Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 21 – verses 1- 17

A Prophecy Against Babylon

1. An Oracle (a prophecy) about the confusion (disorientation; anarchy) coming out of “The-West” (Salt Lake headquarters and its Melchizedek Priesthood Organization). It’s like a whirlwind (tornado; hurricane; “sucking-vortex”) sweeping through the dry (parched; withered) communities of Israelites who’ve inherited Jehovah’s birthright (heritage; legacy)cockroach GIF to “Peh” (“act as a mouthpiece”; speak as God’s representative).  

Salt Lake’s invaders (trespassers; aliens; attackers; intruders) have come bearing their “Kingdom-Of-Terror” to turn religion for Israel’s people into a roach-infested “wasteland” (wilderness; badland;  spiritually /intellectually-barren land).




2. A dire (grim; ominous; portentous) vision has been shown to me (Isaiah) revealing Salt Lake’s treacherous (perfidious) “betrayal of trust”.   It tells of the looting (stealing) of Israelite goods by Salt Lake’s looters (pirates; thieves; marauders). Elam! (Semites who are hidden and obscure) It’s time to attack!

“Media”! (communication outlets; tools used to deliver information) It’s time for your peopleshark attack 3 GIF to lay-siege to (surround; encirle; enclose) Salt Lake Headquarters in order to force its bastards (Nephilim; hybrid-monsters)  to come out and give up control of it.  I (Jehovah) am bringing an end to the pain that is suffered by the body (assembly; bulk; central-portion) of Israel’s people.





3. This whole thing pains (hurts) me (Jehovah). Every part of My body (Israel’s people) isImage result for woman in labor gif trembling with pain.

My body (Israel’s people) are seized by the  pangs of a woman in labor. I’m staggered by what I hear and bewildered by what I see.








4. The heart (central part; essence) of “my body” (Israel’s people) has faltered (wandered;Image result for twilight nature wallpaper gone astray) and fear (agitation) makes “my body” (Israel’s people) tremble,  now.

The twilight (soft glowing light) of Mormonism,  for which Israel’s People once longed,  has become (appears) like  a horror (matter of great concern; source of anger)  to them.




5. They (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) have been taught by Salt Lake to “set the tables” (makeRed Carpet GIF by My Protein Bites a future outcome possible) for Salt Lake’s royalty. 

So……..Israel’s people have been  “rolling out the red carpet for” “(welcoming in a very friendly manner) Salt Lake’s ambassadors.

Arise…you Israelite officers……anoint the  shields *


* Anoint the shields” – means: Prepare your arms: make ready for the battle. The shield represents all their weapons, offensive and defensive. Soldiers anointed their shields with oil to preserve and polish them, and make them slippery, so that the enemies’ darts might not fix in and penetrate, but slide off from them.





6. Indeed (if truth be told), thus saith the Lord unto me (Isaiah), “Go…post a lookout (a personGIF by Nat Geo Wild stationed to keep watch for danger or trouble) and have him report what he sees”.









7. When chariots (Mormon-Bishoprics; 3-man assault teams) are observed (witnessed)  acompanied by 2-man teamsscared cat GIF (missionary-companions), men born by “domesticated pack animals” (Israel’s obedient people) , and men born by camels (“ships of the desert”) , then, he had better be alert………I mean really-really alert!







8. But then,  a lioness (female member of Judah’s tribe) sniffing-out trouble from her post on the the watchtower (A tower onRelaxing Big Cat GIF by Nature on PBS which a sentinel is placed to watch for enemies or the approach of danger) shouts, “Day after day, My Lord, I’ve stood upon this watchtower.  Throughout the night (time of darkness),  I’ve stayed at my post (fulfilled my assignment)”.








9. Then……what do you know! (what a surprise; guess what)! Here comes a woman of noblebeach running GIF quality riding a horse and plainly (evidently; obviously; straightforwardly) bearing witness (providing-crucial-evidence).

Her words are published (circulated; issued) and she’s bringing to light (throwing light on) Salt Lake’s Sorcery (use of magic, especially black magic)…… 

 ……..”She’s “fallen” (corrupt; evil;  degenerate; unscrupulous)….Salt Lake’s Babylon (confusion; misrepresentation bewilderment)  is “fallen” (corrupt; amoral; unprincipled)! angry comedy central GIF

“All the images (impressions; perceptions) that Salt Lake has worked so hard to create in the publics mind about who/what Salt lake worships are shattered (smashed to smithereens) once and for all.





