Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 63 – verse 1 – 19

God’s Day of Vengeance And Redemption

1. Who is this Israelite Woman (female-messenger) who been delivered from (rescued from) Edowm” (Edom; “tears”; Esau; a “hairy-man”; a man who is difficult to deal with and virtually impossible to understand)……

….a violent (unjust; embittered; spiteful; disgruntled; hateful) man….who’s a con-artist (fraud; swindler) and has made (caused) others to suffer a lot (great-deal) of particularly-grievous injuries thru (as a consequence of; because of; thru the medium of; with the help of) his religious (Cult) garment (covering; cloth) of Sorcery (Black Magic; enchantment). He received it from Cult Officials just like himself. They enjoy withholding (cutting-off; confining; circumscribing; hampering; limiting; binding) divine revelation (visions; dreams) from their followers.

He’s been able to Tramp, homeless man walking the streets in Edinburgh, Scotland Stock Photo | Homeless man, Homeless, Homeless peopledisguise (mask; conceal; cover) himself, for most of his adult life, but his “Garment of Sorcery” is lookin’ kinda threadbare (used-up; moth-eaten; tattered) and he’s lookin’ awfully ragged (unkempt; disreputable; sordid; dirty; grubby), himself.

He epitomizes (typifies; represents; characterizes; is a perfect example of)  a contemporary generation (race; species; strain; type; breed) of reprobate (shameless; unprincipled; unscrupulous; dishonorable) Clergy ( “Men of The Cloth”) who are dirty (sleazy; corrupt; crooked; unethical;  foul) but their tattered raiment betrays (shows; is evidence of) who they really are.

This breed (species) of “Clergy” is inclined (apt; prone; disposed; given) to pridefully “Close their Eyes”(willfully ignore) unpleasant (inconvenient) truths (realities; principles) because they’re desperately (fearfully; frightfully) clutching (intently holding on to) their  faded image (impression; reputation) of their old (once; expired; previous; bygone; long-gone) highly-regarded social “Rank and Might”.


An Israelite “Vessel of God” (an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do a good job (2 Timothy 2:20-21), has set the “Word Of The Lord” into proper order,  and is bringing-forth (bearing; delivering) Israel’s lawful-right (privilege; birthright; obligation; entitlement) to speak (utter; state; declare; put into words)  “Great-Things” as a means to save (rescue; help) the family of Man (Adam) .




2. When I (Jehovah; Yhwh) return “in-person”, people will ask, “Why is your (Yhwh’s; Jehovah’s; Jesus’s; the helper’s; the rescuer’s) splendid garment so Bloody (contaminated; polluted)?

It looks Shocked Season 5 GIF by CBS All Accessas though you (Yhwh; Jehovah; Jesus; “the helper”; “the rescuer”) have been “soaking-up” local color by  “trodding-in” or worse, “fallen-into” the grape trough (winepress).









3. My (Yhwh’s; Yeshua’s; Jesus’s; “the rescuer’s”; “the deliverer’s”), authority (jurisdiction; dominion), alone (uniquely; solely; exclusively), has tread (trampled; subjugated; crushed; subdued) the winepress and destroyed those who’ve been implementing (putting into effect; practicing) Sorcery (Black Magic; Works of Darkness). 

There wasn’t a single soul to accompany (help; support; assist) me. So, I (Yhwh; Jehovah), alone, trod (bore-down-upon; squashed; crushed) them (Sorcerers; Magicians) without any help, using my feet (measures; actions taken to achieve a particular purpose; steps) which occasions (is engendered by ; causes; is brought-about) My (Yhwh’s; Jehovah’s) impassioned (whole-hearted) anger.

During (in the course of) an episode of divine-fury, I (Yhwh; Jehovah) trampled (walked all over; stomped-on) them (morally bankrupt “Men Of The Cloth”; clergy with Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him. (Rev.1:7) He is dressed in a robe dipped in… | Jesus pictures, The church of jesus christ, Christattractive and engaging personalities who use their charm to manipulate their flocks). 

