Reading Isaiah's Mind

Chapter 58 – verses 1-14

The True Purpose Of Fasting

1. Shout (call-outYelling Meryl Streep GIF) “with a “full-throated cry “ (like a trumpet), and don’t withhold anything (“pussy-foot-around”; “beat around the bush”;  equivocate) about it.


Raise (lift-up) your voices to inform My (Israelite) people of the Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Islamic) rebellion (“coup d’etat”; Putsch; power-play) against God’s (YHWH’s; Jehovah’s) government,  which has been underway (going-on; in-progress) thru (1) Catholicism for nearly two thousand (2000 years), (2) thru Islam beginning in the 7th century CE, approximately 600 years after the founding of Christianity but more recently (in the last days)  thru Mormonism (started by Joseph Smith in Western New York in the 1820s and 30s).

All three “Worldwide Religious Cults” are led by the same Family (bloodline; syndicate; Dynasty) of “Jacobites” (defrauders; deceivers; swindlers; embezzlers; liars).

Jacob’s seed (descendants; offspring; posterity) has gotten control of Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Islamic) headquarters in (1) Salt Lake City, Utah, and (2) Stato Della Città del VaticanoRome, Italy and (3) Mecca, in Saudi Arabia,  as a means to proliferate (perpetuate; breed; continue indefinitely) throughout the world, the sins (crimes; unfounded beliefs; wrong-doings) of Jacob (a family of deceivers; swindlers; cheats).




2. Day after day (continually), My (Jehovah’s) Mark” (“sign”; “ensign”; “standard”)  points  (directs everyone’s attention) to the valid ( Old-Testament Covenant (agreement; treaty;  contract), which is still valid (in force) between Abraham’s dynasty (lineage; bloodline; line of hereditary-rulers)  and “YHWH” (Jehovah; “The Self Existent One”).


“She” hey arnold nick splat GIF(“Jehovah’s ensign”) is “in-search-of” (“on the look-out for”) secure (trustworthy; reliable)  Israelite seed (descendants; posterity; offspring) who know (are familiar with; are acquainted with) My (Jehovah’s) “way” (path).     



“Trustworthy Israelite offspring” are inclined (willing; predisposed) to secure (shield; trust) other Israelites because they are:

(1)  “A Nation That Produces Righteousness” and…..

(2)  “A Nation That Defends The Old Testament Covenant Of Abraham”. 

They ask (beg) Me (Jehovah) to not forsake (abandon) them as a result of the judgment  (legal-action; punishment; retribution) of Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim-idols (heroes; Popes, Cardinals; Prophets; Apostles; Imams) in control of “Worldwide Religious Cults”.
godfather GIF

Religious Cult-Leaders are masters (specialists) in the art of exploitation (profiteering), especially with regard to Jehovah’s (God’s) name (authority; jurisdiction).

They are desperately trying to justify-themselves (declare themselves innocent and guiltless; clear-themselves; absolve-themselves; acquit-themselves.legitimize-themselves; vindicate-themselves) concerning past (old; preexistent) charges of criminal-activities that have historically (traditionally; famously; customarily; habitually) operated (worked; been-employed) among members of their family (lineage; bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary-rulers).

They engage in these kinds of  criminal-activities,  now (today; in the last days) as a means to access (get; acquire; receive) more and more authority (dominion; jurisdiction) over the world’s population.  They only “seem” (appear; pretend) to bear the authority (jurisdiction; dominion) of Israel’s God (Jehovah; The Self-Existent One”) 



Question Mark GIFs | Tenor.

                                                      ISRAEL’S QUESTION

3. Why have we (Israel’s people) been counseled to “fast (abstain from all food or drink as a religious observance) and pray” on a regular basis,  when it looks (seems; appears) as though you (“Men of the Cloth”) don’t regard (care-about) the fact that that we’ve humbled ourselves.

Haven’t you (“Men of the Cloth”) noticed?


