Song of Praise
The Hebrew word for “praise” (warm approval and admiration) originates from “yadah” – pronounced – yaw-daw. It denotes using the hands; (extending the hands) to revere and worship It can also mean to “express-gratitude” (which is a form of praise). Often, the object of praise is Jehovah and sometimes yadah is associated with “communal laments” on the occasion of severe drought or military defeat.
An instructive example of the use of “yadah” is found in the definition and interpretation of the names Jacob’s first four sons, (1) Reuben (2) Simeon (3) Levi and (4) Judah in (Gen. 29:31-35)
What Leah, Jacob’s first wife, lacks in comparison to her sister Rachel, is the love of her husband. Her distress is that she is neglected (v.31). When Jehovah looks upon her affliction (v.32), hears her (v.33), Leah’s petition to Jehovah is presupposed. The birth of her fourth son, Judah, is the answer to her prayer (petition) and it leads to “Yudah” – “Now, I will praise God.” The sequential names of Jacob’s first four sons reveal an eternal formula that results in Leah’s exclamation “Now, I will praise the Lord.”
(1) Reuben – “Behold, a son (a lawful heir). Now, will Jacob love me,?” (her need)
(2) Simeon – “A hearing” – Leah states her case ” (her petition)
(3) Levi – “Jacob is finally is united with me” (her fulfillment)
(4) Judah – “Now, I will praise the Lord” (her praise and thanks-giving)
Chapter Twelve, verses 1-6
1. During this (our) day (era; generation) , you (Israel’s people) are tearfully saying (declaring; proclaiming) “Now, I will praise thee, Jehovah, because, even though, your strength and power as Israel’s God was offered (presented; proposed for acceptance) to me, I paid no attention. Your anger has been turned away from me and you are providing comfort (consolation; forgiveness; solace; relief) to me.” Thank you so very much!”
2. ……… Indeed (if truth be told), Israel’s God (Jehovah) is my salvation. I have confidence (faith) in Him (Jehovah) so nothing frightens me anymore. My faith () and gratitude toward him has led me to Salvation.
3. “Every one single one of Israel’s people is capable of drawing (bringing, taking, or pulling out, “Living Water” (“God’s Holy Spirit”) from “Eternal-Wells-of-Salvation”. This promise is made to every one (Israelite and Non-Israelite alike) who believes in Jehovah. (John 7:37-39).
4. So, now (today; this very moment) you are saying (thinking to yourselves), “Praise-be (thanks-be) unto Jehovah.
Every Israelite must call-upon (avail him/her self of) Jehovah’s name (authority).They must make the wicked deeds of Salt Lake’s priesthood leadership known (recognized) among the Gentiles (non-Israelites; nations) of this world.
They must tell every one that Salt Lake’s priesthood leaders are exalting (lifting-up; deifying extolling; acclaiming; singing the praising of) their own name (authority; power; command), instead of Jehovah’s.
5. and they must Give thanks (sing praises) unto Jehovah, for the excellent-things (miracles; wonders) that He is has created, some of which are already acknowledged by scientists.
6. Then, Shout-for-Joy (rejoice) along with Me (Jehovah) and announce “Freedom” (liberation; emancipation; release) because Israel’s deliverance (emancipation; redemption; rescue) is “knocking at your door” (making its presence known), even as we speak, in the midst (within the families, neighborhoods and communities) of Israel’s people.
End of Chapter Twelve verses 1-6