Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 5 – verses 1-31

“The Song Of The Vineyard*
* Vineyard –Kerem (keh-rem)- is the Proto-Semitic noun, for “vineyard”. In Arabic, it signifies “vine” or “grapevine”, which “is” the plant (vegetation) of a vineyard. It can also denote a garden, an orchard or a piece of land covered with plants, i.e. a garden-plot.  The phrase “ Vineyard of the Lord” is a metaphor (figure-of-speech) symbolizing “Israel” Image result for Field-of-Dreams gif(“Ones who are upright in the eyes of God”), thus,  the “Vineyard of the Lord” and “Israel” are “one and the same”.
Anciently, Israel’s people adopted viticulture (science, production, and study of grapes) only gradually.   (Genesis 9:20) indicates that Noah planted a vineyard and in (1 Samuel 22:7), King Saul had the prerogative (right; entitlement) of giving “fields and vineyards” to his followers.  Isaiah uses the expression “ba’ar ha-kerem” (“devour-the-vineyard”)  to describe the intent of ancient Jerusalem’s corrupt ruling-aristocracy.
Among the kings of Judah, Uzziah is said to have been devoted to viticulture and koremim – pronounced ko-ramym, meaning  (vine-dressers; care-takers; custodians) were in his service.  
Owning a vineyard was then… and still is… a luxury reserved for “The-Wealthy” (the ruling-class; the landowners).  Both “Wine” and “vineyards” are associated with God’s blessing. The demanding labor required to maintain a vineyard is referred to in this (the-fifth) chapter of Isaiah, (verses 1-6). Pruning was required, in order to rid the vineyard of superfluous (redundant; excess; nonessential) growth. There was a prohibition against mixing-things (co-mingling holy things with profane things, i.e. things that were not well-suited to be together). This includes sowing seed (offspring; progeny; children) in the vineyard that originated from of two different (divergent; disparate) species (breed; race).   If that prohibition was ignored the whole yield (crop; harvest) is regarded as “holy” and is withdrawn from secular use entirely, because of the danger that “holiness” poses to people and things which are profane. In the ultimate metaphorical sense, “vineyard” (kerem) represents the “female-body” and it symbolizes Jehovah’s “Bride” in (Cant. 4:12 -5: 1). Against this backdrop, we can fully appreciate the description of Israel as Jehovah “vineyard”.  The “vineyard” represents Jehovah’s female- partner (his bride). The “vineyard” is, in a very literal sense, God’s “Field-of-Dreams”  



1. Here and now,  I, (Jehovah),  am singing  (ministering; lifting-up my voice) to “my loved-ones” (my family-members;Image result for vineyard my kindred by blood) ….“song” (an amorous poetical composition) about my passion (strong-interest; enthusiasm) to move (to act upon: influence; touch; impact) my vineyard.   The reason for The vineyard’s existence is to bring-forth (produce; bear; present) strong, powerful and victorious sons (rightful-heirs; successors) to be anointed * (consecrated; ordained to divine offices) and enter the God’s sphere of holiness.

anointed–  Anciently, when a king (queen;  monarch) was anointed (consecrated), oil was poured on his/her the head (1 Samuel 10:1; 2- Kings 9:3) The “Horn-(power; victory; protection; strength)-of-Oil” (of anointing; of conversion; transformation; movement or shifting into the “Divine-Sphere-Of-Holiness”) is mentioned, here.



2. But, many generations of Salt Lake’s pioneer ancestors have gradually  “grubbed-out” (dugup by the roots; pull out of the ground; extirpated; done-away-with) Jehovah’s Old Testament revelations (visions; divine-insights), and what Old Testament revelations (divine-insights) they didn’t grub-out,  they sent (condemned; sentenced) to Mormonism’s equivalent of the Australian-Outback (“the-back-water”;  a place where nothing important exists and outmoded ideas are consigned or dismissed as inferior).

Ultimately, they struck  (canceled, removed, or crossed-out) Jehovah’s Old Testament revelations (dreams; visions; heavenly-insights), entirely.Image result for bees gif

In hindsight (looking back), it’s  clear that early Mormons were gradually  being seduced (beguiled) by Salt Lake’s “principal” (dominating; most-important) vine (lineage; bloodline;  family) with its peculiar “Pioneer-Industry” coupled with an affinity (natural-liking for ; attraction to)  “Honeybees” (“Group-Think” *; “a “Hive-Mentality”; “group-think”; uncritical conformity; loss of individuality;  loss of personal accountability) 

Thus, over the span of nearly ten-generations (200 years) , Salt Lake’s pioneer descendants have built (erected; assembled; created; produced) for themselves a “Great-House” (“Multigenerational-Dynasty of Pharaoh’s;  **; Pharaonic line of hereditary rulers) as the vineyard’s principle-plant  (most important lineage; foremost-bloodline; leading-dynasty; primary-line of hereditary rulers)  around which everyone and everything in the vineyard revolves (rotates; orbits; turns). But, Salt Lake’s “Great House” (Pharaonic dynasty of hereditary rulers) is motivated (driven) by one thing and one thing only…… obsessionImage result for massive grapes (compulsion; preoccupation) to be regarded (seen;  estimated; judged; viewed) as  “superior”(greater than anyone else in rank and status) to all others,  so they quite-naturally thought (imagined; supposed) among themselves that it would be “A Cake-Walk” (child’s play; “a cinch”) to produce  (generate; create) “exceptional” (unusually large and very-juicy) grapes.


But “Dog-Gone”,(a “fantastic perversion of “God-damned”) they yielded (turned-out; brought-forth) nothing but STINKWEEDS  *** (Jimsonweed; plants with a fetid, rank, foul, offensive, unpleasant odor).

* groupthink -Groupthink occurs when a group of people make irrational or non-optimal decisions that are spurred by the urge to conform or the discouragement of dissent. This problematic or premature consensus may be fueled by a particular agenda or simply because group members value harmony and coherence above rational thinking. In a groupthink situation, group members refrain from expressing doubts and judgments or disagreeing with the consensus. In the interest of making a decision that furthers their group cause, members may ignore any ethical or moral consequences.
** House of Pharaoh – is an enormous (colossal; Brobdingnagian; “super-duper”) multi-generational dynasty of Pharaonic (contemptuous & disdainful) kings , otherwise known as the “COB” (Church Office Building) of Salt Lake’s kings and their administrations.  The Abraham and Joseph narratives uses Pharaoh (“The Great House”) to symbolize, more or less,   “Personified Power Of Oppression”.


*** STINKWEEDS- (Jimsonweed: see the footnote following verse #4)





3. Now (listen-up; pay attention to this) …….ye Salt Lake’s kings (contemptuous & disdainful leaders)  have been working  (seeking; striving) day and night (overtime; “around-the-clock”)  to secure  (obtain; capture; take possession of) Jerusalem (“teachers ofImage result for lazy custodians gif Peace and Salvation”) and suppress (forcibly put an end to) the champions (advocates; preeminent supporters) of Judah (“Praise and Giving-thanks”). 


 So, you (Isaiah’s readers)  Judge (decide) for yourselves, the difference between me (Jehovah) and the custodial dinosaurs (anachronistically-outmoded Old-Men; “Old-School”vinedressers; tired-maintenance-men; fossilized-janitors) who Salt Lake headquarters has called (commissioned; chosen) as the caretakers (custodians; janitors; maintenance-men) of his (Jehovah’s) vineyard (family; relatives; descendants) .