Behold (observe something disappointing), on the day (at the time) of your (Israel’s) fast (abstinence from food and drink),Angry Emoji GIFs | Tenor “Men of the Cloth” receive (find; get) tremendous pleasure (satisfaction; fulfillment of their wishes ) from watching you (Israel’s people) sacrifice (abstain from) food and drink,  while/as they (“Men of the Cloth”) systematically oppress you (keeping you in subservience and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority).




4. Behold (“look and learn”)……..

“Men of the Cloth” fast (abstain from food and drink) because they are feverishly engaged in a fight (battle; competition) against you (Israel’s people) Charlie Sheen Winning GIFs | Tenorfor the survival (permanence; longevity; immutability; staying-power) of their Cult-dynasty (succession of cult-rulers) and to persuade (prevail upon; convince) their Israelite (rank and file) subjects (members; disciples)  to defend (champion with clenched fists; endorse; “stick-up for”guilty (bad; condemned; ungodly; wicked) “Men of the Cloth”.

Like Charlie Sheen, they (“Men of the Cloth”) think that they are “winning” this fight.



They (“Men of the Cloth”)  refuse to “deprive themselves Cartoons: Wolves in priests clothing | Cartoons | standard.netof food and drink”  only to be  “inevitably be bent (tamed; subjugated) to Israel’s will (single-mindedness; determination) to bring their  “treachery” (“Skullduggery” “betrayal of trust”; deceptive action or maneuvering) under control.



Superiority: negative sense of self | Energy Guidance CompleteThey (priests; preachers; pontiffs; clergymen) are inextricably (totally) involved   (implicated; included; embroiled) in a competition (contest) for superiority (supremacy; dominance) over Israel’s people during the “Last-Days”.



They (“Men of the Cloth”) are primarily motivated (driven; encouraged; moved) by a covetous (insatiable; greedy)  desire to be regarded (“noticed”; popular; respected; favored) “On-High”……..that is to say,…..among Cult-dignitaries (cult superiors; cult-celebrities; cult-luminaries; cult VIPs; cult-officialdom) who expect them (“Men Of The Cloth”) to be entirely convincing (potent; persuasive) in their religious-pretense (“role of a lifetime”; spiritual-make-believe; charade ) as “God’s Chosen (hand-picked) Shepherds (Popes and Cardinals; Prophets and Apostles; Imams) to all of you (Israel’s People).




5. Behold (perceive and comprehend), you (Israel’s people) must get this calamitous-situation under control, so that you (Israel’s people) can administer (execute; authorize; apply) the “Fast” that  I (Jehovah) appoint for you (Israel’s people), today (here and now).

The “Fast” that tax exempt I (Jehovah) choose    (appoint) for you (Israel’s people) will enable you to testify (bear-witness) against those carefree (happy-go-lucky) hypocrites (“wolves in sheep’s clothing”) who falsely claim to “lead (guide; influence; shepherd; serve) the souls of man (human beings) in righteousness.

Who wants to “Follow a Prophet (“Obey a Pope”; “Heed an Imam”) who is constantly “shaking his head” (expressing disapproval) toward his congregants (devotees) making-sure that “sackcloth and ashes”(signs of debasement) are evident (apparent; obvious) everywhere.  

Cult authorities (Islam’s Officialdom; Catholic Popes; Cardinals; Mormon Prophets; apostles; “big shots”) have systematically pushed (sought) for this degree (level; amount; extent) of control (power and authority; influence) over Israel’s people.

When cult leaders call-for (announce; require) a “Fast”, their primary objective is to seal (“make-air-tight”; guarantee; secure; safeguard) the “wicked-pleasure and wantonness”  of “today” (“our day”; “the-latter-days”).  




6. Weren’t the following pretty good curb your enthusiasm GIFthree (3) objectives “Pretty-Good” (“Pitty-Dood”) reasons for the “Law of the Fast” (sacrifice of their food and drink) unto Jehovah “in the first place “ (in the Old Testament; in the beginning; at the outset)?