So, of course (naturally; as expected), the blood (strength; vigor; substance; capacity) seeping (slowly-leaking) out of the corporate-bodies (priestly-associations; syndicates; corporate-entities) of these reprobate (immoral; unscrupulous; “God-Damned”; shameless; unprincipled) clergy was spattered (projected; thrust; cast) all over my Kuthoneth (cover; outermost liturgical vestment) and, as a result, their filthy (contaminated; polluted; disgustingly; dirty) blood (implication; guiltiness; intrigue; collaboration) has made (caused) the whole (entirety) of my Official-Robe *(liturgical-garment; vestment; mantle; cloak)  become completely “bloodied” (profaned; contaminated; polluted).   

* Official Robe-The simlah (Greek “himation”) signifies an “outer-garment”, a “mantle symbolizing a responsibility” or “cloak”.  A kindred word in the Greek himatismos”, (translated “raiment”) in Luke 9:29, “garments” in Mt 27: 35, and “vesture” in John 19:24) stands in antithesis to himation. The Greek chiton, Hebrew kuthoneth, the “undergarment,” is translated “coat” in Mt 5: 40, “clothes” in Mark 14:63. The Hebrew word me`il, Greek stole, Latin stola, stands for a variety of garments used only by men of rank or of the priestly order, rendered the Revised Version (British and American) “Robe.” It stands for the long garments of the scribes rendered “long-robes”  and “best robe” in the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:22).  Oriental influences led to the adoption of the long tunic in Rome, and in Cicero’s time. It came to be known in its white form as tunica alba, or “white tunic,” afterward in English “alb.”




4. Indeed (if truth be told), a specific time (day) is set-aside (designed; dedicated; determined; appointed) in my life for vengeance (settling the score; retribution; reprisal) against these dreadful Sorcerers (evil-magicians; charmers).

Then,  therelieved andy richter GIF by Team Coco piercing (penetrating; discerning; exquisite; powerful)  dominion of redemption (deliverance from sin) brought about by Me (Yhwh; Jehovah) will come (return; become available; be brought) to you.







5. Israel’s tribal chief (teacher; leader) has been looking (scrutinizing; searching; studying; Search GIF by memecandyexamining; watching) intently, but has found no one to help, so Israel’s tribal chief (teacher; leader), herself, has been set-in-place (installed) as a source-of-security (something you can hang your hat on; “a peg”; a prophetess; a seer) in search of unknown (hidden; unrecognized; unidentified; undiscovered; nameless; anonymous) Sorcerers.

There are no men (males; priests; “Man-of-the-Cloth”), whatsoever, for Me (Yhwh; Jehovah; Israel’s God) “to lean upon” (to lend support; trustworthy-enough; dependable-enough) as a means to secure (get-back; reclaim; retrieve; recover) God’s hereditary (birthright) Authority (Jurisdiction; Dominion) and thus save (rescue; help) the human family.

My (Jehovah’s Yhwh’s) seed (children; offspring; posterity; descendants) will support (sustain)  My (Yhwh’s) authority (jurisdiction; dominion) because they are inspired (energized; galvanized; emboldened) by the “Firey-Anger of God”.



6. The “Wrath of God”,  temporarily residing (dwelling; living) in Israel’s tribal chief (teacher; leader) will crush (defeat; triumph-over ) “The-Nations” (the Gentiles; non-Israelites) with my anger.

The “Wrath of God”,  temporarily residing (dwelling; living) in Israel’s tribal chief (teacher; leader) is  hired (contracted; put to work; paid; rewarded; employed) to do just that.

Her “Strength” trash dumping GIF(vigor; substance; capacity) is inspired (influenced; encouraged; stirred; motivated; galvanized; activated)  by My (Yhwh’s; Jehovah’s; the God Of Israel’s) wrath (outrage; indignation; rage; fury).

She will reward (repay; payback; retaliate against) all Sorcerers (“workers of Black Magic; practitioners of Dark Arts) among the “Religious-Cults” of “The-Nations” (the Gentiles; non-Israelites) with my (Jehovah’s; Yhwh’s) vengeance.

