The Servant Of The Lord
1. Listen to me……ye Islands (people who are comfortably isolated or otherwise detached from the troubles of the world) and surrounded (protected; shielded;) by sorcery (Black Magic; enchantments; magic-spells). Hear this ye distant (“uppity”; haughty; unapproachable; detached; arrogant) lands (peoples; societies).
Before birth, the Lord called (summoned) me (Isaiah), beginning from the inward-parts (womb; uterus) of my mother, He (Jehovah) has marked (recognized; thought-on; mentioned; remembered; been mindful of) my (Isaiah’s) name (authority; dominion; jurisdiction).
2. He has “set in an array” (displayed; arranged) “the words coming out of my mouth” (my vocabulary; my articulation; my delivery; my command of language; my command of words; my verbal expressions) to bend (produce; form; make) a “Sword of Truth in order to unite (join-together; bring-together; band-together; unify) the “Twelve Tribes Of Israel” through (by means of) the touch (feeling; caress) of His (Jehovah’s) hand (ministry).
He (Jehovah) has hidden me, but he’s turned (transformed) me into an arrow (lightning-bolt; flashpoint; turning-point; a moment of truth; an hour of decision; revelation; apocalypse; “eye-opener”) to cleanse (separate-out and remove impure things) which are causing Israel’s dunghill (“extreme and squalid poverty”).
“Sigh” (a long, deep, audible exhalation expressing sadness) ……that is hiding (eclipsing; concealing; obscuring; covering) me.
3. He (Jehovah) spake unto me, “Serve me (Jehovah) in order to cause Israel’s people to reach (achieve; realize) their destiny”.
Thanks to you “The Strength And Power of God’s Work” is glorified (acclaimed; praised; exalted).
4. But, I said (thought) to myself, “My word (speech; promise) serves (sparks; drives; provokes; inspires) no purpose (vanity).
My labor is wasted (ignored) and will merely point (direct everyone’s attention) to Ba’al (“the Lord and master of Babylon; “Nothing”; “Coming to nothing when an effort is given”).
The strength (substance; might; power) I need to work (labor; toil; plug-away; apply-myself; drudge; strive) is spent (consumed; drained; worn-out; played-out; tuckered-out; used-up), nevertheless (however), my forensic (judicial; legal) cause (grounds for a law-suit) is foreordained (predetermined) by Jehovah and my reward (compensation) is inalterably-fixed (appointed; ordained) by my God.
5. So, now, the Lord, the one who formed me in my mother’s womb as a servant to Him (Jehovah), in order to convert (cause a change the character of) the house of Jacob to His (Jehovah’s) work and prohibit (forbid; outlaw; condemn) the practice (custom; tradition; policy) of gathering (corralling; “rounding-up”; collecting; herding) Israel’s people, honors me, but I confess that God (Jehovah) is the source of my strength.
6. And he said, “Continue to “thunder-at” (decry; condemn; declaim; denounce) “Corporate–religious-leaders” who are anchored (fixed; predetermined; set; held-securely; self-confident; certain) in their authority (dominion; jurisdiction) over you (Israel’s people) in order to gradually work (prepare; move) them toward pointing (directing everyone’s attention) to a “hostile insurrection” (rebellion; sedition; coup- d’etat; revolt; uprising) to support (finance; fund; contribute to; provide for; finance) Jacob (a lineage of deceivers; swindlers; frauds) …….
……along with this (latter-day) generation of religious idols (false-prophets; religious-celebrities; religious-heroes) who are leading the overthrow (termination; abolition; cancellation; annulment; deposition) of Israel’s power. They are being conditioned (seasoned; habituated indoctrinated brainwashed) and pointing (directing everyone’s attention) to the church’s Elders (high ranking men; Popes and cardinals; prophets; apostles), so this generation of church (religious) authorities (officialdom; “Establishment”; experts; administration) is powerful enough in the minds of faithful congregants, to overthrow (destroy; defeat; dethrone; subjugate) you (Israel’s people).