4. What more (else) could I (Jehovah) have done for the sake of my vineyard (Israelite people) that I’ve not already done?  How is it (why is it the case) that even though  I (Jehovah) anticipate (expect; look-forward-to) a harvest of ripe (fully-grown; fully-developed; succulent) “clusters” (families; congregations) of sweet (fresh) “grapes” (Israelites) “,  all that The Mormon Church has ever yielded is “Stinkweed” (“Jimsonweed” *; plants that have a very attractive blossom, but whose leaves give-off a fetid, foul; putrid, “yucky” stench).

* “Jimsonweed” (Datura stramonium) is a beautiful, bewitching (charming; enchanting) plant that begins blooming in late summer and continues through the first frost. A memberRelated image of the notorious “nightshade” (Atropa belladonna) family. Deadly nightshade ranks among the most poisonous of plants. All parts of the plant are poisonous and contain tropane alkaloids. It belongs to the Solanaceae family, as do the potato and tomato. Nightshade’s principal danger lies in that its berries are very pretty and the look edible. They have a pleasantly sweet taste and are at eye level for children, to whom they look like overripe cherries. Two to four berries are a fatal dose for a child, an adult needs ten to twenty. The most poisonous part of the plant is the root, but the consumption of even a single leaf can be fatal for an adult. Symptoms are initially a red face, dry mouth, dilated pupils and quickened pulse; in later stages, heart arrhythmia, tremors, hallucinations, paranoia and cramping. its more famous cousins include tomato, eggplant, pepper, tobacco, and potato. Most members of this plant family are poisonous, and jimson weed is no exception. All parts of the plant are toxic, most particularly the seeds. Potent amounts of alkaloid compounds are present, which potentially cause convulsions, hallucinations, and even death if ingested. And as climate change increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, studies have found that the toxicity of plants like jimson weed only increases. Datura stramonium, known by the English names Jimsonweed or “Devil’s Snare” is an aggressive (invasive) weed growing throughout temperate climates of the world. It’s a foul-smelling herb that forms a bush up to 60 to 150 cm (2 to 5 ft) tall. The leaves have a bitter and nauseating taste, which is imparted to extracts of the herb, and remains even after the leaves have been dried.
 It’s actually spelled “piu,” but is often pronounced as “pee-yew”. It’s root is the Indo-European word “pu,” meaning :”rot” and “decay”.
.Image result for Princess leia foul stench gif









5. Now (pay close attention) ….I (Jehovah) am about to tell  You (Israel’s people; Rank and file Mormons; Salt Lake custodians) what I , personally, will do in the interest of my-vineyard (Israel’s people).

(a) I’m removing (taking-away) Salt Lake’s hedge (thicket of rigid General-Authorities who are utterly unyielding in attitude, in spite of appeals). They’ll make great fuel (combustible-matter; propellant) for the burn-pile (bonfire; open-air fire used for burning-trash).

(b)  I’m tearing-down (destroying; abolishing) Salt Lake’s “Old-BoyRelated image-Network” * (“wall”barrier-of-superiority). The broken remains (left-overs; remnant; rubble; debris) of Salt Lake’s “Old-Boy-Network” (“wall”barrier protecting their sense of superiority) will become the basis (foundation;  groundwork) of a “Trampoline-Park”,  on which Israel’s people may tramp (jump; frolic) as much as they please.


.* Old Boy Network-An “old-boy network or society” (also old-boys’ club) refers to social and Priesthood connections among long-timeImage result for Old Boy Network" (established) members of Salt Lake’s “male-only” Melchizedek “School of the Prophets”(center of learning for likely prophets). The term originated from much of the British elite having attended certain public schools as boys, thus former pupils are “Old Boys”.  This can apply to the network between the graduates of a single school regardless of their gender. It is also known as an old boy society and is similar to an alumni association. It can also mean a network of social connections among the alumni of Salt Lake’s prestigious “School Of The Prophets”. In popular language, “old boy network or old boy society has come to be used in reference to the preservation of social elitists, in general; The phrase “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is associated with this tradition.







6. I (Jehovah) am, testifying about what a “thorny-nightmare” (purgatory;  hazardous-environment; distressful-ordeal; increasingly-horrible-experience) Mormonism really is for Israel’s people to endure (suffer patiently). Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization has never been pruned (rid; cleared) of its obnoxious (extremely-unpleasant) men.  So,  to this day, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints) remains uncultivated (“Untouched by the hand of God”).  So,…… it  grows (generates; produces) a lot of “Pricks” * (despicable & contemptible men) and thorns (rigid-thinking  & annoying priesthood Authorities)  who produce pain (misery) for Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) , so I (Jehovah) have commanded the clouds to drop absolutely “no” rain upon Salt Lake’s wretched kingdom.

* “pricks”-Worse than douches and jerks combined. Pricks are guys who think they know everything but in reality, they’re stupid hypocrites. They areImage result for cliff clavin meme guys who love to cause drama then act like nothing is wrong. A disproportionately large number of “pricks ” go by the name of “Cliff”










7. Indeed (if truth be told) the “Vineyard of the Lord of Hosts” has already (long ago; previously) been planted, “to-Jehovah’s-delight & satisfaction”, with slips (shoots; twigs; scions; cuttings; descendants; offspring) from “The House (lineage; bloodline family; dynasty) of Israel (those who are “upright” in the sight of God”) and “The Lord of Hosts” is championing (defending; supporting) the vineyard thru  (with the help of) Judah (“Praise and Giving-thanks unto Jehovah”), so he quite-naturally looks-forward-to (anticipates; expects; awaits) Israelite-priests

Image result for crying gifwho possess (have the faculty of) reason , but, behold (witness something absolutely “stunning”),  Salt Lake”s General Authorities (prophets and Apostles) are engaged in a conspiracy (agreement to commit crimes) against Mormonism’s Israelite (rank and file ) membership so they can behold (observe; witness in utter joy) the “Crying-of-the-Righteous”.



Woes and Judgment

8. Woe (sorrow; misery) to Melchizedek priesthood authorities (Salt Lake’s Nephilim) who are “sucking-the-life-out-of”; (draining; emptying) one “Israelite” House (dynasty; lineage; family)  after another, then taking  unto themselves one “Israelite” woman (female) after another,  as plural wives, until there’s absolutely no place (room; position) for Israel’s ”nobility” (aristocracy) anymore. Then, ……as if to add insultImage result for the back of the bus gif to injury,  Salt Lake’s priesthood-leaders (“bus-drivers”) deliberately  seat (condemn) you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) to “the back of the bus” * (ignomy; public-shame; embarrassment; second-class citizenship) in front of the entire Mormon-community.


* “the Back of the bus” – For any American over 50, the phrase “the back of the bus” has a cruel meaning. During the days of segregation, African-Americans were expected to ride in the back of the bus. If the whites ran out of room in the front of the bus, Blacks were expected to give up their seats. Blacks were not even allowed to walk through the front of the bus on the way to their ghetto in the back. They had to pay the driver, then exit, then go around to the back door. Sometimes drivers (white) would take their money and then speed away before they could get to the back door. Haha…… Very funny. Look at that (“N”-word) run. This from the days when hunting Blacks was considered a sport by some in the U.S. and whole families attended lynchings and commemorated the event with group postcard.







