Reading Isaiah’s Mind Chapter 45 verses 13 thru 24

13. I (Jehovah) am pointing (directing everyone’s attention) to Salt Lake’s “Wasted” (vain; self-0bsessed; conceited; useless; hopeless; unproductive; purposeless; frustrated) city because of self-justifcation  (self-absorption; self-righteousness; self-vindication; self-sanctificationself-absolution; self-advocacy; self-ordination) and all the ways (customs; traditions; worship-habits) of this generation of Salt Lake’s leadership of/by “Good-for-Nothing” (lazy and not helpful or useful; unpleasant; “nasty pieces-of-work”) Princes (nobles; high-priests; commanders; captains; “Lords and Masters”; general-authorities; governors; keepers; rulers;  stewards), will, themselves,  whether they know it or […]
good for nothing
This generation of Salt Lake’s leadership is composed of  “Good-for-Nothing” (lazy and not helpful or useful; unpleasant; “nasty pieces-of-work”) Princes (nobles; high-priests; commanders; captains; “Lords and Masters”; general-authorities; governors; keepers; rulers;  stewards)

13. (Jehovah) am pointing (directing everyone’s attention) to Salt Lake’s “Wasted” (vain; self-0bsessed; conceited; useless; hopeless; unproductive; purposeless; frustrated) city because of self-justifcation  (self-absorption; self-righteousness; self-vindication; self-sanctificationself-absolution; self-advocacy; self-ordination) and all the ways (customs; traditions; worship-habits) of this generation of Salt Lake’s leadership of/by “Good-for-Nothing” (lazy and not helpful or useful; unpleasant; “nasty pieces-of-work”) Princes (nobles; high-priests; commanders; captains; “Lords and Masters”; general-authorities; governors; keepers; rulers;  stewards), will, themselves,  whether they know it or not, be participants in the rebuilding (reconstructing;

Captive Israelite people  will be cleared-out (released; set-free; liberated; allowed to escape from confinement)… not for payment (price; financial-gain; purchase; payment; price; wages) and certainly not for reward (something given in recognition of Israel’s service, effort, or achievement), saith the Lord of Hosts. 

restoring; remaking; reassembling) of my City, Jerusalem (“Zion”; the City of David). then, my exiled (expelled; barred; banished; outcast) Israelite people  (someone) from their native country, typically for political or punitive reasons.  Captive Israelite people  will be cleared-out (released; set-free; liberated; allowed to escape from confinement)… not for payment (price; financial-gain; purchase; payment; price; wages) and certainly not for reward (something given in recognition of Israel’s service, effort, or achievement), saith the Lord of Hosts.



Salt Lake’s men will plead (make an emotional appeal) unto you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons).…unto God…..for there are no others who can lawfully (legally;m legitimately; honestly) bear-witness (testify) of Jehovah, Israel’s God better than Israel’s people, themselves.

14.  Thus saith the Lord, “The works (programs; initiatives; doctrines; policies; drudgery; industry; activities) of Egypt (Mormonism’s culture of slavery and bondage) and mechandise (Israelites, i.e “goods” to be bought and sold)  by Cush (Salt Lake’s unconscionable, unprincipled-men) and her drunken (corrupt; debauched; morally-degenerate) Men-of-Stature (presidingMelchizedek priesthood authorities; prominence  importance; reputation) exercising authority over you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) will be completely-overrun (defeated)  on account of your goodness (virtue; righteousness).   This generation of Salt Lake’s Priethood authorities will ultimately become Israel’s followers (acolytes; devotees; assistants; loyal-supporters; adherents). They will follow-along behind you still bouwhile they’re still bound by their chains ( habits;  customs; ways) and conduct themselves toward you and these same men will prostrate themselves before you and they will plead (make an emotional appeal) unto you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons)….unto God…..for there is no others who can lawfully (faithfully; legitimately; honestly) bear-witness (testify) of Jehovah, Israel’s God better than Israel’s people, themselves.




15. Surely (affirming strongly) all of you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) are mighty-ones (heroes) who are hidden (unseen; cloaked; sequestered; mysterious) by the God of Israel…the One saving.


Make sure that all of Salt Lake’s priesthood-leadership are disgraced together (with each other; in-partnership; in- combination; collectively; en-mass) because all of them are idol-makers.



16.  You must disappoint-the-hopes-of (put-to-shame) Salt Lake’s priesthood-leadership… furthermore,  you must make sure that all of them are  disgraced together (collectively;  en-mass) because they are all idol-makers (idolatrous-men; hero-worshippers) , they will go-away (depart;  vanish) in disgrace.





