1. This current (contemporary; present; latter-day; modern) generation seeks-after (is hungry for; thirsts for; inquires about; cares about; begs for; wants; longs-for; desires; is desperate for) My (Jehovah’s) authority because of a misperception (misconception; misunderstanding) which Salt Lake inculcates (instills by persistent instruction) within them. They believe that they lack official-permission (authority; consent; jurisdiction; dominion; empowerment) to ask (dig; seek; pray) for what they need and what they want, by themselves (directly; on their own; privately; independently) . This generation of Salt Lake’s priesthood leadership spreads (breeds; proliferates; developes; disseminates; transmits; grows) an authority designed (formulated; meant; contrived) to overthrow Israel’s people with the aim of prohibiting (robbing; outlawing; debarment; forbidding) Israel’s people any and all authority, whatsoever, by taking possession of (claiming; alleging; contending; maintaining; professing; declaring), for themselves, the birthright (“life”; genetic-code; DNA; privileges of royalty) contained (held; carried; transmitted; conveyed; inherent) in my royal (sovereign; regal) bloodline, so each of these worthless reprobates can declare (proclaim), “Look at Me!…… Look at Me!” unto everyone throughout the world’s gentile (non-Israelite) population, without having been called (called-upon; invited; appointed; summoned; commissioned; identified) by My (Jehovah’s) name (authority).
2. Salt Lake’s priesthood leaders spread (disseminate; diffuses; transmit) their Melchizedek Priesthood authority primarily to overthrow (vanquish; oust; topple) Israel’s people……and to manifest (demonstrate; show; display) to any body-of-people (church; nation) their power to overthrow any and all other authority, all-the-time (24/7; anytime; continuously; at every turn; in an event; day and night; perpetually). Their manifestations (shows; displays; demonstrations) are directed primarily to toward oblivious (unaware and unconcerned about what is happening around them) Mormon congregations (assemblies) in an effort to persuade them to go along with (participate in the) the overthrow (removal from power; supplanting; downfall) of Israel’s people by pointing (directing everyone’s attention) to the idyllic (perfect; picturesque; happy) Mormon “Lifestyle” (way of acting; conduct; style of living), which is not good (what it is claimed to be; approved-of; to be desired; sound; healthy; righteous) in the eyes of Jehovah, but is merely reckoned (believed; thought; supposed) to be exemplary (irreproachable; impeccable; faultless; ideal; perfect) in their own imaginations.
3. This people of religious-leadership (Melchizedek Priesthood Organization) point (direct everyone’s attention) to men who wield (work thru; exercise; ply; use; practice) “the Powers of Darkness” (Sorcery; Black-Magic). They are like strong and powerful oxen moving toward their “Mark” (objective) to overthrow (surpass; supplant; vanquish; defeat) the intentions and purposes of the Most-High-God for perpetuity and to slaughter (slay; offer-up as sacrifices) Israel’s people so they can wield (exercise; exert; hold; maintain; command; control; handle) the “Powers-of-Darkness” (Black-Magic; Sorcery)by going-out (emerging; hatching) like serpents from their underground (netherworld; deadly; infernal; hellish) hiding-place (Priesthood Organization) and by watching (besieging; bedeviling; assailing; afflicting; tormenting) Israel’s people thru the “Powers of Darkness” (Sorcery; Black-Magic) according to the pattern (rule; standard) set by “Bricks” (man-made, assembly-line, mass produced Melchizedek Priesthood executives) who are masters (experts; wizards; chief-handlers; maestros) of the “Powers-of-Darkness” (Black-Magic; Sorcery)