Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 65 – verses 1 – 25

Judgment and Salvation

1. Israel’s seed must pursue (search for; diligently inquire about; ask about; seek-after; care-for; give serious attention or consideration to correctly observing; worship) My (Yhwh’s; Jehovah’s) Authority (dominion; jurisdiction).

Hell Yeah Yes GIFTo have (acquire; obtain; receive; enjoy; possess, own, or hold) what is denied to  (inaccessible to; withheld from; kept from; not available to)   you (Israel’s people), it’s required (urgent; paramount; mandatory; imperative; crucial) that you demand it (assert it; insist upon it; claim it as your right; ask for it, bluntly).





2. From their very start (beginnings; origins), Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) leaders have aspired to (yearn for; pursued; been intent on) get a firm hold of my authority without “Giving a Rat’s-Ass” about developing a relationship with Me (Yhwh; Jehovah; “The Self Existent One”).nbd whatever GIF

They really  “like the idea of “ (have fun in; find pleasure in; get their jollies by) declaring day-in and day-out to the world  “God is here!….God is here!”  to A-Nation (Gentile-church;  Non-Israelite congregation) that wants no part of ( has no use for; couldn’t care less about) heralding (giving tidings of; announcing; proclaiming) My (Yhwh’s; Jehovah’s; the God Of Israel’s) name (dominion; jurisdiction). 




2. year Kick The Bucket GIF | Gfycatafter year, Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslin; Scientology’s) “Men Of The Cloth” make feeble-attempts to mimic (imitate; mock; simulate; feign; counterfeit) My (Yhwh’s; Jehovah’s; the God Of Israel’s) ministry (Holy Orders; exhortation; pastoral-care; spiritual leadership) to a community of people who have long-since “Kicked the Bucket” (died; “Given Up the Ghost”; perished; “Bought The Farm”; succumbed; departed), in a spiritual sense.


They walkduck GIF along behind (follow; mimic; imitate)  “Men Of The Cloth” (leaders; officials) whose ways (methods; modes of worship; habits) a NOT good!  They worship “authority and those who have it.”

They deify men of authority as idols (supreme-beings, ultimate-achievement) by faithfully pursuing such men’s fantasies and imaginations.






3. They are a species of people (church-goers) who are offended (annoyed, typically as a result of a perceived insult) by the taste (elegance;  cultured-beauty; effects; operations; ways; actions; functions)

Do Want Give It To Me GIFof my  “Holy-Spirit” to my face (brazenly; right out in the open; without concealment; directly;  in my presence) while offering-up (sacrificing) their selves (souls; identities; characters; autonomies) to a church…...

……”In a Garden” (upon the grounds) of securing (getting a firm hold on; obtaining; retaining-possession of) Israel’s authority (dominion; jurisdiction) for themselves, thus,  begins their idolatrous-worship of Sorcery (Black Magic; “The Works Of Darkness”). 





4. Behold (observe) something odd (bizarre; unexpected; extraordinary; unusual),  Men (Mormon-leaders; Roman Catholic leaders; Muslim-leaders; Scientology’s leaders) are reigning-over (lying in wait for; sitting in judgment; sitting on thrones over) human sepulchers (monuments to spiritual-death; graves; mausoleums; tombs) among their congregations (flocks; audiences; membership). 

The Human-sepulchers (monuments to spiritual-death; graves; mausoleums; tombs) who populate Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) society are relying-on (resting-upon; Excuse Me Wow GIF by Bouncedepending upon; trusting-in) their phony (make-believe) public-image (display; outward-show; veneer; false-front) of “whiteness” (personal-righteousness; moral-purity; moral-virtue) and by making-sure (seeing to it)  that they are viewed (regarded) with favor (approval; recognition) among top-Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) officialdom and,  especially, the local Watchtowers (Guardians of Cult Society; “Sentinels of the Pulpit”; “Hat and Thought”-Police) of their congregation.