But, I (Jehovah) will make (set; herald; establish; introduce; present) your (Israel’s) authority as the “light” (sunlight; “giver of light”; source of light; lightning; Millenial dawn) of “the Gentiles” (non-Israelites; the Nations) in order to bring about (engender; accomplish; realize) Salvation (deliverance) through the medium of Jehovah before it is too late and the “End” (destruction; ending; termination) of this Earth is brought to pass.
7. Thus saith my Lord (strength; foundation), ……the One who is redeeming my Israelite people, i.e. His (Jehovah’s) Holy One (Angel; Saint) unto those who’ve long been despised (looked-down-upon; hated; disdained; loathed; held-in-contempt) by “The Nations” (non-Israelites; Gentiles) and says unto the servants (slaves; minions; followers) of clergy who want nothing less than to exercise supreme power and authority over them.
Kings (rulers; potentates; governors) throughout the world see (recognize) the impropriety (immorality; wickedness) of this situation, so the princes (men who have some power) in these corrupt churches will rise-up against (resist; refuse to obey) their commands, then gather themselves together, on their own (unaccompanied by others; alone or unaided) to prostrate (totally submit) themselves before you (Israel’s people) , so they can help to further the purpose (direction; objective) of Jehovah, which is:
(1) to lead this (our) faithful generation in the right (correct; appropriate) way to be clean & pure (holy; consecrated priests and priestesses) and
(2) to prove (try; examine) you.
Restoration of Israel
8. Thus saith the Lord, “In time” (“when all is said and done.”; soon; inevitably) runners (men who unlawfully betake themselves to the prophetic function) will solemnly affirm their own authority in order to overthrow you (Israel’s people).
But, I will help (surround; defend; gird) you (Israel’s people) , because I treasure (cherish) you.
So, then I am appointing (commissioning; sending) you to cut (create; form) an Israelite league (federation; alliance; association), consisting of All-Twelve Israelite Tribes cooperating together as one cohesive (tightly-knit; impenetrable; organized) unit (body; family), to pointing (direcing t everyone’s attention) to Global Religious Institution’s hostile takeover (coup d’etat; unconstitutional seizure; appropriation; seizure; arrogation) of Israelite power and authority throughout the World so that Global Religious Institutions will be in the best position to reassign unto themselves (take possession of) Israelite resources (people and assets that can be drawn on by an organization in order to function effectively)……
9. ….The Israelite league (confederation; alliance; union) will say to everyone who is currently bound (enslaved; obligated; deprived of their birthright) to a Global Religious Institution…….
“Renounce them!”
The league will say to every one who’s feeling as if he/she is barely surviving, in a spiritual sense, because of darkness (misery; adversity; ignorance; corruption),…..
“Point to the skeletons in the closets of Global Religious Institutions………..”
Secret things are always mandated under the direction (authority; management; oversight; administration) of corporate (collective; unified; allied) clergy whose #1 priority is the exercise supreme power and authority over Israel’s people.
10. Illegitimate clergy (Men Of The Cloth”) are conditioned (accustomed) to negating (denying) the existence of spiritual hunger (famine; starvation) among their faithful congregants then, negating (denying) the existence of spiritual thirst (drought) among their adoring flock (membership; multitude; assembly) parishes; followings) and finally negating (denying) the existence of corporate (allied) efforts to subjugate (enslave) the people by their own church authorities (officialdom; establishment bureaucracy) by “turning the heads” (leading by the noses; captivating; buttering-up; charming) men in their their own church’s ministry (the function of the clergy; spiritual leadership).
Indeed (if truth be told) they (Global Institutionalized Religions) are leading (guiding; impelling) God-fearing members ( followers; devotees; parishioners) to depart from (leave; deny; abandon; vacate; ignore) their “natural-affections” and urging them on (motivate them) to experience (gain first-hand knowledge of) the “Staff” (yoke; slavery; servitude; enslavement; bondage) in such a way that it will “puff-up” (inflate) their egos (self-pride; self-admiration).
“The Sea” (loud, inharmonious sounds; turbulence; chaos; utter-confusion), that so often characterizes those who serve (carry out the wishes of; perform duties for) Mormon-Headquarters in Salt Lake City, and “The Vatican-City-State” (“Stato della Città del Vaticano”) in Rome has, in fact, become their Commander-in-chief.
