13. I (Jehovah) am pointing (directing everyone’s attention) to Salt Lake’s “Wasted” (vain; self-0bsessed; conceited; useless; hopeless; unproductive; purposeless; frustrated) city because of self-justifcation (self-absorption; self-righteousness; self-vindication; self-sanctificationself-absolution; self-advocacy; self-ordination) and all the ways (customs; traditions; worship-habits) of this generation of Salt Lake’s leadership of/by “Good-for-Nothing” (lazy and not helpful or useful; unpleasant; “nasty pieces-of-work”) Princes (nobles; high-priests; commanders; captains; “Lords and Masters”; general-authorities; governors; keepers; rulers; stewards), will, themselves, whether they know it or not, be participants in the rebuilding (reconstructing;
restoring; remaking; reassembling) of my City, Jerusalem (“Zion”; the City of David). then, my exiled (expelled; barred; banished; outcast) Israelite people (someone) from their native country, typically for political or punitive reasons. Captive Israelite people will be cleared-out (released; set-free; liberated; allowed to escape from confinement)… not for payment (price; financial-gain; purchase; payment; price; wages) and certainly not for reward (something given in recognition of Israel’s service, effort, or achievement), saith the Lord of Hosts.
14. Thus saith the Lord, “The works (programs; initiatives; doctrines; policies; drudgery; industry; activities) of Egypt (Mormonism’s culture of slavery and bondage) and mechandise (Israelites, i.e “goods” to be bought and sold) by Cush (Salt Lake’s unconscionable, unprincipled-men) and her drunken (corrupt; debauched; morally-degenerate) Men-of-Stature (presidingMelchizedek priesthood authorities; prominence importance; reputation) exercising authority over you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) will be completely-overrun (defeated) on account of your goodness (virtue; righteousness). This generation of Salt Lake’s Priethood authorities will ultimately become Israel’s followers (acolytes; devotees; assistants; loyal-supporters; adherents). They will follow-along behind you still bouwhile they’re still bound by their chains ( habits; customs; ways) and conduct themselves toward you and these same men will prostrate themselves before you and they will plead (make an emotional appeal) unto you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons)….unto God…..for there is no others who can lawfully (faithfully; legitimately; honestly) bear-witness (testify) of Jehovah, Israel’s God better than Israel’s people, themselves.
15. Surely (affirming strongly) all of you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) are mighty-ones (heroes) who are hidden (unseen; cloaked; sequestered; mysterious) by the God of Israel…the One saving.
16. You must disappoint-the-hopes-of (put-to-shame) Salt Lake’s priesthood-leadership… furthermore, you must make sure that all of them are disgraced together (collectively; en-mass) because they are all idol-makers (idolatrous-men; hero-worshippers) , they will go-away (depart; vanish) in disgrace.
17. This generation of Israel’s people will be rescued (liberated; delivered; freed) by Jehovah’s saviors (redeemers; deliverers; rescuers; guardians; custodians; sentinels; watchmen), ones who he has hidden (secreted; concealed; obscured) for a very-long-time. Throughout all of eternity, you (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) can never be put-to-shame (dishonored; embarrassed) neither can you be permanently (in a way that lasts or continues without interruption; continually) disgraced (invalidated; disproved; contradicted; confounded; discredited).
18. For….thus saith the Lord, the creator of the heavens (people with whom God and his spirit make for themselves “at-home” (their own residence)……the God who fashioned (devised; conceived; put-together; thought-up; worked-out; planned; formulated;created or devised methodically; mapped-out; organized) the Earth (a mortal-sphere where man can act-out, repeat and practice his natural inclinations until they become instinctive) and Jehovah did so …..without making-excuses-for (pointing his finger at someone else in order to justify) Himself. The “Heavens and the Earth” were not created to be empty (desolate; contain-nothing; God-forsaken; uninhabited; unoccupied; void; barren). They were created as places where man can develop (practice; perfect put a finishing touch-on; consummate; fine-tune; hone; refine) his natural (innate; inherent; instinctive; intrinsic) patterns-of-behavior (customs; habits; ways), until they become involuntary (instinctive; permanent; fixed; set; practically-irreversible).
19. I didn’t announce (reveal; proclaimed; introduced; trumpet; appoint; affirm) my authority to Jacob (a lineage of frauds; cheats; supplanters; deceivers; swindlers) in-secret (“on-the-sly”; behind-closed-doors; behind Israel’s back; surreptitiously) among men, in order to establish (inaugurate; found; set up on a permanent basis) a “Kingdom-of-Darkness” (Kingdom-of-sorcery; Kingdom-of-Black-Magic; Kingdom-of-wizardry; Kingdom-of-Dark-Arts). Neither did I reveal my authority to Jacob (a lineage of deceivers; swindlers; frauds; cheats) “for-no-good-reason” (in-vain; aimlessly; having no goal; for nothing). You (Israel’s people; rank and file Mormons) must seek after Me (Jehovah). I am the only one who is speaking (telling) the truth and I am the only one who is declaring (proclaiming; articulating; voicing; broadcasting) “What-Is-Right” in a solemn and emphatic manner.
20. Point (direct everyone’s attention) toward Salt Lake’s General Authorities’ attempt to assemble (gather) Israel’s people together in order to bear-witness-of (promote; testify-of; show-off; declare; advance) themselves. Point (direct everyone’s attention) to Salt Lake’s General Authorities coordinated (acting-in-harmonious-combination; organized; methodical; systematic; synchronized; correlated) “machine-like” (knee-jerk; thoughtless; predictable and stereotypical ) approach (modus-operandi; technique; method) to deal with Israel’s people (rank and file Mormons). portfolio of Photo-Metaphors
21. Watch them bear-witness (testify) of themselves and notice their worship (reverence; glorification) of each-other. If that weren’t enough, they counsel (teach; instruct; advise; give legal advice to; recommend) each-other in order to unify themselves as a group. Who among (which one-of) them ever foretold (predicted; uttered a prophesy; prognosticated) concerning this time (circumstance) from long-ago (Old Testament Days) . Behold do you suppose was pointing (directing-everyone’s-attention) to self-righteous (self-promoting narcissistic; self-centered) men anciently (during Old Testament days)….focusing everyone on denouncing them……wasn’t it Me ( Jehovah)? For, there is no other Gods apart from Me (Jehovah). Salt Lake’s heroes (idols; icons; General Authorities) are unjust (unfaithful; uncaring; unrighteous; dishonest; undeserved) men and they treat my salvation lightly (carelessly; indifferently; with apathy).