(1) to unlock (loose) the “Chains-of-Injustice” 


(2) to point (direct everyone’s attention) to the top authorities (officialdom; power elites; top-brass; privileged-leaders) who are, in fact, the chief (primary; principal) architects of the embezzlement (fraudulent-appropriation) of Israel’s birthright (hereditary privilege) to rule (lead; govern),  for the “Grand-Plan” (“brainchild”; Game-Plan; strategy; ultimate-intention) of Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) Authorities is to yoke (couple; enlist; employ; utilize) Israel’s people in the systematic dismantling (disbanding; destruction demobilizing) of their own House (family; dynasty; line of hereditary -rulers).

(3) to stop Peace Out Goodbye GIF(bring to a halt; “cut-out”) the works (employment; practice; use) of Sorcery (Black Magic; “The Practices Of Darkness”) and sever (discontinue; break-off; suspend) all the cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) yokes (enslavements; relationships; ties; connections; links; attachments) as a first-step in rooting-out (finding and removing) Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) authorities (officials) appointed to “be-in-charge-of” spreading falsehood and lies.




7. As well, isn’t the purpose of a depressed betty white GIF“Fast” (period during which you do not eat food, especially for religious reasons) to share your spiritual-food (enlightenment; spiritual-awareness; spiritual-wisdom; spiritual-insight; spiritual-understanding) with those who are hungry (have empty stomachs; leading empty-lives) and with those who are depressed (despondent; dispirited; discouraged),  but straggling (dawdling; meandering) along behind “Men of the Cloth”. 

You must provide Israel’s People with  “shelter from the storm” (respite from emotional maelstrom; relief from Israel’s “Crown of Thorns”).

The moment that you encountercary grant irving reis GIF by Maudit “Men of the Cloth”  who appear to be irresistibly  “smooth” (slick; suave; polished), you had better start  “adding-things-up” (“Connecting the Dots”; examining the clues; being a detective; understanding things by piecing together hints or other bits of information; drawing logical inferences by connecting items of information to reveal something previously hidden or unknown)…..

……so that you (Israel’s people) may subdue (put a stop to;  bring under control; tame) the diabolical (demonic; devilish)  work (business; swindle) of their Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) authority (jurisdiction; dominion).

So,  under no circumstances should you (Israel’s people) ever authorize (tolerate; sanction; endorse) the yoking (enslaving; hitching; coupling; harnessing; constraining) of your own flesh (kindred; blood-relatives). 


.bridge sunrise GIF by University of Florida

8. So (therefore) , the light (“Truth”; brightness; intelligence) of your (Israelite) soul will break-forth;   (become evident; become apparent;  be perceived) by everyone. It will , appear to them like the dawn (first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise; dim light before the rising of the sun)……

……..and the “Continuation (“Eternal quality”) of your authority will quickly (instantly ) sprout-forth (become-apparent; “appear”) and your “personal uprightness (holiness) will radiate (emit light; radiate outward ) before (ahead of; in front of) you (Israel’s people).

The glory (soul; source of fame, admiration, and honor) possessed by God (the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being: “The Self-Existent One”) will become the force that enables you to gather (assemble; collect) you (Israel’s people).



9. At that point in time,  your (Israel’s) Heavenly authority (jurisdiction; dominion) will invite (summon) other Israelites…..and JHWH (Israel’s God; The Self-Existent-One”) will testify (bear-witness) of you (Israel’s people).


When you (Israel’s baby help GIFpeople) call (cry-out) for “HELP” (assistance), at that very moment (in that very instant) He (Jehovah) will reply,…..

  “Here I am, ….My little “Mother” *(“binder”; someone who fulfills the role of a mother; someone who acts as the  “glue” that encircles and binds Israel’s family together; one whose arms pull/ bind Israel’s family together through her work and love).    

* Binding Agent-A “binder”The Modern Family Ending GIF by Super GIF | Gfycat or “binding-agent” is (in this particular situation) an Israelite entity (being; “mother”) that holds or draws Israel’s children (family; tribe; house; lineage; bloodline;  dynasty)  together to form a cohesive whole.
The children (clans)  of Israel consist of (1) Reuben, (2) Simeon, (3) Levi, (4) Judah, (5) Dan, (6) Naphtali, (7) Gad, (8) asher, (9) Issachar, (10) Zebulon, (11) Joseph, (12) Benjamin.