11. I (Jehovah) authorize (permit; empower; entitle; commission) the whole (entirety) of my mountain (administration) to…….
(1) begin their work by treading (bearing-down; stepping-on; squashing; trampling) false priests.
(2) then the patrol officers (keepers of the Peace; Peace officers; “Arms of God’s Law”) overseeing my “High-Way” (“Very Happy Way”) will rise (arise; become apparent; “emerge”) to secure (protect; defend; safeguard; ensure) this (our) generation of Israel’s seed.
12. Behold (observe something remarkable and impressive) false priests (illegitimate ministers; clergy who are not sanctioned by God) come (arrive on the world stage) from afar (far-off; with little or no relationship to) you (Israel’s people), and look….they arrive (enter Israel’s house thru marriage to spread the effect ( influence; impact; force) of chaos (utter confusion; disorientation) emerging from “The-North” (“The gloomy-unknown”) and in (under) the direction of ” The-Sea” (Chaos; “the Abyss”; the regions of hell conceived of as a “bottomless-pit”; sorcery; power from evil spirits; wizardry; Black Magic) and springing (emerging; originating) from the dregs (scum; refuse; dross) of humanity.
13. Shout for joy, ye heavens (folks with whom God and his Holy Spirit feel perfectly comfortable and “At-Home”) and rejoice with Me (Jehovah) O’ Earth (Ye of the temporary sphere of existence where there is sufficient time and opportunity to turn your personal inclinations into permanent instinctive patterns of behavior).
Break into song, Ye Administrators (governors) of men, for Jehovah is consoling (comforting) His people and has compassion (sympathetic pity and concern) for the sufferings of his afflicted people.
14. If, Zion’s people ever mistakenly (incorrectly; erroneously; falsely; wrongly) think (suppose; assume; presume; imagine) to themselves, “Jehovah has forsaken our generation of Israel’s seed!”….. They are in for a delightful surprise, because what’s really (actually) going on is that our (Israel’s) Adon (sovereign; “pillar of strength”; sinew; tower of strength) is disclosing (uncovering telling; divulging; revealing) a fraud (wrongful and criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain) that has, for much too long, been covered-up (concealed; veiled in secrecy) by its covetous (rapacious) perpetrators and ignored (overlooked; dismissed) by its “wide-eyed” (gullible; unsuspecting; easily-fooled) Israelite victims.
15. Can a mother deny compassion to the infant suckling at her breast, or can a “mother-to-be” deny (refuse to feel) compassion toward the child growing in her womb?
Perhaps some deeply-troubled women may forget (ignore; deny) their offspring, but I (Jehovah), your God, will never forget (ignore; deny) you (Israel’s people).
16. Look at (watch) Me (Jehovah) inscribe (appoint; designate; commission) you upon (beginning with; consequent to; subsequent to) the palm (bending of thy will to) my hand (ministry).
Your “wall-of-protection” (hedge) is continually manifest (clear; obvious) to me.
17. Your sons ( “the builders of your family name”; lawful-heirs) warn (encourage) each other to depart (deviate from; get as far away as possible from) those who are working (striving; seeking) to overthrow (destroy) you (Israel’s people).
18. Lift up (boost; elevate) your eye (opinion; view; estimation; judgment) that you (Israel’s people) have/hold about yourselves and look (gaze) around (circumspectly; carefully; on all sides; in every direction).
Notice the “Kalam” (“widespread feeling of personal-unworthiness”) that is grasping (clutching; grippings; embracing) people today.
It is what brings (drives; urges; moves) them toward you (Israel’s people). They are like newborns……. they are fresh (vigorous; sweet; full of hope; unversed; unprocessed; brand-new; crisp). Jehovah declares,…..
…...“Surely” (indeed; if truth be told), these wonderful Israelites are like trappings (outward signs) with which you will wrap around (put-on; array; cloth) yourselves, for you see (as it happens)……
…….You must gird (knit; bind; join) these folks together around you “not-unlike” the accouterments (decorations; finery; jewelry) worn by a bride (woman on her wedding day).
