God’s Accusations Against The Wicked
1. The righteous” (those who have a just cause; those who are innocent of idolatry) are perishing but no-one (nobody; not a single “Man-of-the-Cloth”) in church leadership seems to pay attention to (care about) this dreadful situation, in his heart.
This (our) generation of Israelites, who are quietly (privately; personally) devoted to God are being systematically corralled (fenced-in; cooped-up; caged; confined; stockaded) as a means to prevent (halt; preclude; make-impossible) any Israelite interference (obstruction; impedance; intervention; intrusion) in Global Religious Institution’s (Mormonism’s; Catholicism’s) aggressive spread of “Evil” (profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force).
2. Israel’s people bring with them (carry with them; bear) Peace (wholeness; soundness; health and welfare; safety; friendship).
While “Men of the Cloth” merely rest (relax; satisfy; amuse) themselves thru gullible Israelites who are willing to copulate (team-up; join ranks; cooperate; go all the way) with them, while pointing (directing) everyone else to “keep their mouths shut” (say nothing; “dummy-up”; hold their tongues) and go-along (cooperate; team-up; join-forces; consort; collaborate) with “Men of the Cloth”.
3. So, all you readers, ………. approach (draw near; take this seriously; come close) so you can behold (see for yourselves) something really mind-blowing.
Global Religious institutions (Worldwidwide Religious Cults such as Catholicism, Mormonism, Islam and their equivalents) have long been championed (spoken for; promoted; upheld defended; represented) throughout the world by local clergymen (“Men of the Cloth”) who Jehovah (the God of Israel) considers (thinks; regards; deems) to be Sons (disciples; subjects; apprentices; devotees) of Sorcerers (charmers; conjurers; enchanters; magicians; soothsayers).These “Men Of The Cloth” are taught (disciplined; coached; trained) in their seminaries to dismiss (disbelieve; disregard; ignore) “out-of-hand” (immediately; at once) all Old Testament testimony that corroborates (verifies; substantiates) Israel’s hereditary covenantal obligation to JHWH (the God of Israel) through a literal (biological) descent from Abraham.
Then, these same “Men of the Cloth” prostitute (sell; trade) the birthright, that they and their Israelite congregants have inherited through that descent (line of ancestry) originating with Abraham.
They do it to enjoy the social-prestige (widespread respect and admiration on the basis of a perception of their achievements or quality) and financial-security (a primrose path; an easy life that is full of pleasure) that Global Religious Institutions (“Worldwide Religious Cults”) promise.
Their profession as “Men of the Cloth”, is always “in-demand” (sought after; popular) throughout the world…. so prostituting their Israelite-birthright provides a steady (reliable) income as well as timeless (enduring) popularity (condition of being liked, admired, and supported) among men throughout the world.
In Jehovah’s eyes (estimation; sight), the children (believers; followers; adherents) generated (spawned; engendered; produced) by these “Men of the Cloth” are born as “Out Of Wedlock” (illegitimate; unsanctioned by the Law of God; “bastards”).
As such, these children (followers; believers; adherents) are spiritually predisposed (influenced; inclined) to watch (“stand-by”; “do-nothing”; “observe”) while their Israelite fellows (friends and colleagues) are systematically conditioned (habituated; inured; accustomed) to religious whoredom (faithless, unworthy, and idolatrous practices and pursuits).
4. Just who do you (“Men of the Cloth”) think you are fooling (kidding; hoodwinking; bamboozling), anyway?
Who do you (“Carnival Barkers”; (Mormon Prophets, Apostles, Presidents, Bishops; and Catholic Popes, Cardinals; Archbishops, Bishops, priests; Islamic Imams) ardently pitching (slinging; preaching) your cult’s doctrine, think (suppose; imagine) you’re “sneering-at” (“turning up your noses at”)
At whom do you think (suppose) you’re sticking-out your tongue?
After all (any way you slice it)………. you (“Men of the Cloth”) are nothing more than a brood (race; spawn; offspring; progeny) of faithless Israelite “WOMEN” (“SPINELESS-MEN”- a Hebrew pejorative) who were tricked (talked; fooled; hoodwinked; bamboozled) long ago into “spreading their legs” (prostituting their holiness; prostituting their birthright)…….
Consequently……….. aren’t you (“Men of the Cloth”) are the illegitimate-heirs (bastard-children; illegitimate sons) of prostitutes (“spineless-men”). Weren’t You (“Men of the Cloth”) conceived (brought into being; produced; created) as a result of a “trick” (sexual act performed by a prostitute)?