10. I am telling  you what I’ve heard (come to understand) as a result of a close (initmate)robin williams broom GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment relationship with the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, “Salt Lake’s oppression of Israel’s people has  swept-away (removed) their power to effectively lead”.


A Prophecy Against Edom


11. The Exploitation orchestrated and carried-out by “Hades” (“Dumah; a place of Silence; “the Unseen”), is conveniently attributed to MeImage result for gatekeepers (Jehovah). “Hades” has the authority to admit (allow entry to; accept) Israel’s people because Hades (“Dumah; “the place of silence”; “the Unseen”) actually chooses (selects) Mormonism’s  doorkeepers (Bishops; presiding officers) as agents (attornies; intermediaries; deputies; go betweens) on behalf of  Salt Lake Headquarters. 

These men who are supposed (generally assumed or believed)  to be keeping watch-over (protecting; guarding) the interests of rank and file Mormons (Israel’s people)…..but that assumption is hugely mistaken.

Mormonism’s Gatekeepers (Bishops and Presidencies)  represent (speak for; protect) the interestsParty Berlin GIF by BVG of Salt Lake headquarters, not yours, thus they are employed as bouncers (“muscle”; security guards) and they are commissioned to cut-off (thwart; intercept; close-off; block) “Israel’s People” (rank and file Mormon’s) from access (approach; means of entry; contact; admission) to Salt Lake or to simply eject them from the premises.





12. One of Salt Lake’s “Bouncers” confesses, “The emergence of light’ (a desire to ask; a desire to inquire; a desire to investigate; a desire to contemplate;  a desire to search) during the latter days has come,  it’s true, but no one knows that it’s Image result for Peg accompanied by a gathering of things, people, and ideas whose aim (intention; plan objective) is to obscure (conceal; hide) Salt Lake headquarter’s “parting of the way”(apostacy).

The wholesale apostacy (defection; dereliction) of Salt Lake presiding officers has created a swelling (surging; cresendo) of desire (aspiration; impulse) among them to overthrow the “Peg” (“cause”; principle that one is prepared to defend; “ground”; “basis”; foundation for belief) of Israel’s seed (descendants; children) and “lead-them-away” (take them) as captives to the whims of Salt Lake’s Nephilite leadership, having in mind the total-overthrow of Israel’s seed (successors; scions).




A Threatening Oracle Against Arabia *

* Arabia –  (arbiy)  pronounced ar – bee is derived from the Hebrew root verb ereb-pronounced-eh-reb. It means:Image result for ugliest mix breed contest clipart to mix; to intermix; to traffic; to mingle). Thus,  the name Arabia refers to a mixture; a mongrel (mixed-breed; mutt) race; a mingled-people; a mixed-multitude.  The final “ia” has been morphed from a final “h” (pronounced-“eh”) that turns ereb into a noun, Arabia (a-mixed-breed-or-mutt-race-of-people).


13. The “Onus” (liability; fault; blame; burden)  of Arabia (Salt Lake’s mongrel race; Salt Lake’s mixed breed; Salt Lake’s mutt race of people) is that their leaders (General Authorities) operate as a caravan (convoy; procession; troop) of Dedanites *

* Dedanites-people lodged among the thickets (entangled families)  of Arabia (mongrel races;  mixed breeds; mutt races of people) and are referred to as “Gypsy-like” families moving from place to place in caravans (convoys; processions). They were predators closely associated with “Sheba” (trafficking; dealing or trading in things illegal). 




14. This Dedanite (wandering; vagrant; itinerate; wayfaring; transient) breed of presiding priesthood leadership is moving (setting in motion; pressuring; campaigning; lobbying; pushing) to summon (rally; muster; call) Israelites who show a  demonstrable (clearly apparent) thirst (eagerness; keen desire) for the authority to control (exercise; operate; handle) the powers of “Darkness” (Sorcery; “Black Magic”) as a means to sit on thrones (seats of power and authority)  over the desert (desolate; God-forsaken; barren) kingdom ofpicard GIF Mormonism established by Salt Lake Headquarters.

This, they think (assume; suppose; pressume) brings-forth (produces; causes; yields) all the equipment (furnishing; accouterment) they need to go-before (outrank; outshine; eclipse; dominate) everyone else.