19. Whereas (in as much as) the authority of Israel’s people would seems to everyone to have been wiped-away (virtually-erased) and you (Israel’s people), as individuals, have been devastated and your society (culture) has been ruined (ravaged; subverted; wrecked), and today (currently; presently) divine-authority is limited (reserved; restricted; confined) to male graduates (products; alumnus) of orthodox (accepted; traditional) theological-seminaries (schools of theology; divinty-schools) that operate like machinary to churn-out (rapidly produce in an assembly-line fashion) clergymen who reign over Israel’s people like kings (royalty).
The indifference (arrogance; disdain; alienation) of these preparatory-institutions give today’s clergy (“men of the cloth”), “A Green Light” (a “triple-dog-dare”; carte-blanche; permission) to devour (swallow; absorb; consume) Israel’s people.
20. Serpents (sly and treacherous “Men of the Cloth” who exploit a position of trust in order to betray it) are whispering (hissing) in your ears……,
“The children for whom Israel’s people mourn are not worthy to speak for God, so we’ll gladly assume their spot as religious leaders to the human family, under Jehovah’s direction, of course, so that our corporate strength and power to impersonate the role of Israelite-ministers will prevail”.
21. But, the day is soon coming when you (Israel’s people) will think (wonder; puzzle; ask) in your heart,………….
“Who was it that acted as my midwife*……because…… I don’t recall bearing these children? For so long, I’ve been bereaved and desolated, a lot like an exile or someone who’s been completely forsaken.
* midwife-midwifery was the way that babies were delivered until about the sixteenth century universally? It was not considered appropriate for a man to be anywhere near the birth of a child. It was indiscreet, it was immodest. And so midwives were the way that children were delivered. And he (Egypt’s Royalty Pharoah -“The Great House”,i.e. The Great Dynasty) was calling upon those who were the assisters of the life-giving process of birth to slaughter those that they are bringing into this world.
It is “wickedness” of the deepest dye. But that’s not all. He called upon those who are called Hebrew midwives to do this deed. Scholars tell us that it’s unlikely that Hebrew midwives would have agreed to slaughter the children of their own people. Scholars tell us that the word Hebrew (“Ibriy”-Oriented toward the East,i.e. “the rising sun” as opposed to the West, where sun-light disappears) was capable of a broader meaning than simply the children of Israel. It may well have applied much more to any kind of Semitic (Shemite; descendants of Shem, Noah’s firstborn heir) race dwelling in Egypt. Do you understand that the irony that Moses is building for you here is that Pharaoh wants to use these women……these Hebrew female midwives of God’s own people as a means to destroy God’s people. Moses is painting you a picture of how black the heart of Pharaoh is. He’s showing you how dastardly is this deed.
Why would Pharaoh only want to only kill the males? Well, because they were the potential soldiers who could serve with some enemy of Egypt joining with them to fight against Pharaoh’s regime. The women, of course, could be assimilated into the stock of Egypt through intermarriage or through ethnic cleansing. Egyptian bloodlines, the status, the nationality, the ethnicity was perpetuated through the male bloodline. That was the bloodline that needed to be exterminated. But of course, behind all of this, we need to recognize that this is a sheer attempt to thwart the will of God as set forth in Genesis 3:15. The translation found in modern bibles is incomplete at best, and tragically misleading at worst. The following translation is “in-full” (in its entirety; unabridged) and as correct (precise; accurate) as I can make it. I think you’ll realize a remarkable difference, when you compare (contrast) this translation with one offered in your Bible at home. This is just a fraction of what we’ve been missing.
Genesis 3:15
“The strength and power of the work I (Jehovah) will perform will set (establish; harden; fix) enmity (hatred; hostility) as a means to separate (distinguish; characterize; discern) you (the serpent) as well as to turn (change; shift; influence; reverse) the mind (thinking) of the woman but also as a means to discern (distinguish) your (the serpent’s) posterity and to discern her (the woman’s) posterity,……a posterity which, by the way, shall overwhelm (blow out of the water; totally defeat and ruin) your (the serpent’s) head (leader. Pope; Prophet; Imam) and fulfill (bring to completion and reality) their destiny to authorize (enable; empower; control; sanction) the destruction (wipe-out; obliterate) your (the serpent’s) posterity”.