Perhaps you (Israel’s people) can now understand why the countenances Tree troubles usually start at the trunk - Jacksonville Journal ...(facial-expressions) of so many Cult (Catholic; Mormon; Muslim) authorities (CEO’s; aristocrats; power-elites; “big-Shots”) look sullen (glum; sour), sad (unhappy), and angry (cross; annoyed). 

It’s  because you (Israel’s people) constitute the “trunk” (main or central woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots) of Father-Adam’s family-tree (ancestral-tree; genealogical-tree; bloodline; posterity) instead of them……

……and now “DAMN IT”…….

You (Israel’s people)  are mobilizing pointing no GIF(rallying reuniting; gathering; preparing; assembling) to “point-the-finger-at “ (assign-blame-to; accuse; initiate-criminal-charges against ) them and vociferously saying “NO to Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslin)  fraud (criminal deception intended to result in financial and personal gain). 







10. And, Channel 9 Mafs GIF by Married At First Sight Australiaencourage  (embolden; inspire)  everyone to open their eyes (wake-up; recognize what’s going on around them) concerning the suffering (pain; distress) inflicted upon your (Israel’s) souls and the souls of those who continue to respond to (sustain; acknowledge; welcome; support) Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) authorities.

Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) Authorities (officialdom; “big-Shots”; “Power Elites”) are well-satisfied (paid; fulfilled; compensated) and they seem (appear) to be  “emitting scattering rays” (shining; sparkling; twinkling). But this is because they’re employing The Powers of Darkness” sun GIF(Sorcery; Black Magic) to achieve that appearance…………but……….“wait for it”………..your (Israel’s)  “long-hidden” (long-covered-up) and obscure (“not widely understood”)  authority (jurisdiction; dominion) will soon shine brighter than the noon-day sunlight before everyone’s very eyes.





11. YHWH (Jehovah; Israel’s God; “The Self-Existent One”) will always guide you (Israel’s people) and point (direct your attention) to the Seventh-Day (Shabbath-day; period of time set aside for self-evaluation) as a means to bring forth division (feud; dispute; conflict) after division (feud; dispute; conflict) linked to (among) Cult (Mormon; Catholic; Muslim) Authorities (officialdom; “Big-Shots”)

The historically “mighty” authority (dominion; jurisdiction) of your (Israel’s) people will be strengthened further,Rioja single vineyard designation announced - Decanter so that you (Israel’s people) will become the Vintners (winemakers; spirituality-makers) of a well-watered Israelite vineyard (plantation)  of “grape” (“Christ-like-people of royal blood; Messianic-royalty”) bearing “vines” (lineages, bloodlines; families; dynasties; lines of hereditary rulers) that are refreshed (revived; given new life)  by “Living-Waters” (“a Holy Spirit”) that never fails to “breathe new life into” (replenish) their Israelite seed.





12. And the teachings (ideas or principles taught by divine-authority)  coming again and again from you (Israel’s people) will rebuild the ruins (remains) of My (Jehovah’s) ancient foundation (fundamental-principles; groundwork) for the sake of generation after generation of people who you will soon authorize (entitle; allow; enable) to re-establishyom kippur jewish GIF (establish again or anew; reclaim;  re-introduce) their houses  (families; lineages; bloodlines; ancestry;  Dynasties; lines of hereditary-rulers). 

They will give the name “RESTORER & DESTROYER” unto you because you returned this (our-latter-day) generation of Israel’s people to its ancient Seat (foundation) of Authority,  and delight in  observing (complying with; abiding by)  the Shabbath (“The Seventh-Day; The Lord’s appointed time, specifically set-aside for “Self-Evaluation”).





13. If your (Israelite) authorities (officialdom; princesses) restore (reestablish) observance of (compliance-with) the “Shabbath” (the Seventh Day; the time period set aside by YHWH for self-Evaluation)……More 1000 Honorable Synonyms. Similar words for Honorable.