9. Anyone can see (perceive; discern; recognize) that the “Spirit of God” has nothing to do with (isn’t behind; doesn’t drive) the tight-bond (network; brotherhood) existing among members of in Salt Lake’s “House”  (lineage; dynasty; bloodline; line of hereditary rulers). No one but theRelated image most self-important    (imperious; pretentious; ambitious; vain; condescending) of Salt Lake’s Melchizedek high-priest has “A Snowball’s Chance In Hell” (an improbable chance) to measure up as one of Jehovah’s “Great-Men (mighty men; servants). But….these people are in the habit of thinking (supposing; imagining) to themselves,  “Everybody wants to be us!”










10. Indeed (if truth be told), Salt Lake’s Priesthood Authorities control (determine) every  “standard” (aspect; specification; accepted-rule; norm; law) by which they “judge” (calculate; determine;  measure) the worth (value; personal righteousness) of rank and file Mormon’s (Israelite) souls, so they try to accumulate (amass; multiply acquire)  as much Authority as possible, so they can join (participate) in “putting-a-yoke-on” (harnessing; teaming-up; making work-teams of ) the vinesImage result for leaven gif (lineages; bloodlines families) of my-vineyard (Israel’s people). Then Salt Lake Headquarters begins to scatter (disperse; spread; sow) its “leaven” (malignant-effect) in order to ferment (permeate and modify; make adjustments to; alter; change) Jehovah’s Torah (teachings; instructions; doctrines).









11. Woe (misery; sorrow; disaster) to General Authorities who consent (agree; go along with; throw in the towel; “give-their-nod”; acquiesce) to ploughing-under (defeating; steam-rolling; overpowering; turning-upside-down) Israel’s ground (legal-claim; legal argument),  so they may drink themselves to the full  (fill themselves with intoxicating drink; make themselves drunken).  They enjoy tripping-up (causing the fall of ) anyone who might follow Me (Jehovah) by conditioning (preparing; adapting; habituating) every Mormon to the taste (feeling; touch; effect) of wine (effervescence; “familiar-spirits” *; intoxicants) to make sure that Mormonism’s rank and file (Israel’s People)  are sufficiently  tipsy  (dazed; unable to think clearly; confused; addled) all of the time.

* “Familiar Spirits” – Spirits can gain access into families or into the personalities of individuals in those families.  Some spirits go from generation to generation following (attaching themselves to)  a particular family (bloodline; lineage) to manifest themselves. They are spirits that are familiar with your family’s history and the lives of its members.   Many believe that trauma can induce the transfer of spirits from parent to child.  Addictions, poverty, and divorce are examples of patterns that can pass from generation to generation.


 “Mormon Worship”-  A recipe for Disaster

List of ingredients

1 kinnor (harp; soothing-magical-spell)

3-4 Nabalim (dead carcasses-figurative of idols; impious men;   spiritually-dead “Men Of The Cloth”

1 tambourine (a repetitious driving-pattern of predictability)  

3-4 “Pied pipers” (eloquent but misleading-speakers)

industrial size can of “Blarney” (honeyed-words; cajolery; sweet-talk; “baloney) 

3-4  “Hymns” (Hail Mary passes; “last-ditch-efforts”; vain attempts) to express disingenuous “Praise of God”) 


12. In a large auditorium (assembly hall; show-hall; theater; concert-hall ) combine the effect (impression made upon the mind) produced by the Kinnor * (harp; soothing-magical-spell) cast by the “Nebelim” (dead carcasses; “idols;  spiritually-dead “Men Of The Cloth”).  Slowly add the beat (driving rhythm; cadence; predictability; moving force)  of the tambourine. Carefully cut-in (interpose; introduce; interject)  3-4 “Pied” (misleading; fraudulent) Pipers (eloquent but deceptive-speakers) who fill listener’s ears with “Blarney” (smooth-talk; flattery). The Piper’s tongues (blabberings; mutterings; chirpings; evil-speaking; charms) are enhanced (intensified; made convivial) by the lubricating effect of wine (intoxicants; familiar-spirits”). Sprinkle in 3-4 hymns (Hail Mary passes to praise God; “last-ditch-efforts” to praise God; vain attempts to praise God). Serve with starchy (stuffy; straightlaced) solemnity (ceremony) for a dandy (first-rate)  Mormon sacramental banquet (elaborate meal followed by speeches) tailored specifically for the  “True-Blue” (unwavering) Mormon listener, with no regard for the doings of Jehovah.

* kinnor “The man, who hath no music in his soul, is fit for treason, stratagem, and spoil.” – Shakespeare
Music is the magic of the soul. It can entertain and sooth, heal, kill, lead and control human emotions like no other divine device ever created by man. ThisImage result for elton John gif is why today famous musicians lead and almost control millions of people with their songs, and why some of them are knighted by the Queen as part of her royal courts such as Sir Elton John for the divine magical abilities he has inherited from his ancestors. The modern music and instruments we see today are the result of one invention that is commonly referred to as the harp. But before the harp (cithara and Hebrew kinnor) there was what was known as the lyre that is one of the oldest musical instruments in the world. Over time the lyre had undergone several changes such as the shape and materials of the base, adding strings and making them much larger than the original hand-held form and other. These changes to the lyre eventually developed into what we know today as the harp and all forms of guitars, and modern music can be traced to this one invention. But for the purpose of this research below, I will focus mainly on the name, and origins of the harp rather than the lyre and other similar instruments because it is a name that is much more well-known, and they all originate from the same source. Pythagoras later used the harp for healing and developed theories about the effect of pitch and mode on the human body to both heal and control.




13. Therefore (for this reason; consequently)  My people (Israel) are exiled (banished;Image result for parched Donald Duck gif excluded; ostracized; overlooked; ignored) for  a lack (deficiency or absence) of “knowledge” (information),  so their rank (reputation; status; official-position) among men, owing to the fact that Israel’s People have rightfully inherited my Authority,   suffers (is disregarded; is dismissed; sustains injury). Indeed (if truth be told) a great many of this (our) generation of Israelite people are dried-up (weakened-parched) because of an unquenched- thirst for “Living-Water” (“the Spirit of God”).







14. But, the appetite  (greed)  of  Sheol  (“the world of the dead”; The Melchizedek Priesthood Organization; the ‘Pit”) is growing (increasing; enlarging) and its “Mouths” (prophets, seers and revelators), are committed to overthrow  Jehovah’s Revelations (visions  & great insights) in order to promote “Bal” (failure; disappointment; “coming-to-nothing”) in spite of all the efforts of rank and file Mormons (Israel’s people) to honor and observe the customs (traditional and widely-accepted ways of behaving or doing things) established  by Melchizedek Priesthood leaders at Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Alas (Dear me; so sad) Israel’s magnificent revelations (insights; visions) have been cast-aside (thrown-away; tossed-out; throw-out) in order to point (direct everyone’s attention) to Salt Lake’s prophets, seers and revelators,  and so many (a great number) of Israel’s seed (scions; descendants) throughout the world have rushed (flocked;  dashed; moved-impetuously) to join (affiliate themselves with) “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day -Saints” (“the Mormons”) and “Jump-for-Joy” (“dance a jig”) over Salt Lake’s “so-called” (alleged; self-styled; supposed) revelations.







