Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 40 – verses 1 -31

Comfort For God’s People

1. “Comfort…..Comfort my people!” saith (commandeth)  your (Israel’s)  God.Image result for Comfort gif









2. Speak to them (Israel’s people) concerning the heart (aim; purpose) of JerusalemImage result for burden of debt (“The greatest Teacher of Peace and Salvation”) and proclaim unto her (Jerusalem) that she has fulfilled (performed) a great teaching service,  in as much as,  this generation of Israel’s people has doubly (two-times; twice) paid-off a debt (performed a duty; assumed a burden; settled an obligation) that they’ve willingly taken upon themselves from the hand of Jehovah, to atone for all of Israel’s former sins (shortcomings; mistakes; failures).




.3.  The voice of “One” (an Israelite) is calling in the wilderness, “Prepare (make ready for use and consideration) theRelated image way (method; path; process) of the Lord.

Make the highway (“heavenly-way”) of our God straight-forward (forthright; plain; direct; uncomplicated)  in the midst of Salt Lake’s desolate (bewildering; God-forsaken) Mormon Kingdom.





.4. Every valley (one who is depressed; one who is melancholy)  will be lifted and every Salt Lake mountain (Image result for man with thick glasses gifadministration; governing-body) and Salt Lake hill (one who is prominent) shall be  humbled (lowered in dignity or importance), the heart of every defrauder (supplanter; one who deceives and hoodwinks) will be turned (converted) to uprightness (honor; honesty; rectitude) and secret conspiracies will be broken-up and exposed (visible) for everyone to see





5. The glory of the Lord will be revealeto everyone and all-flesh (the entire human race; all of humanity; Image result for We are all seeing this gifmankind) will see (witness; behold) it together (at the same time; simultaneous)……….

 …for the mouth (prophet) of the Lord has spoken (said so)!




6. Then, a voice was heard saying, “Cry-out!” and I thought within myself,  “What shall I cry?”

This is what I must cry …….. “All flesh (theImage result for Cry-out! entire human race; all of humanity; all of mankind)  can be compared to grass (a living thing that quickly perishes;  a living thing that burns up in the sun’s heat; a living thing that lacks knowledge and wouldn’t know what to do with knowledge if it was presented on  silver platter”).




7. You see (After all).……grass (“the human-race”) will wither (dry-up)  and flowers will wilt,  because the sun’s hot-wind blows upon them, all the time. Certainly, Image result for withered grass people can be compared to grass.


They both perish quickly.


They both burn up in the hot sun.


Neither one of them has any idea that he and his kind are just grass!




8. Now then,  (used to preface an important remark or the next step in an argument), ……Even though grass typically withers (dries-up) and flowers droop and fall (become limp thru the loss of water and fall ), the “Word of God” stands (lives; endures) forever.Image result for the "Word of God" stands (endures) forever.










9. At the behest (order and command) of Jehovah’s mountain (“administration”; “governing body”) On-high” (in-Heaven), “Someone” is bearing “Good-Tidings” (“Breaking-News”) concerning Zion.Jerusalem in Hebrew. Learn more Hebrew at: http://www ...


She is proclaiming (announcing;  declaring;   manifesting) unto you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) with a shout (loud call or cry, typically, an expression of a strong emotion) in order to deliver “Good-Tidings” (Breaking News) concerning the authority (jurisdiction; dominion) of Jerusalem (“The greatest Teacher of Peace and Salvation”).

Inhallelujah!!!! - crazy preacher | Meme Generatorstead of the authority of “Fire and Brimstone preaching” (“Scaring the hell out of people”), the assembly  (fold; people) of Judah, is being told,  “Lo and Behold (a new turn of events, often with the suggestion that although surprising, it could, in fact, have been predicted)……Jehovah… your God! ” 





10. Behold (observe something especially impressive). Israel’s God comes (returns; arrives)  with theImage result for prevail power (sufficient capacity to change the  course of events) in order to prevail (prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious).

Behold (observe something especially impressive). Jehovah’s arm (posterity; seed) will govern (lead; administer; rule) in Jehovah’s place  (as Jehovah’s agents) and undertake (exercise; assume) authority under Jehovah’s direct oversight (in Jehovah’s presence) to change the course (direction; trajectory; heading; bearing) of this generation………




11. cat hugging GIFJehovah tends his flock as His own children (seed).