15. Indeed (if truth be told), Salt Lake’s Dedanite (wandering; vagrant) leaders can be countedExplosion Explode GIF by Minnesota State University Moorhead on to turn-tail (act like “weenies”;  fear; run-scared; flee) in the face of the Israelite-force (“Hell”; shit) that’s about to hit the fan ( be unleashed), … the face of a hopeless (pessimistic; futile) battle against Israel.









16. Indeed (in fact), thus saith the Lord to me (Isaiah), “As a result of your damning (incriminating ; damaging)  testimony (evidence; witness) a revolution (“coup d etat”; drastic govermental change)  attempting to bend (subdue; tame)  theget out thank you GIF by Apple Music Will (determination) of Israel’s people. is stopped (thwarted; halted; ended).   This time it’s Salt Lake Headquarters trying to make Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons)  drunk (intoxicated; affected by the “Spirit of Mormonism” to the extent of losing control of their faculties), but all of Salt Lake’s “Pomp (ceremony and splendid display) & Circumstance” (material affluence) is history (“lame”; “so-yesterday”; passe’), anyway.






17. And the remainder (what’s left of) those who are numbered among Salt Lakes bowmenold robin williams GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (forces; military organization; army) will be “scarcer than hens teeth” (extremely difficult or impossible to find). Indeed (“to be sure”), the Lord God of Israel has spoken.



  End Of Chapter Twenty-One













Image result for insignia of second lieutenant


Goldbricks” – from gold+‎ brick, originally (the 1850s) an actual gold ingot or brick, later a “swindle” that consisted of selling a putative (generally considered or reputed to be)  gold brick, which was only coated in gold. The swindle is attested from 1879, the sense “to swindle” is attested 1902, and the sense “to shirk” is attested 1914, popularized as World War I armed forces slang. In the early 1900s, used to refer to an unattractive young woman – not pretty, nor able to talk or dance (attested 1903), thence to refer to incompetent enlisted troops at the start of World War I, reinforced by the rank insignia of second lieutenants, which was a gold rectangle.






I coulda had class
Salt Lake’s priesthood Authorities seek to snatch the “Championship-title” that Israel’s people have rightfully inherited.

15.  Indeed (if truth be told), Salt Lake’s General Authorities are averse (afraid of ) a   confrontation (a show-down; a-face-off; a face to face contest) with Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons). They’re  terrified (afraid)  of  (1) Israelites who are well-prepared (well-armed; well-suited) and (2)  Israelites who are sincerely devoted to Jehovah) and  (3) Israelite’s who are “hot” (vehement; impassioned; zealous) for the commencement of “The battle of Armageddon” *  Simply stated, it means: 

“The controversy over the administration of what is pre-eminent to men”. 

*.“The Battle of Armageddon” In Hebrew, the original wording is:  “The Battle of Har-Meggido”  (let’s break it down)
 Battle (contest; controversy; lawsuit; struggle conflict; competition)
of (over; about; for) 
Har (the mountain of; “the administration of”; “the government of”)
 Megiddowhat is pre-eminent to men; what men celebrate; what is significant to men; what men cherish; what is important to men; what men hold dear). 



pompous man
          Braggarts are most-often asses, to begin with!

16. Indeed, Thus saith the Lord unto me, a revolution (rebellion revolt; insurrection; uprising) is underway (in progress) because of Salt Lake’s hirelings (sheep-herders; religious leaders who are compensated generously to pretend to be Priests, i.e. “holy-men”) and Melchizedek high-priests whose braggadocio (boastful or arrogant behaviormanifests (betrays; reveals; is evidence of) Salt  Lake’s Arabian  (mongrel; bastard; mule-like; mix-breed) roots (sources; origins; beginnings; genesis; seat; core; essence).









Mormon men quickly accustomed to behaving like sycophants (toadies; brown-noses” and ” yes-man”) if they ever hope to be successful and advance in the Mormonism’s Melchizedek Priesthood Organization.

17. So, whatever happened to the scores (great-many; legions; scads-and-oodles; millions) of Salt Lake’s bowing  (“sycophant”; bootlicking; kowtowing; fawning; apple-polishing; toady) followers?……….. – those who were once (former; old; by-gone; erstwhile) conscientious (wish-ing to do what is right) Sons    (followers; subjects; disciples; pupils;  apprentices; students) of Salt Lake’s prophets and apostles.

These days, as Salt Lake’s poison is consumed by more and more Israelite men promoted into leadership positions,  they are becoming few-and-far-between (more scarce than hen’s teeth).   Indeed (certainly; definitely),  The God of Israel has spoken.






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