Then she’ll treat (deal-with; dispose of) their blood (strength; vigor; substance; capacity) like the garbage (sewage; filth; manure; swill; muck) that their blood (strength; vigor; substance) actually is.





7. Israel’s tribal chief (teacher; chieftain; leader) will restore the kindness (eager and ardent desire; zeal; favor; mercy; pity) of Yhwh to everyone’s remembrance to encourage (enable; allow; advocate; support) the celebration (glorification; triumph; recognition) of Yhwh (Jehovah; Israel’s God).

It will be done in keeping with (in harmony-with; in conformity with) everything that Yhwh has ever given to Israel’s seed (offspring; pet hug GIFdescendants; children; posterity).

She will restore the   “Best-Gifts” (“Gifts of His Holy Spirit”) * to the House (family; lineage; bloodline; dynasty; hereditary -rulers) of Israel which He (Yhwh; Jehovah; Israel’s God) has hitherto shown to them.

The Best Gifts harmonize (match; correspond) with the compassion (tenderness; gentle, cherishing, soothing emotions of the mind) he has historically shown to Israel’s seed (offspring; descendants; posterity; children) and they match (are equal to) His many kindnesses (indulgences; good-deeds; generosities; favors; “Acts-Of-Kindness”) to Israel’s seed.                   

*“Best-Gifts” (Gifts of the Spirit)-In some ancient languages, the words for “spirit,” “breath,” and “wind” are identical. This is the case in both Hebrew and Greek. The Hebrew word Ruach and the Greek word pneuma means “spirit,” “breath,” or “wind,” depending on the context. In the Old Testament, there are two Hebrew words for breath or wind: Ruach—heavy breathing, or Neshamah—quiet breathing. Ruach means breathing through the nose with violence. Ruach is also used for wind in Exodus 10:19—an exceedingly strong west wind, or in Exodus 15:8—a “blast” of the nostrils. It is sometimes used to describe strong emotions as in Genesis 26:35 where it describes a bitterness of spirit (Morath Ruach) of the Hittite wives of Esau toward Isaac and Rebekah. Where most translations of Isaiah 40:7 read “Spirit of the Lord,” Ruach Yahweh can also mean “wind of the Lord.” In both cases, the idea is power. When the Spirit is present, the connotation is power. Our gifts are from the Spirit who can empower those gifts to accomplish the purpose for which they are given.




8.  So, He (Yhwh; Jehovah; Israel’s God) says (declares), “Without a doubt, these latter-dayIGotta Be Honest John David Washington GIF - IGottaBeHonest JohnDavidWashington Esquire - Discover & Share GIFs Israelites are My (Jehovah’s; Yhwh’s; the God Of Israel’s)  firstborn sons (lawful-heirs).

Jehovah’s firstborn heirs refuse (are not willing) to deceive (cheat; defraud; hoodwink; swindle) the Human-Family, so, they will be Saviors (deliverers; rescuers; benefactors) in behalf of the Human- Family.  







9. As a result of all (the totality-of; a continuation of) the rival (opposing; adversarial; competing) authority wielded by Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology) Sorcerers  (Magicians; Workers Of Darkness), an awful-distress (anguish; suffering; affliction; torment), has been imposed forced upon Israel’s people,  and a particularly-grievous affliction (distress) forced upon Israel’s tribal chief (teacher; chieftain; leader), as well.

Thus, the messenger (spirit; Angel; influence) of the Lord’s (Yhwh’s; Jehovah’s) Presence (purposes and intentions) has reached-out to rescue (save; deliver)  Israel’s tribal chieftain (teacher; leader) along with Israel’s seed (offspring; descendant; children; posterity).  He (Jehovah; Yhwh) has redeemed them and bore their burden (sins and transgressions) and carried them as He did in days of old, for the sake of his own (Yhwh’s)  authority of Love (affection) and compassion (benevolence), 

Sorcerers finding nemo seagulls GIF(“Workers of Black Magic”; Magicians) who rule among the Religious-Cults of “The-Nations” (the Gentiles; non-Israelites) covetously have their heart’s set on Israel’s birthright ( authority; jurisdiction; dominion). 





