Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 42 – verses 1 – 25

The Servant Of The Lord

1. older+female+judge+with+gavel - The DI WireBehold (observe someone impressive and remarkable) …….Here is My (Jehovah’s)  servant.

I (Jehovah) am upholding (sustaining; supporting) her.

I have deliberately (intentionally) chosen (picked; selected)  her because she delights (greatly-pleases) My (Jehovah’s) soul.

I have poured (cascaded) my spirit upon her.

Serving as a judge (an official appointed to decide cases in a court of law), she will pass-sentence (officially decide how a criminal will be punished) on behalf of (for the benefit of; representing) “the-nations” (Gentiles; non-Israelites) of this world.

I (Jehovah) will continue to pour (cascade) my spirit upon her and she will continue to bring (deliver; bear; generate) justice on behalf of “The-Nations” (Gentiles; non-Israelites). 



2. So, You Want to be a Street Preacher? - AppalachiaCry MinistriesShe won’t shout or cry-out (caterwaul; shriek; scream; screech) or raise her voice (preach) in the streets.









3. She (My servant) will never break (torpedo; trash; make mincemeat of; “do a number on”) a bruised (confused; wounded; injured) reed (branch; stalk; family). 

and Look Whos Talking Now Reaction GIFshe will never snuff-out (extinguish; suppress) a wick (cord that draws fuel by capillary action up into the flame ) that is smouldering (showing barely suppressed anger).






4. staring in love GIFShe will bring-forth (bear; generate) justice (fair-treatment; impartiality; due-process) upon the Earth,  in direct proportion to the  people’s faithfulness (devotion; fidelity) to Jehovah and His counsel.

She will not stop (rest; be satisfied; relax) until she has established justice (fair treatment; impartiality; due-process) on the Earth.









5.  stretch GIF by Night At The MuseumThis is what God, the Lord almighty says….

I (the Lord God Almighty) am the one who created (developed in His mind; conceived; designed; fashioned)  “The-Heavens” (individuals with whom God and His Holy Spirit feel perfectly “at home”, i.e. dwell), and I am the one who has stretched (extended) the heavens outward (from within), beyond their normal capacity.  

I am also the one who spreads-out (developed from within; prospered from within; cultivates from within) the Earth (the temporary sphere of existence where people have sufficient time and opportunity to turn personal inclinations (habits) into permanent, instinctive, unbreakable patterns of behavior) and life (a probationary period of time) to everyone who walks upon it. 

I am the one who gives breath (character) to people of the Earth.





6. Stories about Tasmania - tailored tasmaniaI, the Lord,  have called you in righteousness,  and I will take hold of your hand.

I will keep (retain-possession-of) you and prepare you to be a covenant (bond; tie; connection) for the people and a light (source of intelligence; source of information; source of truth) for the Gentiles (non-Israelites; “The-nations”)…….





7. …….Head in the Clouds - Photos | Facebookas a means to open the eyes of people who are blind (indifferent; careless; ignorant; inattentive)….

……and free (liberate; release; deliver; emancipate)  captives who are held (shut-up; locked-up; detained) in the maximum-security-prison (restrictive-lifestyle; repression; custody; confinement) of Mormonism.

….and release those who sit in darkness associated with the dungeons (congregations in which prisoners are held, especially underground; undercover; not openly) of The Mormon Church.





8.Mormon videos spur question: Should aging LDS apostles be able to ... I (Jehovah) am the Lord. That is my name!

I will not give (hand-over; relinquish) my glory to another or transfer my praise to Any of Salt Lake’s idols (celebrities; darlings; heroes; church icons).


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9.  Water Under The Bridge GIF by makeitstop | GfycatBehold (see or observe something, especially remarkable), former things constitute history (“water under the bridge”; former-times; “old-stuff”) ,  but I (Jehovah) am declaring new things, and before they spring into being, I am announcing them to you (“the people of the world”).



Song of Praise to the Lord


10. Sing to the Lord a new song ….all of you who go-down (stoop; resort; turn; head; descend) to “the-Sea” (“the-West”; Salt Lake headquarters) and all that Salt Lake falsely-claims to offer because of the ends (goals; aspirations; ambitions; objectives) of life on Earth (“temporary sphere of existence where people have sufficient time and opportunity to transform personal inclinations (habits) into permanent, unchangeable, instinctive patterns of behavior”)…….

……A Creative And Dynamic Technology Agency Based In Los Angeles ...all of you islands (“Salt Lake people living in care-free-comfort and ease due to a false sense of security, surrounded by the “Powers-of-Chaos”) and people who “make-their-living” because of them.






11. Let the desert (those who are bewildered) and this generation of Salt Lake’s Watchers * (Nephilim) make all the noise that they care to waste their lives generating.

Angel Hugs | Hope's RisingWatchers In the Book of Enoch (initiates; newcomers; beginners; novices)  the watchers (Aramaic עִירִין, iyrin) are angels dispatched to Earth to watch over the humans. They soon begin to lust for human women and, at the prodding of their leader Samyaza, defect en masse to illicitly instruct humanity and procreate among them. The offspring of these unions are the Nephilim, who are virtually invincible hybrid-beings resulting from their father’s union with their mortal-mothers. The greatest contribution to humanity by the Nephilim is Chaos. Nephilim further taught their human charges arts and technologies such as weaponry, cosmetics, mirrors, Sorcery (Black Magic) , and other super-human techniques that enabled humans to get whatever they wanted as quickly as possible by the powers of darkness.
Eventually, God allows a Great Flood to rid the earth of the Nephilim but first sends Uriel to warn Noah so as not to eradicate the human race. The watchers are bound “in the valleys of the Earth” until Judgment Day. (Jude verse 6 says, “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but relinquished their Angelic habitation (lifestyle; automatic responses to specific situations, acquired normally as a result of repetition and learning’. When a behaviour is developed to the extent that it is highly automatic, it is called a habit; nature;  character).  He hath reserved them in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”). The chiefs of tens, listed in the Book of Enoch, are as follows: And these are the names of their leaders: Semiazaz, their leader, Arakiba,  Râmêêl, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Danel; Ezequiel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel Satarel, Turel, Jokabiel, Sariel. These are their chiefs of tens.