They prod (urge; push; coerce) Israel’s seed into focusing-on  (directing their undivided-attention to) the “Glad-Tidings” (Gospel Message; sermons; talks; pontifications) presented to them by “Swine” * (“filthy men who Yhwh regards with contempt and disgust”) at church headquarters……

* Swine-In Leviticus 11:27, God forbids Moses and his followers to eat swine “because it parts the hoof but does not chew the cud.” Furthermore, the prohibition goes, “Of their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch; they are unclean to you.” That message is later reinforced in Deuteronomy.


 Cozying up next to (trying to “get-in-good” with) the “Swine” (“filthy men who Yhwh regards as contemptible and disgusting”) at church headquarters……are craven (contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly) counselors of a lesser station, who are equally bankruptPig le cochon danseur smile GIF - Find on GIFER (corrupt in a spiritual-sense) but, rather enjoy fawning (ingratiating themselves to; toadying-up-to; being at the beck (summons) and call of) morally degenerate leaders who are typical of cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) leadership’s fetid (foul-smelling; corrupt; abominable; loathsome) flesh (humanity; people; stock).

These obsequious (servile) lieutenants (go-getters; bottom guys on the totem pole; flunkies; underlings; minions; lackeys) originate (have their beginnings in; arise; come-from)  houses (Families; lineages; bloodlines; dynasties; lines of Hereditary-rulers) regarded as undesirable (unworthy) for consideration in Cult  (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) leadership, so they are eventually ordained (officially decreed)  to be destroyed (sacrificed; used as cannon-fodder; used as soldiers to be expended in war; eliminated; wiped-away ) by their own  Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) Leadership (officialdom).




5. These are the church leaders who are responsible for saying to all of you (Israelites) who want to share in the benefits and perks of leadership “keep away” (“Beat-it”; get lost; “Don’t even think about it”). 

As far as the authority (jurisdiction; dominion) is concerned, that is exclusively-possessed (monopolized; controlled; “cornered”; taken-over; dominated) by us (church leadership). 

“We are the Holy Officialdom that

     God has chosen to minister to Israel’s people.”

Actually, if you Nostrils GIFs | Tenorfools (Israelites) knew what’s good for you… You (Israel’s people) would respect (fear; be intimidated by; be warned by)  the smoke (contamination; dirtiness; corruption; rottenness; foulness) that can be seen coming from (out of) our nostrils.

It’s produced (caused) by the enmity (bad-blood; alienation; hatred; ill-will; bitterness; alienation) that courses (runs; streams; surges)  through our veins (families; lineages; bloodlines)  toward you (Israel’s People), that is “Set-On-Fire” (burning; kindled). 






6. Behold (observe something disturbing), looky…looky… right here’s written (recorded; decreed) in “OUR”unauthorized Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) scripture…..for instance:

(1)  Joseph Smith and Magic - FairMormonMormonism’s conjured-up (brought into existence by Sorcery) sacred text“The Book of Mormon,” which is a fictional-account of Latter-day revelation (God’s permission for certain Mormon men to engage in Polygamy) given to a “sketchy-at-best” upper  New York state practitioner of Folk-Magic  (a Sorcerer) and wrapped in a story about Native American origins. The story claims that The Book of Mormon was revealed to Joseph Smith as he sat with a stove-pipe kind of hat before him that contained a “Seer Stone.” *.

The account states that Joseph placed his face into the hat and saw (envisioned somehow) the Book of Mormon, which he dictated to Oliver Cowdery, a close friend, and fellow Folk Magic practitioner.