10. They (religious Cults continuously trying to attract Israel’s people) have systematically rebelled against Him (Yhwh; Jehovah)Ready GIF to hurt (grieve; destroy) the “spirit” (character)  of His (Jehovah’s; Yhwh’s) Holiness (sanctuary; holy-place; Holy-Ones; Holy-Saints; Holy-Angels). 

They (religious Cults attempting to attract Israel’s people) seek to turn (change; morph; transform) them (Israelites) into enemies (Mormons; Catholics; Muslims; Scientologists) who are ready, willing,  and able to fight (oppose; refuse; reject; resist; defy; deny; contest; withstand) “Living-Water” (“the Spirit of God”).







11. They istvan ory #hungary #budapest #redsea #sealevels #2016shivaji GIF by Shivaji Competition(Israel’s People) will……….NO!.…..they MUST recall (remember; be mindful of) the Old Testament Day (era;  generation) of Moses. *

Where’s today’s Israelite deliverer,  whose strength and power as Israel’s teacher (leader; parent; chief) is lifted-up (raised)  against the Sea (Red Sea; “The apostate religious culture of West”) to divide it into two opposing camps (doctrines; factions) and revealing a great sight (as well as a great “Sigh of Amazement” ) for his Hebrew people to contemplate (ponder)?

Where is today’s Israelite shepherd to guide Jehovah’s disoriented flock (people)? Where is today’s deliverer, purposefully set (positioned; placed; installed; established) amidst Israel’s people, having in mind, to smell (discern; sniff-out; find; identify; detect; sense)  the true character of Israel’s saints (Angels; Holy-Ones). 


A well written and Insightful Summary Of Moses’ Commission    

* Moses- Along charlton heston old hollywood GIFwith God, it is the figure of Moses (Moshe) who dominates the Torah. Acting at God’s behest, it is he who leads the Jews out of slavery (drudgery; hard-labor), unleashes the Ten Plagues against Egypt (a culture of servitude and bondage), guides the freed slaves for forty years in the wilderness, carries down the law from Mount Sinai, and prepares the Jews to enter the land of Canaan.
Without Moses, there would be little apart from laws to write about in the last four books of the Torah. Moses is born during the Jewish enslavement in Egypt, during a terrible period when Pharaoh decrees that all male Hebrew infants are to be drowned at birth.
His mother, Yocheved, desperate to prolong his life, floats him in a basket down the Nile. Hearing the crying child as she walks by, Pharaoh’s daughter pities the crying infant and adopts him (Exodus 2:1-10).
It surely is no coincidence that the Jews’ future liberator is raised as an Egyptian prince. Had Moses grown up in slavery with his fellow Hebrews, he probably would not have developed the pride, vision, and courage to lead a revolt.  The Torah records only three incidents in Moses’ life before God appoints him a prophet. As a young man, outraged at seeing an Egyptian overseer beating a Jewish slave, he kills the overseer. The next day, he tries to make peace between two Hebrews who are fighting, but the aggressor takes umbrage and says: “Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” Moses immediately understands that he is in danger, for though his high status undoubtedly would protect him from punishment for the murder of a mere overseer, the fact that he killed the man for carrying out his duties to Pharaoh would brand him a rebel against the king.
Indeed, the Pharaoh orders Moses killed, and he flees to Midian. At this point, Moses probably wants nothing more than a peaceful interlude, but immediately he finds himself in another fight. The seven daughters of the Midianite priest Reuel (also called Jethro) are being abused by the Midianite male shepherds, and Moses rises to their defense (Exodus 2:11-22). The incidents are of course related. In all three, Moses shows a deep, almost obsessive commitment to fighting injustice. Furthermore, his concerns are not parochial. He intervenes when a non-Jew oppresses a Jew, when two Jews fight, and when non-Jews oppress other non-Jews.
Moses marries Tzipporah, one of the Midianite priest’s daughters, and becomes the shepherd for his father-in-law’s flock. On one occasion, when he has gone with his flock into the wilderness, an angel of the Lord appears to him in the guise of a bush that is burning but is not consumed.
The symbolism of the miracle is powerful. In a world in which nature itself is worshiped, God shows that He rules over it.  Once He has so effectively elicited Moses’ attention, God commands, over Moses’ strenuous objections, -that he return (go-back)   to Egypt and along with his brother, Aaron, make one simple if revolutionary demand of Pharaoh: “Let My People Go.” Pharaoh resists Moses’ petition, until God wreaks the Ten Plagues on Egypt, after which the children of Israel escape.  Months later, in the Sinai Desert, Moses climbs Mount Sinai and comes down with the TEN COMMANDMENTS, only to discover the Israelites engaged in an orgy and worshiping a Golden Calf. The episode is paradigmatic (serving as a typical example), i.e……. 
Only at the very moment God or Moses is doing something for them are they loyal believers. The instant God’s or Moses’ presence is not manifest, the children of Israel revert to amoral, immoral, and sometimes idolatrous behavior.
Like a true parent, Moses rages at the Jews when they sin, but he never turns against them-even when God does. To God’s wrathful declaration on one occasion that He will blot out the Jews and make of Moses a new nation, he answers, “Then blot me out too” (Exodus 32:32)  The law that Moses transmits to the Jews in the Torah embraces far more than the TEN COMMANDMENTS. In addition to many ritual regulations. the Jews are instructed to love God as well as be in awe of Him, to love their neighbors as themselves, and to love the stranger-that is, the non-Jew living among them-as themselves as well.
The saddest event in Moses strikes the rock… – Fuel for the journeyMoses’ life might well be God’s prohibiting him from entering the land of Israel. The reason for this ban is explicitly connected to an episode in Numbers in which the Hebrews angrily demand that Moses supply them with water. God commands Moses to assemble the community, “and before their very eyes command (ask; order) a [nearby] rock to yield its water.” Fed up with the Hebrews’ constant whining and complaining, he says to them instead: “Listen, you rebels, shall we (?) get water for you out of this rock?” He then strikes the rock twice with his rod, and water gushes out.” (Numbers 20:2-13)…