……..and if you (Israel’s princesses) call (summon) everyone to so (likewise; similarly; in such a manner)  delight themselves for the sake of (in the interest of) YHWH’s (Israel’s God’s; “The Self-Existent One’s”) “Holy-Ones” (“Holy-Saints; Holy-Angels”) each of whom are “honorable” (honest;  principled)….


……..and if you (Israel’s people) honor (promote) the authority (dominion; jurisdiction) of these Israelite Holy-Ones (Saints; Angels) by refusing to live (walk; act) according to your own (long-established; personal) ways (habits; idiosyncrasies) simply because those habits bring you pleasure, but rather, you prescribe the “Word of God” instead.



14. Then, you (Israel’s people) will find Joy (happiness) thru YHWH  (Jehovah; “the God of Israel”) and carry  (bear; bring)  your Animated gif about photography in ᗩᒪᒪᗩᕼ by ☁꓄ꃅꍟ ꌗꀘꌩ ...glorious authority unto the Cult “High-Places” (Cult-worship-Complexes;   Islam’s “Kaaba”- in Mecca; Mormonism’s Temple Square complex in Salt Lake City; Catholicism’s  St. Peters Basilica; Mecca Islam’s Al Aqsa Mosque) of the world’s largest Global Religious Cults,  so that they can enjoy (have the benefit and use of) your (Israel’s) authority.

It’s inherited from Jacob (Second son of Isaac and Rebecca; grandson of Father, Abraham, and Sarah – Old Testament). Indeed, Thus saith the Lord, God of Israel.

🇻🇦 — Vatican City GIF | Gfycat


.Nauvoo Christmas and Salt Lake City Temple Square Christmas ...


                                                                End Of Chapter Fifty-Eight









 Seize The Day”i.e. “make the most of the present and give little thought to the future”). ” n order for to guarantee for (summon)  others  situation  urge; force; motivate Israel’s people Great visions and dreams revealed by God (Jehovah) motivate (inspire; force) show how to tame (master) this (specific situation just mentioned). 

You (Israel’s people) must work (labor; be employed; buckle-down) to revive (bring-back keep-alive; preserve; restore) “The Fast”  that I (Jehovah; “your Master”) chose for Israel’s people,  long ago,  as a means to point (direct everyone’s attention) to Israel’s “Great Visions and Dreams”, of today (our day; the latter-days)  so Israel’s people will be able to humble (dumbfound; screw-up; confound) the “fallen” (disgraced; unregenerated) souls of Adam (mortal men).


“Great Visions and Dreams” move (inspire; prod; force; motivate) God’s sheep (protected followers) to tame (“bring under their control”) the Mouths (false prophets and apostles; spokesmen; Popes; Cardinals; Imams) of today’s “Global-Religious-Cults” whose reach (influence; scope; jurisdiction) has become worldwide.

The goal is to in order to lead (teach; direct) this (our) Israelite generation which has fallen from God’s Grace (favor) to be governed “primarily” by personal habits,  so as to move (motivate; force; prod; push) them to offer (furnish) Israel’s people a drink and willing to (desire) to “dress in sackcloth” (become pilgrims; become devotees; become believers; become worshippers) 













As a Goy (gentile; non-Israelite) kingdom,  they (Mormon-Priesthood Authorities)Image result for conductor gif and their groupies (followers; flunkies; minions; fans; admirers; buffs; devotees; hanger-on’s; supporters) make a “Big-Show” (spectacle; pageant; “something showy”; Acadamy Award Winning-performance)  of eagerness to conduct (escort; usher; pilot; guide)  Israel’s people into going-along-with (giving their  consent and agreement to ; complying with; cooperating with) Salt Lake’s so-called (alleged; pretended; self-styled; false)  “Works of Righteousness” (idolatrous worship of “Men in High Places”) and their “Judgment” (opinion; “Old-School of Thought”) concerning Jehovah,   by holding (seizing; appropriating; taking) the hand (power and authority) of Israel’s people, while moving forward.







3. These folks secretly wonder within their souls, “Why have we been fasting all these years, because it’s obvious that no one acknoeleges it? Why have we humbled ourselves for our entire lives when it’s clear that no one cares?