15. Thus, Adam (mankind) has stumbled, fallen, and sunk into Salt Lake’s “Pit” (trap; Melchizedek Priesthood Organization)  and males (men), in particular, have been abased (belittled; demeaned; degraded), but the conceit (vainglory; pomposity; egotism; arrogance) of Salt Lake’s General Authorities is being brought-low (prostrated; humiliated; embarrassed) by the revelation (vision; great insight) that Jehovah, the God Of Israel,  has given to this (our) generation.







16. Jehovah will be lifted-up (exalted; revered) because of you (the Israelite people; the rank and file Mormons) who litigate (be a party to a lawsuit; bring a matter before a court of Law) against Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization in the wake of (after; because of) Isaiah’s  “eye-opening” (astonishing) revelation” (vision; indictment) , just “in-the-nick-of-time”, *  that points (directs everyone’s attention) to Israel’s people, as morally clean (undefiled) because of their righteousness.

* “In the nick of time” It may not be immediately obvious what “in the nick of time” is, but we do know what it is supposed to mean: to come (arrive; show-up) ….. that is, “at the very last moment”. Prior to the 16th century, there was another expression used to convey that meaning –“Pudding-Time”. This is because pudding was the dish served first at medieval mealtimes. To arrive at “pudding-time” was to arrive at the start of the meal,i.e.  “in time to eat”.   In the 16th century, the “pudding” was a savory dish – a form of “sausage” or “haggis”.  Pudding-time is first referred to in print in John Heywood’s important glossary. That seems a perfectly serviceable idiom, so why did the Tudors change it to ‘the nick of time’? The motivation appears to be the desire to express a finer degree of timing than the vague “around the beginning of the meal”. The nick that was being referred to was a notch or small cut and was synonymous with precision. Such notches were used on ‘tally’ sticks to measure or keep score. Also, during the 16th century, pudding began being used as the name of sweet dishes and theyImage result for time gif were usually served at the end of the meal. As this trend continued ‘pudding time’ being used to mean “in good time” made less and less sense. If someone is now said to be “in the nick” the English would expect him to be found in prison, the Scots would picture him in the valley between two hills and Australians would imagine him to be naked. To Shakespeare and his contemporaries if someone were “in” (or at, or upon) the (very) nick” they were “in the precise place at the precise time”. Watches and the strings of musical instruments were adjusted to precise pre-marked nicks to keep them in proper order.




17. Then, Jehovah’s sheep (Israelite-people) will be permitted to graze (feed) upon the ruins (disintegration; destruction) of Salt Lake’s abundance (affluence; bounty; plenty) because Salt Lake’s ruins are now Israel’s private-pasture and they will devour (consume; swallow-up) Salt Lake’s strange-ways (foreign-ways; alien-ways; non-Israelite-ways)..



18. Woe (sorrow; calamity) to those who are drawn-along  (pulled; strung-along; lured; enticed) by cords (ties; covenants; bonds) of deceit (deception; duplicity; fraud; pretense; treachery) as a result of a lifetime of cultivating bad-habits (instinctive-misconduct) and because they’ve been involved (associated; inveigled; yoked; bound; twisted-together; interwoven; entangled) with Mormon bullocks (castrated Priesthood leaders; emasculated high Priests) who promote wickedness….

19. They tell Israelite (rank and file Mormon) men…….  “Hasten-Your-Work” (“Hurry-up”; Lengthen-your-Stride”; “move-it or lose-it!”), so that we (presiding authorities) may seeImage result for ooh i'm so scared gif (approve-of; officially-accept) you …..Oh,… and by the way……make sure you…….”Let us know when the plan of the “Holy-One of Israel” approaches,  so we will pretend to shake and quiver!”







20. Woe  (distress; calamity; misery) to High-Priests who are called (commissioned; appointed) to incentivize (incite to action with a reward; galvanize) evil (immorality; corruption; mischief) so they can make “evil” (profoundly immoral and malevolent) seem (look to be) good (what is respectable; uprightness; virtue), while at the same time discouraging (beating-down; deprecating) things that “ARE” good,  as if they are evil (immoral) .  Salt Lake’s leadership, characterizes (defines; describes) darkness (lies; falsehood; fraud) as light (truth and intelligence) but they eschew (deliberately avoid) light (truth; intelligence) because, to them, it is darkness (foolishness; wrong; evil; ignorance)……Leaders of Salt Lake’s “ilk” (species; race) characterize the “bitterness” (grievousness; anguish; agony) that they’ve foisted (imposed; forced; thrust; unloaded) upon Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons)  as “sweet” (fresh; refreshing to the senses).






21. Woe (sorrow; distress; misery) to men who think that they are “wise” (intelligent; enlightened;Image result for wise guy gif knowledgeable well-informed) in (according to)  their own “eyes” (“opinions” ; estimations; sight) so they vociferously (loudly and forcefully) testify (bear-witness) of the righteous purposes and intentions of this generation of wicked presiding authorities,  while Salt Lake headquarters  continues (prolongs; drags-out) its destructive-work by its corrupt family (lineage bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers).




22. Woe (sorrow; distress; calamity; misery) to Mormonism’s heroes  (protagonists; icons; leading-men; luminaries; celebrities; idols) who goad (prod; encourage; rouse; urge; motivate) Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) into drinking (swallowing; getting “ferschniket”; “getting wasted on “; “getting-tanke on”; getting soImage result for hanging in the balance hopelessly drunk on ,  that they can hardly function”) the spirit (“groupthink”; esprit-de-corps) of “Mormonism”,  while leaders and their colleagues (collaborators; allies; confederates) intice (persuade; convince) them to swallow (embrace;  welcome; accept) a mix (concoction; cocktail; combination; blend)  of wine (intoxicating-spirits) and Sorcery (magic-spells; incantations; the forces of darkness) to coerce them……

So…….Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons)  don’t stand a chance.  To Mormonism’s Melchizedek Priesthood Authorities, “prosperity” and “public-image” are far weightier (more significant; more important) than truth.





23. ……..Mormonism’s  Melchizedek Priesthood Authorities acquit (absolve;  exonerate) IsraelitesImage result for extortion (rank and file Mormons) who confess to minor-offenses ,  as a means to further trip-them-up (entangle them; enveigle them;  “seize them by the heel”; “cause-them-to-make-the-biggest-mistake-of-their-lives”;  cause them to adopt Melchizedek-practices of Sorcery), but Priesthood Authorities habitually deny justice (just-treatment; fairness) to Israelite people they cannot extort (obtain by force). 




24. Therefore,  like straw that is  licked-up by the tongues of firey flames and like the roots of burning dry-Image result for greg olsen artgrass as they sink as if decaying, Salt Lake’s flower (optimum-stage-of-development; “blossom; bloom;  “pride”) will “go-up-in-smoke” (vaporize; be destroyed by fire)  because, as a body (“en-masse”; collectively) , Salt Lake leadership has rejected the Jehovah’s Torah (instruction; Law) and “one by one” (one at a time; without exception), every General Authority has spurned (disdained; looked down his nose at) the Word (Indictment; criminal-accusation) of God which has been prepared and presented to the court by an honest to God Latter-Day Saint (“Holy-One”; Angel) among Israel’s people.