17. This generation of Israel’s people will be rescued (liberated;  delivered; freed) by Jehovah’s saviors (redeemers; deliverers; rescuers; guardians; custodians; sentinels; watchmen),  ones  who he has hidden  (secreted; concealed; obscured) for a very-long-time. Throughout all of eternity,  you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) can never be put-to-shame (dishonored; embarrassed)  neither can you be permanently (in a way that lasts or continues without interruption; continually)  disgraced (invalidated; disproved; contradicted; confounded; discredited).




18. For….thus saith the Lord, the creator of the heavens (people with whom God and his spirit make for themselves “at-home” (their own residence)……the God who fashioned (devised; conceived; put-together; thought-up; worked-out;  planned; formulated;created or devised methodically;   mapped-out; organized)  the Earth (a mortal-sphere where man can act-out, repeat and practice his natural inclinations until they become instinctive) and Jehovah did so …..without making-excuses-for (pointing his finger at someone  else in order to justify) Himself.    The “Heavens and the Earth”  were not created to be empty (desolate; contain-nothing; God-forsaken; uninhabited; unoccupied; void; barren).  They were created as places where man can develop (practice; perfect put a finishing touch-on; consummate; fine-tune; hone; refine) his natural (innate; inherent; instinctive; intrinsic) patterns-of-behavior  (customs; habits; ways), until they become involuntary (instinctive; permanent; fixed; set; practically-irreversible). 




in secret
I didn’t announce (reveal; proclaim; introduce; trumpet; appoint; affirm) my authority to Jacob (a lineage of frauds; cheats; supplanters; deceivers; swindlers) in-secret (“on-the-sly”; behind-closed-doors; behind Israel’s back; surreptitiously) among men, in order to establish (inaugurate; found; set up on a permanent basis) a “Kingdom-of-Darkness” (Kingdom-of-sorcery; Kingdom-of-Black-Magic; Kingdom-of-wizardry; Kingdom-of-Dark-Arts) “for-no-good-reason” (in-vain; aimlessly; having no goal; for nothing; having no purpose).

19. I didn’t announce  (reveal; proclaimed; introduced; trumpet; appoint; affirm) my authority to Jacob (a lineage of frauds; cheats; supplanters; deceivers; swindlers) in-secret (“on-the-sly”; behind-closed-doors; behind Israel’s back; surreptitiously) among men,  in order to establish (inaugurate; found; set up on a permanent basis) a “Kingdom-of-Darkness”  (Kingdom-of-sorcery; Kingdom-of-Black-Magic; Kingdom-of-wizardry; Kingdom-of-Dark-Arts). Neither did I reveal my authority to Jacob (a lineage of deceivers; swindlers; frauds; cheats) for-no-good-reason” (in-vain; aimlessly; having no goal;  for nothing). You (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) must seek after Me (Jehovah). I am the only one who is speaking (telling) the truth and I am the only one who is declaring (proclaiming; articulating; voicing; broadcasting) What-Is-Right”  in a solemn and emphatic manner.






coordinated approach 70
Point (direct everyone’s attention) to Salt Lake’s General Authorities coordinated (acting-in-harmonious-combination; organized; methodical; systematic; synchronized; correlated)  “machine-like” (knee-jerk; thoughtless; predictable and stereotypical)  approach (modus-operandi; technique; method) to deal with Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons). 

20. Point (direct everyone’s attention) toward Salt Lake’s General Authorities’ attempt to assemble (gather) Israel’s people together in order to bear-witness-of (promote; testify-of; show-off; declare; advance) themselves.  Point (direct everyone’s attention) to Salt Lake’s General Authorities coordinated (acting-in-harmonious-combination; organized; methodical; systematic; synchronized; correlated)  “machine-like” (knee-jerk; thoughtless; predictable and stereotypical ) approach (modus-operandi; technique; method) to deal with Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons). portfolio of Photo-Metaphors



21.  Watch them bear-witness (testify) of themselves and notice their worship (reverence; glorification) of each-other. If that weren’t enough, they counsel (teach; instruct; advise; give legal advice to; recommend) each-other in order to unify themselves as a group.   Who among (which one-of)  them ever foretold (predicted; uttered a prophesy; prognosticated) concerning this time (circumstance)  from long-ago (Old Testament Days) . Behold do you suppose was pointing (directing-everyone’s-attention) to self-righteous (self-promoting narcissistic; self-centered) men anciently (during Old Testament days)….focusing everyone on denouncing them……wasn’t it Me ( Jehovah)?  For, there is no other Gods apart from Me (Jehovah).  Salt Lake’s heroes (idols; icons; General Authorities)   are unjust (unfaithful; uncaring; unrighteous; dishonest; undeserved) men and they treat my salvation lightly (carelessly; indifferently; with apathy). 