Because , “THE CHURCH” (the religious organization to which you belongImage result for I'm serious, Dude gif and render obedience) has taught you that on “Fast-Days”, it’s perfectly alright to do “Whatever-in-hell”, you please.


Indeed (if truth be told) “THE CHURCH” (the religious organization to which you belong and render obedience) exploits (takes advantage of; makes full use of; derives a substantial portion of its financial-wealth from) its workers (that’s you….Dude!). 










4. Behold (recognize-that) Salt Lake’s presiding authorities observe “Fast-Days” (time of abstinence Image result for GMOfrom food; occasion for self-denial and sacrifice) for the sake of (in order to; as a means to) win (prevail; be-triumphant) the worldwide debate (dispute; controversy) over who has legitimate authority and whose “Spiritual-Food” (teachings; doctrines) are “Good-For-Human-Consumption”.


Do you insist upon bread (spiritual-food; doctrines;  teachings; “The Word of God”) that is unleavened  (straight  from the horse’s mouth; undoctored; un-modified; ) or do you enjoy being lulled (calmed and put to sleep; made to feel deceptively secure or confident) by “Doctrines-of-Devils” (ways which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death-Proverbs 14:12),  which are regularly (routinely) spewed (vomited; belched; regurgitated) from the  mouths (prophets & apostles) at Salt Lake Headquarters. 


They (Salt Lake’s presiding authorities)  observe “Fast-Days” (occasions for self-denial and sacrifice)  for the power to strike (cow;Image result for angry business man clenching his fist menace; frighten; scare; discourage; intimidate) Israel’s people with their “Clenched-Fist” * (will-power; aggression; defiant-unity; anger; unyieldingness; inflexibility).  

* clenched fist –Clenching the fist is a body language sign that is connected to aggression. Aggression here could be as simple as the intention to get things done no matter what happens. More an that…a clenched fist is connected to a “Strong-Will”. If a person clenched his fist before a physical fight however then this could indicate a type of physical aggression that shows that this person is ready to step into a fight. If someone did that while talking to you in a firm way then know that there is a possibility that he might want to start a fight with you. It would be a good idea to get yourself prepared if you saw someone clenching his fist.

You can no longer “Fast” as you have done hitherto (in the past)  and expect your voice to be heard “on-high” (by Jehovah).






5. If  this the kind of “Fast-Day” that you think I will be responsive to?…….you are in for a surprise! I (Jehovah) am not interested in a “Fast-Day” that causes Adam (fallen-men;  unregenerated men) to slump down while they look and feel absolutely miserable?


You (Religious leaders in general; Salt Lake’s religious leaders, in particular) have grossly misunderstood my (Jehovah’s) words,  if you think (suppose) that “Fast-Day” was designed (planned and conceived) by Me (Jehovah) ,  so thatImage result for “What we've got here is failure to communicate.” gif the Lord’s people may bow (surrender; prostrate) themselves to you and lie-down (rest; depend; sink) upon a bed (foundation; cornerstone; footing; underpinning) of  “sackcloth” (symbolic of “itchy” discomfort; pain)  and “ashes” (symbolic of “desolation and ruin”) while lookin’ and feelin’ all kinds of miserable, so they can talk-to (pray-to; petition) Me (Jehovah) about something that means a great deal (a whole lot) to them ?


You call this kind of “foolishness”  an acceptable “Fast-Day” unto the Lord….do you?







6. That is NOT the kind of “Fast-Day” that  I (Jehovah) have in mind, but rather, I (Jehovah) am thinking of (wanting; interested in)  a “Fast-Day” that will loose (free; release)Image result for let me slip into something more comfortable gif “Chains (things that bind & restrain; obligations; bonds) Of Injustice (iniquity; oppression; abuse) and that will untie (undo; unfasten) the strangling (smothering; suffocating) cords (bindings; oaths; promises; pledges; bonds; commitments) associated with Salt Lake’s yoke (binding-“church”-obligation) that has been spitefully (vengefully; cruelly)  imposed (forced; inflicted; foisted) upon your neck (“communion with God”).