12. 30 Seconds To Mars People GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYThey should give glory unto Jehovah and the Islands (“people living in care-free-comfort and ease due to a false sense of security, while surrounded by the “Powers-of-Chaos”) should proclaim His (Jehovah’s) praise (acclamation; approbation).



Far Side by Gary Larson God Playing Trivia / HipPostcard.


13. The Lord, God will march out like a mighty “Champion Of War”

He is already stirring-up zeal (passion; ardor) among the people.










14. 25 Women Reveal What Childbirth Feels Like | Bad Parenting MomentsFor a very long time, I have kept my mouth shut (been patient). I have kept quiet and held my peace (“bit my tongue”; stopped myself from saying something).

But now, like a woman in labor (childbirth), I ( Jehovah) cry-out. I gasp and pant.




15. I (Jehovah) plan to lay-waste (completely-destroy) Salt Lake’s mountains (administrators; ministers of religion; priesthood-authorities; CEO’s; chief-executive-officers) and its hills (prominent-families).

I water GIFintend to dry -up all of Salt Lake’s vegetation (tender-shoots; converts; new-believers; proselytes; disciples).

I will transform their rivers (twinkling-flow of prosperity) into islands (lonely outposts) and dry-up (stop; evaporate; vaporize) their pools (blessings).





16. I will lead those who are blind (careless; inattentive; indifferent) in ways they have never known before …….I will guide them along unfamiliar paths.

I will turn darkness (ignorance; spiritual-corruption) into light (truth; intelligence) right before their very eyes and make (cause) people & things that are rough (perverse; false) become smooth (easy to work with) These are the things that I (Jehovah) will do.

I will certainly not forsake them




17.  Tracking In Mud Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from CartoonStockBut, those who continue to trust (believe in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of; place their confidence in) Salt Lake’s idols (priesthood-authorities who are greatly admired, loved, and revered)…and who think to themselves, “You are our gods!” will be turned-back (sent-away; dismissed) in utter shame.



Israel’s People Who Are Blind And Deaf


18. Listen Tired Mr Bean GIF by britbox(wake up; pay attention), you Israelites who are deaf (headstrong; intractable; bullheaded; unmoved).

Look, you Israelites who are blind (unobservant; insensitive; ignorant)!






19. Multiple Meaning Words | Multiple meaning words, Teaching ...Sorcery (Black-Magic; enchantment; the power of Chaos) is being lifted-up (practiced; recommended; hyped; pushed; popularized; encouraged; advocated) by Salt Lake’s high priests in order to bend (compel; accustom; sway; mold) Israel’s people into helping in the realization (achievement) of Salt Lake’s goal(aim; objective) to overthrow my servant’s (messenger’s) mothering (cohesive) power (capacity; influence) to unite Israel’s people together.

They are making-up (“telling; fabricating) lies in order to bend (twist’ pervert) the meanings of my servant’s (messenger’s) words.





20. Ignoring La La La GIFYou (Israel’s people) and your ancestors have witnessed a lot of miraculous things, but you aren’t paying any attention to (remembering; considering) those miracles, now.

Your eyes and ears are open,  but you (Israel’s people) don’t seem to recognize what is going on!






21. surprise looting GIFIt has pleased the Lord to make His (Jehovah’s) law great and glorious, but some of this generation of Israel’s people are joining (cooperating-with; signing-up; siding-with) Salt Lake’s presiding priesthood officers as they plunder (rob; ravage; pillage) and loot (steal-goods from; rip-off) Israel’s people…..






22..surprise looting GIF……but some of Israel’s people have joined (cooperated; signed-up; sided) with Salt Lake’s presiding priesthood officers in the plunder (robbery; ravaging; pillaging) and looting (stealing-the birthright of; ripping-off) Israel’s people.

Israel’s people are either trapped (caught; confined; imprisoned) in Salt Lake’s “pit” (Melchizedek Priesthood Organization) or hidden away in Salt Lake’s reform-school (correctional institution; detention-center).

They (Israel’s people) have been reduced to plunder (stolen-goods; prizes; booty), and there’s no man to rescue them. Israel’s people have been turned into “loot”, and no one says, “We need to send these folks home!”.




23. cat judging you GIF by CLWhich one of you (Israel’s people) will listen?

Which one of you will pay attention in times to come (the future)?








24. Looter GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHYWho led the way for  Jacob (Salt Lake’s dynasty of deceivers)  to become looters (criminals; raiders)?

Who allowed Israel’s people to join in the plunder of their own kindred?

It was not the Lord,  against whom we have all sinned? For Salt Lake’s kingpins (power elites; aristocrats; General Authorities) would not follow His (Jehovah’s) ways. They’ve utterly refused to obey his law (Torah; instruction). 





25.  robin williams cooking GIF by 20th Century Fox Home EntertainmentSo…..He’s pouring out his burning anger (fury; wrath) upon Salt Lake’s priesthood leadership.

“The Violence Of War”

It envelopes them in flames, yet they just don’t understand.

It’s consuming them, but they just don’t want to “take it to heart”(take it seriously). 




End Of Chapter Forty-Two.













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