                         Big mistake?…maybe…..but wait….there’s more…………
It is this episode of disobedience, striking the rock instead of “speaking to it”, is generally offered as the explanation for why God punishes Moses and forbids him to enter Israel. The punishment, however, seems so disproportionate to the offense, that the real reason for God’s prohibition must go deeper. Most probably, as Dr. Jacob Milgrom, professor of Bible at the University of California, Berkeley, has suggested (elaborating on earlier comments of Rabbi Hananael, Nachmanides, and the Bekhor Shor) that Moses’ sin was declaring, “Shall we (my brother Aaron and I)  get water for you out of this rock?” implying that it was he and his brother, Aaron, and not God, who were the authors of the miracle. Rabbi Irwin Kula has suggested that Moses’ sin was something else altogether. Numbers 14:5 records that when ten of the twelve spies returned from Canaan and gloomily predicted that the Hebrews would never be able to conquer the land, the Israelites railed against Moses. In response, he seems to have had a mini-breakdown: “Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembled congregation of the Israelites.” The two independent spies, Joshua and Caleb, both of whom rejected the majority report, took over “and exhorted the whole Israelite community” (Numbers 14:7).
Later,Viewing the Promised Land, Moses Looks Even at the Transjordan - in Deuteronomy, when Moses delivers his final summing-up to the Israelites, he refers back to this episode: “When the Lord heard your loud complaint, He was angry. He vowed: “Not one of these men, this evil generation, shall see the good land that I swore to give to your fathers, none except Caleb…. Because of you, the Lord was incensed with me too, and He said: You shall not enter it either. Joshua … who attends you, he shall enter it” (Deut. 1:34-38).  Despite these two sad episodes, Moses impressed his monotheistic vision upon the Jews with such force that in the succeeding three millennia, Jews have never confused the messenger with the Author of the message.
As Princeton philosopher Walter Kaufmann has written: “in Greece, the heroes of the past were held to have been sired by a god or to have been born of a goddess … [and] in Egypt, the Pharaoh was considered divine.” But despite the extraordinary veneration accorded Moses — “there has not arisen a prophet since like Moses” is the Bible’s verdict (Deuteronomy 34:10) — no Jewish thinker ever thought he was anything other than a man.  See I told you that it was unusually insightful!