*seer stone- latter-day Saints are reacting to  the first time ever released photos of Mormon founder Joseph Smith’s chocolate-colored “seer stone,” as a Facebook commenter puts it, with “humor, cynicism, denial, avoidance, and panic.”Critics already point to the egg-size rock’s existence as another reason to see Smith as a conniving fraud and the entire faith as bogus. Even some devout Latter-day Saints say they knew nothing of Smith’s use of the stone in producing the Book of Mormon from buried gold plates and are rather troubled by it — although The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has addressed the issue previously. Blame some misunderstanding on artists’ depictions and lack of historical awareness,  in a forthcoming article for the faith’s official Ensign magazine.”Each artistic interpretation is based upon its artist’s own views, research, and imagination, sometimes aidedLDS church releases images of seer stone used by Joseph Smith Jr. - LDS Freedom Forum by input and direction from others,” Turley writes. “Unlike what is depicted [in one work], [scribe] Oliver Cowdery stated that he did not see the plates until after the translation was finished.”The problem with the “brown, striated stone,” acclaimed Mormon historian Richard Bushman, is that “it crosses a boundary we had held on to between religion and superstition.”Mormons have known about “the gold plates and the angel and the Urim and Thummim [considered ‘interpreters’] long enough to assimilate them into respectable religion,’ says Bushman, author of the Smith biography “Rough Stone Rolling.” “Those are the ways of God.” On the other side of the divide, he writes, “are witchcraft and spells and tarot cards. Those are silly superstitions that the unschooled and ignorant believe in. We want none of that. “The seer stone, “sitting there as it had just been dug up,” Bushman adds, “drags across the line into the realm of superstition.”


Superstition – a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic (power to use demonic-supernatural forces to make impossible things happen) or chance, or a false conception of causation.

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(2) Islam’The Koran & Obama — As Explained In Cartoons: | Bloviating Zeppelins Koran, is the result of “BOOK-ENVY” on the part of Mohammed (a 632 CE  Arab religious, social, and political leader) toward “THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK” (Israel). He decided that His religion, “Islam,” needed a book of its own. That’s why we have the “Koran” *

* Koran-theGolden Koran « Facsimile edition Islamic sacred book, believed to be the word of God as dictated to Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel and written down in Arabic. The Koran consists of 114 units of varying lengths, known as suras. The first sura is said as part of the ritual prayer. These touch upon all aspects of human existence, including matters of doctrine, social organization, and legislation.



(3) theRote Learning vs Conceptual Learning: The what's and why's - Education Today News Roman-Catholic-Church’s Catechism, which is nothing more than a series of fixed (established; pre-arranged; prescribed; pre-determined) questions and answers concerning Roman-Catholic doctrine that Catholics must learn by rote (habitual-repetition).  




(4)Scientology Fugitive David Miscavige Arrested by the FBI – OTVIIIisGrrr8! Scientology’s scripture, published in 1950,  is titled “Dianetics.” It’s a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body created by a “Science Fiction” writer, no-less,  named L. Ron Hubbard.

Researcher’s evidence portrays Hubbard as a man who not only was a “pathological liar” about his history, background, and achievements but, personal-writings (letters; correspondences) and documents of his reflect the same egoism, greed, avarice, and lust for power, as well as vindictiveness and aggressiveness against persons perceived by him to be disloyal or hostile. At the same time, it appears that, strangely, he was charismatic and highly capable of motivating, organizing, controlling, manipulating, and inspiring his adherents.

Hubbard was referred to by some of his believers as a “genius”, a “revered person,” and a man who was viewed by his followers with “awe”(reverence; adoration).   Obviously, he is a very complex person,  and that complexity is further reflected in his “alter-ego,”

 The Church of Scientology.

Following Hubbard’s death in 1986, his notoriously-aggressive  (disreputable; violent; scandalous; infamous) heir-apparent” (lieutenant who is first in the order of succession), the tyrant-extraordinaire, David Miscavige, took the helm of the troubled church but Miscavige has not kept Scientology out of the headlines because of accusations of physical and emotional-abuse (hostility; ill-treatment; harassment) targeted at members viewed as “suppressive” (insubordinate).