He (His Holy Spirit) is  assembling (gathering; bring) his little-lambs together, and ultimately,  to his bosom (security and gentle-intimacy) as if He (Jehovah) is hugging them.

Their gentle leadership is the fulfillment (wrap-up; culmination; cosummation) of Israel’s duty (obligation) to strengthen the security (freedom from danger or threat; certainty; reliability; dependability) of righteous-authority resting upon the shoulders of Israelites who do the following …………




12.  (1) measure (judge; evaluate; assess the extent and effect of) SaltImage result for I got nothing! gif Lake’s “Waters” (Sorcery; Black Magic; “Dark-Arts”) based upon   the emptiness  (hollowness; vanity;   vacuousness) of Salt Lake’s hand    (priesthood power), then……..

(2) stretch  (expand; enlarge; reach-out; extend) the heavens by spreading  their fingers (touch; influence; effect) as a means to equalize (bring things into harmony or proportion), things, then….

(3) snow white disney GIFlevel (demolish; destroy) the Ruling-Hierarchy of the Melchizedek Priesthood Organization because it promotes (advances; elevates; aggrandizes) the enoblement (exaltation; deification) of the “dust” (particular-filth) that covers every one of Mormonism’s Melchizedek High Priests,  then…..

(3) weigh (determine; measure) the moral-character (identity; nature) of Salt Lake’s mountain (administration; governing-body; Melchizedek Priesthood Organization) and all the hills (prominent-high-priests) trying to secure (get their hands on) more and more authority by prostituting (trading; exchanging; selling) their souls, in the process of acquiring social-popularity and financial gain.            



13.  Israel’s shepherds (prophets) betoken (“are a sign of”; symbolize; reflect; mirror; portend) the mind (reasoning; intelligence; intellectual-capacities; spirit) of Jehovah.

Indeed (if truth be told),  anyone who bears (holds; possesses) Jehovah’s ancestral (inborn; hereditary) authority knows-about (foresees; expects; anticipates; is aware of; is acquainted with) the importance of this generation of Israel’s people.




14. Cliff Clavin | hobbyDBKeep-in-mind (notice; distinguish; be aware: recognize) that Salt Lake’s High-priests are a bunch of  “pricks” (men who are worse than douches and jerks combined.

“Pricks” are guys who think they know everything,  but in reality they’re not only incredibly-stupid, but they are “hypocrites” (frauds who profess beliefs and opinions that they do-not actually hold), as well.

 These guys love to create (generate; produce) drama (a stage-show;  theater), then act as if they have nothing to do with the drama. Often-times, a “prick” is named “Cliff”.

Pricks are “small-minded” (bigotted; petty; prejudiced; selfish) men,  whom are trying to build their own  dynasty (lineage of hereditary rulers) so they seek-first to promote (advance; increase; further) their own stature (celebrity; importance; prominence; distinction; prestige) by rubbing-shoulders (mingling; mixing-socially, especially with those of higher social status; hobnobbing) with Judges (men who rule in cases of dispute  and wrong-doing; Melchizedek Bishops, Stake Presidents and high-Image result for staturecouncilmen).

 They are constantly engaged in advertising (promoting; affirming; drawing-attention-to; trumpeting; heralding)……

(a) their own stature (celebrity; rank; position; importance; prominence; distinction; eminence),

(b) their own knowledge (facts; information; their theoretical understanding of authority), 

(c) their own “way-of-life” (lifestyle)  and

(d) the sopranos hbo GIFtheir own intelligence (understanding). And “Pricks” (jerks; assholes; jackasses; twits) like  these, are exactly (precisely) the kind of men that Salt Lake selects (calls; chooses) to indoctrinate (mold; condition; re-educate; “brainwash”; proselytize) this (our) generation.




15. If truth be told, ……….Salt Lake’s presiding authorities  think (believe) that gentiles * (non-Mormons; “The Nations; ethnic-groups; outsiders) amount to nothing but “drops in the bucket” (small-potatoes; spit in the ocean; chump-change).

As far as they (Salt Lake’s presiding authorities) are concerned,  Gentiles are worthless flecks of  “dust” (“airborne” waste-matter)  that accumulate (build-up; accumulate)  on the scale, but aren’t, by themselves,  worth measuring.