See……I told you that it was well written and insightful!



12. So…… where old GIFis today’s Holy-One (Angel; Saint) who vouchsafes (reveals; discloses; announces) the rightful  (legitimate; favored; genuine;  trusted)  hand (“ministry”; spiritual-leadership) of Yhwh (Jehovah; God) as a means to Mosheh (“Draw-Out”; stretch-out; extend; offer; grant; bestow) the arm (“strength; might power”) of Yhwh’s Tiph’ereth (“Glory”; “Ark-of-the-Covenant”)…….

……by means of severing (ending;  discontinuing; suspending; cutting-off) the power of Sorcery (Black Magic; Works of Darkness), from the midst of the people.  Sorcery (Works of Darkness; Black Magic) is routinely employed by Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim and Scientology’s) leaders to promote their ungodly (unholy; corrupt; blasphemous) purposes.

The corrupting power of Sorcery (Black Magic; The Works of Darkness) is so egregious that it turns (changes; perverts; twists; warps; corrupts) Cult-leaders so that, sooner or later, they will gladly sell their souls to Satan (“the adversary”; Israel’s enemy), in exchange for temporal (worldly; secular) renown (glory; eminence; celebrity; fame) for each of themselves.







13. Their intentions (purposes) quickly devolve (degenerate) into “imposing-restrictions” upon all of youaudie murphy horse GIF by GritTV (Israel’s people) and promoting mass (widespread) disorientation (loss of a sense of divine-direction; confusion; bewilderment; ignorance; doubt; uncertainty) among Israel’s people regarding Yhwh (Jehovah; Israel’s God).

 …….For Israel’s enemies, it’s like galloping through the open country on a horse with absolutely nothing to stop them because there is no longer an unquestioned-loyalty to Yhwh (Jehovah; Israel’s God) over which they might stumble.





14.  Yhwh’s Best Cattle Stampede GIFs | Gfycat(Jehovah’s; the God Of Israel’s) Holy Spirit will subdue (tame; bend to its will) the Sorceries of wicked men with all the subtlety (nuance; delicacy; elegance)  of a stampeding-herd of Behemoths (Cattle).

The Birthright (inherited-authority, inherited-dominion,  and inherited-jurisdiction) of this (our) generation of Israel’s seed brings comfort (consolation), rightly so (as one would expect; as it should be) ………..

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle christen baby Archie - all the best pictures | Prince harry and meghan, Christening photos, Princess victoria
The authority (jurisdiction; dominion) of Israel’s people leads (inspires; encourages) each of them to qualify (prepare; ready) himself/herself to receive a glorious (transcendant; divine) name  (title; honor; rank) for much the same reason that an new-born infant is Christened (dedicated unto God)  by the child’s parents thru giving the child a New-Name  (higher office; divine-calling)


* New name- There are many instances in the holy scriptures where an individual is given a new name by Yhwh:
Abram(“high or great father”)  to Abraham (“Father of multitudes”)
Jacob (defrauder; liar; deceiver who appears to be righteous in the estimation of men) to Israel (“One who is upright in the eyes of God”)
Sarai – ( “dominative; controlling; dominating)  to Sarah (“One who prevails or has power of a princess”), to name a few. In a spritual sense, a new name signals a promotion (elevation; advancement) , as it were, to a new (higher) and more comprehensive (divine; heavenly) office (post; job-title; appointment; commission).    





15. You (Israel’s people) must vociferate (peak or cry-out loudly or noisily; shout; bawl; clamour; excite a lot of attention; shout loudly and vehemently) when speaking (teaching) of/ about “The-heavens” (People with whom God and His Holy Spirit dwell and feel perfectly “At-Home”)  .