Behold…Isaiah’s Criminal Indictment
5. “Men of the Cloth” (priests; ministers; pastors; imams; religious leaders) in this (our) generation do not serve JHWH (the God of Abrahan, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel). They serve the hierarchy (upper echelons of those in authority) that rule (exercise ultimate power and authority over) their Global Religious Institution (“Worldwide Religious Cult”).
They are “burning-with-lust” (passionate; vehement; fired-up) to learn (become proficient in) the virulent (poisonous; toxic; deadly; lethal) sorcery (Black Magic; enchantment; powers of darkness) that is routinely practiced (wielded; employed) among the ruling-hierarchy (upper echelons of a hierarchical system; those in authority) of their Global Religious Institution (“Worldwide Religious Cult”).
Through Sorcery (Black Magic; enchantments; casting spells), “Men of the Cloth” are able to present-themselves (“trump-themselves-up”; promote-themselves) as “Religious-Heroes” (priests idolized for courage, outstanding achievements, and noble-qualities)……
……..while all of their scurrilous (disloyal; faithless; treacherous) activities remain obscured (concealed; eclipsed; hidden; masked; covered-up; disguised) by the growing prosperity (wealth; success) of their Global Religious Institution (“Religious-Cult”).
Historically (For millennia), “Global Religious Institutions” (“Worldwide Religious Cults”) were famously typified by the Roman Catholic Church (Catholicism), but during the latter-days, The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day-Saints (Mormonism), in particular, has surpassed even Catholicism in its unbridled lust to supplant (supersede and replace) Me (Jehovah).
Mormonism’s presiding authorities boast of (loudly-proclaim) their illustrious pioneer (brave; courageous; valiant) ancestry (heritage; pedigree), but they are withholding (hiding; concealing; keeping) from you (Israel’s people) damning testimony (evidence; information; proof) concerning the “Dark-Lie” (Sorcery; Black Magic; occult practices; “Dark-Arts”) upon which their religious-traditions are actually (really) based (founded; established).
That “Dark-Lie” (occult practices of sorcery and Black Magic) is a disgraceful secret (“skeleton in the closet”) that’s hidden (obscured) behind a smoke-screen of “Sermons” (orations and lectures) routinely delivered (voiced; declared) by presiding Authorities (Mormon prophets apostles, Stake-presidents, Bishops, highpriests and Catholic Popes, Cardinals, Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Priests; Mormon prophets apostles, Stake-presidents, Bishops, highpriests; Muslim Imams) who exercise ultimate power and authority over Global Religious Institutions (“Worldwide Religious Cults”).
Each of these presiding Authorities is actually “of two minds (divided in his mind”; destitute of firm-faith and persuasion; wishy-washy) concerning My (Jehovah’s) power (Godhood), so they’ve selected Sorcery (“a-dark-lie”; Black Magic) as their refuge (shelter; protection; security; sanctuary).
6. By employing the unctuous (ingratiatingly-flattering; slick) “Smoothness” (enchantment; charisma; charm; finesse) of Sorcery (Black Magic; enchantment) , “Men of the Cloth” in this (our) generation advocate for (uphold; promote; campaign for) their “Religious-Institution” (“Religious Cult”).
The primary (principal; fundamental; basic) objective (aim; goal) of all “Global Religious Institutions” (“Worldwide Religious Cults”) is to supplant you (Israel’s people) and divide (assume; distribute; deal-out) your (Israel’s) wealth (birthright; lawful-privileges) among themselves. Their goal (objective)is to make Israel’s wealth (birthright; lawful-privilege) into their wealth (birthright; lawful-privilege).
That’s called Embezzlement!
In the meantime, to achieve this purpose (objective; goal) , they’ve dug-up (dredged-up) the arcane (occult; psychic; mysterious; secret) knowledge (facts, information, and skills) of sorcery (“Works of Darkness”).
Thru implementing sorcery (Black-Magic; Dark Arts) they can spread (proclaim; circulate; propagate) their illegitimate authority (jurisdiction; dominion) and anointed themselves as “religious-royalty”.
They confidently (in an assured manner; with conviction) point (direct everyone’s attention) to each other as men who possess supreme (higher) authority (jurisdiction; dominion) to minister in the religion of JHWH (“The-Self-Existent-One”).
In light of (in view of; taking into consideration) this disgraceful-spectacle, why in the world should I (Jehovah) relent (change my mind; forget my anger; abandon my judgment) concerning them?