 My “Fast Day” is designed (planned; conceived) to set-free (release; liberate) those who are oppressed (subject to harsh and authoritarian treatment) and break (get rid of; negate; do away with;  cancel; suspend; interrupt; cut-off) their ruinous yokes (binding-“church”-obligations). 


7. My  “Fast Day” was conceived (formed or devised in my mind) for sharing your food (bread; information; knowledge of the truth) with those who are hungry (“starving”), because no one has fed them (told them the truth) for a very long time.

After all…..Shouldn’t “Fast Day” be for providing shelter (a safe habitat; a welcome environment)  for the poor-wanderer  (aimless traveler; searcher-in-need)?  Shouldn’t  “Fast Day” exist (be) for clothing (dignifying; gracing; ennobling) those who are naked (helpless; empty; destitute of power; weak; about to ‘given-up”; dishonored; shame-faced) and for embracing (taking into account; accepting; taking in one’s arms; welcoming; supporting ) Israel’s people?   Because….guess what.…Israel’s people are YOUR people (“flesh and blood”; kindred; tribe; blood-relatives; clan). 





8. When you observe My (Jehovah’s)  “Fast Day”……. by golly……..your light (intelligence; glory; warmth; kindness; love; Image result for “The stuff that dreams are made of.” The Maltese Falcon, 1941 gifbrilliance; happiness; luminosity) will break-forth (arise; become obvious; become evident; become apparent) like the dawn (first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise).  Your tender (warm-hearted; gentle; motherly; caring; kind) authority will quickly become evident (obvious) to everyone who is acquainted with you and then  rumors (reports; tales; stories) of your righteousness (decency; integrity; goodness) will go-before (precede; herald; announce; introduce) you and the glory (honor; tribute; acclimation testimonial) which is usually ascribed to “The Lord” (Jehovah) will follow (travel behind; characterize) you.











9. Then (from that point on), whenever you call upon me (Jehovah), I (the Lord)  will answer (respond) immediately (atRelated image once; instantly).


 When you call upon me for help, I (Jehovah)  will reply, in a fraction of a second.“Here am I!” 


You must (need to;  should; have to) do-away-with (eliminate; abandon; remove; get-rid-of; abolish) Salt Lake’s Yoke (binding “Church ” obligations) & Salt Lake’sfingerpointing” (reproach; censure; condemnation) & Salt Lake’s “Evil-Speaking” (Black-Magic; wicked-spells; incantations; sorcery) from your midst (among your people).









10. If you spend (employ; devote; occupy) your soul (energy; vital principle) in consideration of The Hungry * (those whose stomachs are empty) and in satisfying the needs (requirements; essentials) of this (our) generation of oppressed Israelites…….

 Empty stomach- Just as the heart is the seat of emotion, the stomach is, according to Hebrew thought, the seat of life. If we think about this we can easily understand why. We must first remember that the Hebrews were nomads (a bedouin people) who traveled from pasture to pasture with their flocks in search of food and water. This was their primary goal in “life”. If food and water were in plenty, life was good, if it was not, life was very, very bad.



……..Then your Light (intelligence; warmth; love; knowledge; brilliance; luminosity) will rise-up (emerge) out of (from)  of the “Darkness”Image result for “I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.” gif .. (misery; destruction; adversity; ignorance; death sadness) that characterizes the condition (situation;  state of affairs; experience) of the majority of “those who are NOT Melchizedek Priesthood leaders” (rank and file members) in the Mormon Church.


Then your hidden & obscure (unknown; undiscovered) Israelite authority (jurisdiction; dominion) will tame (subdue; subjugate; bend) Salt Lake’s Men to your (Israel’s) will (command; instruction; direction). 







11. Jehovah will continually (always; with-no-interruption) guide (lead; conduct; lead) you (Israel’s people) just like troops (soldiers or armed forces), back into Image result for happy dance gifyour former (by-gone; ancient; prior)  Mantle” (office; duty; responsibility; tenure; governmental-position) and you’ll be satisfied (happy; well-pleased), for a change, by a place (situation;  set of circumstances; “State-Of-Affairs”) that is Sunny (happy; upbeat; cheerful).