We’re all livin’ “THE DREAM”




7. YourSpice Up Your Fall - Gumbo Season is Here (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientologist) perversions (alterations; misrepresentations; misinterpretations) of Yhwh’s law from its original form,  then presented, as truth along with the deviant behavior (mockery;   falsification; misrepresentation; distortion) initiated (inaugurated; invented)  by your forefathers put the two of you in the same gumbo pot.” (“a lot of hot water!”), saith the Lord, because of idolatrous-worship according to the pattern (based on the standard)  of Sorcery (Black Magic; Works of Darkness) practiced by men of your disreputable family (lineage; bloodline; dynasty) for numerous generations.

Like your ambitious (power-loving; self-absorbed) pioneering founders, you have bound (obligated; committed) your souls,  thru a demonic oath and covenant,  to an administration of unconscionable (unprincipled) Sorcerers (magicians) and men who hold elevated-positions because they’ve gotten their hands on (embezzled) Israel’s Authority.

The Israelite authority these schmucks (foolish or contemptible men) have collectively stolen (appropriated for their own use; embezzled) enables them to cleverly strip (deprive; divest; dispossess;  rob) my seed (descendants; offspring; posterity) of their God-given power, birthright, and possession (inheritance). 




8. A woman holding big cluster of red juicy grapes in her hand Stock Photo - AlamyThus The Lord tells this “juicy little grape” story……

“When a particularly juicy cluster of grapes is found in the highlands of  Italy’s (Sicily’s)  “LaMarca Vineyards”, a chorus of juicy little grape voices cries out as loudly as juicy little grape voices can cry-out…..

“Don’t destroy us!” 

The vintner (grape grower) thinksLa Marca Prosecco DOC Sparkling Wine NV 750ml about the juicy little grape request for a moment and finally declares, “I will do as these juicy little grapes request because “Goodess” (benefit and advantage) is found inside of these grapes. Their mother-vines have served me and my vineyard well for many years,  so I will comply for their sake, and I will not destroy them.” 





9. Similarly, I (Yhwh)Phillip Medhurst presents 249/788 James Tissot Bible c 1899 Jesse presents his sons to Samuel 1 Samuel 16:10 Jewish Museum New York | Phillip Medhurst have brought-forth (rescued; delivered) from the “jaws” (mouth; possession) of Jacob (a tribe of swindlers, and frauds), a handful (cluster) of particularly juicy (succulent; tender; desirable) Israelite-seed (grapes; fruit) who are direct descendants of “Jesse” (King David’s Father).

 * Jesse-Jesse or Yishai (Hebrewיִשַׁי‎ – Yišay, meaning “King” or “God exists” or “God’s gift”; Syriac ܐܝܫܝ‎ – Eshai; Greek: Ἰεσσαί – Iessaí; Latin: Issai, Isai, Jesse) is a figure described in the Bible as the father of David, who became the king of the Israelites. His son David is sometimes called simply “Son of Jesse” (Ben Yishai). The role as both father of King David and ancestor of Christ has been used in various depictions in art, e.g. as the Tree of Jesse or in hymns like “Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming.”


This handful of Israelite seed (cluster of grapes; handful of fruit) is destinedThe Wizard Of Oz Home GIF (foreordained; commissioned) to take possession of (occupy; take by force) My (Yhwh’s) administration and give (confer the possession of) trustworthy (honest; reliable; truthful) revelation (divinely inspired visions and dreams) to those of Israel’s people who are chosen by Me (Yhwh) and serve (work for; obey) Me (Yhwh) in order to make their home * (the abiding place of their affections), with me,  once it has been found (established).

* home – Lord Byron’s quote from Don Juan about “without the-heart (feelings of unity, love, and affection) a home not real” is actually rooted in the very fabric of the word “home.” The concept of home is universal, but we all define home differently.  It turns out that a connection between  hearts and home is a foundation in the history of the word “home.” The English word “home” is from the Old English word hām (“not the pig”) which actually refers to a village or estate where many “souls” are gathered. It implies a physical-dwelling, but the main idea is that it’s “a gathering of people.”  One dictionary had an interpretation of the modern definition of home that I really like. It states that home is “the abiding place of one’s affections.” To me, that sums it up like nothing else. It’s not a building or a room, but a place where your love (affection) dwells.