25. As a result, Jehovah’s anger (fury; rage) burns against Salt Lake’s Priesthood Leadership, and he’s raising  His hand (power; fist) against them in rebuke (chastisement; rebuke; correction).  He trembles with rage because of those who are dominating the Rocky Mountains and because of theirImage result for dog shit prideful attempt (endeavor; venture) to counterfeit (fake;  replicate) “The Authority of God”,  they’ve caused (brought-about) their own downfall (disgrace; fall from grace). They’re no more than refuse (waste; “dog-shit”) to be scraped off the bottom of one’s shoes and swept into the gutter. So,……….. His (Jehovah’s) anger will NOT be turned away, until the power (dominance; control) of this Salt Lake generation is destroyed (wiped off the face of the Earth) .






26.  He (Jehovah) is lifting-up a banner (rallying cause) that can be seen and read by  The-NationsImage result for "whistling" gif (non-Israelites; gentiles),  throughout the  world. He’s “whistling” (beckoning; signaling) to the remnant of Israel to come-home (come-back; return) from the ends (farthest reaches) of this earth.   Behold (witness something extraordinary).… the remnant of Israel will  return (come; advance;  approach;  arrive) swiftly (without-delay; immediately)  and suddenly (unexpectedly).





27. In their midst,  there is none who are  “tired” (needing-sleep; exhausted; worn-out; ready-to-drop; wasted; weary) and there is none among them who is slumberingImage result for ancient sandal thongs (unconscious; comatose; dozing; resting; snoozing; napping). In fact, these Israelites refuse to slumber and they refuse to sleep (rest).    The girdle (divine-equipment; divine-protection) encircling (wrapped-around) the waists is not-loose (tight; absolutely-secure; guaranteed) and the thongs (laces; ties; locks; fasteners) on their sandals (“sandals” symbolize “possession”; “ownership” ;”custody”) of this remnant Israelite generation are all connected (working; “okay”).





28. So they can properly guide their razor-sharp (penetrating; probing; perceptive; piercing) arrows (bolts-of-lightning; bolts- of-enlightenment) and their tightly-strung (restless; tenseImage result for spark gif bows (forces; impetus)  can  divide the Mormon Church into two camps (factions;  sides) which are diametrically opposed to each other, then Israel’s people can reclaim (retrieve; regain; recover) their birthright.   This indictment acts (serves; functions) as a flint (flash-point; spark; an event out from which trouble, is ignited) in the thinking (minds and hearts) of this generation,  and the maelstrom (state of confusion and turmoil)  that follows it will seem like a whirlwind (tornado).





29.  Israel’s uproar (protest; indignation; outrage)  over the controversy will sound like theImage result for young lions and prey roar (outcry) of “a-lioness” (the “fiercest” among the lion kingdom) and her rumble (resonant-sound; reverberation; grumble) because of the controversy, will resound (reverberate; resonate) among  Israel’s  “young-lions” (lion pups who are weaned and capable of “ravening”, i.e. “violently seizing prey”). They  growl (produce a guttural-vocalization as an aggressive warning;  make everyone uncomfortable, worried or anxious),  then they seize (snatch) their prey and slip-away (escape) with it, leaving rescue (recovery) absolutely impossible.






30. During our era (generation), the lioness will begin to growl (make a low guttural sound of hostility in the throat) over (regarding; concerning) Salt Lake’s religious leadership.  Salt Lake will inevitably rue (bitterly-regret) the day (era; generation) in which they perpetrated (committed) so many monstrous crimes against Israel’e people ,  because Salt Lake actually wants (wishes) to point to their wetched kingdom as a source of pride and pleasure,  but……they’ll suddenly be forced to behold (acknowledge; witness) with horror,  theirImage result for Pandora's Box" own darkness (misery; destruction; death; ignorance; sorrow; wickedness) and worst of all……they are responsible for   illuminatiing (promoting; advancing) Darkness (Sorcery; Black-Magic; Satanic tendencies) so well that it now runs amok (spreads-uncontrollably and disruptively). Indeed, Salt Lake has opened “Pandora’s Box”  (a process that generates many complicated problems as the result of unwise interference in something) thry its own sinister communications (“prophetic-chirpings; magic-spells).








6. I (Jehovah) am, now,  revealing what a “thorny-nightmare” (purgatory; Image result for overgrown jungle of thorns hazardous-environment; distressful-ordeal; increasingly-horrible-experience) Mormonism is for Israel’s people to endure (suffer patiently).  

Never has Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization been pruned (emptied; rid; cleared) of its profusion (superfluity; millions of obnoxious (dreadful; extremely-unpleasant) men.

So,  to this day (even now), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints) remains uncultivated (“Untouched; unphased)  by the hand (power; spirit) of God”.


So, …… it  grows (generates; produces) nothing but briers (“pricks” *; despicable men; contemptible men) and thorns (rigid-thinking priesthood Authorities who plan and coordinate pain) to rule over Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) , so I (Jehovah) have commanded the clouds to drop “no” rain (precipitation; rainfall; refreshment) upon Salt Lake’s kingdom.Related image


*prick-Worse than a douche and jerk combined. A guy who thinks he knows everything but in reality he’s a stupid hypocrite. He’s a guy who loves to cause drama then act like nothing is wrong. A disporportionate number of “pricks” go by the name “Cliff” .








7. Indeed (if truth be told), “to-Image result for crying gifHis(Jehovah’s)  delight (satisfaction), the “Vineyard of the Lord of Hosts” has already (previously) been planted, with slips (shoots; twigs; scions; cuttings; descendants; offspring) from The House (lineage; bloodline family; dynasty) of Israel (those who are “upright” in the sight of God”) and “The Lord of Hosts” is championing (defended; supported) the vineyard with the help of Judah (“Praise and giving thanks unto Jehovah”), so He quite-naturally,  looks-forward-to (anticipates; expects; awaits) Mormon-priests who possess (have the quality of; have the faculty of) a modicum (a small quantity of something considered desirable or valuable) of reason , but, behold (witness something absolutely “stunning”),  Most, if not all of Salt Lake”s high priests are giving aid and abetting a conspiracy (agreement to commit crimes)  against Mormonism’s worldwide Israelite membership,  so they can behold (enjoy; witness with delight) the “crying-of-the righteous”.       


Woes and Judgments


8. Woe (alas; sorrow; misery) to Melchizedek priesthood authorities who exploit (make full use of and derive benefit from;  “suck-the-life- out-of”; use-up; drain; consume) one Israelite House (dynasty; lineage; family)  after another, then take unto themselves one Israelite woman (plural-wife)  after another,  until,  there is no longer a suitable place (position) for Israel’s Image result for the back of the bus gif“nobility”  (aristocracy) to mature (grow and develop).

Then, …… as if to add insult to that injury,  they deliberately  seat you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) in the “back of the bus” * (like “second-class” citizens) in plain view of the entire community. 

* “Back of the bus” – For any American over 50, the phrase “back of the bus” has a cruel meaning. During the days of segregation, African-Americans were expected to ride in the back of the bus. If the whites ran out of room in the front of the bus, Blacks were expected to give up their seats. Blacks were not even allowed to walk through the front of the bus on the way to their ghetto in the back. They had to pay the driver, then exit, then go around to the back door. Sometimes drivers (white) would take their money and then speed away before they could get to the back door. Haha…… Very funny. Look at that (“N”-word) run. This from the days when hunting Blacks was considered a sport by some in the U.S. and whole families attended lynchings and commemorated the event with group postcards.