Your soul (“vital-principle”; seat of will and purpose;  mind, i.e. mode of thinking and acting; faculty of understanding and thinking) not to mention (to say nothing of; as well as; along-with)  your legal-argument * 

will be precisely equipped  (ready;  prepared; girded) for battle.


* legal argument-statement that attempts to persuade; esp., remarks of counsel in analyzing and pointing out or repudiating an accepted (orthodox; canonized) inference (assumption; interpretation)  for the assistance of a decision-maker (Judge). Oral-arguments are spoken to a judge or appellate court by a lawyer (or parties when representing themselves) concerning the legal reasons why they should prevail. A Closing argument or “summation”, or “summing-up” is the concluding statement of each party’s legal counsel (attorney) reiterating the important argument to the “Trier-Of-Facts”  (“Fact-Finder”; judge or jury), in a court case.








12. Because of what you (Israel’s people) will do, the ruins (vestiges; remnants; ashes; wreckage; traces) of theImage result for crumbling wall gif foundation (groundwork; underpinning; underlying basis or principle) of generations upon generations of Israel’s people, who are authorized (having official permission or approval) to oppose (act against; provide resistance; combat; attack; defy; dispute; fight; obstruct) them (Salt Lake’s illegitimate Melchizedek Priesthood) will be rebuilt (built again after it’s  destruction. Generations upon generations of your Israelite’s ancestors will call-out (beckon; invite; accost; address; cry; proclaim) to you from the dust” (from their graves) , in an effort to motivate (stimulate; persuade; impel; drive; prod; provoke) you to repair (fix; mend; close-up; fence-up) the breach (falling-away; apostasy; breaking-away; gap; break rupture; split; fracture) because of a  “break-up” (“fracture”;  disagreement and conflict within/among your bloodline; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) which has been perpetuated (carried-on; kept-alive; prolonged) throughout every subsequent Israelite generation. This ancient break-up (separation) created a division (disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension orImage result for egyptian slavery cartoons hostility) within Jehovah’s royal house (bloodline; family; lineage; dynasty; line of hereditary rulers) that has,  since the beginning,  secured (defended; safeguarded; shielded) authority (dominion; jurisdiction). This, of course,  resulted in (made it easy for) Israel’s people being taken (led-away) into Egyptian captivity (slavery; subjugation). 





13. If you will bring (reinstitute; return;  re-establish) your feet (steps; measures; activities)  back to the Sabbath (day of Beautiful girl riding a horse against blue skypersonal reflection and careful-self-evaluation), for which it was conceived and celebrated in the past, “My Day of Holiness” will become your “Day of Pleasure”.  If you do honor My Sabbath and don’t go about doing whatever you wish and speaking idle words, you’ll find joy in the Lord.


14. He will teach  (allow; let) you to ride (be carried; be transported; be conveyed) upon the heights (loftiness; pinnacle; elevation)  of His (Jehovah’s)  intelligence *  and you’ll feast upon (celebrate)   the inheritance (legacy; heritage; endowment) of Jacob, your father (ancestor; progenitor) . Indeed,  the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

* intelligence -a horse is often known as a solar symbol and is a symbol of intelligence in the Bible. Depending on what color it is, the horse symbolizes destruction or victory. For example the white horse symbolizes light, sun, day vitality, illumination, resurrection, and messenger of birth. Sometimes, horses are related to the sun, moon, and water. It acts as the mediator between Earth and Heaven. Horse symbolizes power, grace, beauty, nobility, strength, and freedom. Historically, the best horses have often been only available to the upper classes, who in turn used them as symbols of status, for hunting and other recreation, and for use in warfare. This is shown in the social hierarchies of Greece (see “hippies”), Rome (see “equites”), and Medieval Europe (see “knights”). However, this was not a strictly European tendency, as the same general trend occurred wherever horses were present. For this reason, horses can be associated with wealth, status, nobility, and war.




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