10. They (my chosen Israelites) are commissioned to make-plain (define; spell-out; put into plain English; go into detail about) Israel’s “rest” * (Sabath; Shabat שַׁבָּת‎  “rest”) as a means to “take a load off-of” (soothe; comfort; relieve) Yhwh’s flock……

But,  they (my chosen Israelites) will also be a source of deep (unfathomable; all-embracing; widespread) depression (melancholy; misery; despair; disconsolation) that causes sorrow for the quiet domiciles (headquarters; households; home-bases) of Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) officialdom who primarily seek to over-turn (turn upside down; up-end; topple; annul; overthrow) the ground (legal claim; argument) for the validity of My (Yhwh’s) people, who primarily seek (search high and low for; follow) Me (Yhwh)   

* rest –Are you finding time to rest in God? · Buckner International The Hebrew word for rest is Nuach(resting-place; tranquility; peace; quiet) . Sometimes, it is synonymous with shabbath– to cease or to rest. The Greek word for rest is Anapausis meaning cessation, refreshment. Christ’s rest is not a rest from work, so much as a harmonious working of all the faculties and affections, of will, heart, imagination, conscience- because each has found in God the ideal sphere of its development.



11. But all of you (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) officialdom have forsaken (deserted; abandoned; not given a “damn” about; turned away from) Me (Yhwh)…..

You (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientologist) officials couldn’t care less about (have no interest in), keeping-in-mind” (considering; contemplating) the administration of my Saints (Angels; Holy-Ones)……. 

……..because they point (direct everyone’s attention) tocold blooded mic drop GIF an unlawful arrangement (ordination; installation; appointment) of Sorcerers (Magicians) who are assembling themselves together, for the purpose of “Making-A-Fortune” (putting money into their pockets; striking it rich) by dismissing (divorcing; sending-away; disbanding; dissolving) Israel’s seed (offspring; posterity; descendants) then, focusing (concentrating) everyone’s thoughts and attention on Cult (Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) “Over-The-Top” (ridiculously-excessive) regime (“Pecking-Order”). 

They are all “Spiritual-Midgets” (extremely “mean-spirited” men)  who reign (sit in judgment)  over Israel’s people as if they are Kings (royalty). 

They can scared mr bean GIFhardly contain (control or restrain)  their enthusiasm to take-part (participate; indulge-in; enjoy; revel-in; get a piece of the action” in) mixing (contaminating; corrupting; undermining; poisoning; polluting) Israel’s wine (“divine-favor) with spices (hypnotic-drugs; psychoactive-drugs; sleep-inducers;  anesthetics) that render Israel’s people unconscious (oblivious; senseless; unconcerned) about what is happening around them.




12. So, I (Yhwh) have destined (doomed; pre-determined appointed; decreed) all of you (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) officialdom for death by the “SWORD” and every last one of you for slaughter (annihilation; destruction; extermination; liquidation; massacre). 

 Authority (dominion; jurisdiction) wielded (controlled; put to use; employed) in/by the hands (ministry; religious-instruction) of Israel’s people will sink (humble; degrade; humiliate) Cult (Mormonism’s; Roman-Catholicism’s; Islam’s;  Scientology’s officialdom.  For… see……I (Yhwh; Jehovah) called (attempted to communicate) numerous times, but you (Cult, i.e. Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) officialdom refused to answer (reply to) My (Yhwh’s) calls (attempts to communicate).

I (Yhwh; Ignored GIF by memecandyJehovah) spoke (whispered) thru the “Still Small Voice” of my Holy Spirit, but you had no intention (desire; impulse) to of take (receive; answer; responding-to) my calls (attempts to communicate).







13. Therefore, “Thus saith the Lord, God” ……

BeholdFood Wtf GIF by 8it (observe something long overdue!)…., My (Yhwh’s; Jehovah’s) servants will eat all they want , but all of you (Cult; Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) leaders will be stricken (seriously affected; troubled; afflicted) by the same hunger (empty-stomach; empty-life; famine; starvation) that you’ve ordained and orchestrated for Israel’s people.