7. You (“Men of the Cloth”) have “made your bed” (built your foundation; based your legitimacy) upon a Global Religious Institution (“Worldwide Religious-Cult”).
Further (additionally; as if that were not enough) you (“Men of the Cloth”) have gleefully allowed (permitted; let) your own souls, as well as the souls of your congregants to be sacrificed (slaughtered; destroyed; victimized) for the sake of a Global Religious Institution (“Worldwide Religious Cult”).
8. You (“Men of the Cloth”) have dismissed (treated as unworthy of serious consideration) any and all recollections (retrospections; flash-backs; voices from the past) that testify of divine authority (dominion; jurisdiction) that rightfully belongs to Israel’s seed (descendants).……
……...Indeed (if truth be told; as a matter of fact) apart from (turning your back upon) me, you (“Men of the Cloth”) have not only disgraced (exiled) yourselves, but you’ve discredited My (Jehovah’s) authority (dominion; jurisdiction), in the process.
“Behind-closed-doors” you’ve settled for (shaken-on; gone-along-with; agreed to) the bed (foundation-claim; assertions; premise; explanation) offered by your “lover” (“Religious Cult”) so that you may re-live in your imagination the exciting (intoxicating) connection (hook-up; tie; affiliation) you have because you’ve prostituted yourselves (“your souls”) on your own (without regard for your husband, Jehovah), you’ve entered into an illicit arrangement (partnership; union; alliance) with a “Religious-Cult”.
So, it’s clear (evident; obvious) to Me (Jehovah) that …….. You (Israel’s people; rank and file believers) actually look forward to (enjoy; count-on; prefer) copulating (uniting; mating; joining; embracing) in the fleeting (temporary; meteoric; short-lived) “bed of roses” (pleasure; a situation that is comfortable and easy) offered by a “Religious Cult”.
9. So……..you (“Men of the Cloth”) who are ministering to Israel’s people, are willing to oppose Me (Jehovah), in exchange for the chance (opportunity) to be anointed (ordained; inaugurated; initiated) with consecrating-oil, into the “royalty” (aristocracy; ruling-class; government; privileged-class; elite) of a “Religious-Cult” and collaborate (cooperate traitorously with an enemy) in spreading (circulating) a potent mixture (combination) of “intoxicating” spice (zest; kick; excitement) and lubricating (slippery; slick) ointments (preparations; arrangements) to create a counterfeit (knock-off; imitation) perfume (scent; fragrance; aroma) that smells like Israelites.
10. Through (thanks to) the multiplicity of deviations (aberrations; breaches; modifications; changes; irregularities) routinely practiced by “Men of the Cloth,” religious-authority has become totally dissipated (broken; fractured; out of working order; disorganized)….while at the same time, you (Israel’s people; rank and file believers) are totally prohibited (forbidden by law, rule, or other authority) from saying (declaring; bringing to light) that “Men of the Cloth” are horribly disoriented (confused; off-course; adrift) and not the least bit interested in (don’t give a damn about) “chayah” (recovery; preservation; revival; invigoration) of divine authority (dominion; jurisdiction), which is “key” (“essential; crucial; central) to your (Israel’s) ministry (work and vocation as ministers of Jehovah’s religion).
For you see (Let me explain) ……. All of Mormonism’s so-called” Prophets and Apostles, as well as Catholicism’s “Popes and Cardinals” spring (originate; come into being; emerge) from the same “snowballing” (burgeoning; swelling; escalating) authority (dominion; jurisdiction) of “Hell” (“Sheol”; the Netherworld; Hades; “place-of-the-damned”: Abaddon; “the-Bottomless-Pit”).
Their authority (jurisdiction dominion) is fundamentally waging-war-against (fighting; undermining; subverting; overthrowing; perverting; corrupting) “moral-uprightness” (moral-honor and honesty; moral-rectitude).
False-priests (“Men of the Cloth”) see (view; regard) their clever fraud (deception; trickery) as a foolproof (infallible; fail-safe; unassailable) means of denial (dismissal; “nipping-in-the-bud”) any notion (idea; suspicion) among their congregations, that “Men Of The Cloth” are actually working to promote the cause (seed; origin) of “Evil” (profound immorality and wickedness”).