9. It doesn’t take a rocket science to see (perceive; discern; recognize) that the “Spirit of God” has absolutely nothing to do with (isn’t behind; doesn’t explain) the “diabolical-fraternity” that grows like a “toe-fungus” among the false-priests of Salt Lake’s “house”  (lineage; dynasty; bloodline; line of hereditary rulers). Even though no one but the most self-important  (imperious; pretentious; ambitious; vain; condescending) of Salt Lake’s Melchizedek high-priestsRelated image have so much as  “a snowball’s chance in hell” (no chance at all) to ever become  a  “Great-One” (trusted-servant) of Jehovah, but they delight in thinking  to themselves,  “Everybody wants to be us!” 






10. Indeed (if truth be told), Salt Lake’s General Authorities control (determine; decide) every  “standard” (specification; accepted-rule; norm; law) by which to “judge (calculate; measure) the individual-worth (personal righteousness) of Israel’s people, so they try to accumulate (gather-together; acquire) as much authority as they possibly can,  in order to Image result for measuring kids height at disneyland“put-a-yoke-on” (harness; team-up; join together into work-teams) the vines (lineages; bloodlines families) of my-vineyard (Israel’s people). 

 Then,  Salt Lake Headquarters scatters (disperses; spreads; sows) its leaven (pervasive influence that modifies and transforms) as a means to ferment (brew; permeate and modify; make adjustments to; alter; change) Jehovah’s Torah (teachings; instructions; doctrines) to suit their own malevalent purposes. 









11. Woe (misery; sorrow; disaster) to men who consent (agree; throw in the towel; give their nod; acquiesce; knuckle-under) to ploughing-under (defeating; steam-rolling; overpowering; turning-upside-down) Israel’s ground (legal-claim;Image result for three drunk men legal-argument) so they may drink themselves to the full  (fill themselves with intoxicating drink; make themselves drunken).

They love to trip-up (cause the stumble of)  anyone and everyone who follows Me (Jehovah) by developing in them a- “taste” (an appetite; a palate) for wines (effervescences; “familiar-spirits” *; intoxicants) to make sure that Mormonism’s rank and file (Israel’s People) appear to be tipsy  (inebriated; slightly-drunk; “high”; giddy; buzzed)  almost all of the time.


Familiar Spirits” – Spirits can gain access into families or into the personalities of individuals in those families.  Some spirits go from generation to generation following (attaching themselves to one family (bloodline; lineage) manifesting themselves. They are spirits that are familiar with your family’s history and the lives of its members.   Many believe that trauma can induce the transfer of spirits from parent to child.  Addictions, poverty, and divorce are examples of patterns that can pass from generation to generation. .




Shalom Shabbat

Worship of God – “Mormon Style”

A recipe for Disaster.

 list of ingredients:

kinnor (harp; soothing-magical-spell) 

3-4 nabalim (dead carcasses-figurative of idols;  spiritually-dead “Men Of The Cloth” ) 

1 tambourine (repetitious driving-rhythm)

3-4 pied pipers (eloquent but misleading-public speakers)

(industrial size) can of “Blarney” (honeyed-words; cajolery; sweet-talk; “baloney”)

3-4  “Hymns” (Hail Mary passes; “last-ditch-efforts”; vain attempts) to express disingenuous “Praise of God”


12. In a large container (auditorium; assembly hall) combine the effect (impression made upon the mind) produced by the Kinnor * (harp; soothing-magical-spell) cast by the “Nebelim” (deadImage result for mormon sunday sacrament meeting carcasses-figurative of “religious-icons or “heroes”;  spiritually-dead “Men Of The Cloth”) in Mormon congregations.  Slowly add the beat (driving rhythm; moving force)  of the tambourine. Carefully cut-in (interpose; introduce; interject)  3-4 “Pied” (duplicitous; two-faced) Pipers (eloquent but misleading-speakers) who fill listener’s ears with “Blarney” (talk that aims to charm and flatter). The Piper’s tongues (blabberings; mutterings; chirpings; evil-speaking; charms) are loosened (intensified; made convivial) by the lubricating effect of wine (intoxicants; familiar-spirits”). Sprinkle in 3-4 hymns (Hail Mary passes; “last-ditch-efforts”; vain attempts) to express disingenuous “Praise of God” 

Serve on a steaming “bed” (breeding ground) of white-rice (Caucasian seed) with great solemnity (ceremony) for a dandy (first-rate)  sacramental (spiritual) banquet (elaborate meal followed by speeches) tailored specifically for the  “True-Blue” (unwavering) Mormon ear (listener) , but paying no regard to a remembrance of Jehovah’s doings.    

 kinnor – “The man, who hath no music in his soul, is fit for treason, stratagem, and spoil.” – ShakespeareImage result for elton John gif
Music is the magic of the soul. It can entertain and sooth, heal, kill, lead and control human emotions like no other divine device ever created by man. This is why today famous musicians lead and almost control millions of people with their songs, and why some of them are knighted by the Queen as part of her royal courts such as Sir Elton John and Paul McCartney for the divine magical abilities they have inherited from their ancestors.


The modern music and instruments we see today are the result of one invention that is commonly referred to as the harp. But before the harp (cithara and Hebrew kinnor) there was what was known as the lyre that is one of the oldest musical instruments in the world. Over time the lyre had undergone several changes such as the shape and materials of the base, adding strings and making them much larger than the original hand-held form and others.
These changes to the lyre eventually developed into what we know today as the harp and all forms of guitars, and modern music can be traced to this one invention. But for the purpose of this research below, I will focus mainly on the name, and origins of the harp rather than the lyre and other similar instruments because it is a name that is much more well-known, and they all originate from the same source. Pythagoras later used the harp for healing and developed theories about the effect of pitch and mode on the human body to both heal and control.




13. Therefore (for that reason; consequently),  My people (Israel) are exiled (banished; excluded;Image result for unquenched thirst gif ostracized; overlooked) as far as top-leadership is concerned, for  a lack (deficiency or absence) of “knowledge” (information),  so their rank (reputation; status; official-position), which originates from my Authority  suffers (sustains injury). Indeed (if truth be told) a major part of this (our) generation of Israel’s people are dried-up (extremely thirsty; parched) because of their unmet need for “Living-Water” (“the Spirit of God”)   








14. Therefore (or that reason; consequently)………. Sheol’s ( Thegaping mouth Melchizedek Priesthood Organization’s; ; the ‘Pit’s”) appetite  (desire for; need for) food (the souls of foolish men) is growing (increasing; enlarging) and Sheol’s “Mouth” (prophet, seer and revelator) is committed to the overthrow (defeat; downfall)  Jehovah’s Revelations (visions  & great insights),  andis gaping-wide-open to promote “Bal” (“failure”; disappointment; “non-fulfillment”) in spite of every futile effort that rank and file Mormons(Israel’s people) make to honor (fulfill)  and keep the customs (traditional and widely-accepted ways of behaving or doing things) taught  by Melchizedek Priesthood leaders at Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah.  

Alas (Dear me; sadly) Israel’s magnificent revelations (insights; visions) have been cast-aside (thrown-away; tossed-out; throw-out) in order to point to (pledge allegiance to; focus every thought upon) Salt Lake’s prophets, seers and revelators. This is why so many (a great number) of Israel’s seed (scions; descendants) throughout the world seem to be rushing (flocking dashing; moving-impetuously) to join (affiliate themselves with) “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day -Saints” (the Mormons) and “Jump-for-Joy” (delight) regarding Salt Lake’s “worthless” (contemptible) revelations. 