As God promised the seed (posterity) of the woman shall crush (wipe-out; obliterate) the head (top leadership Pope; False-Prophet; Imam) of the serpent. The serpent (a sly and treacherous religious head, especially one who exploits a position of trust in order to betray it) is here with all his might conspiring to thwart the plan of God. This is the main point of Moses in the passage that we have here. A manifestation of Satan’s designs against Israel’s people as John tells us in Revelation 12:4. Satan under the old covenant is doing everything in his power to prevent the coming of the seed. The coming of the seed of woman…the “promised champion” who would crush (wipe-out; obliterate) the head (top-leadership) of the serpent. In the new covenant, after the coming of the seed (posterity) of woman, the Messiah (anointed; anointed one ) of God, Jesus (rescuer; deliverer; savior; helper), the Christ (anointed One), Satan is still waging a futile (pointless; ineffectual; vain) but a vindictive (vengeful; revengeful) war against the house of Israel in the wake of the coming of the promised one. He wants to do as much damage as possible. then (in Egypt) as well as now (thru Global Religious Institutions) , Satan is using Pharaoh (“The Personified Power Of Oppression”) to foster those purposes. That’s the big picture that’s happening here.
No quadrant of Christianity, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant of any sort until this century has recognized the validity of abortion and infanticide. The Romans practiced both. All Christians held the Romans in contempt for it. Let’s not forget that today. U.S. abortion in history has been aided and abetted by the quietness of those professing to follow Christ, who are unwilling to speak out against the gross immorality of the practice and now we have instituted a way in which you can kill a human being by taking a pill like an aspirin. Do you not see the wickedness of that? A convenient way of murder. Do you not see the wickedness of that? Let’s make murder as convenient as possible. My heavens, let’s not put the murderer to too much trouble. Why……a pill will do. And it also reminds us here, doesn’t it, of the ridiculousness of asking those whose job is to preserve life to commit the murder. Physician-assisted, nurse-assisted abortion and euthanasia is a contradiction of their very profession. It makes killers out of healers. It makes no sense. No wonder we live in a culture of violence when we ask our healers to become murders.
Make no mistake about it. This butchery in this passage is an attempt to annihilate Israel, as the people of God, from the face of the earth. In verses 17 t
hrough 19 we see a second thing. Here the brave faithfulness of the midwives in resisting evil tyranny and their subsequent interview with Pharaoh is recorded. And here God shows his sovereignty by using these women to flail the plans of the God of Egypt. The midwives, we are told, fear God. They fear Him as the “life-giver”, and thus they honor the sanctity of life at the risk of their own. And these women foil the plan of the sovereign tyrant of Egypt. Do you catch the irony?.
Two midwives. Now I know that this raises a question for you. Two midwives serving skazillions of Israelites. Only two? Perhaps they were the leaders of a guild (association; union; league; alliance; coalition) of the midwives. Maybe they were the only names that had been preserved. I don’t know, but doesn’t it strike you that the very mention of only two of these midwives successfully resisting the plans of the sovereign (King) of Egypt, doesn’t that emphasize his impotence before the sovereignty of God. “Let’s see,” God says from heaven as he laughs with scorn at Pharaoh. I’ll thwart your plans with two (2) midwives. That’s what I’ll do. I’ll use the very instruments of your plan as the instrument of my plan to thwart your plan. I am sovereign, you are not.
The irony here points to the fact that God alone is sovereign. Two midwives confound the power of Egypt. Now of course during their interview with Pharaoh (“The Personified Power Of Oppression”; the Feigning House The Reigning Dynasty) they attempt to hide the truth. Yes, they lie. Many commentators, very kindly, try to get them off the hook for this. They say things like well, maybe it was true what they said. It doesn’t matter whether it was true what we said. We were told specifically in the passage that they determined not to do what Pharaoh had asked them to do. And then when he asked them why it was that this was not coming about, they didn’t say well, we decided to not do what you told us to do. They say, well, there’s this other explanation. So they are deliberately attempting to hide the truth from him, but again, even in their statement we see the irony. Can you see the irony in their concocted answer, and in the excuse that they give to Pharaoh, they manage to insult all Egyptian women? What’s the answer? Well, you know you Egyptian women are kind of wimpy. Hebrew women are real women. We can’t even get to them in time. They just pop those babies out, and it’s all over with. And so Moses manages to insult all the Egyptians, even in the answer of the midwives to Pharaoh.