You (Israel’s people) also must appreciate (understand  acknowledge; remember; recall; know again) the holiness (sanctity; “Angelic-Nature”) and the glory (prestige; majesty; grandeur; dignity)  of your-own (Israel’s-own )  habitation (home; “residence-with-God”; place) among The Heavens (those with whom God and his Holy Spirit actually dwell and feel perfectly “At-Home”) 


So…..what ever happened to (where in tarnation is)  your (Israel’s) historic Israelite zeal (great enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause) and where are extraordinary heroes (champions; lionhearts) of your Israelite authority…….

And where is the “Embarrassment of Riches” (more than anyone would know what to do with) regarding your (Israel’s) impressibility (clay-like malleability) as well as Israel’s tenderhearted-affection toward Me  (Yhwh) and my ministry (spiritual leadership). .

A recollection Neuralyzer Men In Black GIF - Neuralyzer MenInBlack WillSmith - Discover & Share GIFsof this very aspect (particular feature) of Israelite History has been deliberately (intentionally) erased (wiped; deleted; blotted-out) from the collective-memory of Israel’s people.






16. But Your The Best GIF by memecandythrough (thanks to) Abraham’s bloodline, you (Yhwh; Jehovah) are our (Israel’s) Father (founder; creator).

Even though Abraham never revealed  any specific (revelatory;  particular) knowledge (awareness) of this (our) latter-day generation of Israel’s people.

You (Yhwh; Jehovah) are our Father (creator; God; friend) as much as you are Abraham’s Father (Creator; God; friend) .

 Your (Yhwh’s; Jehovah’s) eternal (the upper regions of space; the clear sky; the heavenly) name (jurisdiction; dominion) exists forever (in the past and into the future) .



17. To suit (go with; accommodate)  what (or “whose”) purpose (benefit; advantage) is this (our) latter-day generation of Israel’s people enticed (persuaded; allured; beguiled) to wander (stray) from the ways of Yhwh (Jehovah; Israel’s God)?

Cult Making Practical Repentance Difficult! - Truediscipleship(Mormon; Roman Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) Authority (dominion; jurisdiction) routinely (systematically)  hardens the hearts of our (Israel’s) people against an urgent (critical; immediate; crucial)  need for repentence (reviewing one’s actions and feeling contrition or regret for past wrongs, which is accompanied by a commitment to and actions that show and prove a change for the better).

Thy (Yhwh’s) servant inspires (cause; urges; motivates) just this kind of repentance in keeping with Israel’s lawful inheritance (birthright).





18. For a short while,  Cult (Mormon) members were permitted and actually encouraged by their leaders to demonstrate your (Israel’s) character of holiness.

But, in theand i have hives | Tumblr end, your enemies (Cults and their missionaries) are determined to trample (defile; violate; corrupt; desecrate; crush) everything that’s “Sacred and Holy” to you (Israel’s people).  




19. Sadly, in practice, we ( “Israel’s seed”) have at-times been inclined to negate (blow-off; ignore, neglect; pass-over) Yhwh’s superior authority, by which they are held accountable. Israel’s seed has at-times refused to bid (invite; mention) your (Yhwh’s; Jehovah) name (dominion; jurisdiction) to which they are committed because of their Israelite inheritance (Birthright) 

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Oh that (shock, sorrow, disappointment, in reaction to something that has just been said) you (Israel’s people) would rend (tear; revile; criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting manner) The-Heavens (“those with whom Yhwh and His holy Spirit feel perfectly at home”) in order to bring-down (sink; lower; reduce) Yhwh’s authority to suit your own selfish purposes.

The Rethinking The Sales And Marketing Organization | Partners in EXCELLENCE Blog -- Making A Differenceadministrations of Cult (Mormon; Roman-Catholic; Muslim; Scientology’s) Sorcerers pumps out (spits-out; spews; gushes-out) precisely this sort of robotic “Men of the Cloth” (clergy; priests; ministers; pastors; spiritual leaders),  but they do it rapidly, in “Assembly Line” fashion.

End Of Chapter Sixty-Three




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