15. Thus, Adam  (the Human race) is liable to sink (be drawn) into Salt Lake’s “Pit”(trap; Melchizedek Priesthood Organization) and Israelite males (men) are abased (belittled; demeaned;Image result for sink into a "Pit" gif degraded) and the conceit (vainglory; egotism; arroganceof Salt Lake’s self-exalted General Authorities will be brought-low (prostrated; disabled; overturned)  by  this revelation (vision; great insight) of Jehovah’s, to this (our) generation.




16. In the end, Jehovah willultimately  be lifted-up (exalted; revered) because this is his world, he created it and because of your (Israel’s) litigation (lawsuit; legal-proceedings) against Salt Lake’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization , tha attention of the world will be directed toward Israel’s people, just in the nick of time. Jehovah declares them to be clean (undefiled) because of their righteousness.Image result for sink into a "Pit" gif
Image result for file a suit

.“In the nick of time” It may not be immediately obvious what “Just in the nick of time” is, but we do know what it is supposed to mean: to come (arrive; show-up) ….. that is, at the very last moment”. Prior to the 16th century, there was another expression used to convey that meaning –“pudding-time”. This relates to the fact that pudding was the dish served first at medieval mealtimes. To arrive at pudding-time was to arrive at the start of the meal, “in time to eat”. Pudding was then a savory dish – a form of sausage or haggis.  Pudding-time is first referred to in print in John Heywood’s important glossary. That seems a perfectly serviceable idiom, so why did the Tudors change it to ‘the nick of time’? The motivation appears to be the desire to express a finer degree of timing than the vague “around the beginning of the meal”. The nick that was being referred to was a notch or small cut and was synonymous with precision. Such notches were used on ‘tally’ sticks to measure or keep score. Also, during the 16th century, pudding began being used as the name of sweet dishes and they were usually served at the end of the meal. As this trend continued ‘pudding time’ being used to mean ‘in good time’ made less and less sense. If someone is now said to be ‘in the nick’ the English would expect him to be found in prison, the Scots would picture him in the valley between two hills and Australians would imagine him to be naked. To Shakespeare and his contemporaries if someone were ‘in (or at, or upon) the (very) nick’ they were in the precise place at the precise time. Watches and the strings of musical instruments were adjusted to precise pre-marked nicks to keep them in proper order. Ben Jonson makes a reference to that in the play “Pans Anniversary”, circa 1637.





17. Then, Jehovah’s sheep (Israelite-people) will be permitted to graze (feed) on the ruins (disintegration; destruction) of Salt Lake’s abundance (affluence; riches; bounty; plenty); plethora)Image result for man burping gif as if Salt Lake’s vast riches have now become Israel’s private-pasture. They will completely swallow-up (consume; devour) Salt Lake’s strange-ways (foreign-ways; alien-ways; non-Israelites-ways).





18. Woe (sorrow; calamity) to those who’ve been seduced (pulled; lured; enticed) to involve (include) themselves in the enforcement of programs (schemes; initiatives) that are designed (drafted) to produce (engender; initiate; occasion)Image result for take-over cords (ties; binding-obligations; snares) as a means of creating (producing; bringing-about) “a-desolating-evil” (ruin; “idolatry”; guile; uselessness; empty-words and actions). among the Mormon people.

Then use (exploit; take full advantage of ) the “The Powers-of-Darkness”  (sorcery; Black Magic) to accelerate  (speed-up) their  move (progress; plot) to take-over God’s Government.





19. Point (direct attention) to the headwaters (fountain; source) of Salt Lake’s weakness….the pride and covetousness of Salt Lake’s men. They say to Israelite (rank and file Mormon) men……. “Hurry-up”Image result for oooo i'm so scared gif …….. “hasten-your-work (“Lengthen-your-Stride”; hurry-up; move faster), so that We (Salt Lake’s presiding authorities) may see (approve-of; officially-accept) you …..

Oh………”and by the way”……make sure you……..Let us know when the plan of the “Holy-One of Israel” is about to be unfolded,  so we can pretend to be scared and frightened!”






20. Woe (sorrow; distress; misery; regret) to High-Priests who are called (commissioned;Image result for calling good evil and evil good lds appointed) to find ways to incentivize (motivate) people and things that are evil (wrong) in an effort to make themselves seem, by comparison,  to be good (desirable; approved), while at the same time discouraging  (deterring; dissuading; impeding) people and things that REALLY-ARE good,  as if they are evil (profoundly immoral and malevolent).

Salt Lake’s Leaders characterize their own darkness (lies; falsehood; fraud) as light (truth and intelligence) but they avoid (eschew) light as if it were darkness (foolishness; wrong; evil; ignorance)……Leaders of this “ilk” (family; kindred; species; variety) characterize the “bitterness” (anguish; hostility; pain) they’ve foisted (imposed; thrust; unloaded) upon Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons)  as “sweet” (fresh; refreshing to the senses). 





21. Woe (sorrow; distress; misery; regret) to men who are “wise-in-their-own “eyes” (opinionImage result for curly a wise guy eh meme; estimation; sight; point of view) and vociferously (conspicuously) testify (bear-witness) about the righteous purposes and intentions of this wicked generation of Salt Lake presiding authorities,  while Salt lake’s corrupt ruling dynasty (line of hereditary rulers) .they  continues (prolongs; draws-out)  its spiritually-destructive-work.








22. Woe (sorrow; distress; misery; regret) to Mormonism’s Priesthood heroes (protagonists; leaders; luminaries; celebrities; idols) who goad (prod; encourage; rouse; urge; push) Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons) to enthusiastically drink (swallow; “getting-ferschniket on “; “getting wasted on “; “get-tanked on “; getting so hopelessly drunk on Mormonism’s  addictive “Spirit” (mind-set;  passion; exuberance; sparkle; enthusiasm; esprit-de-corps), that they can bearly remember what righteousness is. This kind of outrage is “peculiar” (characteristic)  to “Mormonism”.  While leaders  and their  colleagues (collaborators; allies; confederates) desperately work to initiate (introduce; commence;Image result for have another drink gif inaugurate) the mixing  (combining; co-mingling; blending) of Mormonism’s   wine   (powerfully intoxicating spirit)  with Sorcery (magic-spells; incantations; the forces of darkness) as a means to cripple (disable; paralyze; handicap) Israel’s people.

So……you see…….Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons)  don’t stand a chance against Salt Lake’s tricks!




23. ……..Melchizedek Priesthood Authorities make habit of who acquitting (absolving; clearing-of-charges;Image result for image is everything gif exonerating) the guilty,  as a means to trip-them-up (entangle them “seize them by the heel”; “cause-them-to-make-the-biggest-mistake-of-their-lives”;  cause them to adopt Melchizedek-practices of Sorcery thru extortion, blackmail and “shake-down”), while habitually denying justice (just-treatment; fairness) to innocent Israelite people.








24. Therefore like straw that is  licked-up by “tongues of fire” or like the roots of burning grass sinks as if  decaying, Salt Lake’s flower (optimum-stage-of-development; “blossom; bloom;Related image  “pride”) will ultimately  “go-up-in-smoke” (vanish; vaporize) right before everyone’s eyes  because, as a body (collectively;”enmass”) Salt Lake leadership has rejected the Torah (instruction; Law) of the Lord of Hosts, and “one at a time” (one by one; without exception), each one of them  has spurned (disdained; looked down his nose at) the Word (Indictment; formal written criminal-accusation) of God that’s been prepared and brought forward by a  “Holy-One” (“Saint; Angel)..