So,….what about these children? Who raised them (nourished them to maturity; brought them up?) Behold (observe something remarkable), again and again I’ve been left-behind (forsaken; deserted; disowned) Where (from what place) did these children come from?
22. Thus saith the Lord-God, ” Lo and behold (a new turn of events, although surprising, it could have been predicted).
My hand (minister; ministry) is awakening (arousing; waking-up) the “Strength” (“Ale” – “Ones who hold authority”; “Powers that be”; mighty-men; heroes; judges; chiefs) among The Gentiles (the Nations; non-Israelites).
An Israelite who has experience (knowledge; practice; understanding) is lifting-up a banner (flag with a message; “just-cause around which to rally) unto the people. Behold (observe something remarkable) your (Israel’s) sons (lawful heirs) will come (return) because of your (Israel’s) teachings (enlightenment; guidance).
Upon (Because of; owing to) the “shoulder” (inclination to load up the backs; tendency to load up the backs; rising-early to load up the backs; earnestness to load up the backs; urgency to load up the backs) of members of their Flock (congregation; assembly), these illegitimate (unsanctioned by God; bogus) Religious Authorities (officialdom; officials; leaders) lead astray (deceive; beguile) Israel’s seed by saying, while pointing to each other, “Hey” (behold; sigh)….Look at us!”
23. Israel’s seed (posterity) will become Kings (crowned-heads) so they can nurse (foster; parent) you, then lead you (show you how) to recover (regain-possession) of your birthright of authority (dominion; jurisdiction) from the illegitimate clergy (“Men of the Cloth”) of this generation who’ve been working like “Eager Beavers” to bring about the revolution (coup de-etat; overthrow) against you (Israel’s people) so they can get a stranglehold-on (complete-power over; the monopoly of; a chokehold on) your authority.
Soon, they’ll all be prostrating (bowing) themselves before you and “licking the dust” (falling flat on their face, especially when utterly humiliated) at your feet….. and by that,…… you’ll know that I am Jehovah (“The-Eternal-One”) and those who hope in me will not be disappointed.
24. Furthermore, “thus saith the Lord”, ” Yes!…..plunder (stolen goods; Israel’s birthright) will be taken (recovered; taken-back; retrieved) from the possession of religious-oppressors (“Global Religious Institutions”; religious-tyrants) and keep-in-mind (take into account; be aware), that I (Jehovah), myself, am contending (pleading a cause; striving with words; conducting-a-lawsuit) on your behalf, having in mind, your sons (heirs; children), who will be saved (delivered; rescued; redeemed) by the strength and power of the work I (Jehovah) am now performing.
25. Furthermore, “thus saith the Lord”, ” Yes!…..plunder (stolen goods; Israel’s birthright) will be taken (recovered; taken-back; retrieved) from the possession of religious-oppressors (“Global Religious Institutions”; religious-tyrants) and keep-in-mind (take into account; be aware), that I (Jehovah), myself, am contending (pleading a cause; striving with words; conducting-a-lawsuit) on your behalf, having in mind, your sons (heirs; children), who will be saved (delivered; rescued; redeemed) by the strength and power of the work I (Jehovah) am now performing. My revelation (indictment; formal-list of criminal charges) accuses, namely, those who are oppressing (maltreating; vexing; suppressing) you, and specifically, their “Glad News” (“Good-Tidings”) and the subjecting (taming; conditioning; bending the will) of Israel’s people to their “new-wine” (“Must”; binding-obligation; condition) to keep silent (quiet).
Unsanctioned (Illegitimate) “Men of the Cloth” are filling (occupying the whole of) Israel’s people with an intoxicating (exhilarating; exciting; “heady”) drink (spirit; “frame of mind”; mindset; mental-state) as a means to secure (“take-into-custody”; capture; “take as prisoners”) this (our) generation Israel’s seed…….