14. Behold (observe something that will probably make you giggle) My (Yhwh’s) Abadim (servants; friends; loved-ones; family-members; devoted-followers) will shout because of their deliverance (emancipation; rescue; liberation) from Jacob (a family, lineage, bloodline; dynasty of defrauders),   because of the “goodness” (decency; excellence) in the hearts of Israel’s people toward others…….


……..up to something plotting GIFwhile all of you (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) leaders will cry out because of the anguish that fills your hearts and brokenness (ruptured; torn; fractured-condition) that even now characterizes your spirits (souls).







 15. Then, behold (observe something you never expected) Israel’s people are releasing  (announcing; disclosing; revealing) thru the Press (media; internet; world wide web) the names (identities) of every last one of you (Cult; Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientologist officials) for swearing an Oath of Alligiance (vowing obedience) to Ha-Satan (Israel’s adversary), which legally/ morally obligates (binds and compels; forces) them to oppose Israelites who’ve been chosen (hand-picked; selected) by Me (Yhwh)…….or if that isn’t sufficient to shake your (Mormonism’s; Roman-Catholicism’s; Islam’s Scientology’s)  Family Trees,  perhaps you’d rather behold (witness)  your own death (damnation; condemnation; doom), saith the Lord God….

……Meanwhile to My (Yhwh’s Israelite) servants will be identified by/with a new (high-ranking; superior) name (commission; dominion; jurisdiction).     




16. Those who point (direct; steer; influence) others (their fellow men and women) to seek Israel’s blessings upon the grounds (reasons specified by God’s Law to prove validity) of Israel’s people,  will be blessed (favored; endowed)  by Yhwh…….the God of truth,  and will finally behold (observe something long ago prophesied)… this (our)  latter-day generation Israelite seed (offspring; descendants; posterity) fulfilled (satisfied and happy) because they’ve fully developed their abilities and their characters according to God’s Law.

Israel’sseason 10 GIF seed (descendants; offspring; children; posterity) will be completed (made whole; made perfect) by Yhwh, the God Of Truth, indeed, they will forget (put out of their mind; cease to think of) the troubles (difficulties restrictions) of their past.

Indeed (in fact), they will even be hidden (kept; concealed) from My (Yhwh’s) eyes (observation; sight; recollection).



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17. Therefore,  watch Me (Yhwh)…… while I (Yhwh) create (bring into existence) a whole new generation of Heavens (Israelites with whom Yhwh and His spirit feel perfectly “At-Home”) and a renewed (redeemed; reawakened; recovered; reclaimed) Earth (“Sphere of existence where mankind has sufficient time and opportunity to turn inclinations of good or evil into unbreakable habits). 

So, former things (troubles; problems; difficulties)

will not be remembered (come to mind).

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18. But insteadHappy Golden Girls GIF by TV Land (rather) they (Israel’s people) will be “cheerful” (noticeably happy and optimistic) and they will rejoice (feel great joy and delight) forever because of what I (Yhwh) have created.

After all…..they’ve watched me while I (Yhwh) created it.

Having in mind (thinking particularly of)Jerusalem (“Yhwh’s Comprehensive Teacher of Peace and Salvation”) that is Yhwh’s delight along with (equally with; indistinguishably with) Israelites who’ve become brilliant (exceptionally clever and talented), and happy (joyous).  



19. I (Yhwh) Dictatorship - Wikipediarejoice (celebrate; honor) over the re-establishment of Jerusalem as the world’s primary source (exemplar; teacher; expositor) of light (truth) and I (Yhwh) delight-in (am greatly pleased with ) my wonderful Israelite people.

Never again will the sound of weeping (shedding-tears) be found among Israel’s people.

Never again will the sound of constraint (despotism; autocracy; tyranny; Fascism; oppression; dictatorship) be founded (established) against Israel’s people.