11. So….. who and what is it, anyway, that evokes (induces; generates) in you (Israel’s people) so much dread (great fear and apprehension) and reverence (adoration; admiration; deference) in your (Israel’s) minds, that:
(a) You (Israel’s people) lie-to (double-cross; two-time) me (Jehovah),
(b) You (Israel’s people) deny (dismiss) recollections (remembrances; “flash-backs”; voices from the past; thoughts of the past) that testify (bear-witness) of a binding agreement that you (Israel’s people) and I (Jehovah) have always had, and that has been passed-down-to (inherited by) you thru the bloodline (lineage; DNA; biochemical-instructions; genetic code) of your forefather (primogenitor; eponymous ancestor), Abraham. ……..in fact……
(c) You (Israel’s people) don’t even recall (remember; keeping in mind) what real (divine) authority feels like, anymore ………..so you refuse (fail) to prepare (qualify; ready; equip; develope) your hearts, to receive it (divine-authority) so that you can remove (get rid of) those “Men of the Cloth” who are silencing (gagging; muzzling; suppressing) you (Israel’s people).
………. As a result, the three (3) things (a), (b), and (c) listed above, have removed (disqualified; banished; exiled) you (Israel’s people) as “Vessels (“ones into whom “God’s-Grace” is infused”) of the Lord”.
Because “Men of the Cloth” have shut-you-up (placated-you; quieted-you; silenced-you; stifled-you; muzzled-you; muffled-you) and marginalized-you (diminished; disempowered; alienated; demeaned) so much that you (Israel’s people) don’t represent (exemplify’ speak for; serve) Me (Jehovah), as you once did.
12. My “Influence-as-God” (“Holy Spirit”) is exposing (revealing; bringing to light; disclosing; unveiling) your (Israel’s) lawful-right (legal-entitlement) to exercise authority (jurisdiction; dominion) while it’s pointing to (directing everyone’s attention) to he historic (landmark; epoch; ground-breaking; celebrated) works (doings; deeds) among Israel’s people, while at the same time it’s prohibiting (formally forbidding by law; banning; preventing; stopping) “Men of the Cloth” from taking-advantage-of (exploiting; bleeding; capitalizing-on; abusing; manipulating) you (Israel’s people), any longer.
13. The day is rapidly approaching when, upon (as soon as) you (“Men of the Cloth”) assemble your congregation (call-together your members; convene your assemblies; summon your “rank and file members” together), your flock will sink” (bring-down; overturn; mow-down) your entire company (band; “Old boy’s Club”; brotherhood) along with the prodigious (colossal; inordinate; monumental) insults (taunts; woundings; severe criticisms; condemnations; ethnic slurs) that you (“Men Of The Cloth”) routinely vocalize (pronounce) in contempt toward them (Israel’s people).
The “long-windedness” (pompously embellished language; empty-talk; hot-air; Bull-shit) that “Men of the Cloth” consistently bring-forth (produce; generate) is truly breathtaking (awful enough to take your breath away).
Therefore,…… give-refuge (defend; protect; safeguard) to My (Jehovah’s) House (family; lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary-rulers).
My family-members will inherit the earth and drive-out (evict; expel) the current (Mormon; Catholic) occupants of religious headquarters in order to take their rightful place as administrators (managers; chief executive officers) over my “Holy Ones” (saints; angels).
“Comfort For The Contrite”
14. So, bid (ask-for; solicit; invite) everyone to lift (dignify; honor; glorify) Israel’s people. Prepare them (Israel’s people ) to resume (begin to pursue again) their heavenly (eternal) “way-of-life” (lifestyle), after a long interruption.
“Men of the Cloth” applaud themselves (are proud of themselves) because of the enticements (lures; bait) they offer Israelites to depart from the heavenly ways of My (Jehovah’s) people.
15. For thus saith “The-Most-High” (“The Exalted One”; “The One Whose Life Is Eternal”) and “The-One” whose name (jurisdiction; dominion) is “El-Shaddai” (“The Administration of God”).
The name “El-Shaddai” is “set apart as special” (holy) because it lifts-up (exalts; glorifies; ennobles) its people and it is hallowed (“honored as holy”) because it teaches (trains; leads) those under its authority how to stay (continue to be; remain) secure (confident; strong; stable; reliable; sure; able) in their “Self” (identity; character; personality; psyche; soul; inner-most feeling)……
……so they can (are able to) break (screw-up; confound; crush) then subdue (domesticate; subjugate; tame) the spirit (wind; breath; vanity; anger) of mankind.