…….so they will become personally implicated (guilty; entangled; embroiled) with False priests (illegitimate “Men of the Cloth”) in “taming-the-will” (subduing the will; bending the will; grooming) Israel’s people in preparation for the yoke (bondage; servitude; subjection; enslavement) of “Global Institutionalized Religion” (Mormonism; Catholicism; Islam) in an effort to subject (bring under domination; control) Me (Jehovah).
26. My revelation (indictment; formal-list of criminal charges) accuses (charges with an offense; prosecutes for a crime) namely (strictly speaking; particularly; that is to say), those who are oppressing (maltreating; vexing; suppressing) you, and specifically, their “Glad News” (“Good-Tidings”) and the subjecting (taming; conditioning; bending the will) of Israel’s people to their “new-wine” (“Must”; binding-obligation; condition) to keep silent (quiet).
Unsanctioned (Illegitimate) “Men of the Cloth” are filling (occupying the whole of) Israel’s people with an intoxicating (exhilarating; exciting; “heady”) drink (spirit; “frame of mind”; mindset; mental-state) as a means to secure (“take-into-custody”; capture; “take as prisoners”) this (our) generation Israel’s seed…….so they will become personally implicated (guilty; entangled; embroiled) with False priests (illegitimate “Men of the Cloth”) in “taming-the-will” (subduing the will; bending the will; grooming) Israel’s people in preparation for the yoke (bondage; servitude; subjection; enslavement) of “Global Institutionalized Religion” (Mormonism; Catholicism; Islam) in an effort to subject (bring under domination; control) Me (Jehovah), the one who is saving you and redeeming you, i.e. ……..“The Mighty One” (God) of Jacob (“the supplanter”; “the defrauder”).
End of Chapter Forty-Nine
16. You have found favor in my eyes….so, I have engraved (enclosed; inserted) you upon (beginning with; consequent to) the palm (opening; commencement; inauguration; “kick-off”; dawn; initiation) of my hand (Holy Spirit; power; influence).
Your wall (chastity; self-restraint; self-denial; virtue; decency; purity) is perpetually (continuously; ever) before me.
18. Open-up your eyes and look around at all the confused (“mentally-off-balance”; unhinged; demented; screwy; “glassy-eyed”; slaphappy) people that this generation of Salt Lake Priesthood Leadership has congregated (rallied; gathered; assembled) together unto itself. Mormon missionaries are trained to accost (boldly or aggressively approach) you (Israel’s people) so that they can boast…….
“We go around in a semi-conscious state, so we can declare the Word Of God!”
If truth be told, Salt Lake’s General Authorities are attempting to make confused (mixed-up; befuddled; bewildered) Mormon missionaries look as much like my legitimate (lawful; rightful) witnesses, as they possibly can………
……as a means to authorize (give official permission for; enable) the overthrow (supplanting; undoing; downfall; defeat) of Israel’s people and mandate (make-mandatory; require; permit; license) the “binding” (enslavement; subjugation) of Israel’s people to Salt lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization.
19. Israel……although your authority seems to have been desolated (ruined; wrecked) by Salt Lake Headquarters and your Kingdom seems to have been wasted (expended carelessly, for a “no-good” (selfish and contemptible) purpose by them, behold (observe something miraculous) the break-down (division; disunity; conflict; discord; arguing) producing tension or hostility among Salt Lake’s General Authorities, who’ve been seeking to overthrow (unseat; topple) you (Israel’s people).
Indeed, now (at this time; already) Salt Lake’s General Priesthood Authorities are press (pester; harry; badger; nag) me because they sit (reign like kings; remain) on your (Israel’s) thrones while distancing-themselves (declaring that none of them are associated with or in support of) any organization that is “swallowing” (devouring; gorging itself on; absorbing; incorporating; ingesting; gobbling) you (Israel’s people).