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20. Never againsad drop the cookie GIF by The Boss Baby will there be infantile (childish; irresponsible; foolish; silly) years (times; lives periods) wasted during a person’s very slow spiritual development because of silly (foolish)  assumptions (expectations; beliefs; presumptions) they have of themselves and their personal (private; particular; special) authority (jurisdiction; dominion; control) over others (their-fellows; their-co-equals; their-companions; their-wives; their-associates; their-peers).

Nor will old-men who”ve been either unwilling (not ready, eager, or prepared; reluctant; unenthusiastic; afraid) or unable (prevented from; lacking the skill, means, or opportunity)  to fulfill (carry out; keep; bring to realization) the promise (vow) they made to Yhwh before they were born (sent-down here) to grow-to-full maturity (break all of their bad habits) as much as that is possible.

Indeed (if truth be told) the immature (servant; follower; disciple) will die (leave the earth; be removed) vomit puke GIF by The Late Late Show with James Cordenafter (upon the completion of) an unknown (unspecified) but reasonably-long-period-of-time, but the disciple whoFails To Hit The Mark” (“errs from the Mark”; is led into sin; is seduced into sinning; is accused of sin; “misses the mark”; fails to achieve his goal;  fails to keep his promise to Yhwh) to build (establish, increase, and strengthen) Yhwh’s family-lineage (House; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary-Rulers) for One Hundred Generations,  will be cursed (viewed as “vile”; despised).    


21. Just like I (yhwh) was long ago, they (Yhwh’s people; Israel’s people) will be permittedBuild a Home with Rock Solid Durability and Timeless Beauty | (granted the privilege; authorized; allowed)  to build-up (amplify; reinforce; expand; develop; add-to;  increase, and strengthen) their own personal House (family-dynasty; succession of hereditary-rulers) and they (Israel’s people) will reign over them (members of their family-dynasty).


Moreover Skipping GIFs | Tenor(additionally; what is more; furthermore), they will plant (install; found; institute; establish) vineyards (plantations)  where many related families neighboring each other will grow to maturity (ripeness; fruit-bearing; juicy-grape bearing) together (as a group, all at once).






22. They will never again have to go to all the trouble and effort to build a house (family; lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary -rulers), only to stand-by while anothers come-along and occupy (invade; overrun; take possession; conquer; capture; seize) it.

Never Southern Live Oak | National Wildlife Federationagain will they plant (sow) for another to eat and enjoy for as the days (life-span) of a tree, so will the life-span (length of time to live and function) of each of my Israelite people.





23. Never looking up adam sandler GIF by Saturday Night Liveagain will they toil in vain (for nothing) nor bear their children to lives of misfortune (misery; disaster; affliction; hardship; tragedy) for Israelite seed (offspring) are blessed by Me (Yhwh)…they and the all children produced by them inherit the same blessing.







24. I will answer them before they even call upon Me, infact,  while they are speaking (praying) to Me (Yhwh), I will answer as a means to testify (bear-witness) to them of Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) officialdom that is seeking to destroy-them (ruin them emotionally and spiritually). 

And , I (Yhwh) am strong and powerful enough to pay close-attention (perceive; discern; consider) their needs.    




25. Wolves (who were once dressed in sheep’s clothing) and Israel’s Lambs (young sheep)  will feed as one (together). The Lion (tribe of Judah) and the oxen (castrated or otherwise immasculated Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology workers) will eat (enjoy) straw (substance; details; particulars) but/while Serpents (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s presiding officers)will have nothing but dust (rubbish; ashes; remains vestiges; ruins; debris) as their food.

They will Thats Good Alex Parrish GIFno longer harm anyone, nor will they cause (bring-about; be at the bottom of)  anyone selse’s destruction (ruin; obliteration; annihilation) throughout the entirety (duration; continuation) of  Administration of my Holy-Ones (Angels; Saints). 



End of Chapter Sixty-Five










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