This must be done in order to point (direct-the-attention-of) everyone to the triumph (comeback; recovery; return) of legitimate (authentic; reliable; valid) authority, which will revive (refresh) Israelites who’ve been brought-down-low (subordinated) by the self-indulgent rule of illegitimate religious-leaders in high places…..
………..El Shaddai (“The Administration of God”) will bring-about (generate; bring to pass) the revival (comeback; re-introduction; re-establishment) of divine (inviolable; sacred) authority (Dominion; jurisdiction) among Israel’s people.
16. Indeed (if truth be told), this dispute (controversy; argument) won’t last forever (is short-lived) because my “Holy-Spirit” (a.k.a. the “Holy Ghost”) is speaking on behalf of my purposes (intentions; objectives).
Religious imposters (pretenders; con-artists; false priests and minsters) are predisposed to “conspire” (plot; scheme; make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful acts) so they continually select (name; call; announce; prefer among choices; single-out; pick) certain (predetermined; prearranged) authorities (officials; wizards; top-dogs; power elites; Big Shots; kingfish; members of church aristocracy) who are can be counted upon to be Vessels (individuals into whom a particular-spirit is infused) of their Cult (theology) who are carefully selected (called; picked) to lend support to supplanting (throwing-out; usurping taking the place of) (through intrigue or underhanded tactics) My (Jehovah’s) authority (dominion; jurisdiction).
17. Because of their uncontrolled sin (immoral-act) of covetousness (desires for the wealth belonging to someone else; greed) that drives all “Men of the Cloth”, I (Jehovah) have become enraged.
Up until now, The impact (impression; effect; weight) of “Holy Spirit” has frightened them so much that they’ve been desperately (feverishly; frantically) trying to hide any incriminating evidence (clues) that might lead (draw) a criminal-investigation to them, and their crimes.
But now, the impact (work; operation; activity; effect; influence) of “Holy Spirit” ( a.k.a. the “Holy-Ghost”) is busy relaxing-them (desensitizing-them; anesthetizing-them; dimming their vision; making them dozy).
18. I (Jehovah) discern (perceive; recognize) the secret-ways (secret-conversations; secret-plots against Israel’s people; secret-scheming-ways; mode of action) employed by “Worldwide Religious cults”, so now, the influence (impact) of the Holy Spirit (a.k.a. the “Holy-Ghost”) is already initiating the transportation (journey) of “Worldwide Religious Cults” into exile (banishment; deportation; dispersion; diaspora).
While My (Jehovah’s) “Holy Spirit” (a.k.a. “The Holy Ghost”) causes (moves; compels) “Worldwide Religious Cults” (Mormonism’s-top-leadership; Roman Catholicism’s top-leadership; Islam’s-top-leadership) to want (be eager) to make amends (right) through payment (restitution), the top-leadership of “Worldwide-Religious Cults” (Mormonism; Catholocism; Islamic fundamentalism) set about (cast magical spells) to direct (guide) sympathies (reassurance’ understanding; pity) of the people toward them, so that the people will actually mourn (feel sorry for) them.
How devious is that?
19. These men are pre-selected (shortlisted; chosen; “fattened-up”) to flourish (be aggrandized; be acclaimed; be jacked-up; be magnified; become distinguished) as a means to ordain (enjoin; command; order; decree) the Works (operative activities) of Darkness (Sorcery; Black Magic; enchantments) to bring-about their temporal (short-lived; worldly; temporary) Peace (friendship, health, safety, soundness, and wholeness) and Church leaders who project “a public-image” (“a window dressing”; a false front) of Temporal-(short-lived: earthly) Peace (friendship, prosperity) are celebrated (greatly admired; renowned) and are believed (trusted accepted; honored) as qualified to shed-light–upon (clarify; illuminate) a much-discussed subject…….
…Me ( “JHWH”- Jehovah, “The Self-Existent One”).
20. But, the “wicked” (ungodly-men; guilty-men) can be compared to the Sea (“Realm of Chaos”). They’re continuously troubled (driven; cast-about; tossed around; thrust around; cast out; dispossessed). Indeed (if truth be told), they are seldom if ever able to rest (relax; feel at ease; be calm; compose themselves; ease-up; take things easy), so they cast up their waves (sorceries; magic-spells; enchantments) of foulness (wickedness) and mud (scandalous or malicious assertions).
21. “There is no Pease (serenity; agreement; harmony), saith the Lord, “for those who are “Wicked” (“villainous”; “corrupt”; “blackhearted”; “ungodly”).
End Of Chapter Fifty-Seven