20. Yet (ultimately; in due time; “down-the-road”; in the future), the children for whom you now grieve (suffer grief; mourn; lament; sorrow) will whisper in your ear, “Pray unto (ask; petition) God on my behalf, to give me a place (part; role; duty; responsibility), so that the “Strength and Power of God” may take (carry) me away……..
21. Then, you’ll think (wonder) within your heart, “Who brought-forth (bore; begot; created; generated) these kids unto me, because for such a long time, I’ve felt bereaved (deprived of a close friend as if through their death) and desolated (saddened; depressed; dispirited; disheartened), exiled (banished; ostracized; cast-out; dispossessed) and rejected (left-destitute)………. so………really ……who’s been striving (wrestling; contending; grappling; struggling-mentally; scuffling) with them……….? Who has reared (brought-up, instructed, and cared for) these (my) kids, until they’ve fully matured in a particular manner?………..Where have they come from?
22. Thus saith the Sovereign Lord, “Behold (observe something miraculous) “My Strength and Power as Israel’s God” reaches (bears; carries) my hand (“Holy Spirit”; influence) unto “The Gentiles” (outsiders; the-Nations; non-Israelites) so “My Strength and Power as Israel’s God” is lifting up a “NES” (“banner”; “Royal/military-standard”; “sign”; marker and “rallying-point”) indicating where Israel’s army is to assemble.
This latter-day “NES” (banner; military standard) is comparable to the Old Testament “Ark” as a divine emblem endowed with leadership qualities and symbolizes Jehovah advancing into battle.
And this latter-day “NES” (banner; military standard) will bring-back (return) your sons because of its soul (sentiments; heart; affections) and your daughters (most-cherished-ones; “Apples Of Your Eye”) will be carried (borne; transported; conducted) upon (contingent-upon; following) a “Sense Of Urgency”.
23. The Kings (monarchs; crowned heads) who’ve heretofore (before now) been your (Israel’s) foster-fathers (care-takers; guardians) and the queens (women who’ve behaved in an unpleasantly superior way toward you) who’ve heretofore (before now) been your nurses, will bow (prostrate) their faces before you, and “lick the dust of your feet”. Then, (therefore; henceforth; accordingly; from then on) you will know that I (Jehovah) am leading (showing the way) to negate (make-ineffective; invalidate; neutralize; nullify) Salt Lake’s reign (rule; supremacy; control; monarchy; sovereignty), which is designed (planned and conceived) to manacle (fetter; restrain) Me (Jehovah) in metal.
24. Is it possible for plunder (stolen-goods; swag; booty; ill-gotten gains) to be re-taken (rescued; recovered) from the hands of a man-eating giant. (recovered; rescued)? or further, is it possible for righteous captives to be rescued (liberated; save; redeemed; emancipated) from the power of a “Man-Eating” “OGRE” (Salt Lake’s cruel or terrifying Melchizedek Priesthood Organization)
25. Indeed (if truth be told)…… Thus saith the Lord…..YES! The captives (bondsmen; slaves; prisoners) of Salt Lake’s idea (concept; notion) of Mormon-warriors (brave fighters; servicemen; champions; heroes) will be taken (seized; recovered) and plunder (quarry; goods; stolen things) will be retrieved from a Priesthood-Organization that is fierce (cutthroat; ruthless; savage; unprincipled) and has in mind (is committed; bound and determined) to contend-against (“pit themselves against; struggle to surmount) you ……“Sigh”…….“My strength and power, as Israel’s God” will contend (confront; argue) on your behalf and has in mind (loves; remembers) your children………“sigh”.……….“My strength and power, as Israel’s God” will them.
26. Behold (observe something remarkable) I will feed (wine and dine; dish-out; satisfy) your oppressors their own “Flesh” (“Breaking-News: “tidings”; “lies”; gospel-message), then they will “Drink-to-the-Full” (“drink to hilarity”; act as if they are drunken) on their own blood (family background; descent or lineage) as if it were “New-Wine” (an alcoholic beverage).
Then, all mankind will know thatI (Jehovah) am your (Israel’s people’s) Savior (redeemer) and the “One” (referring to a person previously mentioned or easily identified) who entirely surpasses (eclipses; outweighs; towers-above; outshines) Jacob (a lineage of frauds and liars).