* Gentiles (from Latin “gentilis”, by the French “gentil”, feminine: gentille, meaning: someone of or belonging to a clan or a tribe is an “ethnonym”Image result for ethnic appearance that commonly means non-Jew. Other groups that claim Israelite/ Ishmaelite (Abrahamic) heritage sometimes use the term to describe “Outsiders”.
The term is used by English translators for the Hebrew גוי (goy) and נכרי(nokhri), which means “foreigner”; “stranger” or “alien” or “someone not “of” or “like” our kind” in the Hebrew Bible and the Greek word ἔθνη (ethnos) in the New Testament. The term “gentile” is derived from Latin, used for contextual translation, and not an original Hebrew or Greek word from the Bible. The original words “goy” and “ethnos” refer to “peoples” or “nations” and are applied to both Israelites and non-Israelites in the Bible. However, in most biblical uses, it denotes nations that are “politically distinct from Israel”. Since most of the nations at the time of the Bible were “heathens”, goy or gentile became synonymous with heathen (“unbeliever”), although their literal translations are distinct. The term gentile thus became identical to the later term “Ummot ha-Olam” (“nations of the world”). Latin and later English translators selectively used the term “gentiles” when the context for the base term “peoples” or “nations” referred to non-Israelite peoples or “nations” in English translations of the Bible. In Mormon contexts,  “Gentiles” refers to people who are not members of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day-Saints. “Faces of Ethnicity”  (photo right) The Torah exhibits a passionate intolerance of gentile nations because historically many gentile nations practiced idolatry and immoralities that are connected to such practice. It alleges that these nation’s (gentile’s) barbarism would “contaminate” the Hebrews.






16. british GIF by Late Night with Seth MeyersLebanon (Salt Lake’s distinguished society of old and venerated bloodlines) is so morally-inadequate that all of them put together (collectively) are still not sufficient for the altar-fires necessary to atone for the capital-crimes (sins that warrant the death penalty) Salt Lake has caused others to commit, nor does the sum-total (totality; entirety; aggregation) of Salt Lake’s behemoths (powerful-high-priests) possess anything-even-close to the goodness” (morality; virtue) required to serve as a burnt-offering (sacrifice) in behalf of (to atone for; for the benefit of) themselves or anyone else.





17. mister rogers middle finger GIFBefore Him (Jehovah),  “The-Nations” (non-Israelites; Gentiles) amount to nothing.

They are regarded as worthless (having no real value or use) to Him (Jehovah) so He (Jehovah) has been “Flipping-The-Bird” to them, for quite some time, now.









18. Longtime church leader Russell M. Nelson, 93, expected to be next ...Who (what morally-bankrupt Salt Lake General Authority) then , do you presume to compare (estimate, measure, or note the similarity) to God?

What public-image (popular-likeness; well-known-model) do you habitually compare (liken; equate) to God?





19. people bunch GIFAs for (on the subject of; with regard to) Salt Lake’s idols (icons; celebrities; heroes)….

Well-paid craftsmen (Public-relations experts) conjure-up (bring into existence; invoke; calculate; reckon)  all of the public-images of Salt Lake’s cantankerous (bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative) old geezers (fuddy-duddies; stuffed-shirts; “Farts”; “Stick In The Muds”). 

rita ora icon GIF Well-paid (money-making) goldsmiths (specialists who know how to make articles of gold) have overlayed (covered) Salt Lake’s  reprobate (unprincipled) General Authorities with gold (sparkle and twinkle).

Then,  they fashion (dream-up; devise)  special silver-chains (financial-incentives; financial-motivations; monetary-inducements) made available exclusively to  Salt Lake’s counterfeit prophets, seers and revelators. 






20. poor season 6 GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine Because,  in a spiritual-sense, Salt Lake presiding priesthood authorities are so incredibly poor (impoverished), that they believe that “it’s just beneath their dignity” (“they’re just too damned important”) to  present (introduce) themselve,  merely,  as sin-offerings (sacrifices). 

The only alternative for them, is to offer a sacrifice made of wood (often of Israelite-Cyress or Israelite-Cedar) that is famous (celebrated; recognized; honored) for not rotting (decaying;  crumbling).

Worship leader GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHYThey look-for (search-for; need) a highly-skilled (talented; able; experienced; successful; accomplished) craftsman (“Public-Relations Expert”) who knows how to set-up (inaugurate; establish; introduce) contrived (deliberately created rather than arising naturally and spontaneously)  image as more than just a new General Authority, but also as “A Mormon-Idol” (icon; celebrity; hero) who is virtually (for all intents and purposes) impossible to topple (oust; overthrow; depose; unseat).   