25. For this reason, Jehovah’s anger (fury; rage) burns (is kindled) against Salt Lake’s “Upper Crust”  (smart-set; creme-de-la-creme). He’s  raising His hand (power; fist) against this generation of Salt Lake people in order to rebuke (chasten; convict; correct) them.  He trembles with rage because of those who are now dominating (in control of) the Rocky Mountains. Because of their attempt (endeavor; plan; program; venture) to counterfeitImage result for dog shit (fake; feign)  “Divine-Authority” they’ve brought-about their own downfall (demise; disgrace; fall from grace). They’re worth about as much as pile of  “dog-shit” (camel dung)  to be scraped off the bottom of one’s shoes and swept into the gutter.

Notwithstanding……….. His (Jehovah’s) anger will NOT be turned away, until the power (ability to act in a particular way, especially as a quality) of this generation is upraised (elevated; developed; raised to a higher level).







26.  He (Jehovah) is lifting-up a banner (flag; standard; sign) that can be seen and heard by  The-Nations (non-Israelites),  throughout the entire world. He is “whistling” (making a sharp, shrill sound; beckoning; signalling) to the  remnant of Israel that it is time to come-home (come-back; return) from the ends (uttermost parts; conclusions; final chapter ) of Earth’s history.Image result for its time to come home gif

Behold (witness something extraordinary)…. they are returning (coming; advancing;  approaching;  arriving) swiftly (without-delay; momenterily)  and suddenly (unexpectedly). 






27. In their midst,  there are  none who are “tired” (needing-sleep; exhausted; worn-out; ready-to-drop; wasted;Image result for ancient Israelite sandals weary) and among them, there is none who are  slumbering (unconscious; comatose; dozing; resting; snoozing; napping). In fact, this remnant of Israel’s people can neither sleep nor slumber (rest).

The girdle (divine-equipment; divine-protection) encircling (wrapped-around) this remnant generation is secure (unremovable;  tightly-tied) and the thongs (laces; ties; locks; fasteners) on the sandals (symbolize “possession”; “ownership” ;”custody”) of this (our) Israelite generation are not-loose (tied-tightly; locked-up; a sure thing).  




28. So they can properly guide (aim) their sharp (penetrating; probing; perceptive; piercing) arrows (bolts-of-lightning; bolts- of-enlightenment) to hit their tareget and so their tightly-Image result for spark gifstrung (unbending; tight; unyielding; strained)  bows (driving-forces; administration)  will divide the Mormon Church into two opposing (warring) factions.

In this way,  Israel’s people can finally reclaim (retrieve; regain; recover; secure) their birthright.   The  news of the God-given authority of this Latter-day Israelite generation acts (serves; functions) like  flint (a flash-point; a-sparkevent, or time at which trouble, such as violence or anger, flares up.) in the thinking (minds and hearts) of this entire generation. Israelites throughout the world  will be so upset (enraged) when they find out what Salt Lake is up to (doing) doing with regard to Israel’s people,  that the maelstrom (state of confusion and turmoil)  that follows will seem like a whirlwind (tornado).  









29.  Judah’s unique roar (outcry) over the controversy sounds like the roar of a “lioness” (“fiercest” among the lion kingdom) and their authoritative rumble (resonant-sound; reverberation; grumble; roll; boom) over the controversy, will resound (reverberate; resonate) like young-lions” (cubs weaned and capable of “violently seizing prey”). Image result for lioness escaping with prey gif

They  growl (produce an aggressive warning;  make everyone uncomfortable, worried or anxious),  then they seize their prey and slip-away (escape) with it, making rescue (recovery)    impossible.








30. During our own day (era; generation), Lionesses (Judah’s women will growl  (make a low guttural sound ofImage result for Pandora's Box hostility in the throat) over (regarding; concerning) Salt Lake’s religious leadership just as (when) Salt Lake finally begins to “rue the day” (regret-the-day; curse the generation) in which they perpetrated (committed)    their monstrous crimes,  so when they look (point; direct-attention)  to their worldwide Mormon kingdom as a source of pride and pleasure,  they’ll suddenly behold (witness with horror) their own darkness (misery; destruction; death; ignorance; sorrow; wickedness) and worst of all……they’ll see ( recognize) that their illumination (elucidation; exposition)  of Darkness (Sorcery; Black-Magic; Satan) is now  running-amok (gone-amuck; “out of control”) upon the face of the Earth. Salt Lake has unleashed the awful powers of darkness (sorcery; Black Magic) thru its own filthy-communications (“prophetic-“non-sense; double-talk”; incantations; magic-spells). They’ve truely  opened Pandora’s Box *.

* Pandora’s Box-The story of Pandora’s box begins with the story of Zeus, Prometheus, and Epimetheus. Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus were Titans but pledged their loyalty to Zeus and the Olympians, since Prometheus was born with the special power of prophecy and knew that Zeus would defeat the Titans. Zeus rewarded Prometheus and Epimetheus for their loyalty and gave them the job of creating the first creatures to live on Earth. Epimetheus formed the animals and gave each a special skill and form of protection. Prometheus took his time molding man, and was left with no forms of protection since Epimetheus had already given them all away. Prometheus knew man needed some form of protection and asked Zeus if he could let man have fire. Zeus refused. Fire was only for the gods. Prometheus ignored Zeus and gave man fire anyway. For this, Prometheus was punished. Zeus tied him with chains to a rock far away in the Caucasus Mountains where nobody would find him. Every day Zeus sent an eagle to feast upon Prometheus’ liver, which grew back every day so that Prometheus would have to endure this torture daily until Heracles found Prometheus and killed the eagle and let Prometheus go.
This torture wasn’t enough of a punishment for Zeus who also believed that humans should be punished for accepting the gift of fire from Prometheus. To punish man, Zeus created a woman named Pandora. She was molded to look like the beautiful goddess Aphrodite. She received the gifts of wisdom, beauty, kindness, peace, generosity, and health from the gods. Zeus brought her to Earth to be Epimetheus’ wife. Even though Epimetheus’ brother, Prometheus, had warned him of Zeus’ trickery and told him not to accept gifts from the gods, Epimetheus was too taken with her beauty and wanted to marry her anyway. As a wedding present, Zeus gave Pandora a box (in ancient Greece this was called a jar) but warned her never to open it. Pandora, who was created to be curious, couldn’t stay away from the box and the urge to open the box overcame her. Horrible things flew out of the box including greed, envy, hatred, pain, disease, hunger, poverty, war, and death. All of life’s miseries had been let out into the world. Pandora slammed the lid of the box back down. The last thing remaining inside of the box was hope. Ever since, humans have been able to hold onto this hope in order to survive the wickedness that Pandora hadImage result for Mormon tyranny" let out.
The superhuman characters in Ancient Greek mythology are, in fact, none other than Nephilim (descendants of Fallen Angels described in Genesis chapter six). Their stories and that of their offspring are chronicled in Greek Mythology. Their purpose as a race of super-human beings who gained worldwide power over the human race, was to coordinate a coup d ‘etat (seizure of God’s power) to destroy His goverment and replace it with a government (tyranny) led by Lucifer and his army of disgraced and fallen Angels.


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