. During out Day (era; generation) Jehovah is threshing (separating; loosening) the precious grain from the useless chaff (waste) to which the grain is attached. This work of threshing is going-on widespread, all the way from Jehovah’s favored branch (family lineage; bloodline) of everlasting authority, to the mortal (earthly; temporal) inheritances received by the taskmasters (slave-drivers) of Egypt (a culture of bondage & servitude).
Take heart (be of good courage) because, one by one, Jehovah, himself, will gather you (the legitimate heirs of Israel).
13. During this (our) day (era; generation), Jehovah is sounding a great Shofar (trumpet; rallying cry) and those who’ve been perishing in the kingdom of Assyria (“what seems to the world like success and prosperity”) and an entire Israelite generation that has been driven-away (ostracized; spurned; shunned; excluded) by Egypt (a kingdom of bondage and servitude) .
They’ll sincerely pay homage (special honor or respect) to Jehovah and His seed “on the mountain” (“in the administration”) of holiness (angels; saints).
End Of Chapter Twenty Seven