21. Committing to Planet Earth | Castle Rock WaterDon’t you already know? Haven’t you already heard? Haven’t you been taught about the beginning? Don’t  you know (understand; realize) the reason why the earth was founded, in the first place.









22. He (Jehovah) sits (reigns; remains; dwells) enthroned way-above this (our)  sphere (scope; jurisdiction; dominion; precinct; realm; domain of influence) of existence.  To Him, the Earth’s  people are like grasshoppers.How Many Locusts Does It Take To Start A Biblical Plague? Just ...

He (Jehovah) stretches-out (increases the influence of; expands; extends) “The-Heavens” (Israelites with whom God and His spirit feel perfectly “at-home”) like a “canopy” (unbrella) of clouds to protect the “Family of Adam” (Human-race; humanity; mankind) and spreads the cloud-cover over them in such a way as to provide a gentle and loving tent (sphere of existence and field of interaction  which has a direct-effect upon ones destiny) in which The Family of Adam has the opportunity to live.






23. danny elfman GIFHe (Jehovah) is bringing Salt Lake’s secret (“skeleton-in-the-closet”; wrongdoing; misconduct; scandal) out into the open so it’s no longer concealed and the whole world can see (recognize; perceive; understand; identify; be aware of) it for what it is.

He (Jehovah) is reducing the religious-rulers of this world to “Nothing”(oblivion; non-existence; diddly-squat). 






24. Wizard of oz tornado gif 2 » GIF Images DownloadAs soon as Salt Lake’s priesthood-reprobates (scoundrels; “Good-for-Nothings”; villains; wretches) are planted (inaugurated; established; set-up; introduced), and as soon as their seed (ideas; doctrines; essenses) is are sown (scattered; disseminated; strewn; broadcast; spread).

As soon as they take-root in the ground , His (Jehovah’s ) holy-spirit (wind; breath) will blow upon on them and they will wither, then a whirlwind will sweep them up and away like chaff (rubbish). 


. lives matter equality GIF by Mighty Oak “To whom will you compare Me (Jehovah). Who is my equal?” asks “The-Holy-One”.











26. Arrow Swipe Up GIF by Paramount NetworkTurn your eyes toward “The-Heavens” (individuals with whom God and His holy spirit feel perefectly “at-home”) 


QUESTIONWho created all of these heavenly individuals?

ANSWER: He (the Israelite-God) who brings-out (introduces; presents) the starry (celestial; stellar; luminous) host (array; multitude) one person at a time.

He (Jehovah) calls (commissions; appoints; grants powers and authority)  to them, by name.

Because of His (Jehovah’s) great power (capacity; ability; competence) and mighty strength (clout; influence; sway) not a single one of Israel’s leaders is missing.




27. wrong richard attenborough GIFHow can you continue to think (suppose; imagine)  within your bellies O’ Jacob (ye house of frauds; swindlers and cheats), and complain (express dissatisfaction ) O’ Israel (“ye who are upright in the eyes of God”).

Some Israelites think (believe; suppose) that every dirty; corrupt) deeds (procedure) that has been exemplified by Salt Lake’s presiding priesthood leaders and promoted by Salt Lake Headquarters is cleverly hidden from “The-Lord” (Jehovah). Some Israelites are saying, “My case (circumstance; crisis; problem) doesn’t seem to be very important to God”. 




28. Here's Everything 'The Passion of The Christ' Got Wrong About JesusDon’t you know?   Haven’t you heard?  “The-Lord” (Jehovah) is the “one and only” Everlasting (neverending; eternal; endless) God. He (Jehovah) is the Creator (author; designer; maker) of the ends (boundaries; confines; limitations)  of this Earth.

He (Jehovah) never grows tired (annoyed; irritated; exasperated) or weary (discontented; bored; disgusted; impatient) It is extraordinarily difficult for human-beings to fathom (comprehend) His (Jehovah’s) understanding.  




29. weak bugs bunny GIFHe (Jehovah) gives strength to” those who are weary and increases the power (capacity; influence) of those who think they are weak.







30. Even today’s robust youth (millenials) get tired and weary sometimes,  and young men occasionally stumble (slip; falter; lose their balance).




31.eagle GIF But, those who place their hope (longing; dream; confidence) in “The-Lord” (Jehovah) will see their strength renewed.  They will soar on wings like eagles. They’ll be able to run and not become weary.

They will walk and not become faint (lethargic; unenthusiastic; dizzy).


End Of Chapter Forty













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